Knight Academy character sheets

Name: Evanna “Evan” Crowley

Age: 15

Race/breed: Human


Personality: Evan can be incredibly spunky. Because of her ability, she tends to try to live as freely as possible, which can sometimes cause serious complications for her. She's far from a troublemaker, but trouble does tend to follow her.

Position: student

Powers/abilities: Accelerated short term memory. What this means is that she can learn pretty much anything just by observation or reading a book on how to do something. However, in order to store the information she obtains, she has to make room for it. Because of that, she has a memory span of about a month. She keeps a video diary in order to catalogue things that have happened and organizes them by date and also key words such as names, events, injuries (if acquired), etc. and keeps them with her in a bag at all times, which means she has a bag that is FULL of small DVDs, and also keeps a diary and post it notes everywhere with daily reminders.

Length of time at academy: A month

Relationships with other characters?: None so far.

Background: Evan doesn't remember anything from her life at home. From time to time, she has dreams of a woman in a blue dress, which she believes may be her mother, but she has no idea. That being said, though, when her abilities began to manifest, her parents were convinced that something was very wrong with her. She was triggered to run away after they tried to perform a rebirthing on her, believing that it was because of some severe behavioral problems or drug issues, since they couldn't explain her sudden bouts of memory loss. After the rebirthing, which she barely survived, she left and started participating in fights for money. Since she was small and a girl, most people bet against her, thus giving her access to the money that they had put down when she won, using martial arts manuals to memorize techniques of self defense.

It was there that someone from Dormer approached her and told her about the school. She accepted with little to no hesitation.
Nah, that's fine, she just has Katarina so far I think. Izzy has Nick and Sheena, though Sheena would probably use Faith for advice more
hey, sorry to do this, but i cant really keep up with my characters as everytime i try and do a post someone else posts or my character is ignored completely, so i'm going to drop. it's not like anyone's noticing them anyway. Good luck and all that, maybe we'll rp some other time
Okay, I am super new here, sorry for any silly mistakes!

Name: Wesley Silver ("Wes")

Age: 16

Race/breed: Human

Position: Student

Powers/abilities: Speaks to animals

Length of time at academy: One month

Relationships with other characters: None at the moment


Wes is strikingly pale, with jet black hair that contrasts vividly against his face. His eyes are also black, framed with long thick lashes and wide as if he was perpetually afraid. He is tall and very thin, to the point where his bones jut out sharply from under his skin. Wes dresses exclusively in dark colours, usually black or navy blue. He often has scrapes and cuts at all stages of healing on his face, arms, and legs from running about in the woods. (Sorry, I don't have a picture reference on hand right now!)


Wes is easily overwhelmed. By new places, bright lights, everything---and especially people. He doesn't hate others as everyone seems to think; he only avoids them because he's terrified. As a child, Wesley had been solitary and slow to speak; now a teen, he has almost receded into complete silence. To him, silence is safe. He is often mistaken for mute, which suits him just fine. Not surprisingly, he is extremely difficult to get close to.

Normally, Wes is very emotionless and coolly logical. He likes making things with his hands. When he becomes stressed by his surroundings, however, Wes becomes a completely different person---irrational, impulsive, and even violent. Often after a panic attack, he won't remember anything that had happened. It's something he is trying to learn to control.


Wes has been able to speak to animals even before other humans. He was five years old before realizing that it wasn't something everyone else could do. As a child, he spent the vast majority of his time in the woods, and only agreed to come to Dormer because of its proximity to nature. His ability is hardly impressive, but Wes doesn't care. He just wants to get away from people, and as a result, even one month after arriving at the academy, he has yet to make any friends.
Name: Hellen Karnel

Age: 16

Race/breed: Human


Personality: Tired, sometimes cranky, and a bit of laziness. She is however, overly happy at some times and will speak her mind given the chance.

