Knight Academy character sheets

Name: Jagger (Maer Lecarde/Beelzebub)

Age: His actual age is unknown but his current host is 21.

Race/breed: He is a demon within a human host.

Appearance: Jagger stands at 5'11" with a slender but strong frame. He has fair skin and a somewhat feminine face similar to Mel's except with more angular eyes. His hair is dark brown with a section of white in the front and emerald green eyes that turn red when he's angry or excited. He had a scar that wraps around his neck that resembles stitching of some sort. He prefers a rocker style, dark colors, leather, ripped jeans, etc.


Demon Form:

Personality: Typically, Jagger is rather composed, calm and mature. Having lived all sorts of lives, he is fairly open minded to most types of people, although he can't stand idiots and the douchebags of the current generation. He's also very old fashioned, chivalrous but not enough to be sexist, somewhat comparable to an embarrassing over-protective father. Jagger's most prominent characteristic is probably his short temper. It doesn't take much to anger him and when something does, he can be very violent. He's also a bit of a glutton and is usually always eating something. He loves spicy foods.

Position: Um . . . he might be too old to be a student . . . But he's Mel's older half brother, or at least the body is.


  • Full-Possession - This power is more like reincarnation than possession and also more of a backstory thing. For millennia, Jagger has been moving from body to body once his previous vessel has passed away. He chooses the bodies of people who've died early on and then continues their lives. When possessing a vessel, he gains the powers, abilities, memories and knowledge of the host. Once he dies, he loses the host's powers but keeps the knowledge.
  • All Eater - Jagger has the power to consume and nullify magic and power attacks as long as there is no solid physical form. (He can "eat" a fire attack but not a rock controlled through geokinesis.) He also cannot consume holy magic without suffering from some form of poisoning. Although eating magic can heal him and replenish his stamina, here are no other effects.
  • Hand of Death - Jagger can make things that he touches rot. The things must be able to rot in the first place though (He can rot wood but not metal etc).
  • Fear - Jagger becomes stronger through the fear of others, particularly their screams. Although the effect is strongest when people are scared of him, he can draw power from any sort of fear.


  • Weaponry - Jagger's main weapon is the Scarlet Moon (based off of Ruby's Cresent Rose from RWBY), a black and red scythe that also doubles as a high caliber rifle. (Shown in one of the pictures above.) He is also skilled in other weapons and fighting styles, learning them from his past lives.
  • Abilities - Jagger has a very keen sense of taste and is immune to poisons, as long as they don't have a holy base. He also possesses a wide variety of skills and a quick mind, able to assess the battlefield and rethink a new strategy within a fairly short amount of time and in mid-fight.
  • Fighting Style - Jagger is a rather cautious fighter when not angered or excited and prefers to keep a certain level of distance between him and his enemies. He also makes full use of his Scarlet Moon, including using the blade to help him steady himself and using the recoil from the rifle component to increase his speed and maneuverability. When unarmed or in a small space, he prefers to use Chinese Kenpo for hand to hand combat.

Length of time at academy: So far, none.

Relationships with other characters: Jagger's host is Mel's older half-brother.


Jagger doesn't really remember when he had first left Hell and his old name, Beelzebub. Nor can he remember exactly why he left in the first place. But thousands of years ago, the ex-Lord of the Flies left he flaming pits and decided to live life as other creatures, over and over again. From humans to animal, from vampires to werewolves, he's lived a wide variety of lives, collecting knowledge from all over the world.

As his last vessel, a gay Chinese crossdresser, was reaching the end of its lifespan, Jagger went looking for his next host, like he always did. He eventually came across the remains of the English village of Hallsands a few days after the Bloody Christmas incident, as the barrier began to form. Walking through what looked like a former battlefield, he came across a clumsily made grave. Inside was the body of a young boy, killed by his younger half-sister due to a misunderstanding and an accident.

Jagger decided to take that boy as his new host. But after doing so, when he turned to leave, the barrier was fully formed, trapping nearly everything inside it's black walls. He has spent the last 9 years, surviving on the wild life and resources already there and making friends with a recently made demon named Remmington. There had been times when the barrier was opened but he has never made it to the doorway in time to escape.
((Once I get more into this roleplay I will make a villain :) . Oh, and I hope it's okay if I combine the personality and background))

Name: Alice Waener

Age: 17

Race/breed: Human


Position: Student


Sound manipulation- She can control sound waves, making things sound quieter or louder. She can also project her voice loud enough to knock someone unconscious or throw them back a few feet.

Color Removal- A strange power, she can remove the color of any object with the simplest touch. However, she can only do small objects and sections of larger objects.

