Kingdoms of the Fae

This thread has been moved to Our Roleplays, the storyteller may set the appropriate tag by editing the first post depending on the status of the game and may proceed to the cartographer's table to have the game created.

Depends when the forums are put up. I'll begin posting mechanical details and such as soon as I see them.
The good news is, having chatted with Dark Wizard on TS, I am given to understand the forums come up today. :)
@VonRidel Hrm. I'm curious how Wind might react to Potential presenting a gift to Night with a wind elemental trapped in it. Or if he might have been in a mood to assist when the idea was concieved.

A Corset of Silver Pheasant Feathers: At least a hundred silver pheasant-peacock feathers have been gathered into this statement of grandeur. Every shaft ends with iridescent green eyes, shining blue or even violet when the light is just so. It shimmers and rustles with even the faintest of sighs from the wearer. The corset has no laces, achieving perfect fit by a wind elemental woven into the garment. At the owner's command, the corset gracefully flutters apart, leaving a shimmering pile at her feet. A touch from the owner and the silky feathers whirl about, molding to her form once more. (Flickr Photo by Peter Stubbs)
You're raising the bar for all of us, dang you!

And hope the forums and other fun material go up soon.
Working on that now, should be up within the next hour or two, depending on admin workload
Blackadder said:
You're raising the bar for all of us, dang you!
And hope the forums and other fun material go up soon.
Ehe. I'm really excited about this game!
@Cirno As long as Wind can cause some havoc, I don't see why he woulden't help you.

Besides that fact that he is insane...
I'm not sure how much havoc a well-timed wardrobe malfunction for the Patron of Lovers can cause, but if anything happens Potential will totally evade claiming responsibilitaay. <_<
the element of wind isnt crazy, or seeking unbalance or havoc, its a force of nature, at best its thoughts are detached like a savant maybe, but stark raving lunacy bent on destruction for destructions purpose it is not, as a force of nature Wind seeks balance though is un predictable like most forces of nature, it seeks to destroy when balance is destroyed. Atleast as a primortial force of nature. If your looking for wonton destruction your probably better going with a war or chaos aspect that has some dominion of the power of wind. Just a suggestion
Oburn... First of all, don't tell me how to run my own character. Secendly, he is The Ever Changing Wind. Ever Changing being the key words. I describe this in my character sheet, maybe you might want to read it before giving suggestions?

If you're too lazy to read it, which I suspect, it means you don't know what he would do next. He might kill you out of hand, or he might bless you with his power or something. So, if he wants to cause havoc, that's totatly in his personality.

Wind does not seek balance, where did you get that from? Wind wants what it wants, it wants to make a hurricane, it makes a hurricane. Don't go predicting the wind, buddy. You can't.
Even as chaos I dont actively seek to destroy, I seek to upset balance, to disrupt order, to destroy law, In ways i could be ultimate freedom, or I could decide to be total destruction, at times I could decide to bring down a terrible (or perfectly functioning) monarchy, or out of shear random chaos I could help on be created. I dont formulate plans I merely do on a whim and watch as luck and fate fall into place. If i was smart Id have added some luck into my aspects but its hard to govern luck. Over all Chaos seeks to perpetuate change, anything stagnant would upset him.
Wind is the ultimate Chaotic Neutral, he does what he wants, when he wants, with no reason needed.
VonRidel said:
Oburn... First of all, don't tell me how to run my own character. Secendly, he is The Ever Changing Wind. Ever Changing being the key words. I describe this in my character sheet, maybe you might want to read it before giving suggestions?
If you're too lazy to read it, which I suspect, it means you don't know what he would do next. He might kill you out of hand, or he might bless you with his power or something. So, if he wants to cause havoc, that's totatly in his personality.
Look smart ass, I read you profile, Im not telling you how to run you nation or how to build it, hell if YOU read everything, youd have known I only posted it as Suggestion not a fucking edict. I posted it in response to your statement before witch was "As long as you create Havoc" It was more of suggestion that wind wouldnt be seeking to creat havoc. SO Chill the Fuck out
I think both characters suit the aspects they've picked. ST Grey will help us modify anything that needs it, so let's wait for the forums to open.
Both of you chillax, please.

