Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Leo leaned against the desk and frowned. He replied "who hates them the most? That's the real question."

He disappeared with her and then reappeared in front of Leo and Leta. He went to Leta and kissed her but immediately fainted after words. He was struggling to keep Duannas darkness in him so she doesn't fall but it was painful.

"Well... He has turned out to be a powerful king. I am so proud to call him my son. I'll gather up my courage to go see him some day."

"I love you so much." He held her tightly.

"Definitely a turn on for me." She leaned into kiss him but pulled away and smirked at him. "I am glad I have you all to myself."
"Well, that's all I need to know." He smiled and put his thumb on her chin, smiling at her words “You really are a beautiful angel.” Leaned in himself to kiss her, wrapping his arms around her as their lips touched.
Cinder wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered against his lips "I'm mostly human, remember?" She continued to kiss him. She didn't care about Michael and Lucifers disapproval about their relationship. She loved him. She had to be careful though or else she might really fall for him.
Leta caught Aeron and looked worried thensat him on a couch, Delaney sat in a chair "Mom is falling, where is she?"

"When you do see him can you tell him to come here...I can't go to Hell anymore." Luna almost looked like she was about to cry.
Leo shrugged. "I wish we knew but were in the same position as you. Were trying to find them. Do you know who might have taken her?" His eyes narrowed as he questioned her.

"I'll see what I can do. There's no guarantee I'll get an audience with the king of Hell. He's not my biggest fan, remember?"
Leo screamed out in frustration. "Damn it!" He clenched his teeth.

Lucifer smirked and replied "to tell me how much he hates me? Oh boy. I should see him as soon as possible."
Fayde grinned a little, and kissed her again shuffling towards the bed before, letting himself sit down on it. He smiled up at Cinder a familiar twinkle in his eyes.
Cinder straddled him and untied her bikini top. She threw it to the side. "Never leave my side," she whispered. She started to kiss his neck.
Fayde wrapped an arm around her waist while sing the other to turn Cinder’s head enough to intercept a kiss meant for his neck, he flipped them over and whispered into her ear. “Never.” He smirked before taking his turn to kiss her, focusing on the space between her collar bone and neck.
"Your not useless," Aeron said as he slowly sat up. "I know who kidnapped mom. Who's the one person who hates mom enough to destroy everything she ever loved? Lilith of course." A tail appeared and cat ears grew from the top of his head. "I'm going alone. None of you follow me. I am possibly the only person who can seduce any women into doing anything I say. Lets see if the Goddess of Darkness is the same."

Lucifer smiled and disappeared in shadows. He reappeared at Lucys palace and was about to walk in but was stopped by soldiers. Lucifer said "tell Lucy that his father is here to see him."

She stifled a moan and smirked a bit. "Damn your good." Her hand rested on his upper thigh. She giggled as she lifted his chin so she could kiss his lips.
Fayde smiled and kissed her, the hand that was currently under her, pulling her closer to him. He started unbuttoning his shirt, using telekinesis to make it fly off. “I’ve missed you.”
Delaney looked worried and Leta looked at him "Let me go with you, please? You distract Lilith and I'll find mom."

Lucy waved the guards away "And what are you doing here? If you've come to claim the throne don't think I will hand it over so easily this time." he glared at Lucifer.

Lilith shoved her hand back into Duanna and she started to scream again "Come on give into the darkness." Duanna spit on Lilith and she became angry forcing a more powerful surge of darkness into her.
"I've missed you too." Cinder pressed her body against his and smirked. She licked his neck playfully.

"Fine!" He fell to his knees in pain but his dark self was enjoying the darkness. He grabbed Leta and the two disappeared. When they reappeared, he grinned. "Hey. You must be Lilith." He purred. His eyes were blood red and he was cat like. "As long as I take the darkness away, mom won't ever fall."

Lucifer lit a cigarette. "I'm proud of you. Now before you freak, I wanted to tell you that your mom says that she's so sorry and she wishes she could come,see you. Sadly, I'm the messenger. I didn't want to come so soon but she wanted me to see you. Still hate me I see."
Duanna looked at Aeron worried "Please might hurt but I'll be fine I promise...." Lilith laughed and pulled her hand out "Would you look at that, so you must be Lucifer's boy. I have heard so much about you and your sister from my friends and I see you brought darling little Leta, the witch of nature." Leta looked angry as she heard the name and Lilith laughed more.

Lucy grabbed him by the neck and tossed him into a wall "You will address her as Queen Hell! And don't tell me things like that when I know she is dead! You could have been there at her funeral, you could have come to visit us to stop her suffering but you never did!" he pulled out his sword ready to kill him but Lili stepped in the way "Brother just because mom's blood is on his hands doesn't mean you need to ruin your clothes or skin with his bad blood."
Aeron started to laugh coldly. "I dont care about Duanna. The little boy might but I don't. I'm here simply to play with my new toys." He was in front of her quickly. He was purring.

