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Fantasy King's Orders

In the mystical lands of Sorwein lays a secret little kingdom known as Frey's Winter. Frey's Winter seems to be a fair land ruled by the fair monarchy, the Freys, but it is really plagued by people that are different. These different people have been known as different names such as witches, hags, wizards and some have even simply called them 'Magic Folk'. These different people have abilities that surpass the normal humans' abilities and are filled to the brim with magic and mystery. Some of these people don't hide it, but use it for their own selfish wants such as fame and wealth. They are like the most wanted criminals in all of Sorwein, but normal humans are filled with pure curiosity.

The King Isaiah Frey has put a warrant for the 'arrest' of any magic doers, but King Isaiah Frey has much more planned than what he says. He wants to know how 'Magic Folk' work, and to do so he's not just arresting them. He's capturing then experimenting on them. Queen Mina, Prince Callum, and Princess Callie aren't aware of what King Isaiah is doing, but they do know it isn't right or good. Little does the King know that his own children are magically gifted and they're like the people he hunts.
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Callie felt herself being picked up out of her royal bed, but before she could scream a hand was placed on her mouth. "Sis, we've gotta get out, there's no time to explain." She recognized it as her brother and calmed down, giving a sharp nod to acknowledge what he said. Callum carried his little sister's like a sack of potatoes, and sprinted through corridors and past guards who began chasing them. He didn't pay attention to their shouts of anger, he just knew that somehow his sister and he had been discovered and reported.
The inn room was dark, plain, and very tiny, clearly not from a very quality inn. The windows were tiny, the door wasn't locked, and the floors were nearly rotted wooden planks on them. But, it was good and cheap enough for Helena to stay in for the night. Helena yawned, slowly rising up from her bed, which was more a pile of cloth on the floor than anything else. She rubbed her eyes, and wiped the droll from her face, trying to somehow get herself ready for the day. Somehow, she could tell what time it is, despite the fact that it's quite hard to see through the small window, she could easily tell it was time to get up and meet today.
Callum heaved the front gate open and sprinted, still carrying his little sister tight. After about five minutes he realized he had run right into a town that must've been alerted by the Royal Guard, since there were at least ten guards chasing them already. He could only think of one thing and one thing only: getting his sister to safety. Callie began crying off of her brother's back. "Callie, don't trust anyone or anything but your heart, okay? I promise I'll get back to you..." He swiftly dropped her into some sort of ditch with bushes in it and turned around, ready to face what he assumed was fate.

Callum screamed at the guards, taunting them. Then he ran around like a rabid dog released into public. He taunted the guards and acted as if he was crazy, but he knew he had to. He knew it would create enough of a diversion that even the smartest of guards couldn't resist. The moment he stopped, he felt a big hand grip each of his arms and begin dragging him away to the dungeons deep beneath the castle.
Helena got up from the bed, picking up her bag and walked out of the room. After paying the host, she walked out of the crappy inn. Now, where was she going to go? Another inn for a drink? The crowded marketplace to possibly shop and steal? Well, the answer is simple, Helena would do both eventually, but the first thing she'll do is go to the market place, to possibly pick up a few things. Helena didn't have much on her, not money or things, but she's hopefull she'll be able to find a few things on the townsfolk that will be there.

She sighed, and tugged against her bag strap, holding it tightly against her chest. Helena walked away from the inn, and towards the marketplace, hoping her memory would serve her right to where it was.
Callie sat, protected by the thick bushes, crying almost silently. She already missed her brother and started hating her father more than ever. Callum was dragged out of sight by the strongest guards and he was brought to one of the few empty dungeon cells that were left. He finally submitted once there were chains wrapped around his ankles and the door to his cell was locked. He fell back onto the ground and thought out loud. "This has got to be my worst plan yet... At least Sis has a chance now.." He shut his eyes, running over the quick plan he'd come up with in his mind.

