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Fantasy Kingdom War

Phoenix hummed her favorite tune. It felt like there wasn't even the slightest sad person in the world right now. Sitting in a tree, watching the clouds, breathing in fresh air, it was relaxing time. no more battles for now, and no more work.
Kawawzoe heard the humming and then looked up into a tree and saw Phoenix there he quickly hid behind a tree he looked over at the tree again peeking his head out and saw that she was in the apple tree he made a couple apples ripen ready to eat and then he sneaks away.
after a long walking someone came out of the shadows the random man gave Kawazoe a job and he set out to do it
I paid the guard to let me out after a while I finally convinced the. so I sated to head down the path and then I got to the woods which looked amazing so I went through.
Phoenix dreamed of thousands of different colored birds flying through the sky, and her in her phoenix form flying with them...
Kawazoe walking through the woods when he saw his target"hey there how are you doing Caroline"
Lucena spotted a man outside of town. He looked suspicious in his too big clothes and also he seemed to be different, almost inhuman. She watched as he conversed with another man before approaching him. "Excuse me." She called out, ever the polite one.

@Blood dog
"I am Kawazoe I know your brother."Kawazoe looked at the other girl that was coming to him messing up his plan"it looks like we got more company."
"Oh what do you want"Kawazoe said to the girl approaches them trying to get out the way as fast as possible and he made a little pothole right in front of her where she can't see wanting to make her fall

Lucena could feel magic come off of him and stopped short in front of the hole. Merek had taught her how to feel magic so she could keep herself safe. "Who are you? I've never seen you here before. You're not human, are you? You have magic." She said.

@Blood dog
"look what you done and I don't have to tell you anything now."he ran to Caroline and saw that she hurt her ankle he grew some herbs and applied them to her ankle then he picked her up."you don't mind coming with me for awhile."he said as he slowly went into the ground waiting for her response
"umm well I don't know you that well but I guess its the least I could do since you healed me." I said following him
"that is good"they're both underground in a bubble and he started to write a note."so how is your brother."
"you can say I helped him become king then I'm sorry for what happening right now."he send a note to her brother her and a nother to the girl that he met not too long ago

lucena note if you need any of my services please go to this area it had directions to a place in the woods

Vincent note I have your sister the only way you can get her back is 2000 gold

@Marvelous Chester

"wait what why are you doing this. you helped me why would you help me if you were just going to capture me." I said starting to cry.
Lucena looked at the note and frowned. How did he know her name? She'd never seen him before. She let out another sigh and folded the note before placing it in her pocket. It didn't matter. She needed help and she'd take it wherever she found it.

@Blood dog
Calista woke up and got out of bed. Seeing the beautiful view of the valley. Seeing the bright flamed yellow sun greet her. Calista quickly got dressed and went outside. Walking outside Calista figured she was going to go to town and get some more supplies. Calista then stopped. She figured it was still early and she just wanted to have some fun. She then threw her hand up and lava came out of the ground. She then started playing with lava and making smoke appear.
"because I'm nice person and I'm getting paid to do this I'm like a weapon whoever it is the highest bidder gets to use me so someone wanted you to get captured and they think they can betray me what sadness they're going to feel."the rooftop opened up he climbed out and saw his cabin he helped her out of the hole and then filled it up."this is where you going to be staying for a while you can pick any room you want."

Vincent read the note. He was gonna kill this guy. He imediatly called in a hunter to track the sorce of the note and headed there. When he got there he looked at his sister and the outher person. "Let her go" he layered this with his powers in a deep and commanding tone and repeated it once more putting even more power into his voice. Making it an irresistible command.

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