Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]


Junior Member
FlabberGasted submitted a new role play:

Kingdom of AskenShire - Will you join the knights, or be a rogue warrior?

You live in a country named Askenshire. This country is the biggest in the entire world, and has conquered most of the world as well. Your king is named King Frank III of Aksenshire. His Grandfather founded AskenShire and he was Deified. King Frank III is a very fair ruler, and has everything under control, for know. There are some secrets he hiding from the public, and you can figure them out, if you try.
Now, AskenShire is filled with horrible monsters and creatures from the dungeons of...
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Kelsa was bored. Simply and absolutely bored. It was quite surprising that she was bored, considering everything that was going on, but she was. The young lady had already practiced her fighting skills for the day and did not feel like doing it again at that moment of time, and she had not have any chores or anything to do. Kelsa sighed and headed towards the trees of the fores. Maybe there was something to do there.
Aramis walked away from the restaurant he just had lunch at, again. He was sure to wave and greet the people he walked past, there is an image to uphold after all. He was ready for a bit of combat training, but was rather unsure of where to go. He was always taught "Variety is the spice of life" and wanted to keep up with that ideal. He found himself just walking and thinking, waving as he is greeted, until he stopped infront of some trees. He hadn't gone into the forest to just train before. "Well, why not" he thought, taking his first intentional step towards the forest.
Kelsa put her hair up in a ponytail as she walked around. Maybe she could go swimming. Nah. She would have to swim in her clothes, and if she were to go back to the castle in wet clothes she would embarrass her family. Couldn't have that. Kelsa sighed and whistled lightly.
Aramis walked into woods and soon was lost in thought. "You know i have been in this forest plenty of times, but its always been to fight some monster, or search for some lost pet or child, but never to relax and enjoy myself. Why don't I?" He decided forget it, i can just relax and take the day off, after all, you can't train after you eat. He sat down, looking off past some trees.
Kelsa continued to whistle as she walked around, weaving through the trees. She looked up at them, and suddenly noticed how tall they were. They were taller than most of the buildings in the village! Kelsa sropped walking and sat down.
Aramis heard some whistling and sat up. Guess someone else is looking to relax he thought. How quaint. He started to whistle back, enjoying the tune.
Kelsa stopped whistling. Did she just hear somebody respond? She got up and looked around. Somebody else was there? Huh. Might as well go say hi. Maybe that would helo her boredom. Kelsa headed towards the other whistling and soon stumbled across a man.

"Oh, hello," she greeted him and bowed a little bit, as she was taught to do when she greeted somebody. "Were you the one who whistled back?"
Aramis jumped slightly when he heard the voice. He stood up and looked right at her. "Hello, ma'am, I am Aramis, I did indeed whistle back, it was a catchy tune you were making." He has been asked if he was bothered by speaking so proper to everyone before, and he answered no. It didn't bother him so much, sometimes he wanted to just relax, but he carried his status with pride.
"Pleasure to meet you, Aramis," Kelsa said with a little smile. "And thank you. It is a song my mother used to sing to me," she added then sat down a few feet away from the man, making sure her back was straight as she did so.
"Your mother has quite the ear for music." he said to her, smiling politely. He decided to sit down across from her, keeping his posture, and asked, "May I ask your name, ma'am?"
"My name is Kelsa," the young woman told him. "So, what are you doing out here?" she asked him. She leaned against a tree to avoid having to sit up straight the entire time. She hated sitting up straight all the time.
"I am..." Did he really want to tell her he was here to train initially? No. Instead, he will enjoy a conversation where he is just himself, and not a White Knight. "Here to relax. Just had my lunch and decided to relax. What are you here for Kelsa?" He decided to lose the posture. In for a penny, in for a pound.
Kelsa watched him pause then speak. She tilted her head to one side, but just went with it. "Same reason," she told him. "I got bored from being in town all the time, so I decided to come here." Kelsa begam messing with the strands of hair that would not stay in a ponytail and pushed them behind her ears.
Aramis stared at her hair for a brief second before remembering his manners, the ones he just ditched, and looked to her eyes. "Yeah there isn't that much to do in the town. It's nice to get out and sit"
Kelsa nodded in agreement. "Yeah..." she said. "It's also nice to get away from my duties for once," she said. Being a White Knight could be stressful at times. She loved her job, but she still wished to have little breaks here and there more often than she currently did.
Get out and sit, how articulate, you moron, Aramis thought. "Duties? Do you work or something?" he said, thinking about his own duties. Luckily, he currently had none to attend to.
Kelsa sar up a bit straighter. "Yes, I am a White Knight," she said in a proud tone and a smile. She took out her sword from its sheath and shoes it to him. It had been her fathers sword. Technically, it was supposed to be given to a son, but she ended up being an only child.
Aw crap. "Funny story" Aramis had grabbed his sword he left on the other side of the tree "Me too" He felt a little silly now.
Kelsa blinked and looked at his sword. "Oh yeah!" She said. "I've seen you around before. I don't know why I didn't recognize you!" she told him. She smiled a bit more.
He looked a bit closer at her. "Wait I recognize you now! You're a Page!" Aramis heard a lot about her. He always wanted to speak to her, hard to believe he gets the chance now, after not recognizing her. He quickly fixed his posture. "I apologize for my rudeness"
Kelsa smiled a little bit more softly as Aramis spoke. She chuckled a little bit. "You're not being rude at all, so don't worry,"she told him and leaned back again against the tree. She glanced around, as if making sure nothing was about the jump out at them, then turned her gaze back to the man across from her.
Aramis relaxed and smiled at her. He noticed her glancing about but ignored it. "Tell me about yourself, Kelsa" he said, cocking his head, smiling at her
Kelsa shifted a little bit and rested her sword beside her instead of sheathing it. Just in case something were to happen. "Well, what would you like to know?" she asked him. She wasn't very good at just talking about herself. She needed to be asked questions.

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