• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Labeled (Currently Accepting!)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

*A like means your character has been accepted*




Nathaniel Lawrence Eve

Elaine Marie Francois

Paris Ellion Vermough

Orpheus Vega

Athletes FULL

Eyree Hadassah Sutherland


Issiah Rojas

Aberdeen Rain Collins

Sef Illia Nevarro

Gurus FULL

Trey Meriwether Pryce


Hugo Esteban Rivero

Kevin Kaile

Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót.

Allen Sweetwater.




Arabella Campo

Xavier Nolan Smith


Musicians FULL

Jessica Sundano


Mariah Chanell Summers

Rufus Illsa Nevarro

Faye Archer


Travis Levi Chartier


Aliénor Arsenault

Adam Hunt

Catarina Janelle Santos

Raven Cortana Morningstar


Shouhei Ohmori


Cameron Dale Hill

Mercilise Octavia Hill

Gwyneth Lorelei Arsenault

Jake Fyrio

Miles Henry Castellano


Anastasia Elizaveta BeLisa

Valentine Petrov

Alexandria Morgan Smith (Potential Misfit)

Camila Natalie Bennett (Potential Misfit/Musician/Beloved)

Genevieve Nadeem


Listed below are classes, extra curricular, clubs, and sports that you can choose from.


• Algebra I & II



• Probability and Statistics


•American Literature

•British and World Literature

•Creative Writing

•Literature Analysis and Compositions


•Physical Science

•Earth Science



History & Social Sciences

•World History

•U.S. History

•U.S & Global Economics

•Geography & World Cultures

World Languages

•Spanish I-IV

•French I-IV

•Chinese I-IV

•German I-IV



•Public Speaking


•Personal Finance

• Forensic Science


• Sociology

•Fine Art

•Music Comprehension











Clubs and Committees

• Student Government Body

•Prom Committee

•Book Club

•Chess Club

•Dance Club

•Flag Team

•Honor Society

•Future Business Leader (FBLA)

•Debate Club

•Science Club

•Digital Media/Computer Club

•Drama Club and Stage Crew

•Pep Band

•Jazz Ensemble


•International Club

•Art Club

•World Language Club


Remember: No well-known celebrities!​

➜What is your full name?
[b] [/b]

➜How old are you?
[b] [/b]

➜When is your birthday?
[b] [/b]

➜Describe yourself (appearance)
[b] [/b]

➜Describe your life (biography)
[b] [/b]

➜What are you like? (personality)
[b] [/b]

➜What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)
[b] [/b]

➜What are your dreams and aspirations?
[b] [/b]

➜Any Enemies?
[b] [/b]

➜Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)
[b] [/b]

➜What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.
[b] [/b]

➜Where do you hang out at?

➜What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)
[b] [/b]

➜Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)
[b] [/b]

➜What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)
[b] [/b]

➜Anything else?
[b] [/b]
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  • ➜What is your full name?

    " Call me Jessi."

    Jessica Sundano.

    ➜How old are you?



    ➜When is your birthday?

    "It's not important."

    May 11th.

    ➜Describe yourself

    "You're looking right at me."


    ➜Describe your life

    "It's okay, I guess."

    Jessica was born to an African American mother, Claire Summers, and an Italian father, Vincent Sundano, as the only female child out of six children and was raised in Compton, California. Her mother was a nurse and her father, a construction worker who worked tiresome hours just to put food on the table. Both of her parents did the best they could to raise their children in a terrible environment but try as they might, that didn't keep their five older sons from getting involved in menacing gangs that seem to offer the males the financial support that the family needed. On Jessica's fifteenth birthday party, her brothers didn't show to the party, outraged, her father went looking for his five sons. Jessica still remembers hearing her mother pleading with her husband to just sit down and enjoy the cake, and how she sat on the front stoop, waiting for her father to come back. Instead she was greeted with the familiar flashing of police lights that seem to visit her house on a regular basis.

    With the death of her father, Jessica's mother decided to leave the violent streets of Compton so that she could raise her daughter in a more stable environment. Her five brothers refused to leave the streets that they called home. Not wanting her daughter to meet the same fate, Claire forbade Jessica to have any contact with her five brothers. The years seemed to fly by quickly after their move from California to Kingdom Crest. In the beginning, she found herself alone and quite depressed from being away from her siblings. Seeing the change in her daughter, her mother decided to enroll her into a music program to keep her daughter mind off of things, never did she realize that her daughter would become a prodigy at playing the violin. It all started with a simple mistake of Jessica picking up the wrong instrument and instantly she became attached, finding a solace to the sadness she felt from leaving behind all of her childhood memories.

    ➜What are you like?

    "I'm pretty spiffy."

    Growing up with all boys, Jessica is a natural tomboy who doesn't mind getting her hands dirty or hanging out with the guys or being one of the "boys". With the environment she was placed in as a child, Jessi learned that it's better to be quiet and observe your surroundings, causing her to develop a more cautious and serious attitude which seems to intensify a remotely dangerous air around her that either fascinates people or scares them away. There isn’t much that really ruffles Jessi's feathers so she usually approaches things with a leveled head. She can come off a little jaded and even a bitch towards people since she believes that everything should be told like it is, no blows held back. If you can get over her frosty exterior then you are liable to find out that Jessica is just a loyal friend with a little mouth issues.

    ➜What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)


    Jessica loves all genre of music but her passion lays in classical. She spends countless hours practicing on her violin. Once her eyes close and her bow is in her hand, Jessica pours all of her sorrows and pent up depression into her music, and if you watch her closely enough, you'll see tears caressing her cheeks. When she isn’t pouring her heart out into her violin, Jessica can be found underneath the hood of a vehicle at the local mechanic shop that she works at. In her spare time, Jessica likes to write her own music and she plays it for her mother only, it’s one of their special moments.

    ➜What are your dreams and aspirations?

    ”Haven't thought about any.”

    There is nothing she dreams of more than being accepted into Julliard so that she can take her violin talent far, but she doesn’t believe in getting your hopes up and would be just as happy with opening and owning her own successful private studio to give children lessons.

    ➜Any Enemies?

    “Don’t know, don’t care.”

    Because of her tell it like it is attitude, Jessi has ran into few arguments that usually led to her sitting in the principal’s office because of her reaction to hit and ask questions later. So she has made a few enemies with quite a few, but none worth mentioning.

    ➜Desired clique to be in.

    “You’re kidding right?”

    She’s the leader of the Musicians.

    ➜What Community to do you live in?

    “Community? Is that what you people call it?”

    Knight Drive

    ➜Where do you hang out at?


    Inside of the school, you can find her in the auditorium, where she goes to sleep during the classes she doesn’t feel like attending, or the music room. Outside of school, she’s usually at the bar—something about its environment reminds of her back home.

    ➜What classes are you taking?

    “Right…who are you again?”

    U.S. History, Music Comprehension, and Chemistry.

    ➜Extra Curricular

    ”Not gonna answer my question?”

    World Language Club

    Honor Society

    Digital Media/Computer Club

    ➜What's your dirty little secret(s)?

    ”Why does that concern you?”

    ➜Her brothers’ gang related lifestyle.

    ➜ Jessica was actually a part of the gang before her mother left, but she refuses to tell her mother or to even speak about it.

    ➜She hosts illegal street races to make extra cash.

    ➜Anything else?

    ”’Fraid not, love.”



    ➜ She understands Italian perfectly, though she doesn’t speak it fluently.

    ➜ Jessica is a proud lesbian.

    ➜Jessica still blames herself for the death of her father and the break up of her once tight knit family.

    ➜She suffers with night terrors.

    ➜Against her mother's will, Jessica keeps in contact with all of her brothers.

    KH Rules ❤
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Full Name: Elaine Marie Francois

Age: 17

Birthday: December 13

Appearance: "Well I don't know what apparance means, like, isn't that something from Harry Potter? Anyway, someone said just to describe myself. I'm 5 foot 10 and 117 pounds, not like the British money, I get confused sometimes though.

Biography: "Oh is this like Geography? I don't know much about places. Hm? Oh, tell you my history? Why didn't you just say so! I grew up with a loving mom and dad who gave me practically everything I wanted, which was cool I guess, but the coolest was all the traveling we got to do. One day during my sixth grade year my teacher had a meeting with me and my parents and told them that my grades weren't all that good. I didn't really understand most of what she said, but I did know that it was hard for me to pay attention. I get distracted kind of easy, at least that's what adults tell me when explaining why I need to pay attention in class.

Once I got into highschool I started the dance squad. It's kind of like the cheer squad only cooler and we don't use pom poms so much, although they call our group Poms at school, which confuses me. Some people say I should consider myself an athlete, but I don't hang out with any other athletes and do my best to stay with the Beloveds. I may not be too smart, but I know how the social ranks work at this high school."

Personality: Elaine over all is a rather sweet individual who actually does talk to people from other cliques as equals. She's not the brightest bulb on the string, but she is rather endearing and adorable because of it. People try and convice her again and again that she should join another clique, but the only people she's ever been friends with are in the Beloveds, so she stays there and does what the leader of the group tells her to.


Dancing, Singing, Making Others Smile, Performing, Nice People (no matter what clique they come from)

Dreams: "I really want to be one of the toothfairy's helpers, but my parents say that I need to have a real dream. I guess I don't really know then."

Enemies: "I try to be friends with everyone, so I guess whoever the leader says is our enemy is. But I still talk to them, 'cause usually they're really nice."

