Kingdoms of the Fae


Dialectical Hermeticist
Kingdoms of the Fae

Story Teaser

In a world beyond the world, the Fae abide and brood.

In palaces of glass and bone, the Fae scheme and feud.

And soon they will return, to make bloody sport of mortal fools.

The Garden of Night echoed faintly with the stringing of harps, the gentle lapping of water, and lovers hidden by silk curtains. Lady Night reclined on a luxurious couch - skin pale as the moon, hair black as the sky, beauty beyond mortal - attended by a handmaiden and trio of cats.

"The preparations are almost complete, my queen," purred one of the cats. "It will be a ball to remember."

"And we are assured no shortage of guests?" She asked.

"The Augurs say we will reach the portal just in time. Many mortals will blunder in on celebrations."

She smiled, predatory, showing a hint of fang. "Good."


In this game, you play as a Fae Noble; a godlike being living in a dimension parallel to the normal world, ruling a Realm which is an extension of your essence. Using your wit, creativity, and suite of powers you must compete with your fellow Nobles for the belief of mortals, while pursuing your own agenda - whether that be invasion of the mortal realm, or to devour your peers.


Aspect 1:

Players will get to create a powerful, magical being as their ruler with a simple Aspect system.

Aspect 2:

Players will get to define and expand their Realm, Subjects, and Powers in accordance with their Aspects.

Aspect 3:

Players will be able to try and influence the Mortal World, opposing, aiding, or ignoring one another as suits their goals

Aspect 4:

Players will be using a simple and versatile resource system to fuel their powers and expand their Realms

Aspect 5:

Roleplaying is of equal importance to the nuts, bolts, and business of nation building.


All you need is a fondness for magical strangeness, nation building, and roleplaying.

I'll provide any and all setting or mechanical materials that may be needed, and I'm always open to constructive criticism. Bear in mind that your Realms do not exist in purely physical space, and did not exist before you did. At present the Mortal Realm is in a medieval state, and there are no races other than human out there.
Character Template

---Prime Aspect---

---Titles & Epithets---

Prime Aspect:

Titles & Epithets:

Typical Appearance:

Other Favoured Forms:

Tell: The one way you could be identified, regardless of shape


Aspects: Maximum of 10

Ex - (Aspect) 2, (Aspect) 3, (Aspect) 5 = 10

Bonuses: Suggest benefits you should naturally have here. You must have as Aspect at at least 2 to gain a Bonus from it. I'll help with balance and cohesion.

Signature Powers: Optional, but fun. Specific powers based on your Aspects. I'll help you to balance them.

---Realm Title---

---Other Titles---

Realm Title:

Other Titles:

Nature: Is your realm a hostile hell-world? A beautiful garden of light? A short description tying it to your aspects goes here.

Layout and Landmarks: Where is the seat of your power? Are there any other interesting locations in your Realm?

Population: What Spirits are native to your Realm? What is the wildlife like? What other Spirits can be found living here?

Court: Do you have a lover? Bodyguards? A jester? Favoured members of your Court can be detailed here.

Realm Effects: Bonuses your Realm grants, effects it applies on those who enter, useful or harmful things it produces.

I did look at the posts you've made before, but structure makes it easier to understand for me. :D

Still, could you elaborate little further? I'm not sure what each charsheet entry means, still...



---Patron of Lovers, Mother of Monsters, Queen of Cats---

Prime Aspect:

Titles & Epithets:
Patron of Lovers, Mother of Monsters, Queen of Cats

Typical Appearance:
A beautiful woman of indeterminate age, with pale skin, and long black hair that seems to sparkle with tiny stars, and dark eyes.

Other Favoured Forms:
A black cat with a crescent moon patch on it's chest and black eyes. A terrifying, bloated monster hidden in darkness.


Eyes always seem like windows to a night sky.

Night is relaxed, yet passionate. She loves parties, sex, and luxury. She looks and acts like royalty, and believes no one would dare move against her. Confident in her power, she is content to revel, and plays politics for fun, inviting nobles and emissaries to her balls in order to collect information and seduce those she likes. She is very difficult to rouse to anger, but those who do will suffer for it. One of the few Fae who tolerate Vampires.

