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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"I could forcibly take your blood, why couldn't i forcibly take a Unicorn's blood?" Nyx pointed out with a slightly condescending tone "I can take anything i want and no one would be able to stop me, I could take that boys life if i wanted to" Nyx said pointing at the boy, just trying to prove his point further

@OceanBunny @Lotusy @Sicarius @Lynx1996
"Oh yea, sure!" Before leaving with Charyle, Jay pointed towards Raven. "I'll get you later, you Grinch! Prepare for Christmasy annihilation, Scrooge!" When that was over, Jay walked off. "So, what did you want to borrow me for?"

@Sicarius @Lynx1996
"Well" Charlye started speaking "I'm your gift bearer this year so I have a mission...A mission to gift you the perfect gift " she gave a cutesy smile and nod "What a better way to gift you perfectly than becoming a close friend and getting to know you" @Lotusy
'The fuck. Did he just give us the elevator eyes?'

'He either wants to fight or he wants some of this gorgon ass!'

'I go with neither of those.'

Pluto smoothed the snakes back only to hear them all protest. "Well I'm not here to show you around... Cause I don't really know this place that well but I can still help you!" He smiled at the guy.

"Ok!...uh, so this is obviously the front of the school." He led the boy to the front desk, hallways and classrooms, all the boring places. "This is the library! It's big and beautiful and a very nice place." He opened the door to show the large area. He turned back to him, "oh uh, I don't know your name. My name is Pluto!"

Erick let a small smile play on his lips, holding his hands behind his back. "Erick, nice to meet you Pluto." He looked up at the bookshelves lining the walls, allowing his shoulders to relax.

@Magical Squid Senpai
As Raven became engulfed by birds, he nearly smirked. 'Birds...really?' He thought to himself. When this other boy had his fun the pigeons flew off, and he watched as the couple walk a little bit away to talk to the rest of the group. Raven was about to shrug off everything that just happend and walk off when he felt bird poop on his shoulder. Angerily wiping it off, Raven used his assassin ability to catch a pigeon by the neck. He walked up to Jay and then proceeded to snap the bird's neck in front of him. "Heh. Look's like scrooge didn't just take Christmas from you." He then began to crack his knuckles. He overheard Nyx reference him and how he could kill him, and he laughed out loud really hard. For those who didn't know any better, people would assume Raven was genuinely happy. Then again, maybe he was. "Hahaha, you're funny pale boy. If only death were a luxury for me, I would of killed myself years ago! Ever since-" He stopped himself. He did not want to bring up Ariel. No one needed to know that the only pain Raven ever actually felt was within his heart.... and his greatest struggle; within his mind. Neverthless, Raven resumed talking. "No... I am Death's messenger! Do you know what a raven was the symbol for in mythology? A demon, or, more accurately described as Death itself. You couldn't kill me even if you tried... they won't let me die..." Raven surrendered his emotions for a brief moment, showing a display of agony on his face, and then he recollected himself. "Be mindful of your word flour boy." He finished. And with that, Raven walked away... heading to the only place he releases his emotions:

The Music Room.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
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Enki slept through the announcement, but it did ring in his head however it felt like a dream to him. Enki started to wake up, he looked around and grew sad by the missing soft tongue liking him to get him to wake him up, which is what Hyip did. His sadness soon turned to anger "I'll kill him, I will. He won't get away with this." Then Enki rolled out of bed and laid on the floor "Do I have to do stuff today?" He questioned himself, not really wanting to do anything today as he was to busy staying in self pity. He then noticed a letter and reached over and opened it, he looked a the contents and it just gave a name. He looked at it in confusion, it gave a brief summery of the situation. He continued to look at it "Christmas?..." He questioned then thought about it "Oh yea that..." He unpleasantly stated, then he got up and got washed and drest then left his room. He looked at the letter again 'Kaine' Enki looked at it, he didn't know anyone called that. He decided to stay in the dorms to try spot people he didn't know and question them.
"Nice to meet you too!" This was Pluto's present person! It had to be. 'Ask him what he wants for Christmas!'

Pluto couldn't just ask him that at random. "So...the school has this weird announcment, something about Christmas. What do you think about Christmas?"

Nyx saw the boy walk over to Jay with a Pigeon in hand, assuming that the boy didn't have good intentions Nyx used his magic to stop the boy's hand from moving before he could do any major damage to the bird and quickly took the bird out of the boy's hand and replaced it with a realistic illusion before the boy could even process what had happened.

