KoC 146-150

Brickwall said:
The Greek one did according to interpretations from artists in the Renaissance period or later, who will draw lots of things with more boobs than originally intended. I have not seen any ancient depictions of sphinxes other than the one in Egypt, so I currently assume none of them had boobs. If I see an ancient depiction with boobs, then I will make a new evaluation based on that information.
At least according to Wiki, Egyptian sphinxes did not have breasts - but they also often had nonhuman heads.

The Greek sphinx appears to have kind of a confused description. It may or may not have a snake's tail (or snake FOR a tail), it may or may not have breasts...and there appears to have been some confusion in ancient Greece over whether or not lionesses HAD breasts. Like, human-style breasts.

It's very weird.

But anyway, Nova isn't a Greek or an Egyptian, she's an Exalted sphinx, and a mechanical one at that! And apparently, exalted Sphinxes have breasts. So there. :P
As far as I can tell, what he came out to say is that none of my ideas are going to be used. :P
It seemed to me that he implied that a secondary body was not out of the question, but animal forms would not be that likely. Basically, it looked like there could be a normal form and a battle form, making it easier to blend in with society when needed.

It's just that some charms can make you look a little less than humanoid, so one form or the other can actually look animalistic or whatever.
Jukashi said:
As far as I can tell, what he came out to say is that none of my ideas are going to be used. :P
Even if so, that's still influence.

What it seemed to me he was saying, though, (before Nova's big transform into a sphynx) was that he was going to use Sherrif Bart's transformation into a robo-clawstrider as inspiration for Alchemical charms about transforming into combat robots.
It seemed to me that he implied that a secondary body was not out of the question, but animal forms would not be that likely. Basically, it looked like there could be a normal form and a battle form, making it easier to blend in with society when needed.
It's just that some charms can make you look a little less than humanoid, so one form or the other can actually look animalistic or whatever.
There is, of course, the issue that absolutely no animals exist in Autochthon except rats and, I believe, one type of bug. It has no biological ecosystem. Food is artificial nutrient pellets. The Elements are all machine-based. Thus, it would be completely illogical for any Alchemical or Autochthonian to even know what an animal looks like (Nova has the benefit of a few decades of living in Creation, so I'll let Jukashi have that one).
As a random reference, there's a certain God-Machine Protocol which allows the Alchemical to develop a grotesque animal- or tree-like form as a side effect. It's stated to be extremely unnerving and incomprehensibly alien to fellow Autochthonians... I also remember it being able to adopt a mechanical shape for the purpose of intimidating Creationers, too.

So it's not entirely impossible for Alchemicals to be aware of animal shapes and such. They can sort-of access Autochthon's memory, anyways, in a manner similar to how they know MA styles that don't really fit them.
Aware of is entirely different from familiar with. Being able to recognize a cat is very far removed from being able to create something resembling one, much less design something that replicates its form and motion entirely (anyone except an engineer or scientist with many reference manuals on cat anatomy would have no hope at all). Nova, to design her form, probably had to dissect a few felines. Or use Alchemical magic to totally analyze their musculature and bone structure. I have no idea if she could do that or not.
Or she could have Intelligence and Medicine at 7, and be able to figure out a cat's biology just by looking at it.
Maybe. You can cure cancer with certain radiations...

Is's just filler, but the friday update's gonna be late. The ftp server's not letting me in for some reason.
No worries. And yes... Ten better hop to it, those prezzies don't deliver themselves without a Solar delivery system...
I liked the comic, but after hearing "Fairytale of New York" for the first time today and subsequently listening to it about 50 times, I'm quite convinced we need some Pogues-related filler.
Uh, so it's not intentional that her assumtion of this form sounds similar to the Procedure "Incarnation of Bestial Malice"?
Tindalos said:
Uh, so it's not intentional that her assumtion of this form sounds similar to the Procedure "Incarnation of Bestial Malice"?
Just wondering, but what the heck is that?
An Alchemical Protocol (Spell), page 157 in the Autochthonians.

The book puts it best: "The weaver weaves a chrysalis of Essence around himself and undergoes a spectacular high-speed metamorphosis, transforming himself from a synthesized being to a living, breathing nightmare creature comparable to a Lunar’s war form. This recombinant atavism form incorporates elements of beasts entirely unknown in Autochthonia, so the character can become a terrifying chimera combining aspects of yeddim, tyrant lizard, stryx or any other animal the player wants to incorporate ... All of the monstrous forms created by this protocol are enormous, weighing a ton or more, and most are covered with a hard carapace, thorns or thick bony plates. This form is entirely living — the Alchemical’s mechanical nature disappears, although some bulky Charms may appear as vestigial metallic studs on the bestial form."

It looks like Nova developed a wholely mechanical version of the spell.

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