Maximum of 10

Night 4​

Cats 2​

Monsters 3​

Secrets 1​


Loyalty: Night's minions are extremely loyal, even the cats, and are hard to subvert.

Mother of Monsters: Night is almost impossible to assault with monstrous units, lest they turn to her side.

Spymaster: Night has a spy network and knows how to use it.

Party of the Year: Night throws some of the best parties, giving her advantages in diplomacy and mediation.

Signature Powers:

Cloak of Night: Wrap herself or an ally in darkness, fading from sight.

Summon Hound: The ability to summon a terrible beast for protection.

---The Garden of Night---

---The Hedge, The Cattery---

Realm Title:
The Garden of Night

Other Titles:
The Hedge, The Cattery

The Garden is night is an endless maze of manicured hedges, rising eight feet high or more. Terrible monsters lurk in the maze. Luckily, gated plazas featuring huge ponds and pretty bridges abound amidst the paths. They are filled with gazebos, gently lit by candles and full of beds, couches, and silk curtains. The sky above is black, save for the moon, which is carved with a titanic, feminine eye.

Layout and Landmarks:
Night rules from any part of the Garden she wishes, as the Maze moves and twists on itself.

Various cat spirits, from those like real cats to the anthropomorphic Maenads dwell here. A myriad of nightmares roam the paths of the maze. Some visiting spirits include those of Darkness, or Hunting, and they may choose to stay full time.

Night is aloof, hard to get close to. A cat named Sasha, and her Augur, the Eyeless One, are the only consistent members of her court.

Realm Effects:

Twisting Maze: Invading Night's Realm is almost impossible, as she controls the maze almost completely. You go at her invitation or not at all.

All Seeing Eye: The moon above isn't just for show. She can see you whenever she likes.
Man the formatting is seriously hard to wrestle with on this site.

eszett said:
I did look at the posts you've made before, but structure makes it easier to understand for me. :D
Still, could you elaborate little further? I'm not sure what each charsheet entry means, still...
Does the example help? I was in the middle of typing it up when you posted. Anything you especially need me to elaborate on?
Ah, it definitely helps! I should look into this tomorrow, when my brain is functioning at higher capacity. =p
I show interest in this. Is there any background story to this past the basic ideal of the RP? Like how all these "deities" came about was their originally more powerful beings and the Fae Nobles are just offspring given lesser powers?
There is a background of sorts, but it's not relevant to your characters. You were not always Fae Nobles, but rose through the ranks, as it were. All Fae began life as a simple Spirit, like a Fire Spirit, and with luck they gained more Aspects until they became the Nobles. But the act of transcendence changes you so you don't really remember or resemble what you were before you were a Noble. The only entities stronger than you don't like you and are not directly connected to you
I like that idea so your greatest ally could become your biggest enemy by the next stage and you would of never remembered, how interesting.
Some of the old feuds can still exist somewhere within you. if you want. The Moon and Night have a politely frosty relationship but neither is sure why.
Oh, and don't feel confined by the hints of existing, listed or partially fluffed Fae.

For example, if someone wants to play night they could rebuild her as they liked.

---Diamond Syringe, Whip of Ink, Princess of Poppies---

Prime Aspect: Addiction

Titles & Epithets: Diamond Syringe, Whip of Ink, Princess of Poppies

Typical Appearance: A beautiful lady with ample curves. Her black hair flows like a summer shower and smells of lilac and caramel. Her lips are as red as poppy blossoms. She dresses herself glamorously and immodestly, leaving just enough to imagination. The motion of her body is flirtatious. She smiles as bright as noonday sun. But regardless of her emotion, she is always weeping.

Other Favoured Forms: A shining blue butterfly. A white sandstorm.

Tell: Tears fall ceaselessly from her eyes, regardless of what she is feeling.

Personality: Seductive, playful, and unable to take things seriously. She is cocksure, because she knows that all will be hers in the end. She lives in the moment, because it will only get worse from here. She wants others around her to forget about everything and just... enjoy. She has a tremendous lack of foresight and insight. When held at fault, she blames others.

Aspects: Addiction 4; Ecstasy 2; Death 2; Despair 2


Dream infection: Nobody ever forgets the Princess of Poppies. Sure, memory of her might fade -- but when they are just a night away from forgetting her completely, Addiction's image will appear in their dreams. And they will remember the morning after how much they enjoyed being around her.

