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Kill the Target... Maybe not


♡Sweet Little Reaper of Death♡
An emotionless assassin has one job. Kill. But what happned when she meets, she cant kill?
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A lady with long, slightly messy, shoulder length snow white hair and ice blue eyes was walking to the grocery store to get some ingredient for dinner. She wasn't really that hungry, but she figured she should get something to eat. She was try to think of what to eat for dinner, but stopped when she felt her phone vibrate. She stopped and took out her cell phone and andwered it.

" you have a new assignment. We already send the files to your phone. You have 2 weeks to pull this off. If you can't then you know what happens... Erza" a calm voice said to the lady, sending a shiver up her spine. Erza slow nodded, " see you soon" the voice said sith a smile before cutting the call.

The lady relaxed with a soft sigh, as she looked through the files on her phone. She tilted her head as she read the files, ' gamer and a programmer...' she thought to herself. ' wonder who he ticked off...' she thought to herself. She saw a picture of him and few more details on the file before putting her phone away and entering the grocery store. She still doesnt know what to make for dinner but she isnt too worried about it. She'll figure it out eventually, not like anyone is going to punish her for not knowing what to make.


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Kyle shoved his hands into his pockets as he scanned the snacks aisle of the grocery store. His new woman wanted him to buy her some Pocky and he hand unwillingly obliged to the lady's request. He looked up as the bell of the store chimed, watching as woman with white hair entered. He shook his head and ran his hands through his jet black hair, resuming the search for his food item. The sooner he got this over with, the better it was for him.

He found what he was looking for and sighed with relief. It was the last one and it would have been a shame to come back emptyhanded. A buzz reverberated from his pocket and he took out his phone to answer it.

"Did you get it?" The voice was sultry and impatient.

"Yup, I'm be coming back soon," he replied cheerfully. He walked forward, not noticing as he crashed into someone and dropped his cellular.
Erza yawned a little trying to think of what to make for dinner. She softly sighed, '...I know how to cook almost any dish and I cant figure out what to make for dinner?..' she thought finding it a bit ironic and annoying. She sighed, " could make some curry..." she mumbled before someone crashed and fell ontop of her.

She blinked and her face became completely blank and emotionless, as she waited for the person to get off so she can get on with her evening and head back home to make dinner.


Kyle's eyes widened for a brief moment and he gave out a soft chuckle when the woman gave him a blank stare. He decided not to get off of her, a challenge in his reddish brown eyes.

"Well, isn't this an unusual way to meet someone," he smirked, an eyebrow raised in amusement.
Erza looked up at him and recognizinf his face from the files she saw a few minutes ago. 'Great the target....' she thought to herself sarcastically, not liking the fact that he saw her face. ' i could follow him and just cut his throat...' thinking back to her her hidden hunting knife she carries around just in case someone attacked her.

She didn't notice a few minutes have passed and has yet to tell the male to get off her. She was staring at his face the entire time, she snapped out of her thoughts and looked at him, " Get off me" she said to him bluntly.


He answered with a tsk. "And why should I? This is a bit fun." Kyle let out a small laugh. "I'm staring at a woman who is kinda cute and not to mention I've fallen on her. It's a pretty good thing, to be honest. But I'm going to get off just because you told me to."

Kyle pushed himself off of her and stood, offering his hand to help her get up.
Erza rolled her eyes not in mood for this. She'll just infiltrate his company or break into his house and kill him. She got up without his help and dusted her clothes off. She then noticed his cellphone on the ground and picked it up. She looked at it and then gave it back to the male before walking off to ingredients for her curry.


"Wait just a minute. You forgot something," he shouted as the female walked off without a care. Kyle placed his hands on the phone that was crushed and frowned. He knew he could replace it easily, but that wasn't any fun whatsoever. Besides, the female intrigued him and he wasn't about to let that go.
Erza turned around with a raised eyebrow and saw her broken phone in his hands. Her eyes slightly went wide as she quickly walked over and snatched the phone out of his hands and check to see if the sim, which has all the information in her phone is undamaged. She relaxed a little when it was ok, but she need to get the phone fixed or her master, who will call her will think she is ignoring him and then she'll get punished for it. She sighed, " do you know any near by store I can go to get a new phone with the same number?" She asked him.


"You don't need to go to a store. I can replace it and keep your information, if you'd like," Kyle offered, a smile on his lips. He took the phone out of her hands and began walking out of the store, tossing the cashier twenty dollars too much to pay for his food. It seemed that there would be a delay to his return home, which was perfectly fine with him. After all, he found something much more amusing to play with for the time being.
Erza blinked at what he said and quickly caught up to him and took her phone back, "Nevermind" she said to him with a glare. Not liking tha fact he said he was going to keep the information in her phone. She then started walking back to her house deciding to skip dinner today. She just lost her appetite thanks to the target. 'Why did I get two weeks?... usualy i get like 3 days to kill people like him...' she thought to herself.


Kyle blinked, confused as the girl took the phone out of his hands. He ran up to her and grabbed her arm, a bit disappointed that the evening wasn't getting more amusing for him.

"Wait, hold on. I'm not going to take your information. I'm just going to transfer it to a new version of the phone." He took a breath and wiped his forehead, unused to running.
Erza looked at him not believing him one bit, " Give me a good reason why I should believe you" she said to him as she pulled her arm out of his grip. " for all I know you could be lieing " she added as turned around to look at him. She doesn't trust people easily and she certainly isn't going this guy go near her phone.



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