Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]


Hell's Angel
Wolfsrain123 submitted a new role play:

Kingdom of Azriel - Welcome to the kingdom of deciet, murder, and mayhem

The kingdom of Azriel is a kingdom led by King Axoret. He is a tyrant and will only show respect towards nobles or royalty. He even has his own collection of human slaves. That's right. Unlike a lot of other kingdoms, this is full of demons, dark elves, dragons, etc. Everyone and everything that lives in this kingdom is inhumane. Some say its a spell, others say its a tradition. Either way, humans cannot find this kingdom without an escort by someone who lives in the kingdom. The humans that...
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Prince Xeliran walked through the palace with his half-brother Exiriya. The two might have hated each other but they were willing to settle their differences when it came to politics. Xeliran asked "so they got a contract to kill father?" Exiriya nodded, smirking a little as he did so. "Yeah. Turns out there's a crowd of people who just hate the royal family. What do you think we should do, brother? Shoot them down so they don't cause a revolution." Xeliran stopped. He heard people yelling outside so he ran to the window. He head people yelling 'down with the royal family!'. Xeliran bit his lip and said "no. Shooting them down will cause fear and will cause a riot. Tell the guards to protect the palace but don't kill anyone." Exiriya kissed Xeliran's cheek gently and replied "of course, brother." He walked off but stopped when Xeliran said "Exiriya, find my beloved servant Merideth. I haven't seen her in a while and I'm getting worried." Exiriya kept walking without another word. Xeliran walked into his room after telling his guards to let no one in his room except for Merideth. He closed his doors and locked them. He let out a deep sigh. "Damn it..." He looked out the window to see the rioting people. He knew eventually they would grow tired and leave but he didn't know when that would be. Just then, he saw the guards fire at the crowd of people. "I told them not to shoot!" he saw the people scatter. Some got hit but others got away. Xeliran ran out of his room and down the halls. He ran down the grand staircase and threw open the front doors. "Bloody hell! I told you not to shoot! Why did you shoot?" His rage was boiling at this point. One of the guards said "Exiriya told us that you told us to shoot into the crowd." Xeliran's eyes flashed with hatred. He should have known Exiriya would pull something like this. It was only a matter of time. He said "go inside. I have to go find my brother!" He ran back inside and ran threw the hallways, yelling "Exiriya!" Exiriya came out of his bedroom and asked "what is it, brother?" He smirked when he saw the look on Xeliran's face but was shocked as soon as Xeliran threw a punch at him. He hit the floor hard. He coughed a little as he wiped the blood from his mouth. Xeliran straddled him and started beating on Exiriya. It took three servants to pull Xeliran off his brother. The two brothers stared at each other with hatred. "What the hell is going on?" King Axoret came out of his room to look at the two boys in disbelief. Exiriya said "dad! Xeliran is psychotic! He tried to kill me! I was just teasing him and he started to come at me." Axoret rolled his eyes and just said "I don't care who did what? We'll deal with this later. Just... go to your rooms." Xeliran was roughly brought to his room by two servants that held onto his arms to make sure he didn't do anything. They brought him to his room and said "good night, my lord. Please get some rest." They left Xeliran alone. He just laid on his bed in deep thought. He was panting but for the most part OK. He had calmed down. He slowly fluttered his eyes shut and finally fell asleep.
Wolfsrain123 updated Kingdom of Azriel with a new update entry:


