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Fantasy Kingdom War

Phoenix smiled and replied with joyfulness. "He is well. He hasn't come down from his room today though. Probably just slept in." She said starting to walk away. "It was nice seeing you!" She started out the gates of her kingdom and skipped along the dirt road with trees surrounding her.
Lucena waved back as Phoenix left and then turned to continue her walk. She had business she needed to attend to. Plans to make
they was underground for a while before the roof open up Kawazoe climbed out of the hole still in his werewolf form and then he helped Lance out after he was out he saw Phoenix there in front of him he kind of froze not knowing what she would do seeing him he knew that she hated werewolves like him.
Vincent looked to the boy. "You of all people may call me vice if you want no need for mr between friends." Vice said this in his chivelrized tone making this seem like an order even though it was much more of a kind request. He sat down at the table and pulled out a bottle of red wine he set it on the table and opened it. "Will you be joining me." He said is he pulled out two crystal and gold wine glasses. "The bottle is the last of its kind it's back from the rennisance age, brewed in England for the queen. But know it is mine like all things come to be." Vice smiled as he pored his glass full and sipped. He looked over to the kid his only friend and felt somewhat sorry that the guys sister stood against them, due to the fact Vincent was planning on dealing with her soon if she didn't surrender. That gang of here was getting to be a real big hassle on the border and trade routes. ( @ScytheMeister7 )
Merek looked at Vincent with wide eyes before nodded. "Yes, si-Vincent." He wasn't quite yet ready to call the king Vice. He glanced at the glasses and then the bottle of wine before answering. "Um, I-I've never had wine before." He confessed. Merek had been much to young to try it when his parents died and had been much too poor to buy it when he'd gotten older

@Marvelous Chester
Phoenix froze as well staring at the two climbing out of the hole in the ground. She closed her eyes and shook her head, hoping it was just her imagination. Sometimes it goes out of control. She walks away whistling.
Vice smiled and pored Merek a glass. "It's good I guess there is not much else to say about it, well it is better then beer damn that stuff has a kick."

Vice smiled and took another sip of his wine. That's when a messenger bird arrived and flew into Vice's hands vice smiled and the bird dropped a note. It seemed Vincent was invited to a peace dinner with a neighboring land a week from know.
Merek smiled slightly and took a hesitant sip from the glass. It was...really good. He'd never tasted something that good before. "It's good..." He confessed. When the messenger bird flew through the window, Merek dropped the glass in fright but his magic caught it before it could tip and spill. The glass floated gently back down onto the table. "S-sorry," He apologized quickly. "I was just a bit f-frightened."

@Marvelous Chester
Phoenix reached a small opening in the woods. She looked around making sure no one was looking. She raised her arms and slowly her entire body engulfed into flames, and she jumped high high up into the sky. Most of the flames diminished but instead of her human form, she was now an actual Phoenix flying high through the clouds.
when Kawazoe sent some of the ground burning he looked back into that direction and saw a Phoenix flying in the sky"could that have been nah nevermind."
Vice smiled. "There is nothing to be sorry about." He realised the bird with a new message. "So how are you're studys gowing, and more importantly how well is you're magic progressing. I would love to hear it's going well." Vice smiled a finished his glass and pored himself another.
Merek picked up the book he'd been reading when Vincent had arrived and scooted over closer to him to show him the page he was stuck on. Occasionally, he completely lost his shy personality and was not afraid to be more social. It was rare and mostly occurred when he was excited or interested in something. "I has been going well but there are still a few things I am uncertain of. You see here?" He pointed at a particular paragraph, one that explained precognition and its effects. "I am not exactly sure if this is apart of my power set. It says that the ability to have visions of the past or future is an entirely rare ability. Occasionally, I will have flashes of an event and it occurs later on but the book explains that only the most powerful of my kind are capable of having these visions." He put the book down. "Am I that powerful?" He asked with a quiet voice. "Is that why you brought me here?"

@Marvelous Chester
I was outside twirling around laughing then I just laid down and looked at the sky seeing how beautiful and blue it was.
"You may be that powerfull and yes that is one of the reasons. And we didn't just simply bring you hear you lived on great dragon farmland that we bought from them. It started a civil war between the farmers and the Knights of the great dragons wich we rescued you from. Vice could tell his sister was nearby. "Please come in" he said using his powers to cover his voice making it an irresistible command, and know one could tell. He loved having this as his power it helped and helps him rule. He smiled as his sister walked in " Has you're day been lovely sister." Vice then pored her a glass of wine as well.


@ashlyn heckman
"Rescued?" He asked. "You took me away from my sister. My only family left." There was a slight tone of defiance in his voice but overall, he was just upset, sad. Merek watched as Vincent's younger sister walked into the room. He could hear the magic compulsion in the king's voice and shivered. Merek didn't want to know how it would feel to have that voice directed at him, to make him commit to someone's every word. As she walked in he studied her. Merek never really seemed to like the younger Loyce sibling. He didn't understand why, it was just the general feeling she gave him

@Marvelous Chester @ashlyn heckman
Phoenix landed in a tree and turned back into her human form. She watched the clouds above her and sighed. "Now this is relaxing.." She said taking off hr shoes and throwing them to the ground.
"hey meet me by my wagon they have some food in there and water if you need some just get it and you can take 24 gold pieces"Kawazoe told him where to go and he started to wander around making his pathway bloom with nature
The dragon knight smiled "its good to be out of there....man a shame i lost my dragon form...i could just flew home....siiigh"
Vice looked back at Merek. "I feel as if you get the story wrong. You're sister had the opportunity to join us but denied it and you." This conversation was beginning to get stressful. Vice looked back to his sister and smiled. "So I presume you had a good morning. The weather is simply amazing isnt it." Vice gently hugged his sister then headed two the door. "I bid you both my farewell but I have business to attend to elseware I will see you both later." Vice smiled then walked out he had a negotiation with the great dragon king for a cease fire. He took his horse and rode in a few hours he was at the border of the lands. Were great dragon and sly wolve guards waited to escort him to the palace.
Merek let out a breath of air. That was impossible. Lucena wouldn't leave him. Maybe....maybe she had a plan. Lucena was as loyal to her kingdom as she was to Merek, or at least, that's what he though. In all actuality, Lucena wouldn't look back if it meant saving Merek. He sighed and closed his books, moving them back towards one of the many shelves in his room
Sooo, how are you today?" I asked trying to make a conversation since I didn't have anything to do

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kawazoe got to the area where the ground was burned and he made the grass regrow their he did not like the nature getting hurt this is why he left the Sly Wolves and the new king he starts to walk back to Lance but he got distracted by the sent of Phoenix he stopped to look around she was closed he wanted to find her so he can hide from her.
after a while I decided to go for stroll since I was bored with nothing to do. I headed out to the front yard where the gates were. I have always wondered what it was like out there. I have never passed the gates cause I heard its not safe you'll get hurt but it looked amazing out there.
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