Keychains #258-301

OK, that single line makes Nemen Yi one of the sexiest things I've seen yet in this comic. Seriously, chessmasters turn me on.
Kyeudo said:
Bad Jukashi! Bad! No more Death Note for you!
If you think I'm serious, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Could be worse. She could have leaned back from her desk, fingers steepled as the light reflects from her glasses.

Pardon me if I'm a little slow in noticing, but that mysterious Sidereal in yellow looks oddly familiar...


Oh, hey.
ThirdAnguis said:
Pardon me if I'm a little slow in noticing, but that mysterious Sidereal in yellow looks oddly familiar...
We noticed that before. He's also the horse merchant, at least one bartender, and a few other people the circle has bumped into. Yellow Sid is everywhere.
Kyeudo said:
ThirdAnguis said:
Pardon me if I'm a little slow in noticing, but that mysterious Sidereal in yellow looks oddly familiar...
We noticed that before. He's also the horse merchant, at least one bartender, and a few other people the circle has bumped into. Yellow Sid is everywhere.
He's a Journies. What else would you expect? If they're not everywhere, something is wrong with the cosmos. :P
Aasharu said:
OK, that single line makes Nemen Yi one of the sexiest things I've seen yet in this comic. Seriously, chessmasters turn me on.
Yeah, she does look hot there.

I find it interesting how Jukashi is able to make stick figures look sexy. Too much internets for us maybe?
Dahak said:
Kyeudo said:
Bad Jukashi! Bad! No more Death Note for you!
If you think I'm serious, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Could be worse. She could have leaned back from her desk, fingers steepled as the light reflects from her glasses.
Gendo pose: It's contagious.
You know, ever since Nemen Yi and Secret started facing off, way back when, and Nemen Yi started chasing Secret, I've been a secret (ha, pun,) Secret/Nemen Yi fan. And this just kind of cements it for me, since Nemen Yi obviously does have the best interest of the party in mind, and while Secret/Marena is cute as hell, it's hard to not like Misho/Marena. This way, everybody is happy!

(Yes, I am a shameless Yuri fan boy.)
I think I'm perturbed by the fact that Marena was doing something motherly to Secret when this happened.

And also that Secret is writing this down.
Is... Secret really doing what I can't help but think she is doing? :lol: Right on, Secret!
Stimulate that biological vulpine!

I can't stop laughing. Marena getting earrube is sexy Marena. Blushing Secret writing down Marena's secret sweet spot is CUTE secret!
That...pervert, Racer. That lucky, lucky, lucky pervert.


Luna bless him.

Why, Jukashi? Why do you persist in making us lust and love stick figures? Why?
I... a... wha... ara... it...

Jukashi, I think you broke my brain. Just when I figured all my Secret/Marena ideas were just in my head... you do THIS.

Speaking of, have we ever seen Secret show any interest in any guy?
Jukashi said:
Aasharu said:
Speaking of, have we ever seen Secret show any interest in any guy?
That reminds me, I thought I had noticed...Secret seems to be getting better at blushing! Must be all the practice. :P

I do hope that we get to to see man!Marena with ears and tail sometime, too.

And now, the only question - is Secret stockpiling secret sweet spots to use on Marena's everyday womanly shape, or will she use them to foment the felicitous fox to fit her form to a more fellowly figure?

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