Clique: Beloved

Community: Kingdom Heights

Hangout/s: "Well, I mean, I like a party as much as the next girl, but sometimes I like quiet. I hang out a lot at this cute little cafe that's near the school, they have amazing coffee."


World History, French IV, Creative Writing

Extra Curricular:

Dance Club, Choir, Drama Club

Secret/s: She's homosexual but will date guys to cover it up. She's not really afraid of her sexuality, she has just always been told that it's a bad thing, so she treats it as so, keeping her relationship with another girl at the school secret (PM me?).

Other: "I'm a friend to animals and don't eat meat. I think it's called being vegan or something, but I'm not from whatever country that is, so I can't call myself that."

She's not always as much of a 'dumb blonde' as she may seem. She is fluent in French but doesn't find it all that much of a big deal, as well as having an A+ in Creative Writing.

She is a pretty good singer and loves to sing, but she has serious stage fright and has a kind of "second personality" like Beyonce's Sasha
Fierce when she is onstage. When onstage as this persona, she could definitely be mistaken for a musician and professional performer. She named this person Ellie Brave, thinking she might as well name it like Beyonce.

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?What is your full name?

"Aberdeen Rain Collins"

?How old are you?


?When is your birthday?

"November 12ths very own"

?Describe yourself (appearance)

"I have shoulder length silvery hair,it can be a handful and is usually always messy. I stand at 5'9,which is good since I'm a volleyball fanatic. I weigh approximately 114 pounds,but I'm not stick thin,I have curves,and I'm not overly muscular,but I have muscles.

?Describe your life (biography)

"I'm originally from Paris,France. My parents moved to the states when I was 7,so I honestly don't remember much about my birthplace. When I was 14,my father started becoming a real dick,and beat my mother a lot. So,I started drugs and partying,basically doing anything to keep my mind off of someone hurting my mom. No one really cared about me,as they all had their own problems. When I was 16,I overdosed,and almost died twice in one night. After that,I decided to change my ways. Now,here I am,a volleyball star in high school. I'm proud of who I am now,and try to not let my past get to me."

?What are you like? (personality)

"Well...I laid back,and chill. I'm not much on violence,as there honestly isn't a point to it,or one I haven't found yet. I've been told I can be annoying,but only by my closest friends,and I believe them. I rarely get upset or angry,but when I am,stay clear of me. When I get like that,I usually find myself somewhere on a court spiking a volleyball into someone's face."

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

"I'm a big fan of art,didn't expect that,huh? My person favorite artist is Van Gogh,mainstream,but he was so vivid in everything he created. I'm also into sports,if you couldn't tell. I like going on outdoor adventures,like hiking,rafting,anything along those lines. I'm an active person,what can I say? Music is good,too,but I can't find myself being apart of the musician clique,as I'm nervous about playing piano and singing around people."

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

"Honestly,my biggest dream is to be remembered in life. Wether it be as a big volleyball star,or simply for being in the right place at the right time."

?Any Enemies?

"None at the moment,hopefully never. Remember,not about violence."

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)


?What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

"Princeton Park."

?Where do you hang out at?

"Mostly somewhere at a gym,or in my room painting."

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

"English:American literature,Math: Geometry,and Social Studies: World history."

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)


?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

"It's not that bad,but I have a BIG thing for baddies."

?Anything else?

"KH rules!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.93f8fcd0ea8bfdc8803102f995fbd2d1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136637" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.93f8fcd0ea8bfdc8803102f995fbd2d1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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?What is your full name?

"Call me Stasi!"

Anastasia Elizaveta BeLisa

?How old are you?


?When is your birthday?

July 3rd

?Describe yourself (appearance)

"I think I look okay..."

Anastasia has bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. She is about 5'5 and weighs around 120lbs

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/11.jpg.6b492afc46e7a98d9c216c75a079ee6c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136601" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/11.jpg.6b492afc46e7a98d9c216c75a079ee6c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

?Describe your life


Anastasia grew up in a very warm home with two loving parents. She was very optimistic and outgoing as a child and wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty. Her mother and father owned an amazing little bakery that was very successful at the time.

When Anastasia was around 5 years old she and her father were walking home, as the bakery had closed early that day, and that when she saw it an older girl playing something beautiful. It was a cello, and she was in love. She refused to leave until the girl stopped playing the wonderful music, she didn't care how cold it was. The following week she forced her parents to take her to that same spot at that same time just so she could hear more. Less than 2 days later her mother and father decided to buy her a cello of her own and even pay for her lessons.

As the years progressed, Anastasia had become extremely talented at playing her cello. She practiced day and night, never once complaining. It was when she was only 15 years old that it had all come to an end. She was backstage, preparing for one of her recitals before heading on stage. Her mother and father were both running quite late, which only made her more nervous. It was finally time for her to go on stage and her parents still were not there. She was quite upset and felt a sinking feeling in her chest, but that didn't stop her from taking a deep breath and doing her best. Right before she was about to finish, she noticed her uncle slip in quietly through the door. He looked distressed and heart broken. After her recital she discovered her parents had gotten into a horrible accident and were rushed to the hospital. She sat in the waiting room for hours with her uncle until a doctor finally came out. Her father was fine and was going to recover very well. Unfortunately, her mother did not make it. She cried for days until she couldn't anymore, then she just stopped talking.

That following year their bakery shut down and they were forced to move into a smaller home. Her father blamed himself for everything and became an alcoholic, leaving Stasi to pick up the pieces. She took care of him, started working two jobs, and going to school. She no longer had time, nor could she afford, her cello classes. She currently hasn't played her cello since that recital and it is left in the back of her closet.

?What are you like?

"I think I'm decent.."

Stasi is a very sweet and caring girl. She has a very open mind and loves to put a smile on people's faces. She is very hardworking and intelligent. No matter how exhausted or upset she is, she will always put a smile on and stay positive for those around her. She is the 'designated driver', the first person people think of when they need advice, she is just a nurturer in general. She keeps to herself, not wanting others to worry about her.

?What are you all about?

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

"Get through school, get a better job... That's about it"

Though she has always wanted to become a famous

?Any Enemies?

"Not that I know of"

?Desired clique to be in.

"I don't quite fit in anywhere"

Anastasia is a Newbie

?What Community to do you live in?

"King Acres"

?Where do you hang out at?

"Home.. School.. Yep.."

?What classes are you taking?

-Literature analysis and comprehensions

-Music Comprehension

-Probability and Statistics

?Extra Curricular?


-Honor Society

-World Language Club

?What's your dirty little secret(s)?


-She hides the fact that she used to play cello

-She is mentally broken and drained

?Anything else?

She is a Lesbian

KH Rules



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?What is your full name?

Adam Hunt

?How old are you?


?When is your birthday?

August 11th

?Describe yourself (appearance)


?Describe your life (biography)

Adam was Rob Hunt and Jessica Leroy's only child, his parents were born and raised in Los Angles and that's where he lived most of his life. Adam's parents were very free and independent people who lived only by their own rules and they raised him to be a free spirit who walks his own path. When he was thirteen his father died in a tragic car accident leaving all the responsibility to his mother who was forced to quit her job as a stunt woman and took more stable part-time jobs in order to provide for herself and her son. But Adam did not sit idly and got his first job when he was 14 years old, doing his part to support his mother by working at a supermarket.

With two part time jobs Jessica wasn't around much and Adam spent all of his time out on the streets, meeting and talking to people, learning and feeding his curiosity. He quickly realized that he could make some money by doing things people avoided doing themselves. want something secretly done? Need to teach someone a lesson? Maybe say a couple of harsh words? Adam was your guy. Like his parents taught him Adam started carving his own path. And thus when he was 17 and joined Kingdom Crest. The Badasses was a natural fit for his character.

?What are you like? (personality)

Adam treasures his free will above all else. His love for adventure is great and he's never afraid of taking risks. after all, he's all about the thrills of life. Adam is friendly towards the people he likes and protects them, but he stays passive towards people he still don't know very well. He never hesitates to use his funny character and charming looks to get what he wants. Adam has mastered the art of getting himself in trouble, mostly because he is hot-tempered and it doesn't take much to make him angry, and when he is angry he stops thinking about what he is doing.

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

Adam likes doing crazy things that pumps up the adrenaline in his veins, making him feel really alive. Hiking, driving at high speed, fights and anything of the sort. But he also has a calmer side that developed strange interest in history and the Italian culture. Especially the Italian Cuisine. He likes animals (except insects), especially dogs and owning a Husky is on his bucket list.

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

Adam wants to achieve daredevil things that people are remembered for, like climbing Mount Everest. But ultimately, he wanted to become a professional stunt man.

?Any Enemies?

None right now, but in life it seems enemies are inevitable.

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)


?What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

Pauper Court, it usually has his kind of crowd.

?Where do you hang out at?

Inside the school you would usually find Adam hanging around the Cafeteria. Outside of it, Tincan Bar is where you'd want to look.

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

-World History

-Creative Writing

-Probability and Statistics

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

- Tennis

-International Club

-Dance Club

?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

- Adam is afraid of insects, especially cockroaches. He'll probably do whatever you want if you threaten him with one.

- He took a big loan from a loan shark and has to pay it back, slowly but steadily. So he would take any job when desperate for money.

?Anything else?

Adam has a scar across his chest from something that happened to him when he was young, but he doesn't like to talk about it much.

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?What is your full name?​

"Took you a while to ask."

Cameron Dale Hill

?How old are you?

"Not enough."


?When is your birthday?

"Too close to Christmas."