Length of time at academy: About a week.

Relationships with other characters: None so far. She has been keeping to herself during the whole week.

Background and Personality: Alice lived a normal life until the age of 10 where her powers were first discovered. A bunch of boys were bothering her while she was playing on the streets of her neighborhood. They continued to tease her to the point where she was crying. Having enough of this, she screamed for them to leave her alone. Her voice was projected so loudly that the boys were knocked back a few feet, their ears ringing. They ran off crying afterwards, leaving a confused and scared Alice alone.

She became the subject of gossip in the neighborhood and her parents became ashamed of her. They kept her in the house in a room with padded walls to make it soundproof. She was never allowed to leave. Alice was given three course meals by her parents, who were sure to wear ear plugs. It was almost like she lived in an insane asylum. Alice became used to the solitude and grew quiet and reserved. Her whole demeanor changed. Her mind became twisted and confusing to the point where she would talk to herself at times. Of course, who else could she talk to in an empty padded room? She became untrusting of her parents and the people in the neighborhood, after all, it was because of them she was like this.

One day, Alice decided to escape. When her mom came in to give her the daily meal, Alice screamed as loud as she could, knocking the woman back against the wall in the next room and stunning her temporarily. Alice took this chance to run, avoiding her father, who called out her name in fury. Alice continued to run as far and as fast as her legs could carry her. Her heart was beating rapidly, her breath heavy. She was finally free! Nothing to hold her back now!

Months had passed since her escape from home. Alice had made it a habit of stealing from stores or looking around trash bins when she grew hungry. Whenever it would rain, she would take a plastic water bottle she had gotten from the trash and use it to catch the water to drink. Alice continued this streak, always moving in fear of her parents finding her and locking her away again. She grew accustomed to music, liking how it became her escape from the harsh reality that she lived in. Alice stole some headphones from a store and was able to pickpocket an MP3 someone had carelessly left out on a bench. She grew used to the music and used it as a distraction to help calm her when she felt like screaming.

She discovered her other powers when she was crossing over Kansas. Alice had decided to play around in the fields when suddenly every barely of wheat she touched became a light gray. Almost like from a black and white picture. Alice ran away after that, putting on gloves to keep herself from taking the color from anything else away. Someone eventually reported the girl and she was taken away into an orphanage on her fourth month out alone. She had been able to go to Montana. She didn't struggle this time, too weak of starvation to really put up a fight. She was 12.

It was hard for older kids to be adopted so Alice decided to put up a facade. She changed her name to Alice and eventually became adopted thanks to her acting skills of being cheerful and some sort of adorable angel. Like that was true for the real Alice. She dyed her hair and got contacts. The old Alice was gone, this was the new her. She was now a bubbly, cheerful, optimistic and all around bright girl. She wouldn't stand for imperfections.

Of course, she couldn't escape Dormer Academy with their well informed officials. She thought it was a normal boarding school until they told her that they knew everything about her. Her old name, her family, everything. She agreed to go to the school on one condition. That they keep her past and her real name a secret.
Hey, how many active characters does this rp have? I'm considering joining, the more I read the more I like.

Edit: Interested in a teacher, villain, or guard. Will be male or female on request.
Cherushi: Faith and Macal are married and have a child, Liza, and a ward, Sheena. Faith is head of school, Macal supports. Izzy and Jirro are close friends who also are teachers but Jirro is being controlled by an evil figure adn has just been kicked out by Faith. There is an anger demon called Thanatos that is taking genuine resentments and anger and amping it, acting as a generator of sort to provoke further rage and violence. There are a lot of subplots but that's a very basic sketch.

Active characters:

Faith Cord

Macal Cord

Liza Cord

Sheena Sadovsky

Alex Sage

Raina Sharpe





Izzy Mochizuki

Jirro Mochizuki


Katarina DeSanto

Adrian DeSanto

Akira Lee




Am I missing any?
Hey Faith, can Pyre join??

She has a well-written character called River who she'd like to post but asked me to check first if there is room.
Hey Faith, I'm really, really hoping you won't say no, even though you have every right to do so, but I have these new OC's I made recently, twins, and I have no-where to RP them, and I know they'd fit perfectly in Dormer Academy. I know you may be worried that I'll have troubles posting again with the amount of characters, but if I do have troubles with keeping up or if I get bored of the characters - which is highly unlikely - I promise to do a leaving post for the twins if it gets to that rather than just dropping. I really am fond of these two, which is which I'm risking rejection to ask you if I'm allowed them in the RP. But I'll post their sign-ups so you can have a look anyway and see what you think.


