KoC: Secret's Deathlord Round II: Finish them!

Who gets the girl?

  • The Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Water (the Silver Prince)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Four Thousand Club
It all comes down to this. One of these two superghosts will have the honour of being Secret's former Deathlord and of having a significant role at some point in the future of Keychain of Creation! The other will fade into obscurity and possibly open a hat shop.

Remeber, I am not accepting any non-forum made posts or changes of vote this time. If you have trouble registering on this forum, contact the owner and admin, Flagg, at flagg@patternspider.net

And while you're at it, tell us why you made your decision, so we can get some good debate out of it.
I vote, once again, for The Lover. Mainly, in this case, because I can't see Secret hanging around in Skullstone. It just doesn't seem right.
Well, you don't know the girl's motivations. She does have a backstory, you know, and I could tweak it to serve with either Deathlord.
I would personally like to see Secret with an eyepatch :P

Honestly, I've never really liked the Lover Clad. The fanboys will rant and rave...but she's so damn boring as a Deathlord. Woohoo, she fucks everything that walks... and that's it. Sure, she can be a conniving bitch, so can the Dowager. I can't see the appeal in using her. Though I imagine this will open the fanboy floodgate. Haku and Flyck I'm looking at you.
Personally, I see the Lover as the Deathlord who, being an expert in passion, would have the keenest insight in the emotions of the living and the dead, and who is most likely to pay heed to mortals as people... people to be manipulated, but people... rather than as future troops/equipment. Let the other Deathlords influence Creation through military might, political leverage, trade, and ancestor cults... the Lover will go right for your heart.

Not that that's backed up by anything. That's just how I'd run her.
I think the majority of the canonical Deathlords are, as described, pretty ho-hum. Walker in Darkness? Zzzzz.
I voted for the Silver Prince because I think he's cooler and I think the possibilities for humor are greater - or at least more varied - than with the Lover. I fear that all it will be is sexual innuendo, and that gets tiresome after a while. Plus, I love the West - it's my favorite area of Creation, and the Silver Prince is an integral part of that area. Hence, my vote.
Once again, I vote for the Silver Prince.  Since Secret has such a long name, her Deathlord should have the longest name possible.
I voted for the Bodhisattva because he's tons cooler. With or without being in The West, the ideas behind him are much more interesting. Plus, as Vanman said, I'm leery of too much innuendo humor with Lover.
I voted for Lover simply because I know more about her than the Prince, and the possibilities of Marena dealing with being out-sexed by somebody is pretty darn funny.
My signature stays the same as does my vote. ^_^

The lover hasn't had much writen about her... sure a tibbit her and there. Anyone catch on to the warstrider 'captured' by Lookshy?

And seriously, I just can't see Secret with the Silver Prince'ss'. Or at least being allowed to run across half of Creation...

EDIT - Also, look at the way that Secret is... sensitive about her 'size' and underwear... you can only get THAT from being around over-sexed fiends. ^_^
The Lover has been overused in a lot of things.  Hell, she took up most of the Black Treatise.  Not to mention, there already is a steady flow of sexual innuendo humor coming from Marena.  We don't need it from a big plot device, too.

I'm going Silver Prince because not as much has been done with him, which leaves more room for creativity, and that he actually works hard to manipulate people, and doesn't just flash his boobs at the general public.
Silver Prince. Coolest deathlord, coolest background. I liked him long before the West book came out
FluffySquirrel said:
A vote for the lover is a vote towards seeing secrets panties!
I don't know if a stick figure's panties is necessarily something one should want to see.
Flagg said:
FluffySquirrel said:
A vote for the lover is a vote towards seeing secrets panties!
I don't know if a stick figure's panties is necessarily something one should want to see.
Or how a vote for the Lover has anything to do with seeing her panties.

As for Secret being so far away.......Hello!!!! She's a ROGUE Abyssal. Of COURSE she's so far away.......
I don't know.. those rogue abyssal seem rather... obssessed at times with their bosses, wanting to foil nefarious plots by them and all..
Well in the last time I voted silver prince and was faithful with that, but this time round I thought "hell, it is in election, where do we get, if I stick to my vote?!".

So I chose the lover clad. Sadly now I am in one boat with flyck and all his drooling over dead girls will probably sink our boat. Speaking of boat, really the domain of the silver prince. Poor choice all around I think ^^
I think I just evened out the voting... (it says it's 10 for each now... oops) But I voted for the Silver Prince. To be honest, I'm not too keen on the Lover Clad, the lunar is already a flirt, no need to have yet another one. I don't know much about him, but meh. Sound neat. Pirate Abyssals are cool?
I just broke the tie in favour of the Silver Prince.

My reasoning is similar to what's been said above - we've got plenty of sexual innuendo, and adding in another source of that would thin out the humour quality pretty quickly. There's only so many variations on a theme we need.

However, a prophetic/burueacratic/communistic patron of the arts? As long as we can avoid all the Yakov Smirnoff references ("In Soviet Skullstone, the dead murder you!"), we've got unending potential.
I still think Eye and Seven Despairs would have been the better choice... But given these two, I throw my vote in the Silver Prince pile. The Lover bores me.

Besides, as has already been noted, there's already room for more sexual innuendo than you can shake a stick at. Any more and it'll just be silly.

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