Lucifer screamed "I just found out about her death!!" He looked away. He was annoyed but was trying to calm down. "Her name is Luna. You can f****** find her in Heaven." He threw the note that she gave him before she killed herself. "I knew coming here was a bad idea." He left.
Lili grabbed their father before he could leave "Isn't that what caused these problems in the first place? You never stay....that's why brother doesn't like you, we were promised and those were broken, brother looked up to you as the person that he would learn from." Lucy walked back into the castle and Lili sighed "Dad....I'm worried about Lucy...."

Lilith smiled "How cute, maybe I'll play with you a little while and then get back to your mother."
"Look I left for reasons that you couldn't comprehend. The simple fact is... I need power. That's the only thing that I care about. Even after my idiot son turned me into an angel. I've fallen a little since then which is why I can be here." He leaned against the wall and then asked "are you going to tell me that he cares more about work then you or him or anybody around him?"

Aeron lifted her chin and smirked. "I could help you torture her but... I dont feel like it." He kissed her before turning away. A whip appeared in his,hands. "I hate how the angel boy locks me away. I need my freedom too." He whipped Duanna across the back. The darkness was corrupting him more and more. He was no longer Aeron. The look in his eyes didn't look like him at all. He was someone else.
Lili looked down and nodded "He won't even possibly look at taking on a wife because he doesn't want to be you....we can always walk to earth if you don't want to stay here but I just want to talk to is always to busy to even look at me...."

Leta quickly took the hit of the whip to protect their mother "Did you think I would just stand by and let you hurt our mom?" she winced from the pain and quickly put up a vine shield around her and Duanna.
Lucifer started to laugh. "Lucy is more of a man than I'll ever be. He reminds me of my half sister/not really my sister who refuses to get married and settle down because she loves her life though she's really just busy with sleeping with Fayde which I dont approve of."

Aeron smirked and then slammed Lilith to the wall. His lips locked with hers. He was feeling her all over. "Be careful who you trust," he whispered.
Lili looked down "Why did you leave? Was it really because of Aeron? If you ask me brother is better at everything, much more better than that prize child that you raised....then again it must have been nice having a father around....we didn't even have a mom eventually...."

"I'm Lilith and I trust no one." she smiled and held her hand out towards the vines, they soon caught on fire and she laughed as Duanna and Leta started to cough from the heat and smoke.
Takashi stood up and walked over to them " everything ok at your kingdom"

Vincent finished his food then got a second serving.

Saya walked through the village was heading to the field that her and kuro had played at when him and her were younger, she was smiling.

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"Aeron is... He's a troubled child. He is a powerful but dangerous. I've lost him to his pathetic mother. I should have killed her when I had the chance. He finished his cigarette and flicked it. He lit another one. "I hate her. I hate her so much."

Aeton winced a littl but kept a smirk on his face. "You see..." He glided his hand across the wall. "Aerons mother is very important to me. I mean corruption comes easier to her because she's Hellborn. Aeron tries to take the corruption away giving me the opportunity to come out." He smirked and started to laugh hysterically. His face became suddenly serious as he lifted Duannas chin. "Your darkness.... Its delicious." With incredible speed, he cut her across the chest with a knife. He licked the blood clean and then turned to Lilith. "I dont want to repeat myself."
Lili looked down "Brother didn't want to be you but I see that he already is.....and I can smell mom on you, end it before you hurt her again....Lucy will only end up hating you more for it once he find out mom is back and with you, you will only continue to hurt mom so just leave her now before her love of you becomes too strong again." tears rolled down Lili's cheek "Mom has suffered enough...."

Duanna smiled and looked at Aeron "Goodness do you really think I have learned anything in seventeen years?" she smiled once Leta had her hands free and Duanna sighed as she stood up and was instantly purified "Last time I wasn't able to purify myself because I was tired and weak. The darkness that Lilith gave me hurt but it wasn't life threatening since every so often I would purify my body without her knowing." Leta sighed we relief but was worried about Aeron, Lilith smiled and saw how Leta looked at him and then kissed him "I think I will be taking your boyfriend for a joy ride." anger flashed in Leta's eyes "Keep your dirty hands off of him!" she made a vine whip out from the ground and throw Lilith across the room "Don't think I would let you have him so easily."

Demonia smiled at Takashi "Everything is fine now." Kana smiled and giggled.

Sarah was enjoying seeing her family eat and giggled when Vincent got seconds "Bottomless pit." she said jokingly and lovingly.

Kuro had been out fighting in small little wars that would break out in the surrounding villages but today in was in the field, still wearing his battle armor, when he saw Saya he smiled at her.

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