Undying minions: Death is not enough to stop their love of her. Addiction commands a host of beautiful undead entities of varying stripes.

Signature Powers:

Narcotic tears: Her tears are the most powerful drug, able to enslave anyone who tastes it. Once addicted, they will always come for more. This, however, has no effect on anyone who refuses to its pleasure

Meaningless shape: If physically struck, Addiction's body turns to sandy white powder. The only part of her body that is not immune to physical harm is her eyes.

Forlorn curse: Addiction's hateful words bring four days of despair to those who hear them.

---The White Desert---

---The Opium Den, The Guillotine Gate---

Realm Title: The White Desert

Other Titles: The Opium Den, the Guillotine Gate

Nature: The White Dune is made of dunes of highest-quality cocaine, oases of molten heroin, fields of poppy flowers and marijuana, and a pleasure palace constructed of crystalline methamphetamine. Mummified carcasses, baked by the furious sun in the sky, decorate the realm, sometimes in heaps and sometimes in pieces. Nobody ever goes hungry or thirsty here. Nobody ever wants to leave here. They say the White Desert is one of the great hells.

Layout and Landmarks: Addiction rules from the throne room of the crystal pleasure palace. It is the only meaningful landmark in the realm -- the rest is a devastated desert of drugs.

Population: Screaming ghosts wander the desert. All the corpses and bones suggest that there might have been wildlife here, but you can't find any. In the palace proper is hundreds of mortals taken from all the worlds, feasting and fucking and fighting their lives away.

Court: Though Addiction is always surrounded by loyal subjects, she has nobody close in particular. Nobody lasts forever, anyways.

Realm Effects: The White Desert is a world of temptation. Only those with remarkably strong willpower could enter and leave this place as free men. On the flip side, those who give in will know nothing but joy and pleasure until they die.


Gah. How is that write-up? I hope I wrote down what you wanted to see.

I like the idea, but I don't know much about Nation Building. It seems like a good first-NB game, so would you mind if a nation building noob joined?
I will maybe give this a try, I too am new to Nation Building, but this looks fun. I'll attempt concept creation tomorrowish (er todayish? Oo)
VonRidel said:
I like the idea, but I don't know much about Nation Building. It seems like a good first-NB game, so would you mind if a nation building noob joined?
Myllinnia said:
I will maybe give this a try, I too am new to Nation Building, but this looks fun. I'll attempt concept creation tomorrowish (er todayish? Oo)
You are completely welcome. I thought this would be a little different from normal nation builders in that your ruler is very much a player character like any standard RPG. You are your own most powerful unit, as it were.

eszett said:

Gah. How is that write-up? I hope I wrote down what you wanted to see.

Bang on, Eszett! You caught on quick.

I like her very much.

---Zeus, Ventorum, The Ever Changing Wind, Caelum---

Prime Aspect: Wind

Titles & Epithets: Zeus, Ventorum, The Ever Changing Wind, Caelum

Typical Appearance: Hence the name The Ever Changing Wind, he does not have a typical appearance he favors. He could be a gust of wind, a cloud, he could be a very windy looking person, or even a bird made of wind. But most of the time, he is a gust of wind.

Other Favored Forms: A cloud, a tornado, a hurricane, a storm, a very windy person, a bird made of wind. He doesn’t have a favored form, he changes constantly. But most of the time, he is a gust of wind.

Tell: Wherever he is, the air around him stills, no matter where they are. Middle of a hurricane, it stills. In an airtight room? Air comes in the room just so it can still.

Personality: Ever changing. One moment he will be your friend, the next your enemy. Most of the time, he is nice, even warm. If his current form allows him to, he smiles a lot, and laughs a lot. He is definitely insane.

Aspects:Ever Changing 2; Insanity 2; Elementals 2; Wind 4


Ever Changing: His followers, wind elementals, are ever changing like their master. They can disguise themselves using objects they pick up with their bodies, like leaves. They can form an almost perfect replica of someone or something they want to disguise themselves as. There most common form is that of a tornado, or if powerful, a hurricane.

