Kingdoms of the Fae

Ooh. The following are some ideas for the Aspects. Maybe one or two will be useful.

1. "Outcomes of the mind" to Volition

2. "Perseverance over adversity" to Perseverance or Resolve

3. "Transmutation of the world through thought" to Mind

4. "Comprehension of mysteries purpose" to Mystery or Clairvoyance
Oh Cirno, you just get this game, don't you?

4 is probably the trickiest. Mystery doesn't quite fit, but Clairvoyance seems a tad off for the concept, from what I can understand.

Hm, I know there's a right word it, but I'm finding it hard to call to mind...
1. "Outcomes of the mind"

changed to Logo-centric


2. "Perseverance over adversity" changed to Fortitude


3. "Transmutation of the world through thought"

changed to Transmutative


4. "Comprehension of mysteries purpose

changed to Arcanist


With the acception of the first one, they are now all one word, and I lost nothing of the original concept in doing it. I am as pleased as punch that you liked it.

---Balance, The Evener of Odds, Supporter of the Weak, The One Between---

Prime Aspect: Equilibrium

Titles & Epithets: Balance, The Evener of Odds, Supporter of the Weak, The One Between

Typical Appearance: A pale figure in regal silk white shirt with an open black leather buttonless vest over it. Long black leggings, lead to white shoes matched by white gloves. He often wears a cape black on the outside, white on the inside. Upon his belt which seems to have no buckle, sit sheathed a quartet of throwing knifes, two to either side. His hair is dark and his eyes seem almost blind in their white-ness.

Other Favoured Forms: A butterfly, it's wings filled with the most complex of chaotic patterns, brought to order in the perfect replication of each wing in it's opposite.

A feminine version of it's typical human form, while thus, balance lacks the throwing knifes but bears an oddly symmetrical Ocarina as a pendent at her neck.

A simple merchant's scale.

The Mid-Knight, A strange and dark knightly figure. The armor of darkness is empty of body, instead filled with Light that will leak through the eyes in a Balorious gaze or the mouth in a feirce white hot fiery gust. The gauntlets of darkness are opened at the finger tips creating daggers of that internal light. It is not a favorite form, so much as a form of neccesity, When balance has been pulled asunder and little is left but to start anew.

Tell: Equilibrium is always perfectly symmetrical in appearance, even to the point of wounds or marrings that appear on one side, showing mirrored copies on the other.

Personality:It is the way of balance to first seek peace or at least quick resolution to conflict, attempting to resolve threats first by word and smile. When peace is harder to come by the Aspect of Balance begins to grow angry, as the only sane being in a world sooo off kilter there remains little but to rage. Later he will feel shame or apologize for such tempers and will sometimes even simply disappear from a scenario to avoid such outbursts but this does little to alleviate the damage of those that do occur.

Of note is that Balance will more often than not support the underdog in any given conflict, but should it seem that he has chosen the wrong one or overbalanced the scales of a conflict, he will, with apologizes withdraw his support or even apply it to the opposing side.

Aspects: Balance 4

Underdogs 2

Order 2

Chaos 2


Stable: Balance is possessed of both a physical stability (He will never fall over due to a loss of balance) as well as a keen degree of self-awareness (which allows him to maintain his sanity in the face of sights or knowledge that would break lesser beings). By a similar note, Equilibrium is ambidexterous in whatever form he might take.

Resistent to Extremes: Sitting in the Between of everything, one extreme cannot reach out to effect the center with out it's opposite feeling likewise pulled. This is not perfect as the world is not perfect and thus the world will sometimes block some or all of the opposing force. But often Heat will be lessened by Cold, Acids reduced by Bases, and even the unpredictable Insanity will find Reason there to worry it's thoughts

Signature Powers:

Blessings of Balance; By instilling a lesser being (be it mortal or spirit or lesser fae) with the blessings of balance Equilibrium can even the odds in a given conflict. This can only be done to a being obviously outmatched.

Weigh Emphemera; With a few moments time, the evener of odds may remove the heart of a willing or subdued mortal and compare it in his hands to any number of strange and arcane standards of measure which will appear instantly in his opposite hand. A singular feather might appear to compare to the target's purity, or a brick of salt to measure their intellect.

After determining the heart's value, Equilibrium may put it back within the mortal to no ill effect.

Domain Stride:Equilibrium may step to and from his realm in a matter of moments to or from any Court of Law, Marketplace where fair trade is the norm, or where an underdog cries out for a fair fight.

