Knight Academy character sheets

Name:Master Stick

Age: Ancient (like hella old)

Race/breed: Oberian (God of War)

Appearance: View attachment 13923

Personality: If you ask Macal, Stick is a cranky, hard ass that enjoys making his training a suffering shopping spree. But if you ask Macal what he really thinks about Stick he'll say all those things in his first answer but then he'll smirk and say. Stick is exception teacher, who's lessons has saved his life hundreds of times, Stick is caring although he has a strange way of showing it like with pet names like Dumbass, his favorite and most that know Macal when he was younger will say is a well deserved name. Stick is by far the most fair and honest person, his loyalty has no bounds, his generousity is limitless. In some ways Stick and Tsai could be considered Macal's adopted parents especially after Macal lost his mother, they stepped in and pretty much raised him along side with their own son HardTime, who later becomes evil and even after defeating him several times including killing him at least half of those times, Stick has never held it against Macal for killing his son. He always said that he lost one son but still has one left.

Position: Special Guest Instructor

Powers/abilities: Stick is a grandmaster of The White Lotus Style of Ninjutsu, Stick has absolute control over wind and can manifest it in varies ways, as a god he has powers similar to Macal, teleportation, flashstep, healing etc etc.

Length of time at academy: He was an instructor at the older academy that Macal attended for tens of thousands of years, he now starts his first year at the new academy under Macal.

Relationships with other characters?:Macal-Former Student, now his advisor, Faith-Stick and Faith have nor formal relationship they are friends and allies and considered extended family. Liza-Currently studying in one on one lessons with Stick, he considers her to be his grand daughter of sorts, Sheena and Alex-Stick has no formal relationship with either but that is because they have not interacted very much.

Background: Stick was the royal instructor in combat, as long as anyone can remember Stick has always been the personal instructor to the royal family, training Macal and his older brother Ethan. Stick also was the advisor to Macal's father Heironeous until his death in battle, now he advises Macal and Faith the new king and Queen. Stick is married to Tsai a master in the black arts of poisons and toxins who used her skills to protect the royal family with her anti-toxins and carried out lethal strikes against the royal family. His son HardTime, who started as a childhood friend of Macal and Ethan who later became evil and took Hextor's place as the King of Chaos and Death after Hextor died fighting The First Evil with his brother Heironeous. Stick and his wife have been stand ins ruling the kingdom while Macal and Faith live on Earth.
Name:Master Stick

Age: Ancient (like hella old)

Race/breed: Oberian (God of War)

Appearance: (site is buggy won't let me add a picture right now)

Personality: If you ask Macal, Stick is a cranky, hard ass that enjoys making his training a suffering shopping spree. But if you ask Macal what he really thinks about Stick he'll say all those things in his first answer but then he'll smirk and say. Stick is exception teacher, who's lessons has saved his life hundreds of times, Stick is caring although he has a strange way of showing it like with pet names like Dumbass, his favorite and most that know Macal when he was younger will say is a well deserved name. Stick is by far the most fair and honest person, his loyalty has no bounds, his generousity is limitless. In some ways Stick and Tsai could be considered Macal's adopted parents especially after Macal lost his mother, they stepped in and pretty much raised him along side with their own son HardTime, who later becomes evil and even after defeating him several times including killing him at least half of those times, Stick has never held it against Macal for killing his son. He always said that he lost one son but still has one left.

Position: Special Guest Instructor

Powers/abilities: Stick is a grandmaster of The White Lotus Style of Ninjutsu, Stick has absolute control over wind and can manifest it in varies ways, as a god he has powers similar to Macal, teleportation, flashstep, healing etc etc.

Length of time at academy: He was an instructor at the older academy that Macal attended for tens of thousands of years, he now starts his first year at the new academy under Macal.

Relationships with other characters?:Macal-Former Student, now his advisor, Faith-Stick and Faith have nor formal relationship they are friends and allies and considered extended family. Liza-Currently studying in one on one lessons with Stick, he considers her to be his grand daughter of sorts, Sheena and Alex-Stick has no formal relationship with either but that is because they have not interacted very much.