Position: Student

Powers/abilities: Her power is similar to making a Tulpa, a form of sentient life brought to life through focus and discipline. She can bring a being of any form of life into the world and control it with words, the creation being much powerful when brought from her deepest dreams. However, creating one at will awake is almost next to impossible for her. The only beings she has brought into the world were small "things" and they rarely appear when she dreams. The large ones are also very hard to maintain, as over time they develop a mind of their own and will seek freedom through death.

Length of time at academy: New

Relationships with other characters: None

Background: Hellen comes from a large family of Tupla makers or dreamers as she like to call them. She created her first Tulpa when she was 6, a bit late than what her parents had expected. The Tulpa was a similar to a salamander, but much larger and pink in color with pearls going down its tail. She loved that thing to death and refused to give it up to her parents. Since then she has created 4 more miniature creatures over 10 years and keeps all 5 of them as pets. She and her parents recently moved to the city just a few miles out of knight academy seeing as Hellen would need better teachers. They hope she can control a Tupla the size of half a mountain by the end of her teachings.
Name:Lace Luckless


Race/breed:Vampire/snow Goddess


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_bOv9Njaowd1651176236.jpg.3a98ae854ecc7010e96b6b8152d7b1f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="451" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_bOv9Njaowd1651176236.jpg.3a98ae854ecc7010e96b6b8152d7b1f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_T98UZr1NWd759024528.jpg.d429b311e397027247a2cea0ea0f8c58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="452" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_T98UZr1NWd759024528.jpg.d429b311e397027247a2cea0ea0f8c58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_JXB3kLV3Ak1224469317.jpg.cd6676be634304f89ef69db91e9d96f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_JXB3kLV3Ak1224469317.jpg.cd6676be634304f89ef69db91e9d96f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Lace can be a cocky ***** at times, but it happens to the best of us , Majority of the time lace is a fire cracker (ironic right:), out going, silly, and loyal. At first meeting she can seem shy, and cold, but once you've to talked for a while you learn.

Position (Teacher, student, villain, relative of character fitting one of those roles, or other):Student

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them): Lace is able to create ice/snow with just a thought. She's never really had someone teach her how to use her abilities, so they act up when her emotions get extreme, or she gets stressed out.

Length of time at academy:New Student(1week)

Relationships with other characters?:none yet

Background:Lace was born Aug 29 1994, she was taken into an orphanage at age two, her parents dropped her off at the door, with a letter, a blanket, and a stuffed snow man. Over the years lace was adopted many times, and all of the adoptions ended the same, with a one way trip back to the orphanage. Once her new parents would find out about her special abilities, they would either think she was a demon, or just plainly a freak. Age 10 was last time she would be adopted, she made sure of that. That day when she was returned, she through such a tantrum the orphanage still talked about it years later. She brought such a snow storm, the lights were out a week, and over half of the orphanage roof would have to be replaced.

After that the care takers wouldn't even call her down, when potential parents would show up. When lace turned 16 she ran away from the orphanage, taking everything she had in the would with her.(her baby blanket, her beat up stuffed snowman, the note from her parents, and a couple of worn out outfits, along with 200 hundred dollars she had managed to save up) She didn't really have a plan, but she knew she needed to get out of that place. The orphanage workers, weren't abusive, but they weren't the nicest people.Everyone there stayed away from her either to scared, or didn't want to catch the freakishness (their words not mine) After a couple days, of living on the street lace was offered a job in a strip club, and free room and board,she quickly accepted, and would become one of the naughty kittens best dancers. 2yrs later, she got a letter, inviting her to boarding school, and her tuition was paid off for the whole time. She as never one to look a gift horse in the eye so she accepted. (lace knows she is both vampire, and snow goddess, because it was included in the letter her parents had left her, only a few of the orphanage workers know, and they helped her through the years, by getting her blood. She didn't need much since being half goddess made her thirst almost nonexistent<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_CSseIEDq0J1942643092.jpg.1cbe8cfdb9008e59aa81e41d2ff7bdf5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="454" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_CSseIEDq0J1942643092.jpg.1cbe8cfdb9008e59aa81e41d2ff7bdf5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(So hi guys! Yeah, just to let you know, this is xJobozx. I would give you a five hour rant right now about why I'm not using my other account, but long story short I can no longer use it as it won't let me log onto it anymore at all, I even tried getting a new password but nothing so far has worked, so I got annoyed, gave up and just made this account now. I hope you'll still let me join, I was planning to use a few of my old charries from Fighting Academy)

