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Fantasy Kokoro Academy

Zanna had awoke early in the morning, her usual wake up time. She slowly and quietly escaped from being on the bed, trying her best to not wake up the boy, and once she got, she lit some candles before silently chanting some words to herself; her staying completely in the buff. As she stood in the pentagram on the ground, surrounded with lit candles, she stood so her back was facing Fox, and continued to chant to herself as her eyes were now closed. On her back was a most detailed tattoo, and a extremely scary looking one at that.

Fox slowly awakens from the chanting. He is too disoriented to figure out whats going on. He let out a tiny grown, he realized that he's been sleeping on his watch he when he was a child, he must've picked it up from the house before he came here.
Lumina gets dressed and brushes her hair, breifly considering tieing it up in a high ponytail, but decided against it and lets it hang in front of her face. She opens the door of her dorm and looks out in the hallway, cautiously.
Zanna continued her chanting when Fox awoke with a groan, her sexual desires activating once more, but she had a duty(hehe i said duty xD ) and had to preform the morning ritual. Her chanting continued, ignoring Fox as the scented ritual candles started to release a vanilla smell.
Dante wakes up, sweat beads dripping down his face, he was breathing heavily as he wiped the sweat away. 'It happened again?' he thought to himself, 'Great .... I thought it went away though' he thought to himself sadly as he got out of bed. Dante slowly got dressed and brushed his hair, then grabbed his book bag and began walking out of his dorm to his class.
As Fox smelled the vanilla, he became more relaxed so he closed his eyes again and just lay there.
Rue woke up with a start, shaking from her nightmare. The book dropped heavily from the bed probably alerting anyone downstairs. Always nightmares... She got up eagerly, wanting to hurry to class. Once she'd washed up, brushed through her short hair, and gotten dressed, she left the dorms and began her walk to class.
Lumina checked to make sure where her class was, then walked into the class and sat down at the back of the room. it looked like she started in the middle of the school year or something...well that was just great.
Zanna finished her chanting before opening her eyes and looking over to Fox to see that he was shuffling on the bed. She walked over to Fox with a mischievous grin on her face before laying down on top of the boy and giving him a long kiss, if he was under the covers she would remove them first. "We have some time before first" chuckled Little Red, hoping that he would guess what she was implying.
Lui wakes up,surrounded by books, 'What time is it?' he thought while getting dress and washed up....a few minutes after getting ready, Lui make his way towards his first class, yawning.
Lumina quietly heads to her classroom at the back of the school, sitting in an empty desk in the back of the class.
Dante finds his next class and enters quietly , still quiet freaked out from earlier, he walks to the back of the class like he always does and sits in an empty seat.
djFluffernugget said:
Dante finds his next class and enters quietly , still quiet freaked out from earlier, he walks to the back of the class like he always does and sits in an empty seat.
(would this be the same class that Lumina is in? for the hell of it?)
Good... thought Zanna to herself before giving Fox another kiss.

*Fade to black*

A little later Zanna finally got up and started to put on clean clothes, after taking a quick shower of course. Tattooes decorated her body, mostly of the pentagram, and a goats head.
"See you later Fox" winked Zanna before walking outside, her wearing the same type of clothing but just a fresh batch, and sat down in her class right next to Dante; "Hello, nice to meet you" smiled Zanna as she extending a hand, with a pentagram tattooed on the back of her hand.
He looked over at the girl curiously then saw the pentagram on her hand. He sighed and shook her hand "Nice to meet you to." as soon as he touched her hand he started laughing alot for 'no reason' and pulled his hand away and banged his head on his desk while laughing.
Fox got up, picked all of his clothes up and teleported back to his house. He put a fresh pair of clothes on (Identical to what he was wearing before), went to his class and sat in the back corner as usual.
"You ok or is this normal for you?" asked Little Red curiously, she couldn't help but join in on his laughter though as she chuckled a bit at him laughing. Right now he seemed like a total weirdo.
Still laughing and banging his head on the desk when looks over at Fox who was also in his class, then laughed harder.

Dante then fell to the floor laughing, gasping for air somwhat.

Dante sits up after a bit "Oh that was priceless xD " He says as he gets back into his seat, still slightly laughin.
"You mind telling me what is so funny?" asked Zanna, now sounding a bit annoyed at the boys' random laughing, going from weirdo to someone who is extremely annoying in her mind. Not a great place to be, that be the bad side of Zanna and no one wants to be on her bad side.
Lui sitting on his chair, was about to fall asleep again but Dante's laugh shook him awake, looking over to see what was the cause, Lui just shakes his head and resume attempting to go to sleep.

(i seriously need grammar lessons)

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