In the lee of the Knife of Glass, The obsidian outcropping where reigned the Epimoni,
where other peoples built towers, and walls, and temples, and monuments -- Aaliyah built a tribute to the only thing she held dear...
The Throne of Tyrants did not take long to complete, but it was endlessly refined and decorated... redecorated, strengthened, made ever larger, more fearsome, A home built out of a skull of a Titan, the walk up to the throne lined with the Wyrmbone fangs and teeth of the Fiend of the Pit. The most luxurious leathers, and piles of boiled mushroom made it the only truly COMFORTABLE place in the dark Cresh. Soft was the ground in her audience chamber, and deep and pleasing was the rest of Aaliyah and her cronies... who slept the dreamless sleep of the guiltless, the pitiless, the well fed and the content. Their allies brought health to the community, and the meat and clothing... and armor gave a pride to Aaliyah's people. All WERE the throne. All were a stool to be seated upon by their Queen. Mighty were the Epimoni, but to survive they were obsequious to their one and only master.
The Throne of Tyrants would Aaliyah's seat from which she beat her daughter and heir every day of her miserable life. Greed turnt to sadism, and sadism to madness. The throne consumed, as the lord of the pit consumed... and the only way anyone was going to succeed Aaliyah, is if they COULD NOT be broken.
She killed her firstborn for weakness and threw the corpse to the festrogs. She would do the same to her nextborn, given half an indication of weakness.
Her daughters eyes over the years of beatings swole into slits, like her eyes were buried in a visor of bruised knotted flesh and bone. Her nose was flat, he lips broken on her own teeth from strikes to the face. Every night she slept under the heel of her mother, and every morning she was kicked awake to be beaten again.
Until one day, Aaliyah in her age kicked her daughter and her foot broke, for brittle had she finally turned in age. It broke badly... a compound fracture. Blood. And Aaliyah Fell.
Her daughter, in her first seconds as queen, pulled the cruel foot of her mother free of her body and stabbed her in the heart with the jutting fragment of bone. How fitting Aaliyah would only die to her own blood, her own flesh to bring her low. She coughed blood all over herself and laughed as she was pulled from the Tyrant's Throne... taking what time she had left to relish her own death.
The Queen is Dead
Long live the New Queen...
A champion combatant fighting for Epimoni at the foot of the Tyrant's throne gets (Awe +2) (max of 3) -- this only applies to the Queen herself and two designated bodyguards.
SLAVERY becomes a custom in Epimoni -- those wandering in from the darkness can willingly become slaves to serve the Black Tyrant. (+.5 labor to endeavors near Glasswall)
(slaves are not counted as part of population, but as an abstract number relative to the size of actual pop)
Epimoni gains "Right to rule" as a cultural aspect. All other leaders are considered despots at worst or unlegitimated charismatic leaders at best.
where other peoples built towers, and walls, and temples, and monuments -- Aaliyah built a tribute to the only thing she held dear...
The Throne of Tyrants did not take long to complete, but it was endlessly refined and decorated... redecorated, strengthened, made ever larger, more fearsome, A home built out of a skull of a Titan, the walk up to the throne lined with the Wyrmbone fangs and teeth of the Fiend of the Pit. The most luxurious leathers, and piles of boiled mushroom made it the only truly COMFORTABLE place in the dark Cresh. Soft was the ground in her audience chamber, and deep and pleasing was the rest of Aaliyah and her cronies... who slept the dreamless sleep of the guiltless, the pitiless, the well fed and the content. Their allies brought health to the community, and the meat and clothing... and armor gave a pride to Aaliyah's people. All WERE the throne. All were a stool to be seated upon by their Queen. Mighty were the Epimoni, but to survive they were obsequious to their one and only master.
The Throne of Tyrants would Aaliyah's seat from which she beat her daughter and heir every day of her miserable life. Greed turnt to sadism, and sadism to madness. The throne consumed, as the lord of the pit consumed... and the only way anyone was going to succeed Aaliyah, is if they COULD NOT be broken.
She killed her firstborn for weakness and threw the corpse to the festrogs. She would do the same to her nextborn, given half an indication of weakness.
Her daughters eyes over the years of beatings swole into slits, like her eyes were buried in a visor of bruised knotted flesh and bone. Her nose was flat, he lips broken on her own teeth from strikes to the face. Every night she slept under the heel of her mother, and every morning she was kicked awake to be beaten again.
Until one day, Aaliyah in her age kicked her daughter and her foot broke, for brittle had she finally turned in age. It broke badly... a compound fracture. Blood. And Aaliyah Fell.
Her daughter, in her first seconds as queen, pulled the cruel foot of her mother free of her body and stabbed her in the heart with the jutting fragment of bone. How fitting Aaliyah would only die to her own blood, her own flesh to bring her low. She coughed blood all over herself and laughed as she was pulled from the Tyrant's Throne... taking what time she had left to relish her own death.
The Queen is Dead
Long live the New Queen...
A champion combatant fighting for Epimoni at the foot of the Tyrant's throne gets (Awe +2) (max of 3) -- this only applies to the Queen herself and two designated bodyguards.
SLAVERY becomes a custom in Epimoni -- those wandering in from the darkness can willingly become slaves to serve the Black Tyrant. (+.5 labor to endeavors near Glasswall)
(slaves are not counted as part of population, but as an abstract number relative to the size of actual pop)
Epimoni gains "Right to rule" as a cultural aspect. All other leaders are considered despots at worst or unlegitimated charismatic leaders at best.