Nyx held the real pigeon behind his back, trying to be as gentle as possible as he knew Jay cared about these.... Pests for some reason That boy is going to die, whether by my hand or not, i will be the one that caused it Nyx mentally promised. As the boy walked away Nyx walked over to Jay, pulling the pigeon out from behind his back "Merry christmas"

@Sicarius @Lotusy

Kaine slowly woke up. He had no idea exactly where he was, but he was guessing somewhere inside the school.

He heard the announcement

'Secret... Santa?'

He had no idea what this meant, but he heard his name twice and assumed he had to do something... But then he just shook it off

Looking for breakfast now, Kaine began to prowl the grounds for some small critter or trash
Leo woke with a startled snort to the Christmas announcement over the loudspeaker. Seconds later, a piece of paper floated into his room. "Huh, wonder what this is for," he said aloud as he picked it up and turned it over. The message was simple, he just had to pick a present out for a person named Nyx, or get detention. "Well, time to get out of bed," he grunted as he slowly lifted himself up, and walked out of the infirmary. "Hey... You should stalk him, since you're terrible at being social," Archie whispered to Leo. He replied, "No, I'm not going to do that, so buzz off. Seth, what should I do?" Clearly startled and annoyed, Seth just stared at him for a good few minutes. After that was over, he grunted out," I don't know... Just talk to him. Now leave me alone." "Ok thanks." Leo was already heading off to find Nyx. He meandered around school for a bit, looking for a kitten, before he gave up. "I'll just ask someone" he thought as he walked around the school. He finally found some people by the gates who appeared to be having a conversation. "Better make this quick," he thought then shouted "DO ANY OF YOU KNOW A PERSON NAMED NYX?" Archie thought "he didn't notice he was shouting at a group of people from halfway across the courtyard? How stupid."

@BBCotaku @Magical Squid Senpai
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A tear slid down Willow's cheek when she saw Raven snap the birds neck, seeing Nyx produce the bird unharmed made her smile. 'He's really not a bad person.' She told Myuki, opening their mental connection fully. 'Sometimes.' Miyuki huffed back as she followed Willow towards the boys. "You've never forcefully taken my blood before Nyx. And Unicorns are in the forest.. But anyways do any of you know a Lars?" She asked, looking around the group.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @Lynx1996

@SovietBear we're in the courtyard.. )
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Nyx turned to face Willow "No. Is he the person you have to give a gift to?" Nyx asked assuming that was the case "I have to find a...." He paused for a second as he pulled out a slip of paper "Tyrrell Techno" he said as he read the name off the bit of paper "Any of you know him?" Nyx asked not particularly wanting to have to go look for someone, when he didn't even know what they looked like.

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @Lynx1996
Enki got bored, no one was doing anything in the dorms. He decided to go look around campus for familiar faces.
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Leo saw them walk off,and followed them into the library. "Obviously he can't take a hint." Archie sighed. "PLEASE DON'T IGNORE ME!" Leo started shouting again, but this time he was in the library. Of course,Archie was the only one dreading the librarian's wrath, but any attempts to shut Leo up failed.

@Magical Squid Senpai &bbcotaku (sorry, I wasn't paying attention)
Jay only glared, eyes watering, as Raven snapped Rutherford's neck. He was about to call for help before he saw Nyx, making the pigeon fly, unharmed, out of his hands like a magician. "Eat shit," he muttered. Meanwhile, he turned back to Charyle. "Uh, sorry that you had to see that. So, what would you like to know about me?"

@GingerBread @Sicarius @Lynx1996

(@OceanBunny Sorry, Jay hasn't met any of these guys D:)
Columbus yawned and got up from the closet floor. He scratched his head and looked around as he remembered what had happened last night. He noticed the closet looked cleaner and and note had been left next to him. He raised a brow, "Christmas? Secret Santa? What even is this?" He put the letter down and thought for a moment before shrugging, "Well I could ask Jay or Nyx what Christmas is but...I'm not ready to see them just yet...But maybe this Enki guy knows..." He got up from the closet and exited, he began to walk around campus calling the boys name...

Enki heard his name from a unrecognisable voice, he turned to see a boy he kinda recognize. Enki walked over "You called?" he confusingly asked, not sure why he would call out his name.

@LokiofSP (saw your post but didn't understand why I was tagged xD sorry for the wait.)
(Don't know exactly where to jump in so yeah...so I guess I'll start with jackal arriving as a new student?)

Walking around outside quietly and looking about like a curious animal jackal headed into the school grounds escorted by a teacher. Jackal was dressed in red and black and he seemed like the type to get into trouble often. He sniffed the air and looked around eyeing students here and there like a grumpy kitten after being soaked in freezing water. Despite his attitude, the shifter was actually quite impressed by the school grounds itself.
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