Keychains #271 - #275

Aasharu said:
A question just popped into my head. There's an awareness charm that lets an Abyssal see perfectly in the dark, and also gives a few other benefits, I believe. It makes your entire eye turn black, and as a Day Caste, I'd assume Secret either has it or can get it easily enough. But how would such a charm be demonstrated in this art style?
i am guessing that the rings of color around the eyes represent eye color, and that they would be black (or non existent) in this cas
You guys are broken and need help. Secret should be kept pure from anyone's touch. She should be worshiped and adored. Take your sick pedo rapist fantasies elsewhere I mean omg you can't do that on the Internet.
Quchu said:
You guys are broken and need help. Secret should be kept pure from anyone's touch. She should be worshiped and adored. Take your sick pedo rapist fantasies elsewhere I mean omg you can't do that on the Internet.
You seriously need to add white text to that post.
Actually you can do that on the internet, but it's still wrong. Very wrong.

And I was just making a screwed up joke.

Though I am broken and need help, it's not in that particular fashion.
And I was just making a screwed up joke.
No, Thanqol did that. :P

Kyeudo said:
You seriously need to add white text to that post.
Yes. Add that white text. All over that post. That post's been a baaaaad post. It needs your white text as punishment. All of it.
...yeah, no idea where this thread was going, so... HORSEY! BISHIE HORSEY! ...bishey horsie?

...though of course, now I am wondering how old Secret IS.
So Racer is a horse totem Lunar. Not just any horse totem Lunar, though.. Oh, no. He has to be a sparkling bishonen horse totem Lunar. Getting ridden by a hot girl, no less. Both in and out of the bedroom.

Ride 'em, Cowgirl.

This thread has my mind in the gutter.

*wonders if this mean Racer is hung like a horse*
...I just realized he has racing stripes.


Also! Racer is, apparently, good enough to have Marena loopy. And she's a bit jaded. Color me impressed.
Kyeudo said:
So Racer is a horse totem Lunar. Not just any horse totem Lunar, though.. Oh, no. He has to be a sparkling bishonen horse totem Lunar. Getting ridden by a hot girl, no less. Both in and out of the bedroom.
Ride 'em, Cowgirl.

This thread has my mind in the gutter.

*wonders if this mean Racer is hung like a horse*
*Wonders if that's a legitimate Tell*

Guttermind is par for the course in Exalted.
So Marena was...talking...with an elder Horse Lunar...specializing in acrobatic martial arts...

Oh dear, I've gone and melted me brain.

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