KoC 146-150

merle said:
"Reverse the polarity"...

If you reverse the polarity of something, then reverse it AGAIN, then you wind up back where you started.

...also, what exactly is she doing on the floor there? Just giggling?
Which is rather interesting, because photons have no charge.
Why am I thinking that Nova's human form is actually a 'minibot' form and she's much... MUCH larger normally?
Kkat said:
Am I the only one who thinks she looks alluring in the second panel of #149?
Hipshot pose leads to almost guaranteed sexiness. When the character doing the hipshot pose happens to be a midriff-shirted, mad-science-using robot girl...well...she was pretty appealing in the first place, the pose just amplifies that!
Where's mah fix?

I NEEDS my Keychain fix! What's happening?! Has Jukashi been abducted? What's going on?! We're all doomed, who's flying this thing?!

What happened to the comic?

Someone fly to Ireland and make him put up the comic. Wake him up if you have to!
This is why webcomicsmen like people to check the update the day after... I was late with the deadline. Flagg activated it gain for me, as I am very grateful that he does, so it's up now.
Nova is a giant sphinx. Who still has boobs. That's pretty trippy, dude.

Anyone who doubted me when I said she's probably E6 and is using something weird...

Nova's a cat girl? Isn't that dangerous? All Misho needs to defeat her is start talking about applying real world physics to a fantasy universe and she might spontaneously explode.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Ummm... Guys, you are getting crazy with all this "hot-robot-action" >_>. You scare the new people off.
... not that I have anything against hot-robot-action... someone with enough drawing skills could draw some fan art from this... you know... I'm not requesting this or anything... but if someone else would like, you know, be interested or anything...


The following link is

Someone Already Has.



The preceeding link is
.... and you post links to Nexus' art.... -_-

You should know that's something people should be introduced to slowly or gently....
Haku said:
.... and you post links to Nexus' art.... -_-
You should know that's something people should be introduced to slowly or gently....
Don't bother, I barely even got him to put up a warning.
Brickwall said:
Kyeudo said:
Nova's a cat girl? Isn't that dangerous? All Misho needs to defeat her is start talking about applying real world physics to a fantasy universe and she might spontaneously explode.
Didn't work before.
There's no discussion of actual physics there. To kill catgirls you need to actually start quantifying stuff, such as "Photons don't have a charge to reverse!" Perhaps a discussion on "gravity doesn't work that way!" would cause enough catgirl casualties to have an effect.
Haku said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Ummm... Guys, you are getting crazy with all this "hot-robot-action" >_>. You scare the new people off.
... not that I have anything against hot-robot-action... someone with enough drawing skills could draw some fan art from this... you know... I'm not requesting this or anything... but if someone else would like, you know, be interested or anything...


The following link is

Someone Already Has.



The preceeding link is
.... and you post links to Nexus' art.... -_-

You should know that's something people should be introduced to slowly or gently....
I assume everyone on the Internets who's intelligent enough to find this place and smart enough of a person to like Exalted in the first place has been reading the interbutts for at least five years and has 4chan's adress either memorized or on their bookmark bar, and thus, won't be fazed by a little mediocre tentacle-robot-futa-girl on girl consentual sex.

[edit]Forgot that Envoy is a futa for a brief momentary lapse.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I assume everyone on the Internets who's intelligent enough to find this place and smart enough of a person to like Exalted in the first place has been reading the interbutts for at least five years and has 4chan's adress either memorized or on their bookmark bar, and thus, won't be fazed by a little mediocre tentacle-robot-futa-girl on girl consentual sex.
[edit]Forgot that Envoy is a futa for a brief momentary lapse.
You know what they say about when you assume? I couldn't tell you 4chan's address if my life depended on it.
jeriausx said:
I bet you could make a very correct guess if you thought about it for a second.
Ah, but those .com, .net and .org make so much difference. Of course, if you get the wrong one, not too hard to try the others.
Brickwall said:
Nova is a giant sphinx. Who still has boobs. That's pretty trippy, dude.
Anyone who doubted me when I said she's probably E6 and is using something weird...

Well hey, MOST sphinxes have breasts! The Greek one did...it's just that ONE famous one that doesn't. And that one's a guy!
The Greek one did according to interpretations from artists in the Renaissance period or later, who will draw lots of things with more boobs than originally intended. I have not seen any ancient depictions of sphinxes other than the one in Egypt, so I currently assume none of them had boobs. If I see an ancient depiction with boobs, then I will make a new evaluation based on that information.
Wait. The only sphinx you've seen had boobs, so you'll assume sphinxes don't have boobs by default? I'm confused?!

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