Name: Raina Sharpe

Age: 18

Race/breed: Vampire


Personality: Raina is at first appearances a cold-hearted bitch. She doesn't seem to care for anyone besides her sister Faye, and this may well be true. She's not the sort of girl who will comfort or pity you if you turn around and tell her you've been through traumatic experiences. Oh no, she'll tell you to suck it up and get over it. Don't try and get too close to Raina, if she starts to find herself liking you she'll be sure to do something to push you away; whether it's killing a human or threatening your daughter's life. But underneath all this 'I-don't-care-about-anything' attitude Raina is a genuinely caring person. (Just don't let her know you know this!) She has been through a hell of a lot in her own right, and this has shaped her to program herself to let nobody see past her built-up walls. She's scared to let people too close to her, for fear of losing them or endangering them. Recently, since her Father's second death, Raina has become more open with those she does know well, but don't let this fool you into thinking Raina's still not prepared to slice your head off at the closest opportunity.

Position: Student

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them): Rai's a vampire, so she has the basic super enhanced senses: speed, strength, reflexes, all that stuff.

Length of time at academy: Just arrived along with her sister Faye, if that's okay with Faith?

Relationships with other characters?: Faye White is her younger half-sister, they're very close especially after the recent death of Myra White, Faye's older sister. She has romantic feelings for Chameleon Hades - even though she'd never openly admit it. She knows Faith, Macal, Liza, Sheena and Alex, but her relationship with them is currently unknown considering the recent circumstances. She herself views Liza as her little sister in her own right though, and would protect the little girl with her own life. She, before leaving, had begun to view Macal as an almost Father figure, and despite constantly bickering with Faith she also looks up to the woman, not in a motherly way, but she does have respect for her.

Background: Raina did used to be sweet, once upon a time. She was a veggie - only drinking animal blood, and even feeling guilty about that most of the time, she had never contemplated murder, let alone committed it, and she hadn't sworn even once. That was until the fateful day when Jace Kalhorn knocked at her door - well, kicked it down actually - and used his draining power on her mother, Sofia, baby sister of 5, Mabel and Raina herself, who was just ten at the time. His eyes flashed yellow and caused the vampires to feel drained of all energy, blacking out in a way. Raina awoke to find herself, her mother and her little sister all tied to separate chairs. Jace Kalhorn then proceeded to torture the three vampires, starting with the mother. He cut off her hands and feet, de-limbing the woman as Raina and Mabel watched. When he had decided he was sick of hearing the young Mabel cry and scream at seeing her mother being murdered, he slit Sofia's throat, and with barely any time for Raina to mourn the loss of her mother he turned on the toddler Mabel, grabbed her tongue and cut it straight out of her mouth. Raina watched as her baby sister's mouth filled with blood, her eyes wide as it overflowed and dripped down the sides of the cheeks. Raina could do nothing but watch as Mabel choked on her own blood, still to this day feeling immense guilt that she couldn't protect her younger sister. Jace then turned on Raina, wondering how to kill her. Luckily, the girl managed to bite the demon, regaining enough energy to escape and run.

A while later, she ran into her Father Kol, and instead of being comforted by him over watching her family be killed, he instead growled about how she was still alive - annoyed by this fact - and Raina then found her Father had killed Jace Kalhorn's girlfriend, knowing that the man would go on a rampage and kill his family. For the next two years Raina was 'trained' by her Father to fight. He decided that maybe the girl surviving was a sign that she could be a great asset in the future to him, Kol Sharpe had done a lot of bad in his life, and therefore had a lot of people after the man wanting to kill him and worse. Unfortunately for Raina his method of training wasn't exactly the best. He would train her mercilessly, when he was training her to use a sniper rifle, if she didn't move fast enough he would shoot her, when using swords he would slash her if she didn't duck fast enough. When Kol wasn't sastified with her training - which was often - or if she had done something wrong he would pull up the back of her top and leave a nice long gash of red down her back with his dagger. Raina now has numerous criss-crossing scars because of this all across her lower and middle back. Also, shortly after her Mother and Sister's death Raina's dad forced her to drink from and kill a human against her will. This is why she drinks human blood now.