Name: Aries Ashford - he is known only by the last name of Blackwood though.

Aliases: His birth name is Aries Ashford, but has gone by the last name Blackwood since he was 11. His street name - the name he gives to anyone he doesn't know or trust/bad guys - is Aric and his nickname given to him by his twin sister is Ari.

Age: 17

Race/breed: Human


Aries is only slightly under average height for his age, he has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He has a scar that runs across his left eye; though his vision was unaffected by the attack. He always wears white gloves on his hands, always, and is always seen wearing at least one item of white clothing; be it a top, trousers, shoes or even a scarf.

Aries - like his twin - is a naturally teasing person. He and Riesa don't seem to understand or maybe just don't care about normal standards and rules that society have set in place, and therefore come off as quite weird. He is bisexual, and has no issues with flirting with anyone or implying innuendos to either just rile them up or to get something he wants. He seems to be a lot more sly than his twin, and is less enthusiastic. He seems to not be bothered by blood and death, as he grew up around it and became used to it, but he does not like activately causing it - but will do so if he has to. He is very sneaky and good at getting what he wants through this trait, such as tricking strangers out of their money. He is very protective of his twin and is definitely the 'sensible' one out of the two. Though even he isn't as sensible as he should be. Aries is more serious about things - like protecting his sister and making sure that she's safe. He seems to think about things in the long term - getting money for food/clothes/a place to stay. He excels in science, and is something of a prodigy in it, he made the material for the gloves he and his sister wear and it is highly possibly that he gained his power from one of his experiments - though that is unconfirmed. A quirk of Aries is that whenever asked about his scar across his eye he will always act uncaring and give out a random excuse that makes no sense, such as 'I was attacked by a smurf'. His answer changes each time so no-one knows what really happened - besides Riesa of course.

Aries has a unique ability. He is able to turn anything he touches into a sharp-edged weapon. An example would be that if he grabbed a newspaper, the edges of the paper would become as sharp as the strongest metal and be able to cut through flesh and bone. The middle of the paper would not be affected, only the edges. This happens to any object he touches, be it a pillow or a spoon, it seems to retain its sharpness for about 12 hours. He wears specially-made gloves to prevent his power from turning everything into a weapon. He does not know if he was born with the power or not - but his twin Riesa often jokes it was the result of one of his science experiments.

Relationships with other characters?:
He is twin to Riesa Ashford/Blackwood. They have a unique relationship as they are extremely close, so much to the point that many people assume incest may be involved. And those people may not be entirely wrong. Riesa and Aries are so used to each other - brought on by being alone with each other for so many years with no else around - and so comfortable that they see absolutely nothing wrong with holding hands, kissing each other or intimately hugging in public. It's not that they are in love with each other in a boyfriend-girlfriend sort of way, they are just too close to notice or care that their behaviour is seen as taboo.

Aries and his twin Riesa used to live with their Mum, Chrystin Ashford, their Dad, Emerson Ashford, and their younger brother, Mykal Ashford.

Their Dad was a talented musician who hadn't gotten his name out there yet, and Aries and Riesa because of their Dad can now play literally any instrument and both have very good singing voices naturally anyway.

They lived in a pretty bad neighbourhood because of how little their Dad earned, so they were used to hearing fights and even hearing that someone had been killed nearby; their parents were trying desperately to get the kids to a better neighbourhood. It was late one night when the twins were 11 years old and their little brother was 6, all three kids were already in bed and their Mum and Dad were about to head up to bed themselves when they heard noises from the kitchen, so they went to investigate together and were ambushed by a group of robbers. Aries was still awake, trying to think over a complex science equation he had come across and he heard the noises, so he woke up Riesa and they together went and got their little brother Mykal, planning to try to get him out of the house in case there was something bad happening. But when they snuck downstairs there was a scream from their mother in the kitchen and their little brother was too young to understand he needed to stay away from it so he ran towards the kitchen and his mother. Riesa and Aries chased after him, but they got to the kitchen in time to see a man stab a knife through their little brother's chest. Aries saw his father on the ground dead, and watched as another one of the men finished off his Mother, then one of the men grinned and headed towards his twin.

