Kingdoms of the Fae

eszett said:
Oof, low-fantasy realm? The stuff Addiction's realm is made of is awfully futuristic now, then. Might have to revise that...
Nah, I'm willing to allow that. Fae are somewhat out of sync with time, and sometimes when you visit the Mortal Realm you might end up in their future.
This has been approved, and is now Awaiting Players, once you have enough players, please PM me and we can get to making the forums, prefixes, banner, and all the other sweet stuff storytellers get. (At the Cartographers Table of course!)

---The Great Judge, The Harmonious Emperor, Keeper of Peace---

Prime Aspect: Order

Titles & Epithets: The Great Judge, The Harmonious Emperor, Keeper of Peace

Typical Appearance: A genderless figure wearing voluminous robes and showing no features or form underneath except light-skinned hands and glowing golden eyes. The mark of balanced scales will be clearly upon what would be the chest area of the robes (see Tell).

Other Favored Forms: A wise but old man, elegantly dressed, projecting the appearance of authority.

Tell: No matter the form, a glowing golden mark of balanced scales will be present upon the form, be it on the skin, clothing, etc.

Personality: Order is constantly busy. He feels himself appointed an Arbiter of the Cosmos and acts according in the Fae Realms and the Human World. Despite his sense of importance, he feels it has to be maintained of course. This does not preclude relaxation and periods of luxury, but those - the grand balls and maintaining a harem - are more to maintain the majesty and influence of his authority than any personal needs. Order does not disagree with some measure of justice and freedom in the works he surveys, and some realms need to be punished for the proliferation of chaos and corruption. Those are never acceptable.


Authority 4

Law 4

Peace 2


- Obedient: All servants of Order are innately obedient to him, though they have the latitude of free will.

- Empowerment of Authority: Order can grant impressive boons to anyone of appropriate political, legal, familial, and other authorities. eg- Judges, Nobles, Generals, Family Patriarchs, etc.

Signature Powers:

- Mark of The Discord-maker: A mark is made upon the target, which weakens them under the crushing guilt of their entropic actions and inspires servants of Order to great feats of vengeance upon the target.

- Supreme Command: A command that cannot be disobeyed is uttered of the listener.

---Pax Aurum---

---The Desmense of Disciple, The Land of Hierarchy---

Realm Title: Pax Aurum

Other Titles: The Desmense of Disciple, The Land of Hierarchy

Nature: The world is a crystalline landscape of clean lines and symmetry.

Layout and Landmarks: There are many villages and minor forts in the crystal world, surrounding the Grand Castle where Order holds court.

Population: There are no animals, or plants, but Task Spirits with a mandated man-shape, reflecting an idealized kind of feudal society, occupies this world, as well as devout mortals.

Court: Order holds the Grand Castle as his court, with a harem, advisers, soldiers, courtiers and servants in attendance.

Realm Effects: Aside from the natural compliance of his subjects, those who obey Order will fight with utter ruthlessness to expel invaders, and those from outside who create trouble or invade are weakened and disoriented, as the Realm itself acts to expel such impossible intrusions through various means.

I like it. I would urge changing the 'man-spirits' to spirits of order, or spirits of various other tasks with a man-shape imposed by Order (for example, your Platonic idea of a blacksmith is a Smithing Faerie that Order demands resemble a human instead of it's more common living forge).

I'm essentially ready to get this all set up with the five of you I have, but I'll welcome more players.
So... it's ready to roll? I've been a bit anxious to get this started, it seems like it's going to be pretty awesome.
I just need another day to see about organizing things backstage and then filling out the necessary threads with mechanics and structure. I'm glad you're excited! I'm excited, I've wanted to run this for months.

---Jack The Red Eye, Bringer of lies, keeper of chaos, Freer of minds--

Prime Aspect: Chaos

Titles & Epithets: Jack of Blades, or Jack the hat, Old Red Eye are the most common

Prophet of Lies, bringer of lies, the Mad Man, The Mad Mask, Mask, Top Hat freer of minds, keeper of chaos

Typical Appearance:

Old Red Eye in his human form typically take the form of a tall eerily hansom man, usually in a suit from the late eighteen hundreds with a black tophat and white hair, his right eye always is red and almost glows.