November 27th

?Describe yourself (appearance)

"You're staring at me, you should know."


?Describe your life (biography)

"After all this time you've shunned me? No can do."

He grew up with his mother in England, after his father left him and her. He had an alright time in England and had a girlfriend that loved him. When he heard about the psychology courses provided by Kingdom Crest he moved out here at the age of 16. It was difficult but he enjoyed it. Last year he broke up with his girlfriend as they were too far apart and he didn't enjoy that. When his money started to run out he got a job as a bouncer, which was easy considering his appearance making him seem older. He has a small, well furnished apartment and has a pretty good life now.

?What are you like? (personality)

"You should know by now."

Very sarcastic and defensive, as well as outright rude. He's kinda nice when you get to know him but he's definitely a rebel of the system. Funny, sometimes. He's also very smart, but could never be a guru because of how he treats everyone including them.

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

"Cutting and Emo music. No, I'm not joking."

Video games





Techno, Pop or rock music.

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

"To not die by twenty."

He wants to become an author.

?Any Enemies?

"I doubt I can count them on two hands" He has a lot of enemies.

He hates the beloveds.

Doesn't mind the athletes.

Doesn't mind the gurus.

Is on good terms with the harlots.

Likes the musicians.

Loves the misfits.

Doesn't like the badasses.

Doesn't like the newbies.

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

"You call us misfits, and I'll agree that I'm the leader of my merry bunch."

?What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

"Knight Drive. It's boring."

?Where do you hang out at?

"I'm not giving you a timetable to stalk me with."

Can often be found at the Baseball field or in the hallways, as well as at the chess club. You'll find him at the classrooms during class, surprisingly, as well. After school, you can find him at his apartment on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays, the Nightclub entrance every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday after school and at the cafe the rest of the time.

What? He's a busy boy.

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

"The best ones."

British and World literature

Creative writing


?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

"Baseball, Track and Chess. Seriously this time."




?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

"Come on, you've got to share some back!"

Majorly stalks Jessica Sundano

Also stalks Arabella Campo

Also stal- He's a stalker, ok? Guys and girls alike.

Closet Bisexual

Works as a Nightclub bouncer after school.

?Anything else?

"You really enjoyed this interrogation, didn't you?"

There's a dangerously long list of reasons that point to him being the burner. His hate if almost everyone, his ability to blend in as any group, his being a stalker.

He finds photography pretty cool.
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➜What is your full name?

"Remember it. Who knows, it might be famous some day."

Eyree Hadassah Sutherland. Eyree is pronounced like it looks, a bit like "airy", though the 'y' is slightly more pronounced

➜How old are you?

"Barely legal, thanks."


➜When is your birthday?

"Planning on getting me a present?"

June 16th

➜Describe yourself

"... are you blind?"




Eyree is a gymnast, short and muscular. She stands at just under five feet and two inches and while that might not be incredibly intimidating, her "gymnast's thighs" certainly are. Her hair is a dark black-brown, set off by pale gold-tinted skin, bright azure eyes, and dusky pink lips. For the most part, she foregoes any form of makeup unless it's for competition. Her mouth is always tilted upwards in a smirk, making her look like she knows things she shouldn't and you're just outside of the joke.

➜Describe your life

"It's been good. But, I'm young yet, so there's plenty of time for me to screw it up."

Born to an Irish-Italian father and a Russo-Israeli mother, both of whom were active military members, Eyree’s early life was far from normal. For as long as she could remember, she was traveling around the world from one military base, town, city, province, or village to the next. She personally loved the experience; she got to experience cities and cultures in a way that most people only dreamed of. But most of the other military kids didn't seem to share her view and were constantly complaining about how their parents' profession was constantly taking them from home and friends. Eyree had never been a fan of complaining, and so she instead spent the majority of her time in whatever local city, tribe, or village was around. She applied herself to learning the language, the culture, anything she could from a first-hand perspective. For the most part, the locals were charmed by the exotic looking girl with the brilliant blue eyes and were more than eager to share their lives and knowledge with her. Whether it was cooking or sewing or anything in-between, Eyree absorbed as much as she could. Likewise, she bonded easily with the local children who were eager to take advantage of her audacious and devil-may-care attitude and complete inability to say no to a dare. She was often out causing (mostly) good hearted mischief with the other children.

While her housing situation was always mobile, the one thing that was more or less steady was her training. From the very start, Eyree enjoyed climbing onto high ledges or trees, swinging from branches, and jumping off of things. Her parents decided to enroll her in a gymnastics class, more so she could expend all the extra energy she seemed to hold. To their surprise, Eyree took to the sport like a fish to water. She had an almost inherent and natural inclination to the sport and she was eager for more training. So, whenever they could, the Sutherlands made sure to get Eyree a local trainer and coach. She dedicated close to seven hours a day to training and was always loathe to leave the gym (though exploring whatever area they were stationed in was always a good reprieve from a rigorous training schedule). Thankfully, she had very few lapses in time where she didn't have access to some sort of trainer or coach, or at the very least equipment to practice on. The smirking, fearless, and adventurous young girl had finally found a passion amidst all her domicile turmoil.

But then, one night, her wayward mouth got away from her. While on an assignment in Mexico, Eyree had a run-in with the local gang. While the local kids were smart and scattered right away, a twelve-year-old Eyree continued to egg them on. Before she knew it, a gun had been pulled and shots fired. She fell to the ground where she was then kicked, beaten, and left for dead. Thankfully, an observer rushed her to the hospital and luckily, the bullet missed any vital organs and arteries. It was found lodged in her shoulder, and while the muscle damage was permanent, she walked away with little more than a few broken ribs, a black eye, and a wounded sense of pride. Her parents grudgingly accepted the "I fell" excuse when she returned home.

A few years later, her parents were stationed just outside Kingdom Crest and she attended the high school for her freshman year. She found that she enjoyed the atmosphere of the school and was loathe to leave when her parents got reassigned the following year. Eyree finally put her foot down and demanded she able to stay somewhere, anywhere, and finish out her schooling. The Sutherlands managed to pay off their small house in King Acres, allowing Eyree to stay there while her parents continued to work abroad. Her work with the gymnastics team her freshman year impressed the coaches so much that when she returned sophomore year, they made the new title of Sophomore Captain just for her. Since her time at Kingdom Crest, she has helped lead the team to consecutive state titles.

➜What are you like?

"Practically perfect."

Eyree is the sort of person that, even if you hate her, you still want to be around her. There’s something magnetic about her effortless charisma and free-spirited mannerisms. She exudes an air of lackadaisical indifference to just about everything that come off as being carefree, so it's often difficult to tell when she's serious about something She has an excellent read on people, though she is horrible at analyzing her own problems and faults. She is outgoing, personable, and vivacious. She’s the life of the party and people tend to flock to her for that reason alone. While she exercises great control and structure in her professional life (meaning, gymnastics), her personal life is very laid-back. Eyree is flighty and often easily bored, constantly looking for something new, exciting, and adventurous. She rarely thinks before she acts and does what she wants when she wants, with no thought or regard to the consequences. She possesses a wicked and flippant sense of humor and also a naturally sarcastic tone. She’s blunt, honest, and brash but people don’t seem to mind her moments of insensitivity because of her usual carefree and friendly demeanor. Still, Eyree has a problem establishing any deep connections. She’s moved so often in the past that long-term relationships are something entirely foreign to her. She’s good at keeping people at arm’s length and starts to get uncomfortable when people get too close. She’s friendly, but counts very few as actual friends.

➜What are you all about?

"I basically live in the gym. So, gymnastics, gymnastics, and sometimes vodka. I don't have much time for anything else."


Black coffee

Russian television

Nose rings



➜What are your dreams and aspirations?

"Well, I'm not an Olympics hopeful, so don't worry about that."

The one thing Eyree craves is the one thing she's never had: a stable, solid home. She wants a sense of permanence that she's never had throughout her life. She's loved her life of moving around every so often, but now she's looking for something else. What that means for her, though, she isn't entirely sure.

➜Any Enemies?

"I mean, Athletes may play nice with each other, but secretly we're all trying to outdo each other."


➜Desired clique to be in.

"I thought that was already clear..."


➜What Community to do you live in?

"It's a simple house. But I've lived on army bases my whole life, so I'm used to it."

King Acres

➜Where do you hang out at?

"Like I said, I'm almost always training, either at school or at the rec center in town."

Eyree is almost always training. You can find her in the school gymnasium or the rec center and gym in town. But she does have a life outside of gymnastics that mostly consists of tossing back cups of black coffee, sunning in the park, or acquiring new nose rings at the mall. If there's a party going on, it's almost guaranteed that she'll make an appearance, booze in tow.

➜What classes are you taking?

"I'm trying to keep it relatively easy for my senior year."

World Geography and Cultures

Spanish IV


➜Extra Curricular?

"In my limited spare time? Not likely."


International Club (when she can make meetings)

➜What's your dirty little secret(s)?

"Some things are better left in the closet."

Eyree has been and continues to be molested by one of the gymnastics coaches at Kingdom Crest.

Eyree's injury is a closely kept secret. She doesn't want anyone knowing that she's close to being forced to retire.

While Eyree talks a good talk, excessive violence paralyzes her. She suffers from mild PTSD from her attack in Mexico and completely shuts down when witnessing fights.

➜Anything else?

"Can't think of anything. But I'll be sure to let you know if I do."

