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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Kino had an idea. A crazy, stupid, brave idea that only comes when you're trying to impress someone. He looked at his sketchbook, then at Nyx, then back at his sketchbook. He ran over to the left of Nyx and took a deep breath. Now was his chance... Impressing that girl.... That would turn a new stone over. He tore out a blank page of his notebook, made it into a paper airplane, timed it right, and threw it at Nyx. It hit his eye, maybe just enough of a distraction to help Shina... Though she wasn't the one he was trying to impress....
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(Welp, this is gonna make things very very troublesome. How to handle this situation where a guy has gone mad... Should I try to sympathize and calm him or completely destroy him... Hmm...)

Shina watched, unsurprised as blades replaced Nyx's hands. It was a totally normal thing to see, considering how she's seen a bunch of transformations in her time at Lakoria. She maneuvered her body to dodge the attack he shot at her, using minimal movement.

"Alright, someone's gone insane. About time."

She clapped her hands together and summoned a small fireball of concentrated power. She threw it at Nyx's feet, causing a large explosion that threw fire all over the field. Not giving him time to compose himself, she charged forward and aimed a kick at his face, her body protected from the blades by the flames that melted the metal as soon as it came into contact with them.

(lol paper airplane attack)

PhoenixFire13 said:
(Welp, this is gonna make things very very troublesome. How to handle this situation where a guy has gone mad... Should I try to sympathize and calm him or completely destroy him... Hmm...)
Shina watched, unsurprised as blades replaced Nyx's hands. It was a totally normal thing to see, considering how she's seen a bunch of transformations in her time at Lakoria. She maneuvered her body to dodge the attack he shot at her, using minimal movement.

"Alright, someone's gone insane. About time."

She clapped her hands together and summoned a small fireball of concentrated power. She threw it at Nyx's feet, causing a large explosion that threw fire all over the field. Not giving him time to compose himself, she charged forward and aimed a kick at his face, her body protected from the blades by the flames that melted the metal as soon as it came into contact with them.

(lol paper airplane attack)

((Hey, Kino's not super brave. That's the best he can do right now.))
Seraph watched what unfolded, Nyx got dragged away by the new girl, it made her smile slightly, the dude was getting pulled into fights with new people all the time it seemed. Then out of no where a paper airplane floats in her view towards the Vampire, hitting him in the eye, she almost bursts out laughing but places her hand over her mouth and just about stops herself

"Good sh-shot."

Jay waved off any more questions. "I really don't have any more questions. In fact, I'm going out there. If Nyx wants me, he can get me. I need to personally figure out what's wrong with him." He stands up, walking back towards the direction of the battle.

As he re-enters the scene, he sees Nyx still fighting, this time with Shina. I really should intervene... this is all my fault.

(@metalcity I heard you were getting a fire arm, so Jay won't ask about healing your arm again.)
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Nyx was momentarily stunned but quickly regained his composure ignoring everything going on around him, his blades regrowing this time stronger than before almost as if they were adapting to the situation, Nyx plunged his arm that was covered by the red glow towards Shina's chest it being completely unaffected by the fire surrounding her.

Before the blade made contact with her body Nyx shot out a bolt of blood before putting even more force into the attack

Shina stopped her attack just before she hit Nyx's face, momentarily confused by Jay's voice. That was a fatal pause however, because in the next second, she found herself with a blade sticking out from her chest. She coughed out blood and kicked Nyx hard in the crotch. She used the force from the kick to propel herself away from Nyx, toward Jay, landing on her knees in front of him.

"You idiot," she coughed out more blood, "Why did you... come... back?" She covered her wound with one hand. Her body began to glow in a soft orange light. Before long, she removed her hand and the wound had closed up, showing no signs of her chest ever being cut.

She held out an arm to push Jay behind her as she turned toward Nyx. "Stay back, this is between me and him now." She sliced her arm before her and created a path of fire in the shape of a bow. She grabbed it with one hand and created an arrow of fire in the other hand. Aiming, she shot a volley of arrows toward Nyx, surrounding him in a circle of fire.

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"Come back alive, and I need to ask you questions." Then he leaves. Enki sits there looking at the celling "should have thought about what he wanted, guess I attacked for no reason." Enki smirks "well atleast I don't have this symbol, I'll have to put some research into this. Still need to tell Shina about this." Then he passes out.

(@Lotusy @PhoenixFire13 be best when u guys finish u come to the infermary, Enki needs to talk to both of u.)
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"Is that meant to impress me, i can do better" Nyx taunted as he slammed both his blades into the ground, causing a small earthquake causing the fire surrounding him to go out, a second after that had happened the ground once again started rumbling before it started cracking pillars of Ice cold blood rising up from the ground Knocking Shina forwards as they were both surrounded by a circle of ice cold blood

"You can't run away, this fight is ending now... with your corpse on the floor" Nyx shouted with insane glee as he shot a barrage of blood bolts towards Shina

(@metalcity Don't think I'm gonna get outta this fight without a bunch of wounds anyways)

"Dream on, cause I'm having a blast thinking of ways I can kill you, permanently this time." Shina countered the blood attacks by throwing fireballs at them, evaporating the blood into thin air. She held out a hand, beckoning for the small fires that had survived the earthquake to fly to her hand. She absorbed them, combining the energy into another small fireball of concentrated energy. Except this time, she added in a mix of red and orange flames. She threw the fireball at Nyx again, whereas it exploded like before. However, this time, the fire was drawn to Nyx and began entering his body through his skin. "Have fun fighting yourself."