Dragons: They protect the land and keep the protection barrier around the entire kingdom so no humans can wander into the kingdom without a proper escort. They live in the highest mountains away from civilization. There aren't as many as there used to be back in the day because there was a time when they were being killed like flies because of their hide and their meat since it was so rare. Now that its illegal to kill dragons, no one does it anymore. Plus, they are a good asset. As long as...
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Semira waited until darkness took over the skies. She had heard about the attack on the people at the castle and knew it was Exiriya's fault. She wanted to go see Xeliran but guards probably wouldn't let her in at this time of night. Either way she had to at least make sure he was ok. Semira snuck out of her home and dove into the near by lake. She was naturally faster traveling by water and the servants of sirens made tunnels connecting to almost every lake, river or pond in the relm. The pond in the castle was cut off for protection but there was a lake close enough for Xeliran to hear her call. When she reached th lake she perched on a rock on the center of the lake. She found herself here often so it didn't take her as long as she expected. Even if she couldn't get to Xeliran with her song she'd get a guard who could. Semira closed her eyes and relaxed. She took a deep breath and began to sing her sweet luring song.
As soon as Xeliran heard the familiar song, his eyes opened. He got out of bed and opened his window. "Semira..." he said softly. He heard someone knock on his door and he closed his window. Exiriya walked into his room. "Good evening brother. I had a long talk with father and he agrees that you should be punished after your attack on me today." Xeliran looked away but Exiriya lifted his chin so he would look at him. "Your the bastard son of my father. You should have never been born. Your only the crowned prince because you were born first but if I was born first, you would have no right to the throne. I doubt you'd be a prince at all." Exiriya smirked as he saw the anger boiling within Xeliran but instead of fighting with his brother, Xeliran walked out on the balcony where Exiriya punched him and started to strangle him. Xeliran tried to force him off him but Exiriya was stronger. "Without you in the picture, they will have no choice but to crown me." He released Xeliran's neck, causing him to cough. Exiriya looked to be about to attacking Xeliran again but instead, pushed him off the balcony. Exiriya looked to be trying to save him but smirked as Xeliran fell. Of course, the fall didn't kill him but the sound of bones cracking was heard when Xeliran hit the ground. Guards ran over to him. Exiriya quickly left out of site. They were happy when their prince was still alive but he had cracked ribs and a broken arm. He was taken into the infirmary within the palace. He stayed unconscious for the most part.
Semira thought nothing of his absence but when the gaurd told her what happened she screeched loudly causing the guards ears to bleed. She dove under water grabbing the package of clothing she hid away for when she changed back. She forced the guard to leave as she turned human put her clothes on. Semira ran to the castle doors and screeched at any who got in her way. She forced a servant to show her the way and ran to Xeliran when she say him. "Xeliran! "She called wanting to hug him tightly but afraid to harm him. She instead touched his hand trying to get some kind of response.
King Axoret came barging into the room and demanded "what is she doing in here?" Exiriya was by his side with an angry expression on his face. "She needs to leave now! Xeliran is unstable! He attempted to kill himself. We need to get him psychological help." Axoret nodded and said "I called the psychiatrist but she says she can't come by tonight. She'll be here tomorrow. Now kick her out!" A servant tried to take her away but Xeliran's hand tightened on hers. He slowly opened his eyes and said "no... c-can I sp-speak to her alone." Exiriya tried to argue but the king silenced him. All the servants and the king and prince left. Xeliran smiled weakly at her and he said "Exiriya... he did this. He wa-wants to be king."
Semira was ready to defendhherself even if she did get lynched afterwards. When Xeliran spoke she turned and had a pained look on her face. When everyone left she raised his hand to her cheek and tried to contain her rage. "I knew you weren't suicidal! You have to much to live for! Please your not safe here... come with me." She said somewhat begginghim. " I ccan't leave you here when your brother is trying to kill you!" Tears fell from her face and onto his arm.
He wiped the tears from her eyes and said "my brother... he may h-hate me but he's not an idiot." He winced in pain as he sat up. He was definitely sore after falling from the second floor. "I'm the bastard child of the king... what more is there to say? My brother doesn't think I deserve the right to the throne. Especially since I'm not like a dark elf in any way, shape or form. I'll be fine for now. My brother... when he pushed me off the balcony, I don't think he was trying to kill me." He looked away. He ran a hand through his hair and said "you know, I beat the crap out of my brother because I lost my temper. Your song really helped. Thank you." He kissed her hand lightly. "I'm glad I got to meet you back then."
Semira smiled softly and looked into his eyes. " Xeliran I can't just leave you..." She knew the king wouldn't let her stay but she needed to know Xeliran would be ok. She sat on the edge of his bed careful to not hurt him. As she held his hand tightly. "What can i do? I can't just stand on the side line."
He pulled away slightly and cleared his throat. "Dont worry. After my fight with my brother, were not really allowed in the same room together. I'll be fine. You should go though. Dont want to be in worst trouble than you already are in." He smiled softly at her. "Its for the best. Plus, I want to take a nap." He laid on his bed and said "good night," before falling asleep.
Semira nodded and leaned down kissing his forehead. " Please find me when your healed..." She said softly and left the room. She glared at the guards outside the door but she knew if she hurt them Xeliran would be disappointed. A sigh slipped her lips and she crossed her arms leaving.
The king saw her leave and went inside. Exiriya, however, followed her outside of the palace. When they were away from any of the guards, he said "stay away from my brother!" He kneed her in the stomach and grabbed her by the throat. "Your a distraction to him. He doesn't need you and truthfully, he will never love you so your infatuation with him needs to stop." He lifted her chin. "you either never come back or I take advantage of that cute little body of yours." He walked off angrily.
Semira coughed as she fell to the ground. " Your just jealous you will never be half the man he is! I will not stay away and you can't make me!" She called after him. Her anger getting to her as she continued. "Or are you jealous that no one will ever love you and the only reason they sleep with you is they fear for their lives!" She knew she should have shut her mouth but if he were to turn and come after her she knew her way back to the water where hopefully she'd be safe and she was ready to run at any moment.
He spun around when she said that and walked straight toward her. "Exiriya..." He turned to look at the beautiful human girl that stood there. He kissed her gently. She looked about three months pregnant. "I'm sorry if I scared you, my love." She was the well known mistress of the king but it seemed that Exiriya was fooling around with her as well. Both men had taken her innocence away but she stayed silent and let them fool around with her.
Semira had started to run but turned to look at the human. Complete shock took of her face and she tilted her head. "Love? You can't honestly love this thing that is a failure of a man..." she said and looked at the dark elf with disgust. She couldn't believe that she couldlove him when she was the kings.
"I-I'm pregnant with his child." She held onto him closely. Eziriya said "you might think I'm a failure as a man but all a man has to be is good in bed which I am. How do you think I knocked up the most beautiful girl in the kingdom? I'll see ya later, babe. Dad is going to be furious if he found out I sneaked out." He walked off. Sarah waved to him but then looked at Semira. "Its not what you think. I don't know whose child it is so I lied to both of them. I told the king it was his and I told the prince it was his. Oh and they don't know about each other." She looked down, ashamed of herself.
Semira walked over to her and touched her face. "You so beautiful why do you allow them to do this to you?" She asked. She did owe this girl even if she was just a servant. Semira wouldn't let this girls rank over power the fact she just saved her from a very unwanted intercourse. Though what Exiyria said about Xeliran never loving her still ran through her mind. "Regardless i owe you now. Yes i know your a servant but you still just saved me." Semira ran a hand along her drying skin and sighed. "I must go back to the waters... Give this to Xeliran just don't be caught with it." Semira slipped a piece of paper into Sarah's hand." I made this a while back... it's a letter i had wrote to him when my parents said i could never see him again... but when i gave it to him he refused to take it insisting that wasn't good bye... if what your lover said was true then... i must follow the rules of balance... knowing when to hold on and let go." Tell him not to come find me..." she turned and walked away returning to the waters.
Sarah watched her sadly but decides to hurry back inside. "She called me a... Servant?" She shook her thoughts away and walked into the infirmary where the crowned prince Xeliran laid. He was awake once again. She went to his side and slipped a note in his hand. She whispered "read it when no one is around. Your secret lover wrote it." She winked at him and he watched her scurry off. "Secret... Lover? Who's that?" He seemed to be oblivious about Semira's love for him.
" Xeliran,