Background: Stick was the royal instructor in combat, as long as anyone can remember Stick has always been the personal instructor to the royal family, training Macal and his older brother Ethan. Stick also was the advisor to Macal's father Heironeous until his death in battle, now he advises Macal and Faith the new king and Queen. Stick is married to Tsai a master in the black arts of poisons and toxins who used her skills to protect the royal family with her anti-toxins and carried out lethal strikes against the royal family. His son HardTime, who started as a childhood friend of Macal and Ethan who later became evil and took Hextor's place as the King of Chaos and Death after Hextor died fighting The First Evil with his brother Heironeous. Stick and his wife have been stand ins ruling the kingdom while Macal and Faith live on Earth.
...lmao, accepted like, six times :P I'm starting the rp tonight, I'll post it in a minute

Thread is up. Name changed to Dormer Academy, unless Macal has input for a better idea. [MENTION=1434]Macal Cord[/MENTION] [MENTION=1442]Jirro Mochizuki[/MENTION] [MENTION=4162]Serenity_Black[/MENTION] [MENTION=2753]CaterpilAli[/MENTION] [MENTION=2001]amdreams[/MENTION] [MENTION=1908]Izabella Mochizuki[/MENTION]
Proof that I have been trying over and over to post and got shut out. lol And Nope that name is fine with me.
Name:Elentha "Elly" Worthing Throller



Appearance: View attachment 13967

Personality:Elly is nice and sweet to almost all.She is rather rude to people she first meets,but after a while she will get close to them,she will warm up to them.She can be easily persuaded,if you compliment her enough.She will snap at anyone who knocks her knowledge of magic and potions,and gets just as offended when they say she should be in the back lines like a useless mage. A bit manipulative to get what she wants,but other than that she is pretty kind,but a bit flirty

Position (Teacher, student, villain, relative of character fitting one of those roles, or other):Student

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them):Magic: Elly can use magic in almost any form.Her current level of magic is not high or low.She frequently uses her magic in the form of elements,and most things related to it,such as sound,light,darkness,gravity,& lunar and solar energy. Elly's family has always been using plant,earth,and water magic for their signature attacks.

Dimensional Magic: Elly's family has a created the type of magic allows a person to create more space in their room,closet,cabinet,purse,or bag.Elly is not so good at this,but she is able to create more space in her bags and teleport them directly to her hand.Her mother is able to create pocket dimensions for her to practice,with the dimension's perception of time is faster,but aging is stopped.

Spell Mixture: She is able to mix to different spells into something new for various effects,such as Ice and Fire could make Ice Fire ball.She could even fuse those two elements together,and they could even make something completely different

Martial Arts: With the help of her mother's magic,she has master Tae Kwondo and Savate.She is currently learning more martial arts from Jirro Mochizuki.Elly tends to mix her magic into her magic for more powerful attacks.

Length of time at academy:2 Years

Relationships with other characters?:She is currently getting private lessons from Master Jirro.

Background:Elentha Worthing is part of the Throller and Worthing family,each side wizards,witches,and warlocks.Throller's are part of a high counsel of supernatural being,and almost all of them have created their own type of magic,and/or a sub-power from a power.Worthing's side of the family are nature masters,meaning they control the elements of nature,but prefer to use earth,plants,and water.Elentha being the mixture of the two,has a bright and powerful future,meaning she could potentially end up sending the world into a catastrophic destruction.

Elentha was taught many spells and many spells,and she breezed through them with ease.They were surprised at how fast she pulled of the spells,understood them,and casted them with such skill.They thought she would be able to take on her mother,who created one of the most powerful and destructive abilty,one day.Her mother did not care if she did try to fight her,because all she wanted was for her daughter for be happy.Elly's mother tried to teach Elly Dimensional Magic,but she could not pull this off as easily as she could other things.When she tried to teleport using this ability,she would end up with a leg there,and the rest some where else,after a while she grew into this power,but could not do the feats her mother can.

Mitaku- denied. From what I have read of your posts on previous threads, you do not have a history of being a literate roleplayer by my definition of it, which is what I'm requiring for this thread.




Dameon Salvitor, known as Lucifer by his friends because of his connection with the devil.


Dameon is twenty six years old at the moment.


Despite his long hair Dameon is a male.


Dameon is homosexual and not afraid to admit it.


Dameon is a human possesed by a demon. He's been possesed since he was about eighteen and has pretty much learned how to control the demon inside of him but at time's he knows it get's out of hand.


Dameon is currently a teacher.