Brynjolf Carter

He wandered the market with a selective eye, one hand itching his chin as he glanced over the produce. He could do with a few more herbs here and there to assist his alchemy. Yet before he knew it, the sound of uproar came clear, along with the demented clank of armour. Royal guard. Remaining

inconspicuous, he approached to see the scene; only to find the shadow of a figure dragged off by burly men. Bryn arched his brow in question as he glanced about the area. What on earth could they have arrested the lad for? Stolen property perhaps?

The healer began his walk down the road a little, looking about. As if he'd find any signs of the misdeeds here. He sighed, turning away with a spin on his heel. There was too much turmoil these days. And he couldn't allow himself to be discovered as a magic user now. Not now. After all he'd done to conceal it away from the public.

(I haven't RPed in quite a while, and I'm uncertain of what I'm doing. If I do anything bad, please tell me.)

Helena wondered within the crowds of the market place, but didn't do much to really cause attention. She intentionally remained inconspicuous, her head down, just walking around, glancing around for anyone that looked rich or had a decent amount of money. This was wrong, but she didn't care, she needed a meal and she needed to eat, and so she believed she was fully justified in it. She just hoped that whoever she would steal from her wouldn't notice.

She continued walking, until she found a man, a burly one, by the size of 6'3", very rugged, very intimidating, but he seemed unusually distracted by something Helena didn't care for. He looked average, and to be completely honest, a risky choice, but Helena couldn't find anyone else that didn't, and she was getting desperate and impatient. There was just so many people around here, and she just had to pick one. Staying silent, she went through the crowd, and sneakily she reached a light hand over to his pockets for just a few moments, enough to pull something from it, hoping he wouldn't be observant enough to find out her. If he was, she could be in big trouble. And chances are, she will.
Callie sat in the bushes for what seemed like forever, crying. Finally she though about a simple question that she figured would keep her alive. "What would Brother do?" She asked herself. He would conceal his royal identity first off.. I think.. She took off her royal princess crown and chucked it out of sight. She ruffled and messed her hair up. She took some dirt and carefully rubbed just a bit on her face to make herself look like a peasant. She tore her royal dress and tried her hardest to make it seem the least royal it could be. She nervously stepped out of the bushes and hoped she looked poor enough, which was hard since she was a princess, after all.

(It's cool, you got this :) )
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Brynjolf Carter

His distraction didn't last long, for soon he felt the brush of hands near his waist. The light fingering stealth of a pickpocket no less. He suddenly whipped around to tightly grasp the woman's wrists, now looking into her features. Alike many whom turned to crime. There was a certain air about her. "Not the best way to bid a stranger good morning." Brynjolf stated, his eyes rather reflecting a mischievous nature rather than angered. His day had gone from the norm to quite exhilarating. Bless the gods and their pickpockets eh?

With a smirk curving his lips, he questioningly raised both eyebrows in emphasis. "Well then? Will you be offering me an explanation or shall you be off and running?"
Oh, yikes.

Helena froze almost with a somewhat empty expression, staring back into his eyes for a few moments before trying to avoid them, embarrassed that her cockiness allowed her to make a mistake like this, mistaken a moment of distraction for ten seconds of a chance. She was wishing she could call this unexpected but like anything else, pick-pocketing did have a risk. Very quickly though, her face twisted into a mix of fear, anger, frustration, disappointment, and a little of relief. Though, it didn't seem like he would kill her or try to kill her or whatever, there was still a possibility that he would try to call the guards, and she decided it would be wise if she tried to get out of here quickly. "Damn it," she murmured, trying to pull her arm away from his grasp, "Fuck!"