When Raina turned 12 years old her father had noticed her developing into a woman and took full advantage of this. He raped her for a while, on a regular basis, before he and Raina had to move out of their temporary flat because he couldn't pay the bills. He then decided the best way to get money was to sell his daughter's body to other men and so almost every other night he would either pre-arrange for a man to come over or take his daughter to their house, or he would go to the local pub to find men or if worst came to worst he would just send her out on the streets and beat her if she came home with no money; he still continued to use her himself however, despite other men also having her. This carried on until she was 17 years old. When Raina turned 14 she ran into her old friend Sammi from school and they hung out for a while together, Raina feeling free of her troubles for the short time they spent just being kids again. Two days later Sammi was found dead at her home and Raina's father gloated to her about how good it felt to slice his sword through Sammi's throat. He had killed her. From the ages of 15-17 Raina's father decided she was efficiently trained to be an assassin and sent her out to kill numerous people whom he disliked or needed to be rid of. Sometimes she would get into a few close calls with the victims when they fought back, but she always managed to come home alive. He still carried on their training despite this, thinking she wasn't good enough yet. Her Father constantly teased Raina about her mother, her sister and Sammi's death, and he had an everlasting threat to kill anyone else Rai got to close to - this is why she fears becoming too close to the Cord family.

Raina thought she had finally escaped her Father at the age of 17 when she managed to go to a Fighting Academy where her Father was killed. However, he was brought back to life less than a year ago. Raina hated and still hates her Father with every ounce of her soul - as he took everything that ever belonged to her away, including her family, friends, blood, innocence and virginity - and can't wait for the day when she gets to drive her dagger through his heart. This day finally came for Raina when Kol showed up at the Fighting Academy with the intent to kill Myra - Faye's sister. He was quickly outnumbered by the students there, including Raina and her half-sister Faye, but before he could be killed he took Myra's life and was then attacked by Faye, Raina and killed finally. Hopefully for the last time.

As of now, Raina and Faye have left the Fighting Academy - both needing to get away from the memories and in Raina's case the people there. They have been wandering on their own for a few months, Raina trying to cheer Faye up by showing her how much fun you can have with fake ID's and the cash to back it up.


Name: Faye White

Age: 15

Race/breed: Half-vampire, half-keyholder. Obviously, the vampire part is obvious, but for those of you who don't know, Key-holders are their own species. Traits: Longevity, Wolf like Hearing and sense of smell, strength of a vampire along with the healing ability. They also can have three powers carried in keys they have around their necks. They can lose their powers and get weak when bitten on their necks by vampires. (Though this does not apply to Faye as she is half-vampire and counteracts it). Lastly, key holders have a key holder form where they release all of their power and change in appearance is common.


Personality: Faye is a very bubbly, usually happy person who likes to help out others, doesn't like seeing other people upset and tries her best to make friends and cheer people up. However since Myra's death she has been a bit more somber and withdrawn, even spacing out at times, but you still see glimpses of the old Faye. You shouldn't be fooled by her happy, sweet side though, because Faye's most famous trait is her firey temper. She can be set off quite easily - especially if her friends or family is put in danger - and once she's started there's almost no stopping her. She has the dangerous power of fire, which becomes quite uncontrollable when she gets mad, so setting off her temper is not a good thing. Get her mad and she becomes snappy, sarcastic and of course violent. But as long as you're nice to her, she'll be nice to you.

Position: Student

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them): Healing (Glowing key that changes from red to white), Control over Fire (Red key) and Doesn’t need sleep, (Dark blue key) Also has the basic super enhanced senses: speed, strength, reflexes, all that stuff.

Length of time at academy: Just arrived along with her sister Raina, if that's okay with Faith?