---The Mirrored Land---

---The Twinned World, Home of Dopplegangers, The Teetering Kingdom---

Realm Title:The Mirrored Land

Other Titles:The Twinned World, Home of Dopplegangers, The Teetering Kingdom

Nature: The Mirrored Land is a vast forested kingdom on a massive flat plane teetering upon a needle's tip at the realms very center. Here the ground itself is mirrored and besides the shimmering silver trees few things may grow there. The native fauna from Shimmering Deer to Steel Squirrels and Chromium Dragons migrate instinctivly to maintain the balance of the world. A visitor might find the constant reflection beneath disturbing, as it does not always seem to move as perfectly in sych with a visitor's motions as those of the native populous.

The truth is stranger than most suspect, Each creature in the mirrored land is born with an opposite number on the opposite side of the, in truth transparent, world, When a stranger arrives to the Land, the powers of Equilibrium work instantly too conjure a doppleganger to fill in for the missing twin of the foreigner. When the stranger leaves the doppleganger copy goes to live within the House of
Half-Souls at the center of the mirrored land. These beings long for their missing halfs, seeking to either call them back to the mirrored land or in rare, deviant cases, to travel to other worlds, there to kill and consume their opposite, becoming whole and resuming their life. As Dopplegangers are perfect mirrors of their targets, with the exception of their target and any witnesses after the occurence, one might never suspect any difference beyond a switching in hand preference.

Layout and Landmarks: The Palace of Synchronicity, At the center of the plane on the overhalf, the Palace is the seat of power for the forces of equilibrium. Within dwell only dopplegangers, the misbegotten, and foreigners. As well as the lord oof the land, Equilibrium himself.

The House of Half-Souls Beneath the palace on the underhalf, where the Point meets the World, The House is the home of dopplegangers without partners, and of the misbegotten, Beings of chaos still sane of mind, seeking a presonal redemption or equilibrium by serving the forces of Balance.

Both House and Palace are places of luxury but their occupants are forbidden to leave them. For fear of unbalancing the world or spawning yet more dopplegangers that would be left forlorn within it's walls.

Dopplegangers are one of the few entities that cannot spawn new dopplegangers.


Silver Sheened Simulacrum of those creatures that dwell in a normal forest live in the mirrored lands,

Four villages likewise exist spread out to the four corners of the world, populated by mortals born within the Palace or House. Each one possessed of an opposite number like any other native inhabitant and a mirrored skin.

The Dopplegangers live in the World, though those without an opposite are compelled to migrate towards the House. Though they are no more powerful then the beings that spawned them... their nature as copies of those beings often with the same powers and often many of the memories leaves them formidable creatures as it is a rare individual that can make it to the Mirror Lands without some form of power, as creations of Balance they are beholden and mostly obedient to Equilibrium.

The Misbegotten are beings twisted by chaos. Most are descended from mutations among the natives of the mirrored lands and such beings, in opposing pairs, are compelled to live at the House of Half Souls.
One of the most common mutations amongst the misbegotten is simply a throwback nature, that is, lacking the silvered sheen of a normal native. In bearing the guilt of carrying the unbalancing forces of chaos within them, they strive all the harder for Order. It is this reaching towards the opposite extreme that brings them under the sway of Balance and in the culture of the misbegotten a state of balance between Order and Chaos is sublime. Thus their dedication to Equilibrium.

Court: The Court of the Palace of Synchronicity is composed of twins acting in concert for the most part, the Palace is the one point besides the House of Half Souls where the two halfs of each individual can interact and work together rather than simply in unison.

Courtiers come and go, but few are of much note beyond a certain level headed Competence and impressive degree of coordination. Equilibrium rarely takes lovers, though, when he does they are typically either foriegners that have found stability within his realm, the dopplegangers left behind of such people, and the occassional oddly non-synchronus twins, whom betwixt them form a balance whole.

Realm Effects:

The creation of Doppleganger is the strangest and most readily visible effect. Though only the astute will note the ramifications of that effect.

Foreigners that wander the silvery forest of the mirrored land long enough, gazing at their own reflection in the trees, and seeing their dopple ganger at their feet might come to know themselves better...

Bringing a stability to the mind Similar to Equilibrium's own. Unfortunatly, not all minds can tolerate such self awareness and half of those left to wonder the forest instead simply snap, Balance lost.

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