Well there's not much Dameon shares about his 'background' and truthfully he doesn't remember most of it. His young life was pretty simple, he lost his parent's at the age of three due to a car crash but was adopted pretty quickly into a new family that he loves. At the age of fourteen Dameon started getting these dizzy spells, eventually they progressed to be so bad he was hospitalised for a little over two years. For the next two years after he got out of the hospital his life was pretty normal, he went to school and got tormented but that's not unusual for someone that dressed like he did. Around the age or eighteen he started to act... different. He'd have time where he had no clue what happened but everyone or everything around him would be destroyed. His senior year he was home schooled because of this; his parent's didn't want any trouble with the people around town. His collage years Dameon was a pretty solitary creature as the 'attacks' as he called them had started to come more and more often. Once he had turned twenty or so he met someone that had experienced the same attacks as Dameon did so he stayed with that person (who Dameon refuses to name) for three or four years while he was studying to be a techer as well, and now... Well he ended up being able to control it more or less and ended up teaching here.

Relationships with other characters

Besides the fact that he teaches some of them? None.

Body and Build

As you can see in the bellow picture Dameon is an extremely skinny and pale guy. This is just from a lack of wanting to eat. Dameon has all ways had a problem with over coming the fact that he thinks he's to fat when he know for a fact he's on the borderline of being called anorexic. Even so he just has a problem forcing himself to eat more then a few tiny things here and there just to keep himself running. Paired with his pale skin and skinny build is a pair of blue eyes and long shoulder length black hair. Both hair and eyes are natural, even though he knows they may seem a little odd to most.


Sorry if there's any really big mistakes in the backgroupd area ^^; First time I've actually writen it out...
Name: Ezra Defrank

Age: 18 - Forever

Race/breed: Ghost

Appearance: please post a picture

View attachment 14018

Height: 5'6''

Weight: Doesn't really matter with being non corporeal

Personality: Pretty cheerful, he does still sometimes get depressed about being dead though.

Position: (Teacher, student, villain, relative of character fitting one of those roles, or other): Student

Powers/abilities: (if he/she has them): Walking through walls, moving things, occasional invisibility (usually used as his way of getting out of an argument), teleportation.

Length of time at academy: Just appeared (will need to talk to Faith or Macal about joining)

Relationships with other characters?: None

Background:Life: He was a regular teenager, going to school, hanging with friends, though he didn't always see eye to eye with his parents. They would say something to him about something and he would take it the wrong way and the fighting would begin. These fights normally led to him taking a walk to calm down.

Death: The fight started like all the normal ones, but this one was going to have a very different ending. While the fight was in full swing he bailed, leaving the house and going out for a walk. He breathed a sigh of relief as he enjoyed the cool night air, normally by the time he came home everyone had calmed down a good bit and life could return to normal. As it turned out he wasn't going to return home, not alive anyway. He was crossing the street when a car came out of nowhere, running over him, killing him instantly, and never bothering to slow down, the police figured it must have been a drunk driver, but no one was ever charged with the crime. Ezra decided he wasn't ready to move on, feeling as if he had been cheated out of his life having died so young. He stayed around home for a while, trying to be seen by anyone, even learning how to move things to try to get their attention, but he was doing more harm to them than he was anything else. He eventually left and found his way to Dormer Academy, he decided he wanted to stay there if he could, it would be much better than being on his own, and maybe he could learn some neat new tricks along the way.

Skull- denied. Being possessed by a demon isn't the same as having supernatural abilities, so I'm not sure what this guy would be teaching anyone, nor would the Cords or Mochizukis be foolish enough to allow an anorexic demon possessed guy to be in charge of a bunch of kids, lol.

Serenity- accepted, but you'll have to have him come to Faith/Macal/someone and ask for permission to join because he'll have to be a special exception they'd have to think about and make arrangements for, like Katarina.
Thanks. :D I had it down to either Ezra or Micah. The name was what took me the longest after I figured out what I wanted him to be. :P

He's not anorexic .-. He's just skinny but he's still strong enough to fight or handle a bunch of kids.

He learned how to control the demon inside of him, so basiclly it's the same as being a demon but he's just not as powerful as one and he doesn't have the same temper of one. He does have moments (though there very rare) where the demon kind of compleatly takes him over but he still has enough sanity to know to get out if he's in the middle of teaching a class.
You said he doesn't want to eat, thinks he's fat, is on the borderline of being anorexic. And I still think that Faith would not entrust a guy possessed by a demon to be in care of her child or vulnerable kids like Katarina, who has no powers. So sorry but that's a no.
-.- Well sorry for having my character that way then. -.-

If you have a restrictions on how characters can be you should state that on the first post or some where on the first page. I was really excited to join this but I am not willing to change my character just because you don't like some thing about him.
Name: Merilee Andreas

Age: 20

Race/breed: Selkie

Appearance: View attachment 14032

Personality: Shy, quiet and lonely, Meri doesn't exactly live up to her nickname. She is frightened by a lot, afraid of people due to her traumatic experiences in the past, timid and unwilling to branch out on her own. If she trusted people and got to know them then they would discover that she can be truly kind and quite entertaining, but she is just too scared to get close to anyone.