Relationships with other characters?: Raina Sharpe is her older, half-sister whom she is very close to, Raina is all she has left of her family - just as she is all Raina has left - and she knows she needs to hold onto her and protect her - of course Raina feels the same. She gets along with Chameleon pretty well as friends. She knows Riff, Vash and Mel, and was in fact one of the students who was fooled by Lil into helping her 'defeat' Mel. She felt terrible afterwards once she found out the truth, but still hopes to be friends with the three. She knows the Cords' as well, Faith more than anyone else, as Faith trained her for a brief period of time before Myra's death.

Background: Faye White was raised by Frank and Maria White, the younger sister of Myra White by a year. Faye however is the biological daughter of Kol Sharpe, and her mother was raped by the man, which led to Faye being born. Maria told Frank that Faye was his, so he still even in his dying moments believed Faye to be his biological daughter. Growing up, Faye was the forgotten child. She was neglected by her Mother, who couldn't so much look at her child without thinking of the night she was forcefully taken, and her Father was so busy training and paying attention to Myra that he never really spent time with Faye either. So Faye grew up to be a troublemaker, she managed to burn down the first house the family lived in during a toddler temper tantrum, which only fueled her parents' dislike for her; of course the golden girl Myra tried to put the fire out with her own water power, making her parents love her even more. As Faye got older into her teenage years she just got worse and worse, skipping school constantly, setting fire to almost everything, even burning down her school, getting drunk at the age of 12 and taking the occasional bunch of drugs as well.

This all changed when Faye was 12. She was on her way home from her friends' house, and opened her front door ready to get yelled at for being out so late when she encountered the dead bodies' of her parents. After getting over the shock - she never really loved them very much anyway as they never loved her - she ran upstairs to find Myra curled up on their parents' bed, sobbing hysterically. It was only about two or three years later when Faye found out Myra had been raped by Kol after he killed their parents. For the next two years after their parents' deaths, Myra never spoke a single word, and it was up to Faye to protect them both as they were on the constant move, Faye had to fight off all sorts of races of creatures that came after the both of them. At the age of 14 and 16 Faye and Myra enrolled in the Fighting Academy where Faye met Raina and after a few fights they realised that they were sisters when Kol showed up and talked about Faye's mum and what he did to her 14 years ago.

After Kol's death, things seemed to be going well for Faye, she settled down, got a boyfriend, and was even being taught how to control her fire power by Faith. Then of course it all had to go wrong. Kol was alive again, back for his revenge, and he finally got it. Faye was on her way to the dorm her and Myra shared when she heard someone in the room with Myra, she went inside only to find Kol there. A fight ensued, bringing many people to the scene - including Raina - and just as Kol knew he was about to beaten he bit Myra to stop her powers then snapped her neck, killing her. Faye watched as her sister - her sister who had just managed to get her life back on track - fell to the ground, dead. She lunged at Kol furiously, attacking him with everything she had until he was moments away from death. She was pulled back by someone - she was seeing too much red to know who, only that she could smell their skin burning from where they were touching her - and watched as Raina walked over, hissed out her final words to their Father and then stabbed him straight through his crotch. Kol was then killed and less than a week after Myra's death, Raina and Faye left the Academy without another word to anyone else.

Faye is still recovering from her big sister's death, and has been travelling with Raina for a few months now, partying and drinking to take her mind off her sister's absence.


Name: Chameleon Hades

Age: 18

Race/breed: Shape-shifter


Personality: Chameleon is a laid-back, considerate guy. He doesn't like fighting, plain and simple. No-one really knows why, it's not that he can't defend himself, he can, expertly so, but he always does his best to avoid fighting and arguments in general. He cares about others and will sit and listen to your problems if you need someone to talk to, and give you advice, though he'd never open up to someone else in the same way. He does have quite witty comments, and can even match the sarcastic capabilities of Raina Sharpe. He seems to understand people pretty well, and can tell when you're upset, and how to deal with it; whether it's just to be left alone, or to be talked to about the problem, or even just someone to moan to.