Insanity:Have you ever tried predicting the movements of an insane person? It’s impossible. The Ever Changing Wind is insane. It is very hard to predict his movements, you don’t know what he’s going to do next. He might kill you, for no other reason than he wanted to, or he might aid you, for no other reason than he wanted to. It might be because he has a secret agenda, but I doubt it.

Elementals: He controls wind elementals, like storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. If anyone tries to assault him with some wind based entity, it will turn to his side and aid him. Besides that, the Elementals have unshakeable loyalty, because wind only answers to other wind.

Wind: Wind can never harm him, not even if it is carrying something that can. Say a strong gust of wind comes at him, and pieces of sharp glass are being carried by the wind. The wind escapes his notice, so he does not block it. The wind, when it nears him, stills, but the glass, using the winds momentum, is still going towards him. Since it was carried by the wind, it cannot harm him in any way, no matter what it is.

Signature Powers:

Storm Maker: Wherever The Ever Changing Wind is, he can create storms out of nowhere. He can create everything from a simple dust devil to the largest hurricane.

Prison of Air: He is able to trap a being in a prison of air. The air is going so fast around the poor soul, that he/she/it will quickly suffocate. He can make these prisons as large as he wants to, but it is fueled by his body. He makes them out of the wind of his body, which is not normal wind. It can be expanded at the cost of strength, and breaking the prison will not harm The Ever Changing Wind.

---Oasis in the Sky---

---The Cloud, Floating Paradise, Unreachable Nirvana---

Realm Title: Oasis in the Sky

Other Titles: The Cloud, Floating Paradise, Unreachable Nirvana.

Nature: If you want to visit his Realm, you must not have a fear of heights. There are few solid ground areas in his realm, the main ones being where he meets with other Fae, and his seat of power. Everything else are solid clouds, despite the name, they are as strong as steel.

Layout and Landmarks:The seat of power is located in the eye of a giant hurricane, only Fae Princes and beings he wants to get in can enter without being swept away by the 1000 mile per hour+ winds. The only other areas with solid ground are the visiting Fae houses, his testing arena, and his simulated mile of earth. Yes, he has a mile of land that is simulated to look like earth. Do you know what it’s for? No? I don’t either.

Population: The most common beings on his land are wind elementals of varying size and importance. There are a very great many of them, all extremely loyal to him. The wind only answers to other wind.

Court: In his court, there are three major players: Ventus Edax, Arctos, and Caeli. They all have a job within his domain, Ventus manages the southern portion of The Cloud, Arctos manages the eastern portion, Caeli manages the northern portion. There is no western portion of his domain because The Ever Changing Wind decreed that the western portion was giving him a headache, so he split it into three and gave it equally to Ventus, Arctos, and Caeli. Why, you ask? Haven’t I already gave you the answer? He’s insane!

Realm Effects:

Windy Defense: Anyone who enters without his permission gets swept off the side of his land by angry wind elementals. Besides that, he can see everything that air touches in his domain. The only way to go about secretly in his Realm is to talk in an airtight room, but even then he can sense the room but not what is going on inside.

Ever Changing Wind: His domain changes whenever Ventorum feels like changing it, so it is almost impossible to create a map of it.

Nice one, VonRidel. I'd suggest changing Elementals to some other Aspect, though. It's a bit... nonspecific, I suppose? There are a lot of different Elementals, sort of thing.

You could go for Transition, say, or something appropriate to his ever-changing nature. It wouldn't cost you the loyalty of Wind elementals, either.
Would it work if I specified wind elementals?

And for the other question... What do you mean by transition?


---Ruler of Abominations, King of Half-breeds, The Shadow Eater---

Prime Aspect:

Titles & Epithets:
Ruler of Abominations, King of Half-breeds, The Shadow Eater

Typical Appearance:
A tall being usually of tar colored skin with no features what so ever.

Other Favoured Forms:
The form of a strong young drow youth with a blindfold showing he is blind.


Always appears to be blind but picks up on movements and colors a blind person would not.

Cold and uncaring would be the best way to describe him when it comes to every one from Elves to Humans and even to other Fae. He however shows some warmth and sees himself as a father to all creatures of mixed blood which each one usually does bring warmth to that non-


icy heart. He finds the best form of worship is by fighting your enemy in the dark and living in it which pleases the "Deity".