He freaked out. He ran infront of Riesa, trying to protect his sister, but then there was a sharp pain across his left eye and he fell away as he was smacked roughly to the side. It was when he heard Riesa scream that he managed to open his bloody eye and see one of the men trying to take his sister's clothes off. Outrage sparked and he ran over again, he grabbed his sister's arm, trying to pull her away, but Riesa let out a sharp scream at the contact and Aries jerked back from her as her body shook suddenly. The man stepped back and glared at Aries, he told him that he'd have to deal with him first, and in a panic Aries backed away and grabbed the first thing he saw. It happened to be a tablespoon. Either way, he held it out at the man and told him to stay back. He was laughed at, and the man just came closer, so Aries threw the spoon at him. He was not expecting the usually blunt object to go straight through the man's throat, leaving him to be splattered by the intruder's blood and he watched with wide eyes as the man dropped to the floor, choked for a while then fell limp. At this point, the other men freaked out and ran at him, but before they could attack it seemed Riesa had recovered and she flung herself at the closest one, yelling at them not to touch her brother. When she kicked her foot out to hit his stomach, she wasn't expecting for her toes to cut through the skin and organs inside, and when she quickly yanked herself backwards she fell and slipped from the blood coating her foot, watching as the man turned pale and grabbed his stomach, trying to keep it from bleeding. He still managed to yell out a curse at the girl though, but when he reached for her she slashed out with her fingernails and her eyes widened once again as her fingernails cut through his neck, doing the same damage you'd expect from a butcher's knife. She was so busy shaking and mentally freaking out that she didn't notice the third and final man approaching her, intent on avenging his friends.

But Aries noticed. He remembered the spoon, and though he didn't understand, he decided to test it out again with something else - after all, if you have a hypothesis you need to test it right? He grabbed the softest object possible - the tea towel from the side - and lashed it out suddenly, hitting the man with one of the four pointed corners. The robber let out a yell of pain as the object left a slash across his face and he turned to the boy enraged, his anger turned to confusion as he saw he was merely holding a tea towel, but the emotions in his eyes were short lived as the tea towel struck him again in the throat this time and he let out a gasp. He fell to his knees, not dead yet, and looked up as the 11 year old boy marched over with cold eyes, the child looked around at his dead parents, his dead younger brother and his shaking sister before looking back at the robber, the murderer, "Bastard." Was all that was said before the tea-towel was whipped across his stomach and neck once more, cutting them both open so blood splattered across the child.

Aries watched as the man died, then headed over to his twin, both of them covered in blood and looking like they just came out of a horror movie. Maybe they had. He managed to get his twin up and out of the kitchen, then they went upstairs together, and Aries had enough sense to make them shower together - neither had hit puberty yet and they were too comfortable with each other to care much about stupid things like it being inappropriate - before they grabbed what little they needed and left the house. They've been living on the streets mainly for the past six years, occasionally renting a flat before moving on to another place, stealing, singing and even in worst case scenarios killing to get the money they need to survive.


Name: Riesa Ashford- she is known only by the last name of Blackwood though.

Aliases: Her birth name is Riesa Ashford, but has gone by the last name Blackwood since she was 11. Her street name - the name she gives to anyone she doesn't know or trust/bad guys - is Cari and her nickname given to her by her twin brother is Ri.

Age: 17

Race/breed: Human

Appearance:(see above picture, she's on the right)

Riesa is only slightly under average height for her age, probably due to being a twin, she has wavy dark blonde hair and brown eyes. She is considered quite pretty by society's standards and wears make-up. She always wears red gloves on her hands, always, and is always seen wearing at least one item of red clothing; be it a top, skirt, dress, trousers, shoes or even a scarf. She dresses very girly and fashionably.

Riesa - like her twin - is a naturally teasing person. She and Aries don't seem to understand or maybe just don't care about normal standards and rules that society have set in place, and therefore come off as quite weird. She is straight, but will willingly flirt or imply innuendos to men either just to rile them up or to get something she wants - like her brother. She is much more enthusiastic than her twin brother, easily excited and has a weakness for small children - she refuses to harm them and gets annoyed when she knows someone else has, as they remind her of her younger brother Mykal whom she cared for deeply. She often uses her 'ditzy' appearance to her advantage and purposely makes herself seem stupider than she is so that it is easier for her to gain information or trick people into getting money out of them. Riesa seems to have some sort of fascination with blood or maybe she just likes causing bloodshed, but she loves fighting and excels in capoeira style fighting, though she knows the more common types like kick-boxing, karate and a few others. She does however have enough intelligence to hold herself back from killing or harming another unless it is necessary. Riesa is much about amusing herself however possible, whether it be a simply small thing, reminiscing about killing someone in a strange way or even teasing her brother. She likes to live in the moment and have fun. She is very much what you would call a 'party person' and can easily offend people by accident because of her careless way of speaking. For example, she once asked Aries if she could keep a teenage boy as a pet because he was cute...even though the boy was standing right behind her. She also never lets Aries forget the fact that she was born 3 minutes before him.