0burn: To be fair, VonRidel outlined his character and his take heavily, and it's hard to see the part that said it was a suggestion.
Do calm down, gents.

Oburn, if I felt anyone was making poor choices on their Aspects and the embodiment of those Aspects, I would tell them in their character thread before they enter the game and help to tidy up. I realize you were simply assuring Cirno that Wind wasn't wholly destructive.

VonRidel, I'm sure he didn't mean to tell you how to play your character, but (and I apologise if this assumption is mistaken) I'm not sure English is Oburn's first language, and the tone or intent of his posts can be a little hard to read as a result.

Try not to be so confrontational out of character, guys. Save the sniping for diplomacy threads. :D
No English is in fact my primary language, unfortunately its a product of public schooling and bouncing back and forth between like 30 different schools growing up, and commonwealth schools, commonwealth schools suck dirty donkey dong, as such my spelling and grammar tend to not be the greatest in the world. Believe it or not It has in fact improved over the past 8 or so years Ive been role playing on forums.

I was not intending it to sound like a you have to do it this way sort of thing. It was meant as a suggestion, nothing more. The aggression part came from, once again, his other statement about the creating mayhem part. Also I tend to over exaggerate some details, its nothing personal I just do it.
Hope I didn't offend, 0burn.

In any case, hopefully the forums will be active today. I had to rush out not long after seeing the option become available so it'll have to wait until a mod with the appropriate powers comes back online.
(This is just a rough draft; it’ll probably need some hammering out with the ST.)

Name: Endless endurance of volition.

Titles & Epithets: He that overcomes, the endless holder of will, he that is born under fates seal, and he that holds the mind’s innermost works.

Typical Appearance: He usually appears as a youth, just entering middle teams, in simple clothes, with an iron brace around a crippled leg, with a crooked back, and one eye missing. A long scar across his tanned and otherwise handsome features clearly indicating the act responsible for the missing organ. A smile, of perfectly white, if crooked teeth, always seems to be upon the lad’s face, as if he is either unaware, or unconcerned with the many deformities that are present on his frame. His black locks are slicked back neatly combed, but never seem to hide the scar across his crown from ear to ear. His clothes are typically immaculately clean, and the scent of incants seems to be always on his person.

Other Favored Forms: A bald lad, with legs that end at the knee, riding upon a psychically powered carpet, one arm shorter than the other, a simple chord holding a series of prism shaped crystals made from pressurized crystallized coal upon his bare forehead; and sometimes as a boy with no disfigurements, save the clear burn scars that cover his face and hands.

Tell: smiling through the pain of disfigurement, seeing that joy is something he can create on his own unaided.

Personality: If ideological systems, the byproduct of schematic networks, the conceptualization of verbal networks could be the source of siring offspring, then one might falsely conclude that Potential------Keeper of the Akashic Records & Keeper of Peace, are responsible for him. He does treat both deferentially, and servants of his can be found periodically within their realms. Above all, this lad finds joy within himself; understand that life is something to be overcome, and that all forms of the mind and the will are the means in which to do it. Thus, crafts all of manner and type fall within his purview, as they are products of the mind. Furthermore, he tests himself often, and while young, he is only recently come to the place of nobility, he shall test himself, by seeking the permission of all others to enter their realms and see to which point he may endure there. He shall not come empty handed, but shall leave with each a gift of the mind, perfect in its form, just as the barer of that gift is marred in frame. Above all this though, he is a being of the mind, enlightened to the point that he understands the place of things, and can smile when others think he should scream; stand when others think he should fall; and laugh, when others think he should cry. He’s not known for becoming angry, and usually treats the necessities of punishment s something that friends should do for one another, and everyone is his friend, even if they don’t realize it.


