Knight Academy character sheets

Name: Joshua Bernard (Josh)

Age: 24

Race: Human

Abilities/Mutations: Joshua excels in the manipulation of the mind, his mind as well as others. With his telekinesis he can move objects with his mind that are twenty times heavier than himself. With telepathy, he is still finding his full potential, but he has almost total influence over the mind. He can read an individual's thoughts, put thoughts, images, or memory in other's minds to create illusions, and he can make an individual act under his suggestion. With his advanced mental state, it leaves him vulnerable to physical attacks, so he's has taken the liberty over the years of learning the martial arts, were he found he is quite skillful, though he relies more on brains than brawn and fights with strategy. Josh is also naturally charismatic. He does well in diplomatic settings, he almost doesn't need the power to influence and can generally talk himself out of a situation. When his is stressed or overwhelmed, he starts to loose his focus and will begin to hear the thoughts of everyone around him. As he usually has a careful censorship to protect him from getting bombarded with the thoughts of so many people at once.

Position: Teacher

Time at Academy: (?)

Personality: He is an easy going guy. Joshua isn't hard to get along with. Despite being able to look into someone's mind, he is rather respectful and sees it as a violation of privacy to listen. In a world as serious as their own, he tries to keep a light-hearted attitude, he's a people person - ironically - so he likes to be around people. Since his childhood, he's always bounced back from whatever happened to him, he tries to learn from bad experiences. Joshua is also almost something of a hopeless romantic. Taking the world to seriously could destroy a person, but not taking it seriously enough is just as much detrimental. Joshua is a very different person around his friends and out in the field. And because of his history, he can be very heroic, he stands up for others who can't themselves - almost to a weakness, he's driven to go out of his way to make sure everyone else is safe around him.

History: Sticks and stones might break your bones, but words will never hurt you. Most people don't know this about Joshua, being the casual amiable guy he is today, but back throughout his childhood he was bullied in school, kids taunted him because he would pick up things with his mind. Back at the time, he could only lift small things like pencils and erasers, nothing of particular weight. He wasn't generally liked, they always thought of him as the strange kid, because he sat by himself - little did the other kids know his mother had told him to keep to himself, she feared that Joshua come into his powers one day and going to show the other children. However his mother had been wrong. Around the time in middle school, when pencils started floating around Joshua's desk, the other children were enchanted. Joshua enjoyed the attention and gladly showed off for them. He got into the wrong crowd, a small gang of mean boys. They scared Joshua, but it was attention and it was better than going back and sitting alone. One day the boys were punished by the teacher for acting out in class, they told Josh to make the teacher pay, to throw something at her. They thought that a chair would teach her a lesson. Joshua told them no, he couldn't pick up a chair. They beat him up, trying to force him to practice picking up a chair, but he couldn't do it. Eventually the other kids gave up. From then on he wasn't just the strange kid, he was the freak. For the next year, into his eighth grade year, he was tormented and picked on and occasionally physically abused. One day one of the boys was taunting him. Josh usually never retorted back, but something about it got to him. "Why don't you just jump off a cliff!" He had shouted. The other boy hadn't liked that and went on to give him his second black-eye that year. However, the next day, something strange happened. The boy didn't come to school. At the end of the school day when he walked home, he met his mother in the house with a police officer. The officer took them to the police station where Josh was questioned about the other boy's disappearance and the torment he had suffered throughout school. Joshua didn't say much at all, and he didn't know anything nor did he care about the other boy. But it turned out that the boy's body was found at the base of a large rocky hill in one of the city's county parks. Then that night, he was woken in the middle of the night by men in black suits. They took him out of his bed. Hazily he remembered how his mother was clawing at their arms, demanding for an explanation. And his father threatening to call the police. That's when Josh felt the needle puncture the skin in his upper arm that night while he was sleeping.

When he woke up, Joshua found himself in a stark, brightly light facility of stainless steel and frosted glass. At twelve, with no where else to go, he began his training with S.H.E.I.L.D. At fourteen he began work as an interrogator, the best way to get more experience. He worked with another telepath to strengthen his mind against mental attacks all the while exploring his other abilities and teaching what he needed to know as an agent, including hand-to-hand and firearms. He finally felt useful, that he could fully utilize his powers to help others and keep them safe, and while he was grateful for the outlet, he always remained resentful towards S.H.E.I.L.D. because, after that fateful day at twelve years old, it was also the last day he saw any of his family. Years later after earning his way through the ranks and gaining some freedom, he went to search for his family only to find that they had seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth. Joshua has always suspected S.H.E.I.L.D's intervention, but with no evidence he would be foolish to make such a claim. After working in interrogation for years he was put on a squad of four people doing observation and investigation, often taking the lead and using his head to talk their way out of tricky situations and moving his teams around safely, his name came to be known by many.