I know this is sudden but I can't see you anymore. My parents won't allow it and your familyhates me... i thought you were the one i had been waiting for. Everyone is against us and i feel safe around you but i can't hurt you anymore. I know this is all confusing but i just can't keep seeing you like this. But i will say that... i have never felt love before but when im near you i get this feeling. .. i kinda always have but i hid it because i was scared to loose you. Now i know that i may love you but for peace and balance i must leave... please don't find me... i could never hide from you when we were little and i definitely cant now.

Xeliran read it but quickly handed it to Sarah. "I cannot accept this. I will not be given a good bye letter. Give it back to her." Sarah blushed a little and looked down, avoiding his gaze. "Yes my lord." She hurried out. He sighed and decided to look out the window.

Sarah went to the river and called out "Semira... Its me! Please answer! I have news from the crowned prince!" She sat at the edge of the river bank which was dangerous but she didn't care.
Semira heard her call and rose right in front of her. The note in her hand indicated he rejected but that was his choice. This time she would stay away. "II'm sorry to do this but tell him he doesn't have to accept the letter but he has to accept the fact that im not coming back this time. That is all and i refuse to use you as a source of communication. I will only answer him directly. .. oh don't tell him the last part then he'llcome after me... thank you." SSemira sank in the water again an growled at the princes stubborness.
Xeliran was behind Sarah. He was bandaged and moving slowly, but for the most part fine. "So that's what she thinks." Sarah jumps back, alarmed at the sound of Xeliran's voice. She slipped and fell into the river. "Sarah!" He yelled. He clenched onto her hand tightly but the current was stronger and she couldn't swim. "Sarah!" He yelled. Sarah went under but Xeliran didn't let go of her hand. Eventually, he was pulled in with Sarah. He splashed and fought but he couldn't find anything to grab onto. He went under for the last time. He was weak from his injuries so he didn't last long. Sarah was drifting ahead of him.
Semira was still close by and heard the commotion. She was used to swimming in rough waters so she got to Sarah before she went to far. Semira pulled her up to shore and dove back in for the prince. She got to him and pressed her lips to his giving him air as she pulled him to shore. "Never do that again!" She hissed and laid half in water half out. "Oh and now we are even human." She panted a bit and looked at Xeliran.
Xeliran panted ad he coughed up water. "You didn't need to help me." He looked away slightly. He crawled to,Sarah and checked to make sure she was fine. She giggled flirtatiously at Xeliran. "My prince... I'm sorry about everything will you ever forgive me." Xeliran touched her cheek gently and she rubbed her head in his hand. "We should get out of here before we both catch a cold." He hurried her out of there.
Semira looked down. "Xeliran! " she cried painfully and slid back intothe water. An ache in her heart caused her to clutch her chest. The ppicture of Xeliran caressing that human flashed through her mind and she screeched knowing she messed up bad but not knowing how to fix it. She wanted what he wanted and thought this was the right thing to do but obviously not. She began to wonder if he would even go near the waters again .

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