The Ciun create commerce with currency. This will be worth bonus culture points in the next generation, and the hope of dealings shifts relations between peoples from what can be taken to what can be bought. (Civility in the cresh increases) though strange tendrils of thought began to invade the wisest and most skilled of the Ciun... something was wrong... mightily wrong... new people had been appearing in smaller numbers in the cresh and psychic turbulence was palpable beyond the waterline. What could this mean?
Twist :
With the "First Faith" declared, a militant energy fell over the people of the Nihtur Bloodline. Just like everything else... peace was hopeless, and they would need to be prepared to face the hostilities of that which was to come. The Nihtur shuffled about normally in a manner comfortable -- but when the time came to fight the roots and the parasites gave them great strength and agility. The symbiosis with the plants of this dark world deepend, and the creepers and taproots of the vile jestertrees seemed to burrow underground wherever significant numbers of the Nihtur walked... (Nihtur gain "Sulthis Support" -- in the strictest sense this is familiar plants aiding them in offense and defense when in groups of 20 or more)
Gold is new, a popular in the quarry -- as such they quickly acquire all that which they need: passable tools, weapons and armor, surplus food, and pure water. Where there were shortages, there was now fulfillment, where there was need, there was now use. Control of Gold shifted as it exchanged and changed hands, but the Singers were still the true Goldmavins... if this would continue into the future remained a question...
The Singers were also able to get new heights in obedience and training from the dog-like creatures of the quarry. They obtained their own specimens from among the most willful, and made them into smart and faithful pets. Singers Gain "Festrog Faithful."
Crocodile :
Likewise the Troupe had done well in their initial trading with the community of the quarry and lesser extent glasswall, sharing tales of doom and labor both find and burly for exchange in the weapons, armor, clothing and tools they needed. Needs were met and shortages cured and the travelling larder was filled. It was indeed also with some great interest that the Troupe was met, their strange ways and fearful message inspiring some of the most recent arrivals to the Cresh to join them.
Troup gains 5 population, 1 unit of gold, 2 units of obsidian, and a unit of quartz.
The Ciun create commerce with currency. This will be worth bonus culture points in the next generation, and the hope of dealings shifts relations between peoples from what can be taken to what can be bought. (Civility in the cresh increases) though strange tendrils of thought began to invade the wisest and most skilled of the Ciun... something was wrong... mightily wrong... new people had been appearing in smaller numbers in the cresh and psychic turbulence was palpable beyond the waterline. What could this mean?
Twist :
With the "First Faith" declared, a militant energy fell over the people of the Nihtur Bloodline. Just like everything else... peace was hopeless, and they would need to be prepared to face the hostilities of that which was to come. The Nihtur shuffled about normally in a manner comfortable -- but when the time came to fight the roots and the parasites gave them great strength and agility. The symbiosis with the plants of this dark world deepend, and the creepers and taproots of the vile jestertrees seemed to burrow underground wherever significant numbers of the Nihtur walked... (Nihtur gain "Sulthis Support" -- in the strictest sense this is familiar plants aiding them in offense and defense when in groups of 20 or more)
Gold is new, a popular in the quarry -- as such they quickly acquire all that which they need: passable tools, weapons and armor, surplus food, and pure water. Where there were shortages, there was now fulfillment, where there was need, there was now use. Control of Gold shifted as it exchanged and changed hands, but the Singers were still the true Goldmavins... if this would continue into the future remained a question...
The Singers were also able to get new heights in obedience and training from the dog-like creatures of the quarry. They obtained their own specimens from among the most willful, and made them into smart and faithful pets. Singers Gain "Festrog Faithful."
Crocodile :
Likewise the Troupe had done well in their initial trading with the community of the quarry and lesser extent glasswall, sharing tales of doom and labor both find and burly for exchange in the weapons, armor, clothing and tools they needed. Needs were met and shortages cured and the travelling larder was filled. It was indeed also with some great interest that the Troupe was met, their strange ways and fearful message inspiring some of the most recent arrivals to the Cresh to join them.
Troup gains 5 population, 1 unit of gold, 2 units of obsidian, and a unit of quartz.