Position: Student

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them): Chameleon is a shape-shifter, this means he can shift into any creature at will. He's also a good fighter - but as said earlier he avoids fighting as much as he can.

Length of time at academy: Also hasn't arrived yet, if that's okay? I was planning to have him show up a little while after Rai and Faye?

Relationships with other characters?: Chameleon has romantic feelings for Raina Sharpe, and is somewhat aware of them, though he knows it will be a long way until anything can be done of them, and he's not even sure if it can because of his and Rai's complicated pasts/lives. He gets along pretty well with Faye White, and somewhat knows of the Cords, though he hasn't interacted with them much, same goes for Mel.

Background: Chameleon Hades was born to James and Felicity Hades, the King and Queen of shape-shifters. Though of course, no-one at the Academy knows of Chameleon's heritage or that he is royalty, as it is a fact he would rather hide. He was a happy child, loved both of his parents openly but he always had a favoritism towards his Father. His dad was a kind man, considerate of all his people and so full of love and generosity that Chameleon looked up to him immensely. Chameleon was eight when his Father was assassinated. He was ten when his Mother turned around and told him that she and his Uncle - whom he had always disliked - had actually plotted his Father's murder. She had told him that it was his Uncle, never his Father, who she was in love with, and since his Uncle was unable to have children, she pretended to be in love with his Father just to have a child with him so that they had a heir. His Mother and Uncle soon married, making his Uncle the new King, and for the next ten years Chameleon was raised to be their little puppet. He never had a say in how his life was run, and was painfully trained and taught personally by his Uncle to make him the fast fighter he is today. He knows both his Mother and Uncle openly dislike him, as both have proved this point many times with verbal and physical abuse.

He knows how his life is supposed to go. Be raised as the 'perfect' prince, trained to be the best, trained to hide his emotions, trained to be ruthless when not in the public eye. Then he is supposed to become King, and his Mother will pick him the 'perfect' Queen, one who will listen to her, and only her, so that she can be used to control Chameleon. That's how his life is supposed to go. But not how he wants it to go.

Chameleon left the Fighting Academy a few months after the Cord family, he is being sent to the Dormer Academy by his Mother and Uncle as they have heard that very talented students are being sent there, and it is a great place for 'their little Prince' to hone his skills. They are sending him under the guise that he is troubled and misguided after the loss of his Father - which he has not gotten over. Of course, Chameleon has more issues than that, but his Mother and Uncle would never openly admit what they do to him and have done to him to make him this way.
So Myra is dead then? Okay. Accepted, but please, try to keep up, okay? It would be a good idea to read up on what's going on as well, on the particular villain of the moment. Also, this is different from Fight Acad, every character must be signed up for on here and I'm really leery about letting people have a huge amount of characters
Name: Katya Volkov

Age: 19

Race/breed: Half-Elf


Personality: Shy to people she doesn't know, but out going to those who gave her a chance.

Position: student

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them): She is a Summoner, although she can only summon Koshka

Length of time at academy: She's on her 6th month there.

Relationships with other characters?: None so far.

Background: She never knew her Father(human) and barely remembers her Mother(Elf) She was forced to leave her home at a young age, when her Mother died of an illness. She lived with her Uncle in one of the major cities in Russia. As she grew up she was picked on by other kids because she was always seen talking to herself, although later it turned out she was talking to Koshka, a cat-like spirit that she can summon when needed.
Bringing back Iz and Jirro's daughter.

Name: Mitsumi "Mitsy" Mochizuki

Age: Apperance wise, Mitsy looks to be about early 20's. In reality she's only 5, but when her future self came to our time and fell in love with the human, Nathan Derosa, both child and adult were merged so that she would be able to stay

Race/breed: Black Blood Hybrid (Her mother is the original Hybrid, therefore she is more Black Blood then Lycan)

Appearance: Mitsy stands at about 5'8" (taller then her mother but not as tall as her father) with long brown/black hair that goes past her shoulders to about her shoulder blades. Her eyes are ice blue with gold around the edges and when she gets upset or "vamps out" they turn black like most black bloods, but with a gold ring around them. She has several tattoos, including a shamrock on the back of her neck (which she got for her first lover, Nathan) a dragon on her side which goes down to her thing, and a few others.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/CkNI3.jpg.bf9b474921935f075f76425a671bee25.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1161" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/CkNI3.jpg.bf9b474921935f075f76425a671bee25.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Personality: Usually very bubbly and loving, however since recent events Mitsumi has become a bit of a hard-ass with a no-nonsense attitude. In other words, the perfect little soldier that neither parent ever wanted her to become.