Very quickly, she stumbled onto her words as they spilled out from her mouth, "U-uh, well, crap, I don't know, let go of my hand! I was just trying to uh, brush of extra dirt off your pants, you know!" What a lame lie, that hardly was believable, and what a lame attempt of a pick pocket, she didn't even get to check what was in his pockets! Well, he was probably as poor as her anyways! Damn it!
Callum sat up in his cell, wary of the two guards whispering back and forth in front of his cell. "I hope you're not conversing about me. I'm right here, you know." His eyes glared at them as they laughed. "If you let yourself be caught so your sister would escape then you're attempt was all in vain." Callum's glare hardened. "Oh? And why's that?" The guards laughed more. "She's a little princess! Can't be too hard to spot her! Don't take a genius to see that. Besides, she's a little girlie. There's no way she can get away from every guard that's sent after her." Callum gritted his teeth, wishing he'd had more time to think his plan through.

Callie made her way towards the marketplace, thinking Callum would do the same if he were in her place. She felt a large bag of gold that her brother must've shoved into her only dress pocket. She went and bought a giant green cloak that would help her hide away her identity. She immediately put it on and tried best to cover her face with the cloak's hood.

Brynjolf Carter

"Brush dirt off my trousers? Thats a new one" He laughed, releasing her wrist from his iron grip. "Next time I'll be callin' the guards lass. Perhaps if you kept your own hands, in your own pockets you wouldn't find this to be so embarrassing to be caught." His flecked mossy eyes, locked with hers a moment. "If you really want to get a fistful of dried sage, I doubt you'd want to see whats in that pocket either. Quite boring, and overall inexpensive. Unless you're a chef of some kind."

It was surprising one might say. How relaxed and easygoing this healer was. Even in the event of having a crime committed against him. Of course he had his sympathies with her, knowing that she was of a bottom pile society. Having to fight for the right to live. Yet I suppose one would just pick up and carry on, no need for a big fuss. Sometimes one would get the punishment they deserved- but not at his hands.
Callum curled up into a ball and thought long and hard about how he could get out. He knew that he could easily drown the guards with his water magic and underwater breathing ability that came with it, but he also knew that that meant flooding the whole dungeon, drowning everyone but himself including the other Magic Folk. He knew he had all sorts of magical attack methods, but each one would somehow threaten the others that were trapped down here. He looked at the wall and saw the smallest of cracks that housed some dirt.

He only had one other kind of magic in him- and it had to do with plants that could grow out of nowhere as long as there's dirt. He smirked at the guards as they payed little attention to him. He flicked his arms in odd directions almost in a sort of dance and slowly but surely a large vine began growing from the dirt in the cracks of the wall. The guards finally noticed and before it was too late for them, they both charged into Callum's cell and pinned him down. The vine stopped growing and wilted as soon as his hands stopped dancing. "What's wrong with lightening the mood with some floral decorations?!" Callum sarcastically shouted at the two that had him pinned.

The guards smirked as the smaller one brought out more chains that were clearly meant for his hands. He struggled and for a split second he was free of the larger guard's grip. He quickly and swiftly sprang to his feet, know king both guards to the ground. He dashed out of the cell's entrance and down the corridors, making quick turns until he found one of the few secret tunnels that only royalty knew about. He quickly opened the door, which looked like it was part of the stone wall, and closed it quietly behind him. "I'm coming Sis..."
Helena, as soon as she was able to, pulled her arm away from his grasp, and furiously and roughly rubbed her wrist where he gripped. It didn't hurt, exactly, but it felt a bit numb. He wasn't as mad as she expected, hell, maybe some day she would dare to say he was kind off easygoing and nice? Well, actually, that thought was ridiculous. "Ugh, jeez," she muttered under her breathe. Though, she could easily say his reaction was unexpected, letting her go after she tried taking whatever? Well, perhaps whatever he had wasn't that valuable anyways, but still? What? "Uh well, um," she muttered, her face a sharp and clear frown, relieved but not willing to show that she is, "Alright, fuck, okay, fine."
Callie kept the cloak draped over her, but she kept tripping on the long cloth trailing her. She quickly made her way out of the town and towards the woods surrounding it. She knew she'd be safe with animals, knowing her kind of magic.