Tell: Glowing Red Right eye

Personality: Twisted, sadistic, monstrous, always changing, spontaneous, Crazy, sane, (yes he is sane and insane at the same time) Over all a nice fellow, just depends on the 30 second period you catch him gods why did i just make make the mad god from elderscrolls <.<


Change: 3





Mark of Lunacy:

Wether a bonus or a terrible curse, when Jack gets mad those around him Go Mad, loosing their minds in a fit of inanity and paranoia.

Would I Lie?

Well I would but no one else needs to know that! Do to his aray of aspects, jack is just easy to believe, wether altering ones mind using change and mind, or the world around them People just have a tendency of believing his lies.

Power of the Mirror realm:

The entrance to the Realm of chaos is threw relfective surfaces, and all that is needed to transition into the realm is threw a genuine or Desperate, desire, belief, emotion, or need. The storys of people saying bloody Marys name in the mirror and getting gacked, the story started with some ass hole standing infront of a mirror, truly believing the story, or at least truly afraid, and when they turned around a pissed off changeling was standing there chenelling the power of mind and change to embody the persons fear and proceeded to mall them to death for dredging them out of what ever they were doing. Other story's of people entering other plains threw mirrors or lakes tend to result from such happenings.

Signature Powers:

Shadow movement:

Jack has the ability to move threw any shadows with ease as easy as any one elce can walk, using Shadow and transition.

Shadow beasts:

Using Change and shadow, Jack can call forth shadow beasts to do his bidding, more then simple ilusions these beings can actually do Damage to those they attack.


Using his power of mind, change, and shadow, Jack can call forth nightmares from the subject deepest nightmares, not only terrorizing them mentally but even doing so physical.

Minds Walk:

Using Mind and transition, Jack can literally walk threw people minds communicating them that way, wether it is he himself walking threw the mind or mentally projecting himself.


Using mind and change Jack can litterally dominate some one into doing his Will or believing him, or forgetting something he wants them to.


---The Realm of Madness, The chaos lands---

Realm Title: Realm of madness

Other Titles: Lands of Chaos

Nature: Abbadon is a land plagued with chaos and insanity, those not strong of mind tend to loose it trying to navigate the lands. The realm of Madness is an ever changing array of continents floating around the Iron tower conected only threw rivers of water flowing in hundreds of impossible directions. The water of Abbadon is odd in that it doesnt abide by the typical laws of physics, some times it flows up, some times down, some times it flows back wards while going forward, and side ways and in every direction the mind can receive and those that it cant. Threw out the lands of Chaos pools of water often collect in hidden space transferring into telleportation outlets capable of transporting some one to another point, or can become pools of seeing capable of telling the seer what is truly hidden within their hearts, or causing them to go utterly mad. Those who visit the lands of Abbadon must truly take care for everything is a lie twisted in a truth wrapped in tasty tasty bacon dipped in more lies, the shadows themselves whisper subtle lies warping the minds of those who are not careful, many who visit the lands not allready gifted with the blessing of madness will usually leave with the curse of broken minds. Everything lives in Abbadon, and nothing is at the same time, their are two constants within the realm of Madness, The Iron tower, and the fact that nothing is constant. The lands typically appear to be almost barren at first sight, bathed in a permanent twilight, though at closer inspection, life is all around them. Treese grow in the dusty dirt, twisted flowers bloom, weeds, and other plants grow, but the earth always appears to be like a barren waist land, no grass.

Layout and Landmarks: The Iron tower is the seat of power within the Realm of madness, it is the center point from witch the rest of abbadon revolves around. It itself is a massive tower capable of housing the entire hampton roads area from its outside appearence, though once on its inside one quickly finds that its space is entirely disproportionate to the outside. whats more is nothings stays the same, one can walk from the entrance, threw a door into the kitchen, turn around and end up in the bathroom, then walk threw the door again and still be in the bathroom. The staircases as well are absolutely baffling, walking along them is nearly impossible to figure out unless your mad, or powerful enough to over come them, you could walk up a set of stair for an eternity and turn around only to find you walked up 3 steps, or you could walk one direction and find themselves back at the starting point, the laws of gravity dont even work, you could be walking on the walls the roof or the floor, if you could figure out witch way was up or down. The only thing one can hold on to within the Iron keep is that you can never turn back, you must always go forward, or be lost for ever.