Eyree speaks three languages fluently (Russian, Hebrew, and Arabic), and three others with varying degrees of fluency (Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian)

Eyree loves country music

Her tattoo covers up the scar from her injury

She is famous for wearing outfits to school that test the boundaries of the dress code. She knows that she's got a hot, fit bod and she likes to show it off, dammit

Her grandfather took her birdwatching when she was younger, sparking her obsession with owls

Her drinking behavior borders on alcoholism, but she denies having any sort of problem

She speaks with a slight accent, caught somewhere between the melodic consonants of her father's Irish, the dancing staccato of Russian, and the lilting vowels of Arabic, the latter two of which come from her mother
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➜What is your full name?

Ugh..Must i say my name? Aliénor Arsenault

➜How old are you?

You should never ask a lady her age...17

➜When is your birthday?

February 14th..

➜Describe yourself (appearance)

i'm short and slim, what more can i say?


➜Describe your life (biography)

Umm...I really don't like talking about it...

➜What are you like? (personality)

Ugh..Here we go...

Ali initially appears to be affable and disarmingly friendly; however, this belies a darker side of her character. On the whole, she seems to be genuinely outgoing and quick-witted, if a little short-fused. She can also act a little childish or petty but shows a strong sense of loyalty. However, she has a tendency to maintain a pretense of friendliness amongst people in order to gain their trust.

➜What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)





➜What are your dreams and aspirations?

Sigh..Umm Well...

Ali aspires to finish what her parents wanted her to do. She wanted to make the world hers and change it for the better. She was always a sciency girl at heart and had dreamed of becoming a famous bio-engineer like her dad.

➜Any Enemies?

Not that i know of, sweetie

➜Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

100% perfect for Badasses

➜What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

Kindom Heights, dearie

➜Where do you hang out at?

Hey now, don't come stalking me...

Alie tends to hang out outside or in the art room during school. Outside she's well..outside: at a skate park or doing tricks with her friends on some wall.

➜What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

~Probability and Statistics

~British and World Literature


➜Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

~Forensic Science

~Art Club

~Dance Club

➜What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

Thats for me to know and you to find out...

➜Anything else?

Well well...Glad its over now, but i gotta run..Cya

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?What is your full name?

Mariah Chanell Summers

?How old are you?


?When is your birthday?

June 30th

?Describe yourself (appearance)

Brown Skin, Wavy hair, THICK, Pretty Smile, seductive eyes, Big tatassss,Soft clear skin,

Hair Color:CHANGES (as of now its Brownish Blackish reddish)

Eye Color: Browwwwnnnn

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_8-16-50.png.d5a3ea8eafc4401ebf3db56e3512f206.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136729" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_8-16-50.png.d5a3ea8eafc4401ebf3db56e3512f206.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_8-16-57.png.dac3c2cf8af21809ab2367b979451b38.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-21_8-16-57.png.dac3c2cf8af21809ab2367b979451b38.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

?Describe your life (biography)

Mariah Chanell Summers, born in raised in Maryland. Lived a life filled with Sex,Drugs,Booze, and money. Her friends always thought she lived the good life, when in reality she was suffering. Her mom Adriana would drink her days away and prostitute her nights, leaving Mariah alone to raise herself, Her father Desmond was the drug lord in their neighborhood, he was never around but when he was he always made sure to comment how fat her ass was or how she wish she was his wife. Her escape was through her music, she loved singing and dancing and writing music. It was her life, throughout her teen years shes been trying to find herself especially in the crazy world shes forced to live in. So she moves in with her Aunt Michelle, Uncle Reeves and Cousin Dyamond.

?What are you like? (personality)

Mariah is goofy, loving, free spirited, romantic. She loves adventure and meeting new people. She's definitely a thrill-seeker. Open minded to various ideas..she has a general trust in others, often seen as sincere and generous. However she generally has good self discipline and is recognized as being able to plan and think ahead. Mariah is poised, confident, and clear-thinking when stressed, however often resist any cravings or urges that she has, but sometimes gives in. experiences a range of positive feelings, including happiness, enthusiasm, optimism, and joy. she is tender hearten and compassionate, feeling the pain of others vicariously and are easily moved to pity, however she feels superior to those around her and sometimes tend to be seen as arrogant by other people.a calm person who is considered almost fearless by some. rarely gets angry and it takes a lot to make her angry. she genuinely likes other people and openly demonstrate positive feelings toward others.makes friends quickly and it is easy for her to form close, intimate relationships. she finds the company of others pleasantly stimulating and rewarding, and you enjoy the excitement that crowds provide. she likes to speak out, take charge, and direct the activities of others. shes usually the leader in group activities. she leads a fast-paced and busy life. moves about quickly, energetically, and vigorously and are involved in many activities

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

Likes to party, Cook, she loves to have fun, singing and dancing is life.

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

Wants to become a famous singer/song writer

?Any Enemies?

Not that she knows of

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

Either: Beloveds, Baddasses, or musicians

?What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

Princeton Park

?Where do you hang out at?

Local Parks, In front of my house, but you can definitely catch me at the mall.

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

~Creative Writing

~Music Comprehension

~Spanish IV

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)




?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

I Like girls but always deny it.

?Anything else?

Clothing Style:Anything fashionable with my own twist, or something basic. I can go from jeans and a shirt to a sparklyyy purpleee dressss



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Sef and Rufus Nevarro


  • ?What is your full name?

    Sef Illia Nevarro

    ?How old are you?

    "18, why?"

    ?When is your birthday?

    "5th June"

    ?Describe yourself

    "Look to me and you know, but I am 6 feet and my weight, uhm, 200 Lbs, but yeah, muscles are heavy, and yeah, you see that, want to see my sixpack also?"

    ?Describe your life

    "Well, I was born at one day, then I went to school et cetera, you know, the usual things. I started at a young age with Gymnastics, I love it, it is so diverse! I trained each day several hours, mostly 2 a day. Did several competitions, in the first division. I love the vault, high bar, team gym and floor. Then I went to high school, it was a shame they don't have team gym here. So I was actually forced to join the Cheerleaders, it's not that hard and we have some nice tricks in our routines, ow and yes, I have a twin brother, who is sadly a few minutes older"

    ?What are you like?

    "Well, I am open, to everyone, I say what I think, I don't care if people gossip about me, cause actually? I DON'T CARE! I'm not very shy, but I actually do not make easily friends. Also, I am out to the school since a few years"

    ?What are you all about?

    "Gymnastics, boyfriends,"

    ?What are your dreams and aspirations?

    Joining the national team, duh

    ?Any Enemies?

    "Not really actually, not that everyone is my friend"

    ?Desired clique to be in.

    "Not really difficult to decide, Athletes"

    ?What Community to do you live in?

    "I am happy to say I am in Kingdom Heights"

    ?Where do you hang out at?

    "Where place is"

    ?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

    "Geometry, World History and German"

    ?Extra Curricular?

    "Gymnastics, Cheer leading, Sociology"

    ?What's your dirty little secret(s)?

    "Um, I dated a girl, and yeah, some things in the bedroom I am not going to share"

    ?Anything else?

    "Done? Cool!"

?What is your full name?

"Everyone around here seems to know my name, interesting that you do not."

Arabella Campo

?How old are you?

"Why do you care..I'm 16 though"

Going on 17 this December.

?When is your birthday?

"Never according to my parents"

December 12th

?Describe yourself (appearance)

"Well, you are the one looking at me...?"


Arabellas style is a mix between pin-up and grunge. She mixes them together into something cool and sort of edgy. She has been told more than once to put on more clothes when she is in school but she doesn't really care.

?Describe your life (biography)

"As if? I have better things to do"

Before them coming out everything was fine. The Campo family lived in a very nice house, they had a cat and a dog. Everything looked perfect when you looked at if from afar. What Arabella didn't know was that their mother was sleeping with her private trainer and Arabellas father was hooking up with his secretary.

They came out as pan at a very young age and their parents did not approve. When they also came out as non-binary they got thrown out of their house. Thanks to their very good persuading skills they manage to buy a shitty apartment at age 17 which they payed for with a credit card that they stole from their parents.

Arabella never went to collage because they couldn't afford it. Their parents had taken away all their money when they threw them out. Therefore they felt it was okay to use their parents credit card to pay for the apartment.

?What are you like? (personality)

"Can't you tell?"

Arabella has grown to be quite snappy. It comes from them having to face a lot of transfobia and homofobi throughout their years alive (More about that later on). Their snappiness is not a problem towards everyone though, if you threat them with respect they will be one of the loveliest persons you have ever meet.

You hardly ever see Arabella alone, they loves surrounding themselves with other queer people and the gangs often hang out where you can see them. They love visiting abandoned places, it has become somewhat of an anxiety relief. They can sit for hours writing about the places they visit in their journal that they always carry around.

When it comes to love they do not really approve. They are one to hit it and quit it and there is no such thing as "tying them down". The closest thing they have ever been to a relationship was when they were sleeping with their old roommate.

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

"Not school anyways"

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

"I do not do that shit anymore."

?Any Enemies?

"Well, I am pretty sure not many people here like me"

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

Harlots all the way!

?What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

"Pauper Court, obviously"

?Where do you hang out at?

"Mostly where I can be around people. That may be sneaking into the club one night and hanging out in a park another."

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

"Fine Arts, Geography & World Cultures and Creative Writing"

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

"Drama, Art and Choir..yes I sing..so what?"

?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

"I have many but you do not need to know those"

One of them is the fact that Arabella is involved with dealing drugs and all what that brings.

?Anything else?