Riesa's ability is also unique. The easiest way to say it is that Riesa's power is the result of Aries touching another human. Instead of using objects as the weapon, Riesa is the weapon. As far as she knows it is only the sharp points on her body that are affected, such as her fingers and toenails, they retain the same appearance as before, but are now as sharp as the strongest metal and if she were to touch someone with her fingertips it would be the same effect as cutting them with a blade. She, like her brother, wears specially made gloves to prevent herself from tearing everything she touches into ribbons, her socks are also made of the same material as the gloves. She gained this power when she was 11 when her brother tried to grab her and move her to safety.

Relationships with other characters?:
She is twin to Aries Ashford/Blackwood. They have a unique relationship as they are extremely close, so much to the point that many people assume incest may be involved. And those people may not be entirely wrong. Riesa and Aries are so used to each other - brought on by being alone with each other for so many years with no else around - and so comfortable that they see absolutely nothing wrong with holding hands, kissing each other or intimately hugging in public. It's not that they are in love with each other in a boyfriend-girlfriend sort of way, they are just too close to notice or care that their behaviour is seen as taboo.

She is very friendly, and will most likely easily make friends with people if her teasing doesn't annoy them enough to get rid of them.

Background: (See Aries Ashford's background)
YAY! Thank you :3

And yeah, work sucks like that =/

I've got a busy one coming up in a bit, got work 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of August, all in a row, which just sucks ass :(

On the bright side, it's my birthday on the 3rd, so I've got work off then :3
I got carried away and wrote a lot :) Hope you like River~


Name: River Chander

Alias: As an assassin of sorts, River knew that his identity couldn't be known - being payed to kill is bound to draw in some annoying enemies so he created the persona named Force to break any ties to his identity.

Age: 17 (is what he goes with, explained somewhere in his bio)

Race/breed: Human

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/River.png.a6793d8e6e456e7366154fb8f2ab50f5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4066" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/River.png.a6793d8e6e456e7366154fb8f2ab50f5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Standing at the height of 5'5, River is rather slim and small for a boy. He has long brown hair that is usually stuffed up clumsily into a ponytail/ bun that he has yet to cut for reasons unknown. A prominent feature would be his wide blue eyes which often leads people to mock him and call him a pretty boy, not that River finds it demeaning or that he even cares.

Personality: River is a difficult person to get along with, let alone understand; he's a complex individual who lives by his own rules and gets away with doing so. Having been isolated from society for the near entirety of his life he has become abnormal by the public's standards thus giving off a strange vibe that mostly leads many to become irritated around him or they will avoid him and his vicinity. Despite being incredibly unpredictable and switching emotions at any given moment, River can be quite naive about today's culture - its standards for behaviour and such. He's also rather childlike when faced with discovering new things, for example once he was completely oblivious as to what Coca-Cola/Coke was and had to investigate it almost immediately to satiate his curiosity. River is still learning and adapting to the world, meandering his way through as he goes.

River is not easily frightened and will most likely laugh at any attempt for someone to intimidate/scare him. He's manipulative when he wants to be and knows exactly how to pull the strings to make any situation work out in his favour - he can be cheeky, sarcastic, playful and easily amused. For how River behaves is takes quite a lot of chutzpah to live the way he does, so far out of normality of society. River fends for his self and is very much self-serving and his self-serving behaviour can cause River to come across as a jerk. Furthermore, River is asexual and hasn't ever been interested in another person sexually or romantically.

Position: Student

Powers/abilities: River has the power of rapid cellular regeneration and can use this to recover from bodily injuries or disease at a superhuman rate. Despite not knowing where this ability derived from (only knowing that it developed around puberty) River decided not to question it and it has proven to have been extremely useful ever since. River can regenerate any tissue in his body which allows him to heal from any injuries in seconds to minutes although most objects that he has been wounded with needs to be removed from his body manually. The entire extent of his healing factor hasn't been revealed yet, meaning that River is unsure if decapitation of incineration would kill him for good. Thanks to this ability, River has become highly intolerant to pain - although he still feels it, it hardly causes an inconvenience to him.

River also has the power to control earth albeit it's not his strongest ability as of yet. This power has become very potent during heightened moments of emotion and was strong enough to completely level a building, including it's surrounding area - baffling most into believing it was some kind of freak Earthquake. This power also has smaller benefits to River; he is able to feel the tremors on the ground meaning that, unless he is completely distracted, he will be able to sense someone sneaking up on him. Also if he focuses hard enough then he could also tell if someone is lying or not - by feeling the change in the tremors of another person's heartbeat. This ability developed simultaneously with his healing power. River does not rely on this power often. Since River is a remarkable fighter and lives to kill for money (although this isn't a widely known fact), his levels of fitness are almost on par with a world class athlete and is capable of numerous maneuvers. He is also quite accomplished in many martial arts and is quite content with what he has learnt as of now (although improvements can be made as well as learning more styles of fighting).