Beyond that the lands are dotted with small towns and city's witch are the soul place of solace for those wishing to attempt to retain their sanity, though the people aren't always the easiest to deal with.


The creatures that inhabit the Chaos lands are like twisted grims fairy tail version of their earthen counterparts, Its almost as if they had been imagine by a man who had don crack, pcp, cocaine, acid, then washed it all down with a gallon of absenth, then hooked an IV into their arm pumping pure heroin into their system, all while watching alice in wonderland.

The Fay folk that make up the population take on aspects of shadow, water, sentient animals, Changlings

and the Shadow Folk.

The Shadow folk are the origonal sapient life forms who inhabit the lands of chaos, Jack himself is infact a Shadow folk who simply gained a large amount of power and became the ruler. The Ents, were a product of what can only be described as magical radiation, or madness radiation more likely. The shear amount of raw madness literally animated the shadow and the water of the lands and it started coming to life in some instance. The Changelings are children from the human realms that were kidnapped and brought back to the lands, hear they were raised into fey folk and would gain the ability to change shape. The Human children seem to be a facination of Jacks, he is rather fond of changelings who inhabit his court.

(just ignor the first spoiler of every thing i cant get rid of the first spoilers.

Shadow Ents:


Elder Shadow Ent:


Water Ents:


Female Shadow Folk:


Male Shadow Folk:



Jack has his body guards who are typically elite Shadow folk warriors, and has a group of nobles witch in reality are nothing more then Jesters, they spend all their time bitching about matters of state but in reality have no power what so ever, jack just likes to keep them around for his amusement. It is the Changelings who are in fact his officers in most cases, they gather information, adivse him, in some cases amuse him in many ways, and consul him when he needs it.

Realm Effects:

Wavering sanity:

Those who enter the realm will find their sanity slowly, or quickly dwindle the longer they stay.

Wildest dreams:

Within the realm of madness the fears of people often come true if they arent careful, and they will find themselves doing combat with their worst fear.

The true measure of a Mans Heart:

Those who go to the realm of chaos and walk its lands and are able to actually leave will almost always leave with a better understanding of what is really at the core of their being, who they really are, for better or worse.

0burn111 said:
So is mine acceptable?
It'll need a bit of editing, but we can leave that until the game has a forum. The concept is fine, the execution just needs a touch of refining.
It's kinda like my character in the insanity department, but... We're different, but similar.
Well, Wind is the Wind, first and foremost. He has a clear purpose and nature, but his thoughts are insane; unknowable. Chaos is. No rhyme, no reason, no structure. You can understand how and why the Wind works (because his Panoply is a natural phenomenon), if not his intent, but Chaos actively defies scrutiny and quantification.

You'd get along, probably, but sparks are going to fly between him and Order over there.
Oh im sure! Hed try to give me order, and Id be trying to chaos things up!

I also I have often been described as chaos incarnate

Beyond that what are we still waiting on?

also is their an issue with my aspects or something else?
I'm probably going to try to kill you all. Or aid you all in killing eachother. Or aid one of you and not the others. Or aid myself. Or... whatever it is insane people do.
As a student of clinical psychology, I can verify that what insane people mostly do is tremble in fear as they lose control of their lives. =p

Why, yes, I do hate fun. How could you tell?


---Hound of Hell, Herald of Ragnarok, The Alpha Male--​

Prime Aspect:

Titles & Epithets:
Hound of Hell,

Herald of Ragnarok, the Alpha Male

Typical Appearance:
Garmr's favorite appearance is that of which he gets his namesake: a gigantic gray wolf with wild brown eyes. A length of rope hangs around his neck, shorn about halfway between his front legs, and his fur is matted with blood. Whose blood, nobody knows.

Other Favoured Forms:
Garmr's other forms can also appear as a werewolvian creature, a cross between man and beast.


No matter what form Garmr takes, Garmr's wildness can never be completely contained. In every form, Garmr has wild, hungry eyes that only a hunter would have.