"Yeah, please do not bother me again. I have better things to do."
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.07de2bc1cea53b3ee5a6581c43ffcb0c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136862" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.07de2bc1cea53b3ee5a6581c43ffcb0c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

?Ericka Nicole Simpson


?December 23

?Black Curly, Shoulder length, Brown eyes, Light skinned, And Stands at 5'3

?Describe your life (biography)WIP

?What are you like? (personality)WIP

? +Pancakes


+Rain WIP

?What are your dreams and aspirations?WIP

?Any Enemies? WIP


?What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.WIP

?Where do you hang out at? WIP

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.) WIP

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.) WIP




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➜What is your full name?

I’m Hugo

Hugo Esteban Rivero

➜How old are you?

Old Enough

16 years old

➜When is your birthday?

I’m a Leo, that gives you a pretty good range to figure it out.

August 18th

➜Describe yourself (appearance)

I’m short, and ambiguous brown looking.

He's short for a man barely standing at 5'3.4''


➜Describe your life (biography)


Hugo spent the beginning years of his childhood in a orphanage, where ever he was sent to a home he’d often be sent back because his behavior was so bad, as reported by the foster parents. He was very anti social as a kid, spending days on end sitting in the quietest and loneliest parts of the orphanage building. Which was the old computer room, this was where he learned how to build computers from scratch and learned different programs and the buildts of programs in order to be able to hack them.

When he was 12, the police were around the orphanage a lot, invesgating the reports of a drug ring happening within the building. Hugo had been a key witness as he’d gotten into the emails of one of the main operates of the orphanage, who’d been speaking to a poteinal client. Hugo had gotten this evidence and sent it to the police. All the while he was speaking to a certain police officer, who’d taken a liking to him and ended up adopting him.

➜What are you like? (personality)

I would be rather bias answering this question

Hugo is a rather quiet soul, he keeps to himself a lot, usually his face is buried within a computer trying to build program and virus to test out firewalls. Or if he’s very bored he’ll try to see how far he can get into firewalls without being detected. He’s very non confrontational. Which means he’ll rather get pushed around by bullies and others than tell them how much he’d rather not do the thing they want from him.

➜What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

I like compurters

Hugo is very interested in technioal, he’s had his hand with the hardware of computers but he prefer working with software. Building programs, using html, css and javscript in order to do this or even figuring out how to get in and out of progams himself.

➜What are your dreams and aspirations?


He wants to work for any technology firm, or even the goverment within any branch that would have him building software for the govermnet.

➜Any Enemies?

Hopefully not

➜Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)


➜What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

Knight Drive

➜Where do you hang out at?

Usually the computer lab or

➜What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)



U.S & Global Economics

➜Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

Digital Media/Computer Club

Chess Club

Honor Society

➜What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

I don’t think that’s an appropriate question.

He's been through abuse at the orphanage, but doesn't recongize it as such.

➜Anything else?


He's gay but doesn't announce it.
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Paris Ellion Vermough

At A Glance


?What is your full name?

"Paris Ellion Vermough

Paris Ellion Vermough

?How old are you?



?When is your birthday?

"August thirteenth."

August 13th.

?Describe yourself

"Total. Hottie."

First of all, she has the body of a swimmer, though a bit more cleavage. She is very active, and spends more time working out than hitting the books. The girl has "aristocrat hands," quite thin and long and dainty, though one who looks closely will find that they've become stronger due to physical work. She has long blonde hair running down her chest, a mix between dirty and platinum blonde. In other words, as normal blonde as blonde gets.

Then her eyes. A subject of debate. She considers them green, but some think they're blue, or even hazel. Her complexion is normal, a tossup between milky white and pale.

Her school wardrobe consists of the same things she would wear in private, mostly casual, and pretty much made of anything she can find.

Because she's afraid of being considered a typical dumb blonde, she tries to keep a serious expression at all times. And all too often fails.


Digging Deeper


?Describe your life

"Uhm... nope. Can't think of anything."

Paris was born on Friday, August 13th, in England. She's had pretty bad luck since the very day she was born, as the roads were too icy, and she was delivered on the side of the road, having to stay in the hospital longer to make sure there weren't any problems with her delivery.

She lived a pretty normal life since then, strongly believing that her date of birth had to do with every mishap she has encountered.

Paris is normal, in every way. The things she says are considered inappropriate, and unfiltered, but the only difference is that she does what she wants, whether people approve or not.

There have been a few things since then, including having her first pet at ten, breaking her wrist at twelve, moved to the United States at thirteen.

She has a strong East London accent, and pronounces certain things in a way that can be difficult to understand. Football(soccer), advert(advertisement), bog roll(toilet paper), drawing pin(thumbtack), and clingfilm(plastic wrap) just to name a few.

Her life in the US wasn't terribly different, and she was respected for the most part, often considered either a clown(for saying ridiculous things), or a badass(for having the guts to say those things to the people she says them to).

Her love life has is lacking a love, and always has been. She doesn't particularly care at this point, because she has no doubt that she would be happy with or without someone.


?What are you like?

"Ah, think of the coolest person you know. I'm like, twice as amazing."

Indifferent. "Shut the Hell up. I don't give a damn."

She's inconsiderate, completely indifferent, and uncaring.

Violent. "It's just a flesh wound. Get up, b*tch."

She loves all types of fighting, whether its verbal or physical. Sometimes she challenges some stronger than her, earning her an unpopular reputation with absolutely everyone.

Vulgar. "It's a bad a** name."

She loves to cuss. It fuels her. She's not just vulgar in that way, oh no. Of course not. She enjoys hearing and making jokes as long as it includes sexual humor, or someone gets hurt or dies.

Honest. "Don't blame the dress. You were fat before you put it on."

She spares none with her candid ways.

Flirty. "Smile if you want to have sex with me."

This isn't for everyone, but she loves flirting when it's least appropriate.


Just For Reference


?What are you all about?

"I'm an artist."

She draws things. And will use her backhand if someone says, "You're a good drawer."

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

"I want to stay on the couch and watch TV until I grow mold and my foot goes to a sleep that it can't wake up from."

She doesn't really have any plans for the future, but wants to go to college eventually, out of a fear of being poor.

?Any Enemies?

"F*cking Selena Gomez."

She likes to turn everyone into an enemy, indiscriminately. It would be easier to narrow down her friends.

?Desired clique to be in.


Technically the beloveds, though she'd fit best in the badasses.

?What Community to do you live in?


She lives in Princeton Park.

?Where do you hang out at?

"Home. I hang out at home."

Her porch, for the most part. Other than that, at florist and motorcycle shops.

?What classes are you taking?

"Pre Cal, History, and German Three... or something."

Pre-Calculus, World History, and German III.

?Extra Curricular?

"Drama, football, and choir."

Drama Club, Soccer, and Choir.

?What's your dirty little secret(s)?

"... I like cheese a lot."

She "cuts", and has a major crush on someone from another clique.

?Anything else?

"I dunno... I'm sexually confused. Like, if I could compare my sexuality to something else, it would be a tossup between algebra and men."

She likes girls... and boys, but doesn't want to be bisexual(she just wants to like one or the other).

KH Rules

Gets into way too many fights.

While she doesn't want to look ugly, if she had to choose, she has no desire to be attractive.


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➜What is your full name?

"Allen Sweetwater."

➜How old are you?


➜When is your birthday?

"February 2cd."

➜Describe yourself (appearance)

"Tall, blonde, and skinny, with a side of permanent bitchface. Oh, and despite what the pictures tell you, I wear glasses. Wire frame, silver glasses to be exact. I usually wear jeans, and I am either seen wearing button-ups or white graphic tees. I have one black shirt."

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➜Describe your life (biography)

"Ohhhhh godd, ok, well, that's a... Long story, uh... Ok, I guess... All I can say is I've never had the best experiences with people, especially not with my family. My folks and I are pretty... Distant, you could say. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder 1 when I was in middle school, I guess that's important? Yeah. Middle school was fun. Had a few breakdowns, a few freakouts. Uh, this is only between us, right? Good, good. Ok, can we move onto the next question?"

➜What are you like? (personality)

"Generally not very sociable, but if I trust you, you'll likely hear my strange existential, faux-philosophical ramblings and such. I've got a curious side to me, you could say. But, if you don't like me, chances are you will think that I am very annoyed by you trying to talk to me, because I probably will be very annoyed by you if I do not know you, especially if you are trying to make small talk, which I absolutely despise."

➜What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

"Music, math, generally school-stuff. I try to draw, but I'm not very good."

➜What are your dreams and aspirations?

"I don't really know. I know I'm going to be able to get a good job, as I likely have years and years of college available in my future, but I don't know what I want to pursue yet. I'll probably something like a mathematician, scientist... Mmm, maybe a psychologist, I don't know."

➜Any Enemies?

"Not really."

➜Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

"[EDIT:] Gurus, but I hang out with the musicians on occassion. They're really the only people outside of the misfits I can somewhat connect with, you know?"

➜What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

"Kingdom Heights, but forget I said that. I prefer that people don't know about my financial status, thank you."

➜Where do you hang out at?

"Local cafes (AKA Starbucks shhh) after school sometimes. Most of the time, though. I'll just walk around downtown in my spare time. Though, sometimes I'll stay home if neither of my parents are there, which only happens like, once a week."

➜What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

"Literature Analysis, Probability, and sociology."

➜Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

"Chess club, Future Business Leader, and Debate."

