Keychains #271 - #275

To add to that, Marena's boobs are showing more and more. You can even tell the shape of the tattoo better than anywhere before.

EDIT: Wait a minute. The Isle? They're going to the Blessed Isle?
Kyeudo said:
. Not just any horse totem Lunar, though.. Oh, no. He has to be a sparkling bishonen horse totem Lunar.
Does his Background Music override everyone else's?

He's almost the right colours for Trombe!
Fabricati said:
Kyeudo said:
*wonders if this mean Racer is hung like a horse*
*Wonders if that's a legitimate Tell*
Sure it is!

If, say, he had an overly large pair of testicles contained in a dark or mottled, somewhat leathery sack, and a somewhat leathery sheathe which produces an extremely long penis about 12-14" long and ~2.5-3.5" wide, side-to-side, mottled in black, pink and white, with thick veins running along it, a short, bludgeon-like glans with an extremely pronounced, thick rim of skin immediately behind it.

It would, of course, be rather like assaulting a lover's orafices with a battering ram. If she's not
made for that kind of use (and no stock human is; not even the Exalted without a high Resistance score and some Charms,) that's going to hurt the holy hell out of them unless he has like, a Performance speciality of (Not harming my lovers +3) or some magic that lets him vigorously ride a partner without harming them.

And of course, unless he wears a kilt, that kind of package would be very visible in his trousers... And unless he secretly has the discipline of an Immaculate Monk, getting hard in public would blow his cover. Lads, show of hands here - who
hasn't found themselves getting wood by accident in public places? *keeps both hands down*

Yeah, "Hung like a Horse" is an acceptable Tell, surely. *sage nod.*
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Fabricati said:
Kyeudo said:
*wonders if this mean Racer is hung like a horse*
*Wonders if that's a legitimate Tell*
Sure it is!

If, say, he had an overly large pair of testicles contained in a dark or mottled, somewhat leathery sack, and a somewhat leathery sheathe which produces an extremely long penis about 12-14" long and ~2.5-3.5" wide, side-to-side, mottled in black, pink and white, with thick veins running along it, a short, bludgeon-like glans with an extremely pronounced, thick rim of skin immediately behind it.

It would, of course, be rather like assaulting a lover's orafices with a battering ram. If she's not
made for that kind of use (and no stock human is; not even the Exalted without a high Resistance score and some Charms,) that's going to hurt the holy hell out of them unless he has like, a Performance speciality of (Not harming my lovers +3) or some magic that lets him vigorously ride a partner without harming them.

And of course, unless he wears a kilt, that kind of package would be very visible in his trousers... And unless he secretly has the discipline of an Immaculate Monk, getting hard in public would blow his cover. Lads, show of hands here - who
hasn't found themselves getting wood by accident in public places? *keeps both hands down*

Yeah, "Hung like a Horse" is an acceptable Tell, surely. *sage nod.*
I think he's just got a specialized variant of Hybrid Body Rearrangement. No need for the pain of entry when he can just start switching back-and-forth mid-act...uh...depending on Marena's Stamina, anyway. Damn it, why do you have me THINKING about this?


Why do you hurt it? :oops:
Quchu said:
I regret starting this thread.
It appears to be an immutable tendency of the Internet that any thread will inevitably trend towards the naughty.

SO! To drag the thread back towards safe-for-workness:

I was a bit puzzled that the Hat didn't change with him, when the rest of his clothes seem to have. Anyone have an idea why, or is it just for dramatic effect?
Tsuranis said:
Doesn't it actually show her grabbing it?
Well, yeah, but I wasn't sure if he was throwing it for dramatic effect or what. All the rest of his other clothes changed...unless he just did some kind of free-action disrobe.
The hat doesn't change because it doesn't need to! Horses are perfectly capable of wearing human-sized hats.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
... Don't make me houserule that in my current game. Explaining to the lunar player that shapeshifting doesn't remove his hat would be too fun.
Thanqol said:
I saw a Lunar with a monocle as his Tell.
I remember seeing a Demotivator that said "Can my 'Tell' be that I look extremely dapper all the time?" and it had a picture of a horse with monocle AND tophat.
Tsuranis said:
... Don't make me houserule that in my current game. Explaining to the lunar player that shapeshifting doesn't remove his hat would be too fun.
That would be a bad houserule.

House ruling that your hat may or may not shapeshift, at your desire, would service the rule of cool (like a $5 Taiwanese whore), and hence, would be a good houserule.
Man, it's like Jukashi just punched a beaten-up puppy in the heart.

That's what you get for investing in Awareness, Secret.
Gah, doing mean things to Secret is like abusing a sick kitten. Why must unhappy things always happen to her?!

Answer: because it makes her even more a woobie.
Poor little Secret...QUICK! We need a blanket o wrap her in and a pot of blood soup to feed her =O
Loki said:
Poor little Secret...QUICK! We need a blanket o wrap her in and a pot of blood soup to feed her =O
I was going to try to make a pun about blood soup, but I'm really just surprised to find out that there is not only one, but multiple varieties of real-life blood soup in cuisine. I recommend Czernina - Polish food always makes for good comfort food.

Also, she did do damn well in stealing it back! She should be proud!

Oh, and last thing - I see that Marena un-woozied enough to remember to adjust her top. :D Well-spotted, TWL!

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