KoC: Secret's Deathlord Round II: Finish them!

Who gets the girl?

  • The Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Water (the Silver Prince)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Damn, they just seem to be running the tie here...

Gonna have to start doing some campaigning.  Maybe hand out some buttons, or something.
I have this image of Captain Jack Sparrow for the Silver Prince.  And even if he wins, there is the chance to see Secret's panties! :lol:
I'm with Flagg on this one. Secret's a stick figure. What sort of panties could she actually have? Regardless of who she works for. And, more to the point, why would you want to see them?
"I only regret that I have but one <strike>life</strike> vote to <strike>lose</strike> cast for <strike>my country</strike> this poll."

- <strike>Nathan Hale</strike> Flagg
Looks like Secret might end up as an Abyssal that had one lord, fled that one for another, and fled against to become rogue. :)
Vanman said:
I'm with Flagg on this one. Secret's a stick figure. What sort of panties could she actually have? Regardless of who she works for. And, more to the point, why would you want to see them?
Because it would be funny, thats why.  This is supposed to be a playful spoof of the game, right?  I don't think anyone seriously wants to see stick figure hentai, but on occasion in a game, a character may have a opportunity to flash some skin.  IIRC, in the comic Order of the Stick, the bard got the idea in his head that since while wearing armor it's easer to spot you, if he stipped naked he would be invisible.  There were a few panels of Elan running around whooping and hollering, but with his nether reigons pixilated out.  It worked quite well, without being (IMO) offensive.  

Lets give Jukashi a vote of confidence that if it comes up in the course of the comic, he shows the same level of good taste he did when Marina did her 'honey flash' and have everything covered enough and not get all freaked out at the thought of seeing a stick figure in her undies.

But I still must also admit, its fun to say panties. :D
Okay, who the hell went in and gave a bunch of votes to the lame slutty deathlord without commenting anything? I feel cheated..
She cheated on you, too?!

And I thought I was her only one!!!

...yeah, I'm wondering that too.  People, if you vote?  Comment so we know that something weird isn't going on.
My dear fellow supporters of the Boddhisattva Anointed in Dark Waters: for the record, I just tied up the votes at sixteen each.

If any of you own the West book in pdf form and cared to PM me on this topic, I could suggest a few ways to express your gratitude.

By the by, 25% of my motivation for voting falls under the "Thumb my nose at Haku" category.
You do realise that The Haku is also one of those with the pdfs... right?  :twisted:
I've got the .pdfs of West Book, Hanat, but I wouldn't DARE share them without having you pay first, since sharing takes money from the hands of the daring WW employees, like Conrad...


Let me see if I can find it for ya real quick.

EDIT: Also, Haku wants to rape Hello Kitten.  That is all.
I voted for lover again.  It's really just a better sounding name.  And reading the discussion, I also think it will be funny to see the conversation between her and the lunar.
Also, I'm wondering why people are expecting hot stuff with the Lover?  She's supposedly devoid of all but the most subtle of curves.

Which means she's flat as a board and has almost no hips.  She looks like an 11 year old girl.

Then again, I see the attraction with Haku, but the rest of you hoping for Lover pron?  I'm ashamed.
I think you're mixing her up with someone else... possibly Raksi... but in any case, I'll draw her how I decide to draw her, if it comes down to that.
We've already got Marena for sexiness (and Lunars >> corpses for sexy). We need the Bodhisattva for philosophicalness - villains who can justify their villainity are always cooler.
I think we need less sock puppets and more active people. So if you vote, POST!


Also, can someone even up the votes again by voting for the lover?   :D

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