➜What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

"Well, let's see... I'm Bipolar, that's something I'd rather no one know... I am rich, also something I'd rather not be known... I'm pretty sure at least one person witnessed the 'Fountain Incident' which happened in middle school, which was an event where I had a psychotic breakdown, hit a student in a chair, and dove into the fountain in front of the school and refused to get out for at least an hour, I would really rather that not be spread...

I'm also a cocaine addict. Oh, and I'm a raging homosexual, but I don't know what the attitude towards homosexuality is in this school, so."

➜Anything else?

"I have been doing cocaine for about a year, I believe. I do it at school. However, no one has caught me yet. I'm quite tactical when it comes to hiding my coke fixes."
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?What is your full name?

"Kevin Kaile."

?How old are you?


?When is your birthday?

"Near the end of the year?"

November 30th

?Describe yourself (appearance)

"Not gonna lie, that's kinda weird to ask..."

Short at 5'4"

?Describe your life

"What's there to say? I love it! I mean, KH rules, right?"

Kevin was the younger of two boys born to a pair of loving historians in a town relatively close to Kingdom Crest. His childhood home was a pretty nice one, a result of his parents being able to have their kids late in life after they'd already launched successful careers and books. He realized very young that he was into guys and never really went about hiding it, as there was no need to when his parents were supportive about it anyways. However, he did get bullied in middle school for it.

Kevin first got into doing makeup and dressing up around this time, as there wasn't really anyone willing to hang out with him at the time, often doing his mother's makeup when she'd let him and didn't have anything to do that day. However, his grades suffered, solid Cs throughout, mostly because he was bored with the curriculum.

He ended up moving to Kingdom Crest the Summer before ninth grade as both an effort to start over after a particularly malicious incident with some classmates that upset his now-in-college brother and to be closer to his doctor. As soon as he started picking his classes, his grades went up to solid As, and his overall happy attitude went into overdrive, and he kinda stopped showing anything other than that happiness.

?What are you like? (personality)

"Um, pretty laid back, a bit too happy maybe? Pretty normal stuff, y'know?"

On the outside, Kevin's very happy. As in, never anything but happy. On the inside? Not so much. He's more temperamental than he'd let anyone around him know. He doesn't believe anyone can be good unless they're naive, and is terrified to show any kind of emotion that might worry his brother.

He's very selective about the projects he takes on, and it's kinda impossible to guess what he's going to want to do without asking him. He does a lot of things that can only be classified as stupid because he's bored, and he gets bored pretty easily. He tends to play oblivious if he knows it'll get under the skin of someone he genuinely dislikes more.

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

"What do you know about mushrooms?"

Kevin enjoys mycology, neuroscience, makeup, school, explaining human interaction as if he is in a nature documentary, sci fi novels, computer games, youtube and making sandwiches.

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

"College, mostly."

-Solving world hunger

-To eat 100 starbursts in under six minutes without throwing up

?Any Enemies?

"I mean, I don't personally hate anyone, y'know?"

Contact me either through PM or OOC chat if interested?

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)


?What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

"Knight Drive. It's pretty sweet, all things considered."

?Where do you hang out at?


?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

"Classes I like."

Probability and Statistics, Forensic Science, Chinese III

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

"Only a couple really awesome ones!"

Drama Club, Stage Crew, Science Club.

?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

"Dude, no offense, but even if I had any, why would I tell you?"

-He's less of a happy and more an angry at the world, jaded kinda person

-The fact he moved due to bullying

-He's terrified of stereotypical jocks

-He totally wears dresses, skirts, heels etc. outside of school

?Anything else?

"Well isn't that vague..."

-Gay, though not vocally at all so it's possible people wouldn't know


-You couldn't pay him enough to even consider any type of drug

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➜What is your full name?

"Issiah. Issiah Rojas."

➜How old are you?


➜When is your birthday?

"January the first."

➜Describe yourself (appearance)

"I don't think I'm too bad looking."


➜Describe your life (biography)

"Es lo que hay."

Issiah is the offspring of a Trinidadian maid and her Colombian employer, Tomás Vergara, who was a governor at the time. Issiah was exposed to the lifestyle of the rich and decadent--behind the scenes of course. His birth was a mistake and his father never claimed the young child as his own. Still being a man of "principles" he opened up his guest house for Issiah's mother, making it look like he was simply a kindhearted man looking out for an employee who had fell on hard times.

As years passed by and Issiah grew into his adolescent stage, the innocent blind that was once over his eyes was lifted when he caught his mother and the governor together one late night. Outraged, he demanded that his mother tell him the truth before he confronted Tomás himself. When his mother confessed that the affair had been going on for countless years and that he was the product of their adulterous affair, Issiah was stricken with bitterness towards both his mother and Tomás.

The life changing news caused a rift between Issiah and Tomas, for he had to watch as the governor’s children had what he could not, a loving father. Upon leaving school one day, Issiah decided to run away and so he didn’t catch the bus like the rest of the children. Beginning his trek down the road, he was spotted by Rafael Rojas, the soccer coach of their school. When he approached Issiah and found out about his plan, he asked him to play a game of soccer with him before he headed off. By the time the game was finished Rafael had convinced Issiah to return home.

Every day since then Issiah would meet Rafael every day after school and even on the weekends to play soccer, he quickly became the father figure that Issiah needed. Soon thereafter Rafael met and married Issiah’s mother. Wanting a fresh start, they moved to Kingdom Crest where Rafael became the coach at Kingdom Crest High. During his freshman year at the high school, Issiah instantly slipped right in with the Athletes and caught the eyes of many females, especially one senior in particular named Chelsea Baker. The two became an item that led to Chelsea becoming pregnant and to hide her shame, she dropped out just before graduation. Issiah never heard from her again until one morning when he was heading out the door for school and there he discovered a bundle on his front porch attached with a note saying “He’s your problem, not mine.” Now Issiah is experiencing parenthood but with the help of his loving parents, he is able to survive it.

➜What are you like? (personality)

"I've never thought about it."

Tall, dark, and handsome fits Issiah’s personality perfectly. His quiet disposition and mature attitude seem to draw all sorts of attention from females and his laid back demeanor and relatively open minded personality makes it easy for him to make friends with plenty of people. He is a bit mysterious and reserved when it comes to sharing though, he doesn’t like people to pry into his personal life for the sake of his son, he never wants to bring the wrong influence around him.

➜What are you all about?

"My son and soccer. That's all that matters."

He adores spending time with his son, Adrian more than anything and most of the time that's what he is doing when he isn't working. Other than his family, Issiah would live and breath soccer if he could, it's his one burning passion. If he isn't playing soccer then he is enjoying Eyree perfect her gymnastics.

➜What are your dreams and aspirations?

"To make my son proud of me."

Issiah would love to make soccer his profession by becoming professional soccer player and with scholarships piling up because of his talent, it looks like his dreams aren't too far off. And if that doesn’t work out, a physical trainer for the top athletes.

➜Any Enemies?

“All athletes are enemies. Friends, but enemies."

Other than the friendly rival that goes on between other athletes on the soccer teams from different schools and even in Kingdom Crest, he doesn’t really have any.

➜Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

”I’m a born Athlete.”

He’s part of the Athletes, naturally.

➜What Community to do you live in?

“Nice place to raise my son.”

King Acres

➜Where do you hang out at?

”Where ever Eyree is usually..”

You can find him usually in the rec center with Eyree or on the soccer field with his son. Mostly he is at the mall, because he works there and if you catch him on his free day, he is at the park with his son.

➜What classes are you taking?

“Let’s see here...”


2. Spanish IV (Easy A)

3. Probabilities and Statistics.

➜Extra Curricular?

“You really don’t have to ask.”

1. Soccer.

2. International Club

With his job and taking care of Adrian, he doesn’t have time for anything else.

➜What's your dirty little secret(s)?

"Trying to dig up my skeletons?"

➜ Issiah is a drug dealer who sells to make sure that his son can have a comfortable life.

➜Anything else?

"I don't think there is. KH rules, though."

➜He as a small crush on Eyree.

➜ Issiah is extremely hard to date because he doesn’t like bringing all sorts of different females around his son.

➜His son Adrian.
➜ The only females that are allowed around his son constantly are his mother and Eyree, who Adrian refers to as Titi.

➜He has light Trinidadian accent that he picked up from his mom.

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?What is your full name?

"Why do you need my full name? Anyways, I just go by Nathan."

Nathaniel Lawrence Eve

?How old are you?

"The more accurate question is how young am I?

Sixteen, going on seventeen

?When is your birthday?

"Some time in the winter."

January 29th

?Describe yourself

"Umm... alright looking, I guess?"




?Describe your life

"There's really nothing about it that stands out. I've led a happy life with my family."

With the exception of his family's wealth, there's nothing that truly stands out about Nathan's life. His father is a real estate mogul and his mother is a high-end furniture designer, designing for celebrities and high-end apartments and domiciles. As such, the family was never wanting for anything. For many years, the Eve family spent their time divided between New York, Atlanta, and Beverly Hills. It wasn't necessarily the same as moving, but it was mildly disruptive to Nathan and his two older sisters. Still, the mild-mannered Eve children took it all in stride, continuing to do their best in their private school academics and "cultured" extracurriculars, as their parents liked to label them.

From a young age, Nathan was encouraged to do well in school and to always overachieve. His parents wanted their children to be as successful as they were, preferably in some sort of business so the Eves could keep their entitled spot among the world's elite. Nathan, wanting to please his parents, did his best. And while he was certainly an intelligent young child and he dedicated time to his studies as well as sports like swimming and tennis and showmanship, he ultimately felt unfulfilled. He enjoyed all of these activities, but nothing really gave him the sense of purpose he felt he needed. No amount of awards for swimming or time spent training at the stables eased the strange isolation he felt from the rest of the world.