(@GingerBread The flames are suppose to go inside your body and start attacking your body systems, including your brain and heart, or in this case, soul or whatever vampires have O.o )
Columbus came back with something to fight, only to now realize it was useless, there was no way to end this peacefully, He turned to Jay, hoping for some ideas, "Is there any way we can end this? This shouldn't be happening, people are going to get hurt because they were to stupid to talk!"

Nyx let out a scream of pain as the fire entered his body, he started getting blood to form on his bladed hands and started to chill it.

He started to stab himself repeatedly with the blade covered with ice cold blood which extinguished the fire, he could feel himself getting weaker.

Refusing to give up and lose Nyx cast an incantation, this time surrounding his whole body with a red glow, he charged towards Shina with incredible speed.

Nyx stopped in front of shina before Thrusting one of his blades towards her chest and the other towards her head letting out a savage war cry whilst doing so.

@PhoenixFire13 (Nyx has gone full crazy)
(That's gonna hurt QAQ But two can play at the buffing game)

Shina barely had time to move her head before the blade was thrust by her, cutting off some of her hair. She didn't have as much lucky with the one thrust at her chest, however, as she got stabbed a second time.

"Fuck," she muttered before letting out a scream that could be heard outside the blood dome. As she screamed, fire enveloped her body and rushed toward the wound. She grabbed the blade with her bare hands and ripped it out of her, ignoring the cuts it made on her hand. The flame around her grew wider and began to creep toward Nyx, threatening to burn him into ashes.


In an instant, the flames turned color and expanded even faster. The once mix of red and orange flames were now blue. Shina could feel her body move on its own, throwing a punch toward Nyx that connected and sent him flying toward the wall of the blood dome.

Shina, or what looked to be Shina in her body, rose a few feet off the ground. Her eyes had turned purple.

"How dare you hurt my master, trash."

Nyx just started laughing at the girl's reaction to being stabbed even after he was sent flying, he continued Laughing as he got up his laughter echoing throughout the blood arena, he stopped laughing long enough for him to say "I'll do worse than hurt her, don't you worry"

Nyx started running towards the center of the blood arena, with incomprehensible speed he started carving a symbol into the center of the arena, he stood in the middle of the symbol letting the power drain out of him and into the symbol as he started Chanting an incantation.

He started to rise up into the air the red glow that once surrounded him stopping anyone or anything from getting close to him. The red glow started to swirl around him but never coming into contact with him.

As Nyx got close to finishing the chant he could feel his soul being sucked out of him, he decided to end it before it killed him. As he finished the incantation All the red energy surrounding him rushed towards Shina surrounding her, as this happened Nyx fell to the floor Unconscious from exhaustion and blood loss from his self inflicted injuries.

(@Darsider1 Pst, I don't think you can see inside the dome... it's made of blood after all)

The girl watched calmly as the boy began to float above the floor. Her violet eyes were scanning his movements and surroundings, observing and recording everything in her mind. Experience was her power.

As the red energy flew toward her, it made contact with the blue flames surrounding her body. At first, it cut through them like knife on butter but then began to slow down. The red energy began to disseminate (SAT word, whoot whoot @LegenDarius ) as it got closer to the girl. The girl glared at the center of the red energy, where the energy force seemed to be the largest. At her look, the blue flames around her flew toward the center of the red force and pulled it apart, atom by atom. Soon, the red energy was completely erased. The girl floated over to the fainted boy and looked down at him from ahead. She landed on her feet and flinched as a cut appeared on her arm.

"This boy holds a considerable amount of power. Much like my master. I should end him while he remains undeveloped." She summoned a blue shard and pointed at the boy. But the shard froze as it reached the boy's neck.

"Stop. That's enough."

The girl lowered her hand. "But master..."

"I don't want to kill him. He's already going through enough pain. I sensed it when he impaled me the second time. Nyx is going through an internal conflict."

The girl frowned, "If you say so... master."

"Thank you for saving me though. I never asked for your name did I?"

"I am Fiona. Whenever master is in trouble, I will always appear to protect you," she closed her eyes and her body began to glow slightly blue, "Please remember me."

The blue glow began to fade and at the same time, the blood dome began to shatter, opening up access to the outside once again. Shina smiled slightly as she regained control over her body. "Thank you. I'm sorry, Nyx," she whispered, and collapsed beside him.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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LonelyAssassin said:
Seraph watched what unfolded, Nyx got dragged away by the new girl, it made her smile slightly, the dude was getting pulled into fights with new people all the time it seemed. Then out of no where a paper airplane floats in her view towards the Vampire, hitting him in the eye, she almost bursts out laughing but places her hand over her mouth and just about stops herself
"Good sh-shot."