Length of time at academy: He has only just arrived, so none.

Relationships with other characters?: None as of yet.

Background: In the beginning, River Chander lived with his mother and father: Charlie Chander and Elizabeth Chander (née West). While Elizabeth chose to stay at home as a housewife and took care of their recent newborn River, Charlie worked as a mechanic which managed to cover the bills. They were not rich, they were not poor; They lived a simple easy life. As River started to become older his parents felt as though something was slightly off about their child - despite being parents for the first time they couldn't help but notice the differences between River and other normal children. They tried to brush off the delay in his development in language or learning to crawl and walk; the two merely came to the consensus that River was just a late bloomer. It happens, there wasn't anything wrong. But it was hard to ignore the concern when River entered pre-school. During a parents meeting with the teacher it was revealed that River's teacher, Ms Hunt, was perturbed about his behaviour. He was socially withdrawn from the other children and found it difficult to make friendships - in fact he hadn't made any new friends. If any children tried to befriend him, he would cease speaking entirely and scare them off.

The troubled feelings grew when River started playing with imaginary friends and answering to voices that weren't there. It became worse when he would scream in the night, claiming that a Shadow Man was in his room, terrorising him - which resulted with the entire family unable to get a proper nights sleep as this continued to happen almost every night. During school, his academic progress was slipping and soon River stopped meeting the daily expectation of want to eat, bathe or dress. Any hope for the Chander family that River would grow out of this state diminished. It wasn't long before he began to throw aggressive tantrums, becoming violent and throwing objects across the room claiming that the voices wanted him to do it. They became tired and hopeless, believing that River was simply a troubling, bad child and took drastic actions of locking him in the bedroom at night as punishment to leave him with his horrifying hallucinations.

At their emotional peak, the family brought River to a doctor who diagnosed him with Schizophrenia and Psychosis which left his parents in fear that their child was ruined. In their eyes there was no hope - their child was a freak, a crazy lunatic who was tearing the family apart. Paying for medication and paying out for River to see therapists was becoming too much of a financial crisis for the Chander's. All of this money being payed out and River's condition had barely changed. Charlie and Elizabeth Chander had mutually decided that they could no longer deal with River. Still a young child, River's belongings had been packed away and he had only taken the bare minimum to St Mary's Asylum. He only had a small ragged toy as a personal belonging to remember his parents by, as they deserted him, believing that he was clinically insane and could not be helped. Scared and alone, not many staff took pity on the abandoned boy and often dealt with River's episodes by locking him in a bare, empty cold room known as the 'time out zone'. The emotional strain had caused River's outbursts to be very violent towards staff and other patients although in his opinion it was worth it, they deserved it.

Some of River's worst memories are harbored at St Mary's Asylum; being stuck in a tiny room, isolated. Screaming for someone to help when the Shadow Man would come back to terrorise him and the voices filling the silence with cruel, harsh words. But the more time he spent in that room, the more he became determined to get out of this hell hole. He wanted to slaughter his 'caretakers' and his fellow 'inmates' of this hellish prison. Unsure how old he was when his parents dumped him here, River had been a resident at St Mary's Asylum for many years and assumed now that he was at least 13 years old. It was a usual day and although River's condition had bettered since he was younger, his violent outbursts had not. But during his episode this time, the entire building was rumbling, and the floor began to crack, attendants, children and teenagers were screaming and running to safety, believing they were experiencing some sort of earthquake. It was too late as the the building caved in.

Many were dead or seriously injured. River was completely fine, and wandered through the mess until he stumbled upon Sarah - a nurse he had known since he had arrived at this place. Although she wasn't one who mistreated him as badly out of the lot here at St Mary's, she was still an attendant who at every opportunity would throw River into the 'time out zone' and would leave him in that horrible room. At that moment in time she reached up, injured, and asked for help. This action enraged River. How dare she? Why does she deserve help after all these years of making his life hell? He snapped and picked up a metal pole out of the debris and began beating her, manically. Crying, and releasing all of his hatred, sadness and rage after years of abuse in St Mary's Asylum and the feeling of abandonment from his own parents had been released onto that one woman in that moment. River left swiftly and never returned to that place. The ordeal was spoken as a freak accident, some claiming that the building was structurally unstable for years. And a public outrage ensued once the files were checked, it was clear that St Mary's was not a suitable place for anyone with serious mental conditions, and hundreds of medical negligent lawsuits were filed after the incident.