Not quite sure how he came to be at the Academy, suggestions would be most appreciated. If I had to put something, I would say he's been working there for a few months as an intructor of Meditation/Self-Control and has been for the past week or so been on a retreat with some NPC students.

Relationships: He knows Emilia briefly from working with her on maybe two or three assignments during his time at S.H.I.E.L.D. He's worked "closely" with Mitsumi in the past since they worked for the organization around the same time, however he hasn't seen her for years. For the rest of the staff, he is amiable and pleasant with everyone, but he enjoy's Faith and Bucky's company the most. He enjoys his job, and it shows in his work.

Appearance: 6'4 Muscular build, short, wavy, golden brown hair, dark blue eyes, naturally tan skin. (Picture coming soon)
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Name: Cora Graeves aka 'Ghost'

Age: 20

Race/breed: Werepanther

Appearance: Cora has long auburn/blonde hair that comes down past her shoulders, she usually keeps it wavy, but will sometimes straighten it. She has dark brown eyes with will sometimes shift to golden/yellow when she's emotional or during her shift. She has no distinct markings or scars of any kind due to her healing abilities and only has pierced ears. No tattoos





Personality: To call Cora wild would be an extreme understatement. The werepanther is a very free spirit and tends to do whatever she wants, when she wants, regardless of consequence. Not afraid to speak her mind, Cora's mouth has gotten her into more trouble then she'd ever admit. Very particular on who she associates herself with, and it takes her awhile to truly open up and trust other people. A bit sarcastic at times (which may come off as an attitude) in the end, Cora is just a big mush who just enjoys pushing buttons. She feels that if you're always awarre of how far someone can be pushed, you can avoid confrontations in the future.

Position: Student

Powers/abilities: Can shift into a panther (werepanther's are about twice the size of a normal panther) and has heightened senses, as well as inhumane speed and healing

Length of time at academy: Brand new (I'll bring her in once everyone gets back from the funeral)

Relationships with other characters?: None so far

Background: Cora was born into one of the smaller known Prides in Jackson, Mississippi. For the most part, a majority of her childhood was pretty much sheltered from the 'outside' world as it was common for most Prides to stay pretty close together and closed off. Her parents home-schooled her and most of her entertainment happened on the ranch where everyone lived. The ranch was just on the outskirts of town, with enough land that everyone could shift and hunt their own game without worrying of being caught.

When she was 18, Cora was given the option to go out and explore what else the world has to offer and she hasn't returned to her Pride since. And she doesn't really plan to...
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Uhhh, Izabella, you do realise that the human picture you have there is the same as my character Riesa? They're gonna look like twins O.o xD
Think I'll do this here since I don't want to clog the actual RP with it in case there are questions.;dT3O3gt1XbTsIM;;;950;475

Dormer Academy, Despite looking very old on the outside in fact the building is only about 2 years old, especially built to feel a need to duplicate the Knights Academy that Mac founded in Sanctuary to train the future knights of his realm. Dormer is dedicated to the memory of Diana Dormer, Faith's mother and mentor, the most important person in her life when she was growing up, Diana took her in trained her and treated her like a daughter.

The Castle itself is like a small town on it's own broken into 4 major and minor building. 1 Main building housing classrooms, labs, libraries and multiple dining rooms, it's also the main entrance to the academy. 2 Buildings are for housing, Student and Staff live in separate buildings. 1 building dedicated to actual training with multiple weight rooms, dojos, indoor firing ranges, danger rooms and gravity chambers (ask about those and I'll explain later.)

The grounds make up about 40 percent of the Academy with multiple training grounds (each with a different terrain, including an urban and forest settings) 2 small lakes, ponds and one river runs alone the back of the academy leading to a falls about 8 miles down river.