Maximum of 10









Darkness's minions do not rely on their sight but can also use echo location.


Half-bloods come from many different races and are usually exiles from cultures allowing them to drift easily to a deity who will welcome them with open arms.


Darkness's enjoys to steal and practice such agile arts as does many of his followers meaning he may bestow such arts on those who he considers welcomed thieves.

Watcher from Shadow

Being that darkness is every where that light is not Darkness can travel great distances via the darkness as well as picks up the habit of


on other people though this usually means they will feel as if something is with them in the darkness.

Signature Powers:

Shadow Step

Steps from one shadow to the next allowing distance travel quickly.


Can easily and almost un

noticeably pick pocket


nd steal from mortals and to a lesser extent

other Fae outside their realms.

Noir Solitire


---The Black Lands, No-lights---

Realm Title:
Noir Solitire

Other Titles:
The Black Lands, No-lights

The realm is full of complete darkness even for a being born with the ability to see in the dark. The ground is covered in dead grass and any natural lakes are coated in an obsidian layer making them deadly when broken open, light sources barely produce any sight for mortals and only allow the shadow beings to find one easier.

Layout and Landmarks:
The realm is split into two pieces with a great wall


the two the outter realm is refered to as

Noir Bounti

which is home to much of the dead lands of the realm and where sorcerers and scholars of Arcane Arts usually end up when entering the realms. The Inner realm is called

Noir Fountius

which is protected by the whole wall of dark stone that sits in the center of the realm, is where the large

City of Shadow

resides a place for beings of shadow and the thieves who retired to history to enjoy time in a plane other than the material and those half-breeds so outcasted by their own world that Darkness brings them to a place free of such worries. Darkness rules from the

Noir Undeerin

which is a series of pitch black tunnels located under the City of Shadow.

The realms population includes a very large amount of beings made only of shadows who reside throughout the realm, plenty of half-blood outcasts and Master-thiefs who decided to leave the material plane for a true home. Several creatures have also been placed in the realm by Darkness or created by him which include Crows, Were-Rats, Obsidian Otters, and several other beasts of darkness.

Darkness barely keeps what could be called a court he more so rules with absolute power though does allow every one to speak their ideals and does occasionally apply one of the realms inhabitants ideas into effect.

Realm Effects:

Pitch Black

Mortals are


blind in the realm and make easy prey for hostile animals.

Suffocating Darkness
: The darkness of Noir Solitire can also begin to prove very deadly as well as those exposed to it for long periods of time with out the Darkness's blessing will find it harder and harder to breath as they will eventually suffocate.

---Keeper of the Akashic Records---

Prime Aspect: Potential

Titles & Epithets: Keeper of the Akashic Records

Typical Appearance: A stocky girl shuffling along in a silk shirt and overalls of a strange material, her skin a dark evening blue.

Other Favoured Forms: An ornate, black and blue porcelain urn, filled with the warm comfort of ennui under its domed lid. A pale and graceful male youth with deep blue eyes, wearing a flowing white tunic and strange cloak.

Tell: Wrapped or clothed in the space between the stars, she is always dimly outlined in the glow of long-dead heavenly bodies.

Personality: Potential never sleeps (except when her greatest power is used). She has a lot of time on her hands. When Potential has a face, it shows boredom. Beautiful things can catch her interest for a while, but they have to be exceptional to please her. Her face will only give the barest of smiles then. The strength of her emotions is always plain in her realm though. Potential tends to be a quiet observer. Her favourite past-time is to watch gathering tensions, be they internal or external, amongst mortal or fae. When the spring is sufficiently wound though, she no longer has interest.

Aspects: Depression 4, Super-Consciousness 2, Beauty 1, Enlightenment 3


Blackhole of Courtiers: Many seek her favour, seeking inspiration for everything from battle plans to artistic endeavours.

Touch of Inspiration: She can offer the briefest of glimpses at the records of all knowledge. Only sentient non-mortals can understand this burst of super-consciousness. Lesser creatures and mortals either go gibbering mad or become utterly depressed.

Answering Mortal Summons: Sought by mortals, they allow her to open temporary passages into their realm. These portals are one-way only. When Potential uses them, she cannot return to her own realm until she Sweeps Aside the Subconscious Curtain. Other fae or spirits who use them have to find their own means to return, if there are any.