Position (Teacher, student, villain, relative of character fitting one of those roles, or other): Daughter of Izabella and Jirro Mochizuki, originally a student of Macal Cords and former S.H.I.E.L.D agent

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them): Being a Hybrid, Mitsy has the mixed DNA of a Black Blood and Lycan. Therefore she has all of their ablities, yet none of their most common weaknesses. She does have the ability to shift, however in most cases, it has been too painful for her to shift so she chooses not to

Length of time at academy: Just arrived, unknown just how long she -plans on staying

Relationships with other characters?: Mochizuki's daughter, sister to Esme (deceased) cousin to Sheena, niece of the Cords, and Liza Cord's protector

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Red-Ruby-Meghan-Ory-once-upon-a-time-33648111-333-500.jpg.d1af497690e10a337c31e65c2da884b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1163" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Red-Ruby-Meghan-Ory-once-upon-a-time-33648111-333-500.jpg.d1af497690e10a337c31e65c2da884b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: ((waiting to see if Mac still has his old file he did on here all those years back :P ))



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Name: Akira Lee

Age: 83

Race/breed: Black Blood


Personality: Akira is quiet and serious, not because he's shy. He likes to observe people carefully before interacting with them personally his interaction with Mitsumi Mochizuki is loving and playful, not a side of himself he allows many to see outside of the confines of their relationship. He's also close to Alex Sage in fact besides Mitsumi, Alex is Akira's best friend which brings out a playful teasing side of him usually making fun of Alex's hair, calling him Poodleboy or something similar. His devotion and loyalty especially to Mitsumi and Jirro Mochizuki is borderline fanatical, Even after Jirro told him that he was no longer his student because Akira had grown pass the Master/Student relationship, Akira still tries to impress his former Master. Akira is a harden warrior and has no problem killing to reach an objective but unlike in the past he will not harm an innocent (Kill or feed). Akira has no living family left so has become dependent on the Mochizuki Clan as his family.

Position (Teacher, student, villain, relative of character fitting one of those roles, or other): Assistant Instructor to Jirro Mochizuki

Powers/abilities (if he/she has them): Akira is a Black Blood and has a number of their abilities but his specialty is manipulating nature (Making plants, trees and some animals bend to his will). Akira is a master ninja, studied under the rogue Black Blood Sho and forced to be an Assassin but after being freed by Jirro and Izabella Mochizuki. Akira completed his training under Jirro. Akira is a trained agent of SHIELD and even qualified to be a pilot. Of course Akira refuses to used modern weapons. Akira is a master swordsman and is especially deadly with his twin katana swords.

Length of time at academy:

Relationships with other characters?: Jirro Mochizuki-Former Master, Mitsumi Mochizuki-Girlfriend, Alex Sage-Best Friend

Background: Akira was a farmer in Japan over 80 years ago back then villages were often raided and the people forced into slavery. Akira's village was raided by Sho a rogue black blood that grabbed innocent people, turning them into Black Bloods and then training them to be his assassins, for decades. At first like anyone taken from their home Akira and many others wanted to escape Sho but so many had tried and were killed and left on display as an example to anyone that tried to escape. Soon years had passed then decades, Akira gave up on freedom, even while on missions on the other side of the world he feared Sho's reach. So he gave in and completed his missions and always returned back to Sho for fake praise. One Day Sho's compound was attacked by Jirro and Izabella Mochizuki and Sho was killed and everyone was given a choice to continue to fight or be free. None wished to fight the liberators of the compound many just left but a few like Akira who owed their lives to the Mochizukis swore to serve them. But they weren't looking for servants. All were welcome to join them and make new lives for themselves and forge a new path. Akira became attached to Jirro, he was more like a father to him than teacher. Not long after joining Jirro he met Mitsumi and even tho she was with another Akira fell in love with her and eventually won her heart. Next he met the Cords and Alex they've also become his extended family.
Name: Hayley Crown