Garmr only respects strength. Any creature who is weak in Garmr's eyes will never be worthy. That said, for those who prove themselves strong do earn his begrudging respect...but, anyone who knows the Alpha Male well knows that anyone attempting to upstage the Hound of Hell will not be suffered and killed...and Garmr knows how to hunt his prey.

Beasts 4, Cunning 2, Strength 2, Fear 2


King of the Beasts:

Garmr is the undisputed king among the animals of the forest. As such, he has a lot of pull with the other creatures who live in it, and sometimes without. Beasts who know his name will generally not want to pick a fight with him.

Law of Strength:
Garmr is a wolf, and wolves obey the law of strength. Any wolf who doesn't have the strength to fight for the pack will die, for by only sacrificing the weak can the strong survive. Any wolf who fights for Garmr will always fight ferociously and not back down in the face of their foes.

Signature Powers:

Howl of Hell:

Garmr can give off a single chilling howl, striking fear in the hearts of those who hear it.

The Ultimate Predator:

There is no creature Garmr cannot track. Give him enough time and he will find anyone he seeks.

---The Dark Forests---

---Blacktree Grove, The Lair of the Wolves---​

Realm Title:
The Dark Forests

Other Titles:
Blacktree Grove, The Lair of the Wolves

The Dark Forests are exactly what it says on the tin: a forest, made of high, dark-leafed trees that the sun can only barely peek through the canopy, and fog is quite common.

Layout and Landmarks:
The seat of Garmr's power in the Dark Forest, and by extension, the whole of the Fenris, are the

Fenris Caves,

where the Fenris live and hunt out of. At the top of the path leading to the mountain is the Fenris Cave is

Akela Rock,

and it is here that Garmr makes his decrees. The wraiths have a plot the

Dark Hills of Niflheim

, where they roam and feast on human souls with the misfortune of stumbling upon them. Scattered throughout the trees are the homes of witches who live in the forest.

The Dark Forests are populated mostly by beasts, huge beasts the likes of which human dreams can scarcely boggle. Among them are giant ravens and snakes, both of whom have a stake in the Dark Forests, but generally bow to Garmr and his pack, for they are the strongest of the animals who live there.

The only things remotely human that live in the Dark Forests are the wraiths, humanoid spirits who have long lost any sense of sanity and now roam the forests, seeking souls to devour, and are led by their unholy queen, Hel. The wolves and wraiths have a kind of non-agression pact going, and the last thing Garmr and the Fenris need is a wraith uprising.

Witches also live in the Forest, in wood homes scattered throughout the forest, generally keeping to themselves. Any mortals who want a chance to survive the Dark Forests will have to find a witch who will take them in and give them protection, but it's never for free.

The court of Garmr's rule of the Dark Forests is made up of Garmr's pack, known by all as the Fenris, all wolves like Garmr. In his pack, Garmr has a mate, known as Pruon, who rules the pack with him as his Alpha Female, and the Beta Male, Loftur, who helps keep order within the pack. After that, Garmr rules the wolves and, by extension, all animals with an iron paw.

Garmr does not allow the other animals anywhere near the Fenris Caves, on penalty of death. However, should Garmr seek a meeting with the animals, he will go to Akela Rock, and summon them with a howl. These meetings do occur once a month under the full moon, as the animals, led by Nidhogg, the King of Snakes, Habrok, the Lord of Ravens, and Hel and her wraiths come to meet.

Witches are the only ones Garmr has a paws-off policy with. Garmr knows the witches' magic can protect them from Garmr and the other beasts, but the witches respect Garmr's strength and prefer not to tangle with Garmr and the Fenris if they can help it.

Realm Effects:

The Secrets of the Trees:

The stark nature of the Dark Forests make for a chilling place. Anyone who is not native to the Dark Forests will wander the dark trees forever unless they have a guide.

A Great Chill:

Anyone who wanders into the Dark Forests will be constantly cold, and any fires that are lit in the forests are generally weak and prone to blowing out because of the whippy winds that sometimes blow through.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Does this RP have the required amount of players set by the storyteller yet?

Yes, I have the required number of players, but the game will likely remain joinable.

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