After that, River knew that he wanted to learn how to fight. He managed to find an accomplished martial artist: Richard Sharpstone. He took River on as a student and taught him a wide range of fighting styles and was impressed that his student learned so quickly and efficiently. He grew a deep bond to River and felt as though River was a child he had never had. Obviously Sharpstone didn't realise that the bond wasn't mutual and that he was just a mere pawn being manipulated into aiding River's plans. After leaving, he emerged his self into becoming the persona Force, an assassin of sorts and used his skill set to kill. He never cared about who he killed as long as he was paid a large sum of money. His Schizophrenic and Psychotic condition improved since he was a child and it's less often for him to have hallucinations anymore, he doesn't usually show any obvious signs other than rare episodes (which usually occur at night in a new area that is unknown to him). River has made a name for himself and sticks to the killing business.

During a mission, not to long ago, Force encounted the Merc with a Mouth aka: Deadpool and he immediately became amused with Force's healing factor and decided to take River on as his accomplice (or sidekick, as he calls it, although River would hardly agree) and they formed an unlikely friendship. River is now entering the Dormer Academy to build on his education since his childhood hardly allowed him to be an academic genius. He has been taking online classes but feels that maybe staying at an academy would be more helpful



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Name: Emelia Belokhov (Teacher friends, etc., call her E.B. Students address her as Professor.)

Age: 28

Race: Human

Abilities/Mutations: Emma has the ability to shapeshift, broken down into three main parts that are exclusively limited to her imagination. She can take on the form of most mammals, though she cannot seem to take on the shape of coldblooded amphibious creatures, and she can mimic the personal features of another human face with precision and become another person down to the vocal cords. She can absorb compounds and take on their qualities. Although she needs a substantial amount of the substance. This power also allows her to interact and camouflage herself into her environment. Her frame is also enhanced to withstand the force and stress she may put on it at such times.

Her skills include unprecedented control and accuracy over both her behavior and her powers - which make her a great teacher in this subject - this includes the wisdom of all of her experiences in the past and from the pressure she was put under to develop such skills. Her other skill is that to speak in perfect English, Russian, and Romanian, Ukraine, as well as some Syrian she picked up in unspecified circumstances during her imprisonment to the Russian mafia, also includes the wisdom of all of the cultural experiences she has seen in her lifetime, she is culturally diverse.

Personality: To describe her simply, Emma lives in the center of everything that happens in the world. She likes being around other people. She must know what's going on around her. She refuses to do puzzle games because she knows that if she can figure it out she'll be awake for as long as it take to figure it out. Same goes in combat, it's not like she doesn't trust her company, it's just like she prefers to take care of things for herself. She cant take a persons word for something and must try it herself - in that respect she's bad at taking advice, though she's good at giving it - which results in a deadly curiosity. But besides hating puzzles, shes always willing to test herself, to make herself better than she was the last time. With every new challenge comes new lessons and experiences.

Over the years she's seen the darker side of life. The past still haunts her when she closes her eyes. And while she doesn't ever want to forget the people she's lost, and wanting to forget the traumatizing things. Go through inevitable experiences and losses that most at Dormer witness over the years. It's these influences that drive her to prepare others for harsh reality.

In most cases she is a mature and serious and a prominent member in Dormer. For the most part she is moody and sarcastic but when she is most comfortable she lets her guard down letting out her natural side, good-humored and amiable. Overall Emma is laid-back and easy going though slightly aggressive personality.

Relationships: Since Emma is a shapeshifter herself she is closer to the Lycans/Hybrids; Sheena, Izzy, and Bastian and is the most open and herself around them. As far as the Cords; she couldn't consider herself close to them much, but they have a mutual friendship. Emma will always place herself at Faith's right hand when she is needed as she trusts Faith the most out of all the staff at the Academy. She wouldn't really consider herself close to Faith, again, but she is easy to talk to.

She is known by most of the students since she brought most of the them to Academy, but she has a larger reputation as a cold-hearted bitch because of how hard she is on her students, Emma doesn't mind, she enjoys putting the whiners and complainers in their place.

History: Emma was born and raised in Romania. Her mother was a studying abroad in the country when her met her father, a Russian exchange student studying there at the university as well. It was a typical, love at first sight story. Her mother decided to stay in Romania, after a couple of years she was heavy with child. Emma was born, it was soon learned that she was gifted as a student, so her parents sent to a private academy from elementary to middle school. During that time she was laughable, but her mood could easily slip into an aggressive one and act out against others. In a predominantly male school, she learned that pushing the boys around and being able to fight for herself was a way to stand up for herself.