Age: 16

Race/breed: Shapeshifter


Personality: Hayley is a timid girl and very unsure of herself. She have little faith in herself and runs away from trouble rather than face it. She is horrible under pressure, but strives to be better and prove that she does not need to be saved. She had trouble speaking her mind and is easily walked over. Still Hayley is a friendly and trusting girl, always ready to help out. She has a tendency to do as she is told sometimes without questioning it at all. Hayley is smart but she doesn't always show it due to her insecurity.

Position: Student

Powers/abilities: Ability to shape-shift into anyone she has seen or can imagine

Length of time at academy: About three months

Relationships with other characters?: She is somewhat friends with Jinn

Background: Hayley was born to a human mother and a shapeshifting father and she inherited his shapeshifting abilities. Hayley did not know of her father as he left when she was still a small child. She was raised by her mother and lived a somewhat normal life with her. She had no other siblings and her mother never re-married but they had a family with each other. Hayley discovered her ability when she was around six. At first she believed her mother hated her for not being human or because she reminded her of the man who left them because she reacted so badly. She was eventually reassured that was not the case. Living among humans though, Hayley had little practice with her abilities. Her mother eventually sent her away to Dormer Academy with a rushed explanation.

Here Hayley has been trying her best at the academy so far to move past her insecurities and make something of herself. She is unsure if she belongs there, but has made twice the effort since befriending Jinn. Hayley has already become a magnet for trouble or so she believes.

Name: Jinn

Age: 19

Race/breed: Half-Elf


Personality: Jinn is a secretive person as it comes with being an assassin. Her real nature is cold, cruel, cunning and deceptive. She hates weak people and dislikes those who stand in her way. She is determined and will go to any length to complete her missions or get what she wants. Jinn is also vengeful. But she can put on an act of friendliness and charm and tends to stay out of the way to avoid suspicion. She seems kind and helpful but is always calculating and ready to stab someone in the back.

Position: "Student" / Here to recruit Hayley

Powers/abilities: Jinn has been trained as an assassin since she was seven. She is able to move stealthily, is skilled in throwing darts and hand-to-hand combat, and is skilled in poison which is the specialty of the guild she is in. Jinn is also quick on her feet and stronger than she appears.

Length of time at academy: A month

Relationships with other characters?: She feels a kinship to Hayley because she worked and was infatuated with her father and is slowly building trust with her

Background: Jinn does not remember her parents at all having been taken when she was still a toddler. She instead grew up in the Black Acid guild under the supervisor of first it's leader and then various other members. She was trained long and hard from the age of seven to be an assassin and at first Jinn was afraid she would die as it was too much for her. She was also unsure of killing people. But as she aged and started taking missions, she started to harden and not care anymore. The only person who was able to elicit a non-violent response most of the time was Jack Crown. She worked with him a few times and grew to crush on him. He would talk about his family that he left behind a few times and this is how Jinn learned of Hayley.

Jack was also a shapeshifter and Jinn was impressed. But he never saw her much other than a partner and fellow assassin but Jinn never saw this. He was eventually killed on a mission. Jinn was sent a few years later to recover his daughter and test her to see if she would be Black Acid material. Jinn agreed, already seeing Hayley as her sister and willing to bring her in no matter the cost and way.

I have triplets I want to play which I will post tomorrow.
Accepted under one condition. Can you keep up with five characters, because honestly I have my doubts. Also, do you understand what the basic plotline is right now?
I don't have to play the triplets. I did do an RP with seven characters once so I could keep up, but eh. I'd rather not put too much onto myself.

And I did read some of the RP so I have a general understanding.

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