Outcomes of the mind 3

Perseverance over adversity 3

Transmutation of the world through thought 2

Comprehension of mysteries purpose 2


Bringer of gifts: volition always brings the finest crafted gifts to any event he holds or attends, giving him advantages in diplomacy and mediation.

Loyalty: those that reside in Volitions domain are extremely loyal, and difficult to subvert away from their purpose.

Endurance through tribulation: Volitions subordinates are extremely hardy folk, despite perceivable infirmities, and as a consequence, will be difficult to slay in combat; possessing in lesser degrees their overseers perseverance and endurance.

Abundant outpouring of the mind through collective spirit: While all of Volitions subordinates are skilled in some art, they become all the more so when collaborating in common cause; thus, groups of subordinates gain greater abilities when they work in harmony, such as in the completion of a great project, or in common defense.

Signature Powers:

Hardening of self: Volition can toughen his body through the force of his mind and thus, lessen the damage taken by forces around him.

The mind’s touch upon artifice: Volition’s mental abilities are best witnessed through action and craftsmanship. Thus, will he is able of limited psychic affects, mostly of an empathic nature through the performing arts, the more tangible the item created, the more significant the psychic abilities that are manifest.

Realm Title: Anvil of the Tempering spirit

Other names: The body’s purifier; the soul’s wet-stone; the well of refreshing craftsmanship.

Nature: This realm was at one point two, but eventually became one, it’s original masters long essence slain by some other being, and there names lost to the pages of history. The outermost element of the realm is quite forbidding, forming a continual lands cape for a considerable distance, and each representing a harsh type of terrain. In the north, the land is a constant artic blizzard, always wracked by snow storms. The land is full of snow leopards, and great polar bears, and all manner of creature’s best suited to the cold. In the west, the land is a burning desert, with sand storms that can skin a man. This land is full of enormous scorpions, deadly desert vipers, and all the creatures that call the desert home. In the east the land is a giant swamp land, full of bogs & marshes; while the south a fierce cliff face stands over turbulent waters that storms attack constantly. All of these border lands stretch on for a considerable distance, before reaching pleasant and turtle grasslands. Many marvelous town can be found here, each more marvelous than the previous, small tight nit communities, whose people are as interwoven, as the walls that surround them. This grass land stretches up a series of increasingly stepper rolling hills, until one comes to the mountain. This giant edifice of rock towers above everything else on the landscape. All the fantastically constructed roads and bridges lead to this mountain, or rather up it. Stretching up to the pinnacle where the massive stone tower that serves as Volitions home and base of power for the land. Many of the spirits, Dozzles and Tinkers mostly, although a few Elementalkin are about as well, have altered their shapes willingly to display the common deformities and plights of mortality. Indeed, many of the unwanted of the mortal realm, those that are born deformed and cast away by their parents to die, reside in these lands. Although, most live up in the tower proper.

(More of this to come later).

Each of the four boundaries is overseen by an Elementalkin, representing the part in which they are required to oversee and monitor. These boundaries are collectively calling the Outer Marches, while the plain is called the Middle March, and the mountain is called the Inner March. The chief Steward for the entire Realm is a mute telepath named Asura Bhava. This spirit was the steward over the first Lord and Lady of the realm, and is the only one that knows who they were and what became of them. He knows why Volition is the way he is, but good luck on getting him to spill the beans. The chief benefits of this land are that one comprehends the nature of endurance; it becomes a mark upon the very spirit of one that spends enough time within the land. The mind’s power to endure becomes manifest to those that reside there for a year, while enjoying the insight into all manners of craft that the land provides.

ST note: I am trying to strike a balance between too much and too little, perhaps I reached it. Anyhow, if anything doesn’t jive with you, please let me know.
Some of the Aspect titles are perhaps overlong, but otherwise I really like the character.

If possible, can we try to refine the Aspects down to one or two words? I think it should be possible without losing anything. It's a very good concept.

Remember that as the most powerful Fae you're not bound by some of the more specific Aspects of Lesser Fae, and your one-word Aspects can cover a wide umbrella with emphasis as it suits you.

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