Signature Powers:

Deep Blue Phase: Potential radiates this power when she finds nothing decent to observe. Any before her who have sense of sight are drained of motivation until they are no longer near her (usually when Potential moves away). Even Fae who are not nobles can succumb to depression and non-existence if they stay too long in her Deep Blue Phase.

Sweeping Aside the Subconscious Curtain: When Potential touches a mortal with this great power, she grants his mind access to the records of all knowledge; he is briefly Enlightened. What he does in this state is up to him, but most go insane or catatonic if they are unable to express fully themselves before it fades. Expressions of Enlightenment include mathematical formulas, philosophical texts, sublime paintings, displays of martial prowess, etc.

Potential goes comatose or takes the form of an inanimate object for a long period after Sweeping Aside the Subconscious Curtain. Potential wakes in her own realm, regardless of where she used this power. (See also Aurora Stagnans under Realm Effects.)

---Eternal Twilight---

---Land of Languid Brilliance, Oasis of Ennui---

Realm Title: Eternal Twilight

Other Titles: Land of Languid Brilliance, Oasis of Ennui

Nature: Her vast realm is made entirely of crumpled paper wads and creased sheets. Peering into it from the vague borders, the paperscape resembles a winter taiga, with towering coniferous trees and fields of snow. It is easy to know when you are in Eternal Twilight due to its most prominent feature, the sky coloured by the missing sun.

Layout and Landmarks: The sun sits eternally below the horizon, the cloudy sky shifting with her moods. It is usually a dusky purple. Occasionally it becomes grey-blue, the false promise of dawn, when Potential strongly feels some emotion.

Her seat of power and court can be anywhere, manifesting as a pocket summer warmth that moves slowly across the realm. Within her court, the papers write themselves, words blossoming across the pages until they are completely black with ink. As one moves further away, the air turns cooler and the words move more lethargically. Further out, the words do not come, and the ink comes free of the pages, drifting upwards to form the evening clouds.

Court: All are free to pass through both her white realm and her black court. Most who make it to the court are courtiers for other Fae Nobles or lucky mortals. Potential usually finds their interactions amusing, and rarely intervenes. She has no constant sentient companions, although a flock of silver peacock-pheasants likes to sleep in the cooler area surrounding the court. They feed on the fading ink of the white realm, snatching up the wriggling wisps before they reach the clouds. A quill made from one of their feathers never loses its glossy sheen or runs out of ink.

Realm Effects:

Whiteout: To stay overlong amid the blank white papers means eventually losing one's sense of self. Overlong would be a full segment, if one had a way to tell in Eternal Twilight. It is certain death for mortal beings. Non-mortals may regain their senses when the aurora flashes from Sweeping Aside the Subconscious Curtain, giving them a chance to escape.

Aurora Stagnans: Whenever Potential Sweeps Aside the Subconscious Curtain, a dazzling gold and red aurora dances through the sky for half a segment, heralding the whiteout about to descend upon the entirety of Eternal Twilight. Her black court vanishes as the aurora fades. This complete whiteout lasts as long as she is comatose.
VonRidel said:
Would it work if I specified wind elementals?
And for the other question... What do you mean by transition?
Wind Elementals is covered by Wind already. Sorry, somehow derp'd and failed to notice you had ever changing there already, too, so transition might not be necessary. Is there any other Aspect you might want to add to him?

Cirno, your concept looks perfect to me. Seems internally consistent, it's interesting, and you've got some great imagery and metaphor going on. How can I help?

Wanderer: I'm afraid you mistakenly distributed your Aspects. Take it as having 10 Aspect points, that you have to divide between the Aspects you want, you see?

And for what it's worth, guys, the mortal world is a low-fantasy realm right now, a la Game of Thrones. Humans only, save for those changed by one thing or another.
Grey said:
Cirno, your concept looks perfect to me. Seems internally consistent, it's interesting, and you've got some great imagery and metaphor going on. How can I help?
I was worried there were too many different motifs, but yay! I'm glad it's interesting.
Oof, low-fantasy realm? The stuff Addiction's realm is made of is awfully futuristic now, then. Might have to revise that...

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