Kino blushed cherry red and looked at his toes. "Aww..... Sh-shucks...." He scuffed his foot. "It w-wasn't... I m-mean... I c-could've... Gee...." He couldn't form a coherent sentence.
"Nyx! Shina!" Jay scrambled to the two collapsed bodies, as the dust cleared. He turned to Columbus. "C'mon! Let's get them to the infirmary!" He picked up Nyx's body, grunted, and started slowly walking towards the school infirmary.

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sitanomoto said:
Kino blushed cherry red and looked at his toes. "Aww..... Sh-shucks...." He scuffed his foot. "It w-wasn't... I m-mean... I c-could've... Gee...." He couldn't form a coherent sentence.
Seraph looked at him and tilted his head, it was kind of cute, she looked in the direction of the fighting, once again it was getting heated. She didn't like this, it wasn't what should be happening in a school,

"Lets leave this place. It's not the best atmosphere... and it's dangerous."

She grabbed the Fox boy's wrist and pulled him away, walking quickly, the further away she got from the fighting the less agitated she got, she felt like growling and turning. But no, she couldn't let that happen. Now outside a few classrooms she lets go of the boy's wrist and lets out a sigh,

"Sorry I rushed you out of there, My name is Seraph by the way."
Columbus just blinked, catatonic for a few moments as he realized what had happened, and just how dangerous the people in this school were. He swallowed a lump in his throat as Jay's words finally registered with him, "Huh? Ye-Yeah, sure." He picked up Shina and put him on his shoulders, he looked at the two warily as they made their way to the infirmary, 'If this is the normal around here, I might die if I'm not careful...Yeah no it wasn't very fun the first time, don't need a repeat."

@Lotusy @GingerBread
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"Help! Help!" Jay trudged into the infirmary, and deposited Nyx on a bed. "He... got into a fight... and he'd badly hurt. My friend is bringing in someone else too!" Jay stood back. As he tried to cast his heal spell on Nyx, something blocked him. Huh? What is this? I can't heal him? As he tried again, a nurse closed the curtain on Nyx's bed. Jay could only wait.

Five minutes later, Jay stormed out of the infirmary, furious. "Unicorn blood? How are we supposed to get the unicorn blood?" He stomped on the ground. If only my heal power wasn't stopped. Argh, this is so frustrating! He sat down on a bench, fuming, until a pamphlet fluttered down from a nearby campus newsstand. As he picked it up, he read, "Local zoo to open up new unicorn pen!" His grimace soon changed to a devilish smile. Well, it looks like we have a plan now.

@LokiofSP , we wouldn 't have gotten out of that situation without your idea :D )
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LonelyAssassin said:
Seraph looked at him and tilted his head, it was kind of cute, she looked in the direction of the fighting, once again it was getting heated. She didn't like this, it wasn't what should be happening in a school,
"Lets leave this place. It's not the best atmosphere... and it's dangerous."

She grabbed the Fox boy's wrist and pulled him away, walking quickly, the further away she got from the fighting the less agitated she got, she felt like growling and turning. But no, she couldn't let that happen. Now outside a few classrooms she lets go of the boy's wrist and lets out a sigh,

"Sorry I rushed you out of there, My name is Seraph by the way."
"K-kino..." He said, clutching his notebook. "N-nice to m-meet you Seraph..." He was still blushing.
Seraph smiled a little, but it soon faded, "Don't be so nervous Kino." She then stroked her chin, "You seemed to gain a form of confidence when you started writing in your notebook." She gestures to it, she had been observing him beforehand and so noticed that the fight didn't bother him as much when he was working on it. She kinda wanted to look at it, but he was holding it tight, so thought against it, maybe it was sensitive stuff - she didn't really want to get into that.
Alliah woke up all cranky. She called Kyzaba while still in her bed, half naked with school materials sprawled out. "Can you do extra work for me?" She said with a stretch. "I really dont want to go to school..."

LonelyAssassin said:
Seraph smiled a little, but it soon faded, "Don't be so nervous Kino." She then stroked her chin, "You seemed to gain a form of confidence when you started writing in your notebook." She gestures to it, she had been observing him beforehand and so noticed that the fight didn't bother him as much when he was working on it. She kinda wanted to look at it, but he was holding it tight, so thought against it, maybe it was sensitive stuff - she didn't really want to get into that.
Kino smiled. "Y-yeah...." He cleared his throat. "Yeah." He smiled warmly, some of his nervousness dissipating. "My brother gave this to me," he said quietly, most of his stutter gone. "He encouraged me t-to write and sketch as much as I wanted to." He smiled. " I was working on sketching the fight." He flipped to that page quickly, hoping she didn't get a thorough look at all of his other sketches and snippets. He showed it to her, because after all, she had seen the fight too. It was a rough sketch, but he had captured it more or less perfectly. His teal pen showed the detail in the faces, the glow of the daggers, and the gleam of the swords and fire. "It's just a rough sketch.... I always add more to it on a separate sheet later....."

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