• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
This logic is flawless.

We shall achieve purest victory, ordained by the heavens.

Now for my first trick, i shall make the enemy's grain supply disappear.
Enemy: How?
"Magik. (snort snort)"


also thanks for accepting Shen prim!!!

It ended up being a surprising amount of work but now I am even more invested into the rp
CS is prolly one of the best part of any RP. Bypassing all the fancy codes and the parameters, I daresay that BoD prolly has one of the more lenient acceptance prerequisites. So long as you put effort into it, it'll work.
I'm actually quite nitpicky about the stuff I know, but simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Enemy: How?
"Magik. (snort snort)"

CS is prolly one of the best part of any RP. Bypassing all the fancy codes and the parameters, I daresay that BoD prolly has one of the more lenient acceptance prerequisites. So long as you put effort into it, it'll work.
I'm actually quite nitpicky about the stuff I know, but simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Should've just protected your stores, shoulda just played the game better bro.
Everyone else: Pulls low tier characters.
Dao Chaolong with RNGesus on his side: "Behold, my Court!"
legit, I got some crazy luck, so, it do be like that.

but hey, this is one of the good gacha where time and effort can be put into characters to make them crazy nice.
Especially the men. Hot men. That's very important.

Oh no.
is she chasing the pants or are people chasing her pants?
Morning, evening, afternoon and night!

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