There are also Stables, parking garage and an auditoriums Besides the player character students and instructors there are npcs (non player characters staff and students feel free to use them if need be) There is a full medical, kitchen, security staff (S.H.I.E.L.D Troopers make up the security staff...Also Mac's personal guard The Sweepers are there but chances are no one will see them unless Mac tells them to step out of the shadows..There is Mara..Liza's personal bodyguard..Usually find her rubbing her temples because protecting Liza is hard and stressful..You make see Zeus and Tyrant they are guardian hounds they belong to Macal but lately they have decided on their own that they will be with Liza, since her hound Casey is to young to turn into human and is no fun. they will sometimes transform into to overacted and troublesome twin little boys that tend to ignore most people except Liza because they are busy tormenting each other in the most extremely humorous ways I can think of.

Even tho this academy isn't in Sanctuary I believe we decided that there was a spell or something to prevent actually killing anyone on the grounds. there is also a rage demon running around I'll let Faith explain that if she wants.

Oh last there is HardTime..Think of him as the exact opposite of Mac. HardTime is also a god but he's the god of Death and Chaos..He's ruthless and has a twisted sense of humor, I haven't decided to make him attack right now because of the Rage Demon and soon he's gonna be killed off anyway but I will have some fun with him before then.

My characters

Macal Cord



Alex Sage


Tyrant and Zeus
Name: Damian Niven

Code Name: Crimson

Place of Birth: Dayton, Ohio

Date of Birth: June 23, 1972

Age: 41

Relationships: Sophia Niven (Ex Wife)

Military Rank: Colonel United States Marines

Group Affiliations: S.H.I.E.L.D

Current Affiliation: Black Moon Raising (S.H.I.E.L.D's Black Ops Divison)

Security Clearance: L-8

Current Rank: Director of Clandestine Operations (Black Moon Raising)

History: Niven was a decorated Marine serving nearly 10 years before being promoted to Colonel and recruited by the CIA to do Wet Work something he excelled at with over 210 confirm kills with little collateral damage in the process. Leading a 3 man team they left a path of blood across the world, this got the attention of The Council Shady People from around the world that oversaw the operations of S.H.I.E.L.D before Stark and Fury made their move and made S.H.I.E.L.D an independent organization still the damage was done and a few Directors like Niven were put in place.

It didn't take long for Niven and others in his position to become corrupt and begin to abuse their power and authority, running ops off book, even more then then was allowed in their division's charter. Carrying out personal vendettas, assassinations for profit, diverting division funds into personal accounts. Shortly after Fury went off planet and became MIA, Macal Cord was appointed by Stark to become the new Executive Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, this not only upset Niven but put him on the defensive knowing Mac's ability to see the corruption in a persons aura he decided that he would get rid of Mac by compromising his command decisions. This is about the time a young Alex Sage enters the picture, having been passed from one caretaker to another Alex was finally Niven's chance to harm Macal. Funneling Billions in funds from S.H.I.E.L.D using software Alex had developed made Alex look like he was stealing and that it was being done on Mac's watch, however this was a hard sell, other Directors weren't prepared to to stand against Mac not with both Fury and Stark's approval on him, also Mac replace the missing funds from his personal accounts and decided to take on Alex as his new ward. This only made Niven even more determined to get rid of both, even as going as far to allow Hydra agents to get onboard a S.H.I.E.L.D Sat killing every crew member, including some of his own agents that went along to insure no classified intel was seen just so they could get to Alex. This mission fail due to other agents giving their lives to protect Alex who then blew up the Sat with himself inside but was transported to safety before he was killed.

Powers and Abilities:

Niven has no powers, however he very intelligent, is as fit as an Olympic Sprinter, like most agents is an expert in multiple forms of hand to hand combat, is a expert marksman, quailfied pilot and driver, diver and survialist.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/damian_lewis_homeland.jpg.b1cedccfd051b3ec742cd5a868bdd458.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6811" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/damian_lewis_homeland.jpg.b1cedccfd051b3ec742cd5a868bdd458.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Damian-Lewis-in-Homeland--008.jpg.a5afb6174275e3e340623753d25de0f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6812" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Damian-Lewis-in-Homeland--008.jpg.a5afb6174275e3e340623753d25de0f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/stormbreaker.jpg.3efb123c7f17b5eeeb7d8bebc01fe144.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6813" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/stormbreaker.jpg.3efb123c7f17b5eeeb7d8bebc01fe144.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Niven and Alex are now mortal enemies both have pledge to rid S.H.I.E.L.D of each other Niven resents Alex's quick progression through the ranks in the few years he's been in S.H.I.E.L.D..Alex well aware that Niven has been out to get him since Mac took over as Exec Director.



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Yeah no rush for it, I really just wanted to get his character sheet down somewhere while I could remember it.

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