Callum rushed through the secret passageway and stopped short when it came to a dead end. "Damn, I could've sworn I used the right tunnel... Unless...." He shouldered the 'dead end' and it gave way, clearly more fake stone wall. He grinned as he took the final passageway into a cave that lead out into the woods surrounding the kingdom.
...⊹Himeragi was walking around in the village in just examining the place. She was unarmed but looked very rich. She soon sighed going back to the forest she lived and returned to her little cottage there⊹...

''nothing fun to do with the humans...*sigh*......oh well, i dont want them to find my home''
Callie some some richly dressed older girl go into the woods. She hesitated and followed, hoping maybe the girl had some sort of home that she could stay in while she waited for Callum to free himself and get back to her. She followed the older girl until she came to some sort of cottage. "Mam, is there any chance I could stay here until my brother gets me..?.." She hoped deeply that the older girl would let her stay until Callum came.
ClickyVikki said:
Callie some some richly dressed older girl go into the woods. She hesitated and followed, hoping maybe the girl had some sort of home that she could stay in while she waited for Callum to free himself and get back to her. She followed the older girl until she came to some sort of cottage. "Mam, is there any chance I could stay here until my brother gets me..?.." She hoped deeply that the older girl would let her stay until Callum came.
...⊹Himeragi soon slowly turned around upon hearing a voice of a small girl. She soon tilted her head⊹...

''and who might you be?''

Brynjolf Carter

"A little rude don't you think?" He tutted patronizingly. "Anyhow. I can't be too annoyed, I've done a few things that rival a pickpocket. How about a drink?" Bryn asked, tilting his head. "Can't say im all too familiar with the place, and you seem like you know it, and its patrons quite well." He must've been insane. Inviting a lowlife to a drink or two. She'd probably rob him blind when he looked the other way.

Yet she seemed alright. Once couldn't be blamed for upbringing. But the truth was he travelled quite a bit, and the statement about not knowing the place? Not entirely true. Of course he wasn't familiar with the community nor society being a nomad, but he was to be leaving soon and his friends were few and far between. He just simply craved conversation.

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Callie glanced around nervously before asking the older girl another question. "Promise you won't tell? Because if you do I don't know what will happen to my brother and me, but it isn't good." She looked hopefully at her.
ClickyVikki said:
Callie glanced around nervously before asking the older girl another question. "Promise you won't tell? Because if you do I don't know what will happen to my brother and me, but it isn't good." She looked hopefully at her.
''as long as you arent trying to kill me, i can trust you''

What the hell? Letting her go was one thing, but letting her come for a drink with him was another different story! Of course, she might be able to consider it another opportunity to try and steal from him, but of course, granted that she is already known as a lowlife by him, he would be more attentive and less distracted. So, she guessed it would be far harder if she was looking to get a few bucks out of it than to try and pickpocket some other dude or chick. This dude was totally insane, but still, the man was kind of interesting too. Far different from anyone she's really met, and that made her honestly very curious.

"A... a drink?..." Surprisingly enough, Helena was actually considering it, though she was going to the bar to get a drink afterwards anyways... "Well, fuck it, alright, fine, why not," she answered, albeit a little hesitantly. God, she couldn't believe she was going with this, "Let's have a drink, well, at the local tavern, then? Unless you had something else different in mind."
Callie sighed with relief, coming closer and whispering. "I'm Princess Callie Frey and Prince Callum Frey is my brother. But don't tell anyone please." She still looked around nervously, thinking someone might be watching.

Callum exited the passageway and squinted at the bright light of day. He looked around to figure out where he was in the woods, and where he could find his sister.
ClickyVikki said:
Callie sighed with relief, coming closer and whispering. "I'm Princess Callie Frey and Prince Callum Frey is my brother. But don't tell anyone please." She still looked around nervously, thinking someone might be watching.
Callum exited the passageway and squinted at the bright light of day. He looked around to figure out where he was in the woods, and where he could find his sister.
start quoting me or at least tagging me so i can find your replies easier...)))

...⊹Himeragi thought about it before turning to open the door and walking in leaving the door open⊹...

''come in''

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