One day, when Nathan was about eleven years old, he was passing through the great room when a thought entered his head. The Eves had a beautiful polished grand piano in the room, strictly there for decoration purposes and his parents had always stressed that their children not mess around with it. But, curious, Nathan lifted the lid and plucked a few keys. He sat there at the piano for the next several hours, picking out notes and melodies by ear. It was a rudimentary talent, but striking those keys, hearing the clear tones and pitch of the notes, and stringing together fumbling melodies excited him in a way that nothing else before had. He promptly begged his parents to enroll him in some lessons and they obliged, also investing in a beautiful upright for his room on which he could practice. It turned out that Nathan had a natural knack for music and the piano, picking up on theory and technique remarkably quickly, almost a child prodigy in a way.Around this time, Nathan also discovered another passion: painting. It started as a project for one of his classes but quickly evolved into a passionate hobby.

Two years ago, his next oldest sister graduated high school and went off to college, leaving Nathan as the only child at home. With no other family enrolled in private school with him any more, Nathan politely asked his parents if he could stop going to the private schools they had been enrolling him in his entire life. To his surprise, they agreed, and the Eves promptly relocated to Kingdom Heights, close enough that they could still cater to their upscale and wealthy Hollywood and beyond clients. Last year was his first year at Kingdom Crest high school and, frankly, it was quite an experience for the shy, somewhat socially-awkward boy. The Beloveds were quick to extend him an invitation upon learning of his financial history and status, but he's never been 100% comfortable there. He doesn't much care for the access that his parents' wealth and status affords him and he certainly isn't as comfortable wielding it as everyone else who comes from status at Kingdom Crest seems to be. He's been forced by the Beloveds to keep his musical and artistic talents relatively hushed, but every now and then, he'll sneak away to the music room to play on the piano.

?What are you like?

"I guess I'm a pretty nice guy... but I guess I'm pretty biased. You'd have to ask someone else, I guess."

The poor boy has been rather isolated his whole life. Made to focus on his academic pursuits, Nathan never had much of an opportunity to explore a social life. While not exactly introverted, he does prefer solitude and quiet and calm environments to rowdy or raucous ones. He likes people and always strives to be friendly and polite, but he's also quite shy which presents a bit of a challenge for him. He's used to being alone or having just his family around him. In his private schools, it was easier to get away with that sort of isolationist behavior, but he's found it much harder upon venturing into the public school environment (especially given Kingdom Crest's highly stratified and hierarchical status quo). His strategy, then, is to just go unnoticed. He applies himself to his classes, engages in a few sports, smiles and engages in polite small talk when called upon, but otherwise strives to be alone and, frankly, forgettable. He'd rather keep to himself and stay out of everyone else's business and he asks that everyone else do the same. Still, despite his status as a Beloved, Nathan is not entirely difficult to get along with. He's a very calm and quiet individual, with an easy smile and an affable sense of humor. He's open-minded and friendly if not somewhat naive, but it does lend him a certain amount of charm. He's a hopeless romantic at the core and a much more free-spirited, artistic soul than people believe him to be because of his wealth and acceptance into the Beloveds.

?What are you all about?

"Umm... I'm really focused on my studies? And, you know, my various extracurriculars."



Horseback riding


Thai Food


?What are your dreams and aspirations?

"... I don't know yet."

Nathan would be happiest away from the business world. He's always dreamed about becoming a concert pianist or composing great film scores. And though it's a new hobby, he wouldn't mind making a career from his artwork. But, if either of those fail, Nathan would want nothing more than to be a scholar or professor of some sort.

?Any Enemies?

"I'm sure there are some? Frankly, I just don't know anyone well enough to know for sure."


?Desired clique to be in.

"I'm a new inductee into the Beloveds. By virtue of my family's wealth, I guess."


?What Community to do you live in?

"Why on earth do you need to know where I live?!"

Kingdom Heights

?Where do you hang out at?

"Anywhere that's relatively quiet and has plenty of coffee."

Nathan, sweet, awkward boy that he is, doesn't like large crowds of people. Being as dedicated to his studies as he is, he spends the bulk of his time in the library or in the quiet corner of the closest cafe. If the weather is nice, he enjoys walking his dogs in the park or spending time at the park. His family owns property by the beach and in the mountains and they spend weekends at their various properties or at the country club, playing some tennis or having brunch.

?What classes are you taking?

"Pretty standard fare for a Sophomore, I think."


Music comprehension

U.S. History

?Extra Curricular?

"A decent amount. I guess they look good on a college application?"


Honor Society


?What's your dirty little secret(s)?

"Some things are better left in the closet."

The Eve family is only as wealthy as they are because they've been evading taxes for years.

?Anything else?

"Ummm... no?"

Though Nathan loves incorporating color in his art, he sticks to a wardrobe that consists almost entirely of neutrals

He desperately wants to be a part of the Musicians, but the Beloveds snatched him up based solely on his wealth. It's not that he doesn't like the Beloveds, he just doesn't feel like he quite belongs there.

Nathan got his ears pierced a few months ago. He decided it didn't look good on him and promptly abandoned them.

Both he and his sister are quite accomplished equestrians. While Nathan doesn't compete much anymore, he still enjoys spending time at the stables and caring for the horses.

Though most don't peg him as the type, Nathan enjoys listening to "screamo" music.

His fingers are almost always stained with some color of paint.

Nathan works after school three days as a week as a tutor for young children. He has a soft spot for children and has even been learning sign language to communicate better with a hard-of-hearing student.

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➜What is your full name?

"Eydis Ástrídr Bergljót."

➜How old are you?

"I've traveled around the sun about... *starts counting on her fingers* eighteen times."

➜When is your birthday?

"I was born on the fateful day of February fourteenth. What a time to become alive."

➜Describe yourself

"A soulless ginger."


Eydis has a mysterious beauty about her. Her skin is fair, ornamented all over with freckles. She is rather tall and slim as she stands at 5'11". She makes sure to take care of her body, her diet consists of mainly fruit, eggs, veggies, and organic meats, anything else she eats is always certified organic. Therefore, there is little to no fat in her body, so she is very flexible and athletic.



➜Describe your life

"Quite a romantic date it was on a valentines day, many a year ago. Today, a young couple spent their day embracing one another, grasping each other's hands. Their whole day was spent surrounded in the white wall of the pregnancy wing of the infirmary. On his fateful day, a babe was born, her hair like fire and her eyes like emeralds. As a child she always found herself allured to the beauty of art, poetry, and books. She would spend her days frolicking about in the wild woods behind her home. Her older brother had introduced her to a life of mastery and whimsy at a young age. She would expose herself to worlds fuled by dreams and imaginations, lands of wonder and magic. All in the small screen of the television she and her brother shared in their room as youths, she was the one who could control the fate of these worlds with a simple handheld tool made of plastic and wires, buttons and analog sticks. As she grew into a young adolescent, she became absorbed in these things, the art, the games, and let them become her life. Now she lives contently, ever furthering her knowledge and experience in these subjects."

➜What are you like?

"*deadpan*I am the lord of all memes. Bow down to me and all of my otherworldly MLG glory, you filthy scrubs."

Eydis always comes off as mysterious and eccentric, and always manages to live up to these first impressions. She is very enigmatic and romantic, taking a great deal of influence from poetry and blending it into all aspects of her life. She doesn't care what others think of her, so she'll often act weird without a second thought. She is very stoic and placid, so her vast sense of humor will often come off as a surprise. When she makes jokes, they are always spoken in either a deadpan or highly sarcastic tone, her execution always adds to the quality of her jokes to make them funnier and easier to laugh at, even if they are rather dark. She loves dark humor. She will be rather touchy with everyone, as she lacks a sense of personal boundaries. It is hard to make her uncomfortable and finds it amusing when others get so, due to her touchyness and tendency to intrude on others' personal space.

➜What are you all about?

"Art, aesthetic, video games. But not those fake ass video games that everyone plays nowadays, those that have no depth, no feeling, no heart. They are not art. Nature, bugs, spiders, and reptiles. MLG parodies and memes. My hobbies include drinking Fiji water, taking siestas on piles of laundry, eating pussy, making faces at strangers who stare, and laying down on my room floor."

➜What are your dreams and aspirations?

"To live in a lovely little village isolated by society, back in the motherland. In a small wooden house is where I shall lay, my heart filled with content for the rest of my days."

➜Any Enemies?

"Oh goodness no, why would I ever make any enemies? Harboring negative feelings towards others is a complete waste of time. I have much better things to do."

➜Desired clique to be in.

"Many say that I should carry the 'badass' label due to my attitude, whatever that means, but I guess I truly reside under 'guru' label? I don't know, all of this labelling stuff is quite foreign to me, just like a lot of these absurd American mannerisms."

➜What Community to do you live in?

"My family and I reside in Princeton park."

➜Where do you hang out at?

"I'm usually in the garden whenever I don't wanna go to class or during lunch, I go to the chess club often. Um, outside of school I go to the cafe when I'm not in the park or at a lake or at home playing Zelda..."

➜What classes are you taking?

"Lit. Analysis and Comp., Fine Art, of course, and Geography and World Cultures."

➜Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

"I'm in Stage Crew, the Art Club, and... Chess Club."

➜What's your dirty little secret?

