Keychains #258-301

You think her daughter is the new Shoat of the Mire? That would get under Marena's skin like nothing else.
When I see Marena on the verge of actually attacking her mother, the line just pops into my head: "You can never defeat me Marena -- only kill me." It seems that, Exalted or not, Marena is still just no match for her mothers discipline and scheming ways.

The shaky-hand was a wonderful shot. :mrgreen:
Greenstalker said:
Okay place your bet
I put five orichalcum that yellow sid is actually Marena's son
I bet it was secretly the Sid they fought.

Yes, Marena's son is a transvestite. Or crossdresser.
magnificentmomo said:
Has it already been put to pasture that Secret is the daughter that died in Thorns?
I wouldn't say it's been completely ruled out, but we know Secret has full memories of her childhood and she doesn't seem devious enough to have wanted to keep that kind of secret of Marena all this time.

Also we've seen her as a little girl and she had plain brown hair, for what little that's worth.
magnificentmomo said:
Has it already been put to pasture that Secret is the daughter that died in Thorns?
I wouldn't say it's been completely ruled out, but we know Secret has full memories of her childhood and she doesn't seem devious enough to have wanted to keep that kind of secret of Marena all this time.
Learn from the mistress, boys and girls. This is how you fight socially.

devilaether said:
Oh, and a Dragon King marries in somewhere.
"This is Trigat, Worker Caste Jadeborn, either your fifth cousin eight times removed or you seventh uncle nine times removed. We're not sure."
Greenstalker said:
magnificentmomo said:
Has it already been put to pasture that Secret is the daughter that died in Thorns?
I wouldn't say it's been completely ruled out, but we know Secret has full memories of her childhood and she doesn't seem devious enough to have wanted to keep that kind of secret of Marena all this time.
If Secret were Marena's child, she'd have red hair--since that seems to be the family trait. Also, Secret's from west, which makes it kinda difficult for her to be Marena's daughter.

Also for Marena's son being Yellowsid: I thought about this at first, but it doesn't like he's been Exalted as a Sidereal yet. Perhaps he'll inherit Faen Luif/Redsid's Shard?
All it would take is some memory editing Charms by her Deathlord.

Eh, you don't need your childhood, you shall sacrifice it to the Neverborn.

Here's something to replace it with. :mrgreen:

And the thought of a Deathlord smiling seems to strangely go against my idea of Canon.
Thanqol said:
magnificentmomo said:
Has it already been put to pasture that Secret is the daughter that died in Thorns?
Makes all the Marena/Secret slashfic even hotter
And see, I think that this statement causes you to win the internet.

Anyways, I'm fairly certain we haven't met Marena's son yet, so he's none of the Sidereals we've seen so far. I'm just curious as to what caste he'll wind up Exalting as. Or maybe, as Quchu speculated, the Redsid will be killed, and Marena's son will inherit her Exaltation. I think that would be really interesting, not the least because I'd find myself wondering how the Redsid would take it. Can't Sidereals find out their fated time to die, and even find out who is going to get their Exaltation afterwards?
Uhm, from what I know of Exalted (and bear in mind, I could be making a complete fool of myself), Sidereals are chosen from birth, which means the previous bearer of the Exaltation is already dead by the time s/he pops out of her/his mother. So I doubt Marena's son would take over from the Chosen of Battles. This is based on the story of Black Ice Shadow, whose previous Exaltation died and then they took him from birth.

And given the usual crapsack setting of Creation, I'm betting the son will probably be raised as a Bronze Faction. So yeah...

One more thing. The memory modification, AFAIK, is an Akuma thing, since Yozis want to twist you entirely to their will and plan. Deathlords and Neverborn don't feel that need; they ask you to forget your name and entire history or suffer Resonance.
Kalatash said:
Greenstalker said:
Okay place your bet
I put five orichalcum that yellow sid is actually Marena's son
I bet it was secretly the Sid they fought.

Yes, Marena's son is a transvestite. Or crossdresser.
Red sid was the same one from first age where Misho first tell the story about keys. She was guarding the starmetal key since it was first created. At least from the drawing and little story at page 123, I got this conclusion.
Uhm' date=' from what I know of Exalted (and bear in mind, I could be making a complete fool of myself), Sidereals are chosen from birth, which means the previous bearer of the Exaltation is already dead by the time s/he pops out of her/his mother.[/quote']
Chosen from birth pre-emptively. They are born with the destiny of becoming Sidereal one day as opposed to the actual Exaltation, so the living holder of the Shard can meet with their future incarnation and give a one-day-you-are-gonna-be-me spiel.

Yeah, teaching them everything they know.

No sense wasting time, better to grab him before he could walk and get all the basic hero training stuff in early.

Or maybe he was destined to exalt very young and they grabbed him early so that training could be fit in.
Brr. Social combat against a master is a scary thing.

You're going to do whatever they want. If you're very... very lucky, they might give you the privilege of knowing it wasn't your idea.
FredMSloniker said:
Brr. Social combat against a master is a scary thing.
You're going to do whatever they want. If you're very... very lucky, they might give you the privilege of knowing it wasn't your idea.
I think this is why most players treat Social Combat as something to be used by them against other people only, and automatically respond to "roll Join Debate" with "I spend two willpower to Abort to Physical Combat."
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I think this is why most players treat Social Combat as something to be used by them against other people only, and automatically respond to "roll Join Debate" with "I spend two willpower to Abort to Physical Combat."
Or the ever-popular "I'm too pretty to listen to what other people have to say".
ShadowDragon8685 said:
FredMSloniker said:
Brr. Social combat against a master is a scary thing.
You're going to do whatever they want. If you're very... very lucky, they might give you the privilege of knowing it wasn't your idea.
I think this is why most players treat Social Combat as something to be used by them against other people only, and automatically respond to "roll Join Debate" with "I spend two willpower to Abort to Physical Combat."
Of course, the arms race insists that they instead be faced by some unnatural mental influence that costs 5wp to shake off...
veekie said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
FredMSloniker said:
Brr. Social combat against a master is a scary thing.
You're going to do whatever they want. If you're very... very lucky, they might give you the privilege of knowing it wasn't your idea.
I think this is why most players treat Social Combat as something to be used by them against other people only, and automatically respond to "roll Join Debate" with "I spend two willpower to Abort to Physical Combat."
Of course, the arms race insists that they instead be faced by some unnatural mental influence that costs 5wp to shake off...
Which is quickly nipped in the bud by a social Perfect Defense that automatically resists any and all UMI requiring a person to pay attention without Limit gain, on the condition that they immediately Join Battle.

Arms Races were never meant to happen in Exalted. That's why the cheapest PD a Solar can buy can turn aside the Godspear of All-Searing Noon.
I've always wondered about these perfect defense problems with orb of annihilation and the godspear and suchlike.

Just aim next to the Exalt, just out of movement range, and they can't parry it. Oh, they can protect themselves, but then they have to worry about falling down the giant hole that just appeared. And the rocks that fall down it after them.

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