Position: Student

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them): Meri can cast off her seal skin at will to obtain a human form, but if her skin is stolen or destroyed she is forced to live in her human form until it is returned to her, or forever if it is destroyed. She can communicate with other sea life, but other than that doesn't exactly have many abnormal abilities.

Length of time at academy: two years

Relationships with other characters?: She knows Mikey, that's about it.

Background: Merilee was a survivor of an attack on her pod, along with a few other younglings, whenshe was nine. Her parents and many of her family were killed and,although she didn't understand why at the time, she was greatly affected. ithad a huge impact on her and affected how she reacts to different situationsnow. She used to be cheerful, friendly and overexcited, but since the attack she has lost trust in people and doesn't like taking risks. She stayed in her seal skin for a long time, years in fact, until she was captured and put in a zoo for 'preservation'. There she spent a year, terrified and transforming at random intervals to try and escape. Eventually she was discovered by one of the zoo keepers, who thought she was an intruder and, after questioning her thoroughly and giving her something to wear, sent her on her way.

Ali- accepted, question though. Is she in her current human form only right now? Does she need sea to survive in her other form, because right now we're only by a lake.

Skull, some things are also about common sense. It is common sense that any reasonable adult in charge of children would not put a character with your character's traits in charge of children when he can't even always control himself and isn't mentally healthy. Not to mention that when I looked over your posts in other rps you did not meet my requirements for being a literate rper that I want from this. Sorry, but I really am not going to argue with this anymore.
@Skull, I think what Faith is trying to say is if you have a demon-possessed character, well, it's not much different than having a human, unless the spirit in possession gives him power. In that case, it would probably be better if he were a student. Or just make the teacher a full-on demon.

As for me, I'm thinking either making a female witch or male dragon twins, whichever the ratio calls for.
she tends to stay in her human form. any form of water is enough for her to survive, but she's at her strongest when near the ocean :)

She does revert to her seal form when she doesn't want to be addressed though.It's kind of like her defense system
There was more to it than that, but Zipper's points were definitely part of what I was saying, yes.

Ali, that's fine then, we're not near an ocean but we do have a lake and pool. And Liza can teleport so if there was ever a real need for her to go to an ocean she could take her there
Updated character list:

Players: Faith Eliza Cord, Macal Cord, Izabella Mochizuki, Jirro Mochizuki, CaterpilAli, amdreams, Serenity Black


Teachers: Faith, Macal, Jirro, Izabella, Stick, Bucky

Students: Sheena, Alex, Liza, Katarina, Adrian, Nick, Mikey, Mel, Lillith, Vash, Riff, Merilee, Ezra

Villains possible: Lillith, Dreamwalker

We have enough teachers now, so no more teacher sign ups unless the teacher is also a villain. We are also drawing close to limit of characters, because we have about 20 now and I think much more than that makes it too hard to keep up with everyone.

As a reminder, guys: Villain is perfectly acceptable to sign up for, and so is a character who is a STUDENT who is disturbed/ in the process of "evil rehabilitation" or something similar. That's part of the school's intent.

Also. Sign up for your mentors! Characters are supposed to have one particular teacher they can go to/who look out for them when they initially arrive, sort of like a college advisor. This doesn't mean they necessarily have a close relationship, this is just who they can go to for questions or extra help with things/problems, at least in theory.

So for my characters-

Adrian's mentor- Macal

Sheena's- officially Izzy, since they are of the same blood, but she is just as likely or more so to go to Faith

Katarina's- Faith

Liza- doesn't matter or apply because she is blood related to Faith and Macal and is so young

Try to keep it even, guys, don't have everyone say Faith is their mentor, for example. I would also assume that boys would have a male and girls would have a female
I doubt most of them knew the staff before showing up, so it wouldn't matter much to them, but if they did know them, sure. I know you'll have Alex as Macal's kid anyway, lol, it makes the most sense.
Do we choose here or in RP? I'm curious because my characters are both new to the Academy, and would probably have to talk to them before choosing anyone.

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