"Ooh, you desire my secrets, how interesting! Okay, I'll tell you, but if you tell anyone you wold definitely be bringing youself your own un timely demise. Secrets are secrets for a reason after all. I actually feel above all of these commoners, plebians, walking the streets acting like they're not all just clones of a mindset just like everyone else around them, thinking they're special snowflakes. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't assume this about everyone I meet, I know when I am with a true unworldly child like me, but these worldly Americans who let their vices cloud their judgment then let those misguided feelings control their actions are in no way different from one another, no matter how hard they try to seem that way. Also I trim my toenails with my teeth, but I don't chew them, that's gross."

➜Anything else?

"I was born and raised in Iceland, I am very, very queer, I know how to play an ocarina... and a guitar. My first language is Icelandic, therefore I have a very thick accent, I often have to repeat myself when speaking to those unfamiliar with it. My parents are both artists, too,*sighs dreamily* School comes rather easy to me, I would constantly be getting all A's if I cared enough to not skip class, but I can easily settle for a B. Oh, and I've done acid before, I should say... four times... yeah. I dont wear bras, and I was a young gymnast back in Iceland."

?What is your full name?

" Trey Meriwether Pryce. But I go by Trey."

?How old are you?

"Eighteen. Why?"

?When is your birthday?

"January 4th. A lot of things happened in history that day."

?Describe yourself (appearance)

" On the tall side (6'3", to be exact), with a small scar on my left hand."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/5-Modern-Business-Hairstyles-For-Men-Ralf-DNA-Models-2-300x300.jpg.3144abb9cbbf5f3264123619978de693.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137031" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/5-Modern-Business-Hairstyles-For-Men-Ralf-DNA-Models-2-300x300.jpg.3144abb9cbbf5f3264123619978de693.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

?Describe your life (biography)

"I was born in Boston, MA, to Anna Clarke and Augustus Pryce. When I was ten, we moved to Kingdom Courts. I still miss Boston to this day, but I've made friends in Kingdom Courts. I'm also an only child, if that helps you out.

In freshman year, I began a tutoring business. I've maintained and improved it through the years, and it's earned me a lot of money. Dad was proud when it took off, saying that it ran in the family- he and Mom started and now run a national brokerage firm. Mom was silent when he said that. Please don't ask why."

-As a child, Anna lived in the poorest section of Pauper Court. She vowed to leave Kingdom Crest and come back better than anyone ever thought she could be. She put herself through Harvard, and met Augustus there. They then started their business, and they soon found success. Then, fifteen years later, the Pryce-Clarkes moved to Kingdom Heights, where no one recognized Anna. The Pryce-Clarkes wish to keep things that way.

?What are you like? (personality)

"I guess I'm a law-abiding citizen- I don't get into much trouble. I also like to investigate things, and like hands-on work. I don't know whether I'm an extrovert or an introvert- I love having friends and being with them, but I also appreciate the bliss of solitude."

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

" I like running my tutoring business! I also like school, but not as much as I like studying on my own. Other than that, I guess I like my Swiss Army knife, Thai red curry, and tae kwon do (I took it since I was five). My hobbies include messing around with science experiments, and trying to fix things."

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

My dream is to go to Harvard Business School, and do one of three things: start my own business, get to inherit my parents' business ( they believe in the most capable successor, and I don't disagree with them), or become a professor at Harvard. If none of that pans out, then I guess I'd like to be a high school teacher.

?Any Enemies?

"I'd be surprised if I didn't have any. I don't know who they are, though. That's...a scary thought."

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)

"Not to be rude, but it's kinda obvious."

Trey is the Guru leader.

?What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

"Kingdom Heights."

?Where do you hang out at?

"I tend to hang out in Sip and Sigh Cafe, or at the Thai place in the Mall Food Plaza. In school, you can find me in the chem lab or the stats classroom. I'm on good terms with both teachers."

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

"Probability and Statistics, U.S & Global Economics, and Spanish IV."

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)

"FBLA, Science Club, Honor Society."

?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

"Isn't a secret private information?"

-Last summer, Trey fell in love with a female cousin of one of the Beloveds, and she appeared to reciprocate the feeling. But at one party, he walked into the bathroom only to find her with another guy. When that guy asked who Trey was, she said "No one important." This incident scared Trey away from dating, and left him unable to confess to people he likes.

-Sometimes, he tends to 'self-medicate' with alcohol, if he's having a particularly hard time.

-Trey's scar was from a sophomore-year chemistry experiment giving him a second-degree burn. Not particularly dirty, just embarrassing.

-He has a crush on Aberdeen, but hasn't told her yet, due to the first secret.

?Anything else?

"No, not really."

Trey likes watching soccer, but doesn't know how to actually play.



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?What is your full name?

Mercilise (Mer-cell-ees) Octavia Hill

?How old are you?


?When is your birthday?

October 30th

?Describe yourself (appearance)

5'6, 115 lbs dark brown cherry wood hair, with a heterochromia.


?Describe your life (biography)

Mercy has never really fit it from the very start. hell she didn't even fit in with her own family, and thats why she was put up for adoption at age 4. Since then Mercy has only ever lived in the orphanage. she grew resentful and developed a huge rebellious streak. she's always believed she would never fit in. with anyone

?What are you like? (personality)

+strong willed






-cold at times

-heartless to most

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

+playing guitar




-people that bug her.

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

To become an Author and finally leave the hell hole she calls a life.

?Any Enemies?


?Desired clique to be in. Misfits

?What Community to do you live in? Knight Drive

?Where do you hang out at?:

The skating ring or in the woods.

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)

-Creative writing

-Probability and statistics

- Biology

?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)




?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

-Had sex with 3 of the football team members at the same time whilst drunk.

?Anything else?

Pregnant with unknown father.

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?What is your full name?

Valentine Petrov

?How old are you?


?When is your birthday?

December 22nd

?Describe yourself (appearance)

Tall at 6'3 Russian Male with icy light blue eyes and silvery hair. naturally a platinum blond


?Describe your life (biography)

Valentine grew up in russia for the past 17 years of his life, he recently moved to America after his grandfather passed away. so now he lives with his Father and his new step mother Mary.

?What are you like? (personality)

Valentine is very bold and daring, as well as quiet and reserved. he carries a sort of silent strength about him that normally wards off potential friends. but once you get to know him, Valentine is actually a very jovial and friendly guy, full of beaming smiles and jokes.

?What are you all about? (Likes and hobbies)

+Valentine loves to excersise.

+loves to eat ice cream and other sweets

+likes playful people

+likes hands on affection

+men and women

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

Valentine wants to work with social services and help children.

?Any Enemies?

anyone who thinks themselves above others.

?Desired clique to be in. (You may or may not get in.)


?What Community to do you live in? (Kingdom Heights (The wealthiest) Princeton Park (Wealthy) Knight Drive (Middle Class) King Acres, or Pauper Court.

Kingdom Heights

?Where do you hang out at?

Generally in the woods closest to nature, or at the orphanage helping out.

?What classes are you taking? (Pick three.)


American Literature


?Extra Curricular? (Pick three including sports, clubs, etc.)


Drama club


?What's your dirty little secret(s)? (You must have at least one.)

Valentine is Bisexual. something not approved of by his family.

?Anything else?


?What is your full name?

Gwyneth ( Gwen ) Lorelei Arsenault

?How old are you?


?When is your birthday?

November 19th

?Describe yourself.

( Emily Rudd )


~ Raven Coloured Hair

~ Grey/Black Edged Eyes

~ Ghostly Skin

?Describe your life.

The mother died when the child was six years of age, due to unknown causes, as she had all of a sudden grown sick. Her father was devastated since he loved her with all his heart and felt as though he could never marry another, so that was exactly what he did. The child grew up living with a single father that never planned to marry. The child grew older and turned out to be just like her father. Her father had a very well-paid job and only had two people to care for, so he saved up easily and the two moved into a much larger home. Before then, the girl had to sleep in an attic. Now, they lived in the richest neighborhood. The girl and father grew exceptionally close and became best friends. Or, the girl's only friend. Her father didn't have many either, since pretty much all people thought of them as out of ordinary and weird. Strange. Like they did not belong with anyone else.

?What are you like?

She is extremely shy, with little to no friends. A true introvert. She hates crowds and small spaces, so she tends to be outside a lot. As a friend, she can be very fun to be around. But also quite dangerous, and likes to push people over the edge to take risks. When she gets mad or upset, she will leave the scene. When she is bullied, she ignores most of the things and puts them over her head.

?What are you all about?

Writing, writing. Everything writing! Literature!! She loves to write and read stories and books. Sci-fi is her favorite, but also enjoys mysteries and fantasies. She draws a bit, too. She also loves seafood, especially sushi. Music is something she favors as well.

?What are your dreams and aspirations?

To become a book writer, get a friend, and get good grades so that she can get accepted into a good college.

?Any Enemies?

Pretty much everyone, except the Harlots and Badasses.

?Desired clique to be in.


?What Community to do you live in?

Kingdom Heights. Near a more forested area.


?Where do you hang out at?

Sip And Sigh Cafe

?What classes are you taking?

~Literature Analysis And Compositions


~Probability And Statistics

?Extra Curricular?



~Book Club

?What's your dirty little secret(s)?

She has Synesthesia ( Like me )!! She has never told anyone in fear of them thinking she is making the shit up. Schizophrenia also comes with this, but she has learned to deal with it. She has pretty bad anxiety as well.

Making out with another female in the girls' bathroom was something...Even though she is Heterosexual.

She is writing a book, but it is very private and hasn't shown anyone.

?Anything else?

Nothing much...
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