It happened in junior high school. A boy decided he was going to get cocky with her and intimidate her into a fight. The culture that she made around the academy was one where she wasn't afraid to beat up other guys if they got smart with her, and the boys had to fight back if they wanted to maintain one shred of respect for themself. He threw a couple of good punches, once she thought she'd gained the upper ground he started the taunting. He said some cruel things about her father saying he was Russian trash, how it was rumored upon the dirty politics he'd dealt with. He called her mother nothing more than a cheap American whore, dumped off with a baby. Her father was a wonderful man, these words were nothing but lies. But somewhere deep down a thread of doubt started to form, Emma had always wondered why her mother had never taken her to the States. But the words got to her. The boy was able to knock her down. Then he remarked how being such a loser and a freak ran in the family and how girls should be taught their place. That's when something snapped and something less than human took over.

Her skin rippled into bristling fur, fingernails elongated into claws, she shot from the floor and dug her newly found talons into the boy's shoulders just as he turned away. Emma was subdued, and the boy was saved, though he suffered severe injuries. Looking back she wondered what events might have transpired if the boy hang turned around, and her claws would have sunk into more of vital organs, surely he would t have survived.

That night she was taken. The needle was injected into her arm. Though, she wasn't taken to the States to Dormer, no, she was taken to Russia. There she found out that, to a degree, what the boy had said was true, her father used to work for the Russian mafia in Moscow. He'd been a mutant and had done the mafia's dirty work for years before he finally ran away and fled to Romania to start a new life. Now, twelve years later, they were still looking to fill the position. News travels fast and when they heard of it they collected her before Domer could and brought her to their headquarters. Emma didn't want to work for them, to be forced to do horrible things to people but she came to find out that she had little choice in the matter. Emma also discovered why it had taken her father so long to break away. The leader was a talented telepathy user, and 'hypnotised' her into committing horrible acts against humanity using her abilities.

It took three solid years of building against her impulsive, hot-headed nature to form a self control to start to withstand the leaders mental attacks. Another two years to master blocking them. After a total of seven years, Emma finally made her escape. Using her ability as a secret she was able to get close enough to their leader and strike him dead before fleeing. Between killing their leader and taking refuge in the United States, she killed an additional forty three people in their pursuit to capture her and or assassinate her. Emma was on her own for little over a year when the agents found her. At nineteen years old she joined S.H.I.E.L.D and was put to work as a field agent in the "Black Moon Raising" division that focuses itself on black ops and other "related tasks" that involved getting a few hands dirty. She was transferred at the recommendation of her Executive Director, at the peek of her career at the age of 25 , to Dormer Academy as a "Recovery and Recruitment" officer stating that her talents would be best utilizing the safety of the next generation.

She perfected her skills and abilities and is now a parttime teacher of Field Combat and Survival on top of her other duty as the Retrieval team. Her ways in Russia never really left her. Her experiences left her with images and memories that would never fade, they were burned in her mind. It secretly left her hardened with a sinister perspective of reality. Emma is a brutal but effective teacher; though the brutality is not unnecessary.

Time at the Academy: Three years

Position: Teacher/Villain

Appearance: Standing at 5'9 she has a curvy muscular frame. Dark gray eyes, dark eyebrows, sharp cheekbones and jaw. Long dark blonde hair usually tied back revealing a long slender neck. Usually wears a black athletic jacket, dark blue cargo pants tucked into solid black combat boots.

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Both accepted, I appreciate the extensive thought, guys. One question Magic, how long has Emma been here and what are her relationships to staff since we're 57 pages in and she hasn't been mentioned yet?
My idea was that she is on a "Rescue and Retrieval" team that could also explain the arrival of maybe River, or she could even have failed the mission or it could have been a false lead which was why it took so long?

For her relationships with the other staff: for that I am going to start reading the IC and will get back to you when I find a comfortable answer that might fit? Also up to you guys how you want to act towards her. For now I would prefer a mutual acquaintanceship before I find something to fit individual members.
Magic, if you wanted her rescue and retrevial mission to be a success you could say it was Aries and Riesa, they only just showed up a few posts ago and they lived on the streets alone - hence the rescue part
Sounds good to me. Im just catching up now, around page ten of the much to read #.#

Faith, how much time has passed in the IC so far?
Thank you for accepting River :D It would make more sense if Aries and Riesa were a part of the mission. River wasn't in particular need of being rescued, if that makes sense. He's under the radar and not really known :)

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