Keychain #366-370


Junior Member
I assume it would be time for a new one of these, though pardon me if I am mistaken.

That said, just because Misho favored awareness doesn't mean he has remembered to put dots in it.
Yeah, it's a nice callback to that previous strip where Marena reproached him about it. Hmmm. Will we one day get a strip where Secret calls him out on it, too? Also, Ten Winds has always been awesome, he didn't need this stunt to prove it. :P
Yaknow, last update happened on Sunday, and the one before that occurred before came on Thursday. Jukashi, if you keep on finishing the page the day before the next page is (losely) scheduled, perhaps you should just post Monday's page on Friday, or skip a whole week or whatever. It's not good to finish one <task> and immediately feel like you should have finished another <task> by <time> too. You're destroying your <mojo>!
It's either health levels, soak charms, or regeneration charms. Lack of blood makes it hard to guess, since Exalt unlikely bleed anyways.
Cryoseraph said:
It's either health levels, soak charms, or regeneration charms. Lack of blood makes it hard to guess, since Exalt unlikely bleed anyways.
Or just being tough. Most exalts can take an arrow or two and be fine.
Look like secret finally gets another chance to show off. I'm not sure why she is so worried, she didn't seem very bother by the insane dragon robot that attacked her before. Is a Wyld hunt really that much worse when you have two Solar, a Lunar and Ten-Winds at your back?
LaFreeze said:
Look like secret finally gets another chance to show off. I'm not sure why she is so worried, she didn't seem very bother by the insane dragon robot that attacked her before. Is a Wyld hunt really that much worse when you have Ten-Winds at your back?
Fixed that for you.
Kyeudo said:
LaFreeze said:
Look like secret finally gets another chance to show off. I'm not sure why she is so worried, she didn't seem very bother by the insane dragon robot that attacked her before. Is a Wyld hunt really that much worse when you have Ten-Winds at your back?
Fixed that for you.
Psh, Marena's "ow" beats his reactions to the arrows by far.
LaFreeze said:
Look like secret finally gets another chance to show off. I'm not sure why she is so worried, she didn't seem very bother by the insane dragon robot that attacked her before. Is a Wyld hunt really that much worse when you have two Solar, a Lunar and Ten-Winds at your back?
The Exalted, especially Nightalikes, are really, really good at fighting one-on-one duels. Getting zergrushed by lesser beings tends to be a lot nastier if you're not specifically equipped for mass slaughter. And if it's a mass combat unit - even a small one - being led by a powerful being/Exalt, you get the worst of both worlds.

So, yes. A Wyld Hunt is that much worse. Chances are that none of those archers (if they're realistically statted) can hit any of their standing DVs unless they make an Unexpected attack. It's more or less a given that Secret has Reflex Sidestep Technique's mirror, Misho either has the excereble Surprise-Anticipation Method or Reflex Sidestep Technique, and Karen probably has Reflex Sidestep Technique. Ten Winds is Ten Winds and he no doubt has his own methods of defeating surprise attacks; that just leaves Marena, the only member of the circle without a serious combat focus, to lack the most basic surprise defenses, and get shot. Luckily for her, the archer apparently rolled low and she may have an ox-body or two and probably has a relatively high natural soak thanks to all that Stamina she needs to be the pneumatic vixen she is.

She's just lucky it wasn't a Coordinated flurry of several attacks at her at once. That would have killed her outright, and it's entirely achievable with mortals. This isn't a very good Wyld Hunt, or they would have correctly identified Marena as being the weakest link and also having an exceptionally high damage output when she goes DBT (all Lunars do, really, unless they're completely useless,) and thus aimed to eradicate her at once. It would also have robbed the circle of their primary face, which would have severely hampered their later social activities.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Luckily for [Marena], the archer apparently rolled low and she may have an ox-body or two and probably has a relatively high natural soak thanks to all that Stamina she needs to be the pneumatic vixen she is.
Considering this happened, I'd reckon she has as much Ox-Body as possible.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Luckily for [Marena]' date=' the archer apparently rolled low and she may have an ox-body or two and probably has a relatively high natural soak thanks to all that Stamina she needs to be the pneumatic vixen she is.[/quote']
Considering this happened, I'd reckon she has as much Ox-Body as possible.
If she has Stamina 5 and takes only the -2 option, here's Marena's health track.


Short of becoming a Behemoth, this is as close as anything in Exalted can come to having D&D hit points.

I'll admit, a Lunar who did that would be impressively durable in the field of "getting hit and surviving." Of course, that also costs that same Lunar experience to do so - experience which would better be spent elsewhere.

Even in the best case of having started off with Stamina 5 straight out of chargen, and Favoring Stamina (Marena probably Favors Stamina,) that's 50 XP invested in "absorbing damage and not dieing." Frankly, that's a retarded waste of experience points. I'm not well-read on Lunar defensive suites, but I feel quite confident in saying that a Lunar could spend those same 50 XP on Charms that let her not get hurt at all.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
This isn't a very good Wyld Hunt, or they would have correctly identified Marena as being the weakest link and also having an exceptionally high damage output when she goes DBT (all Lunars do, really, unless they're completely useless,) and thus aimed to eradicate her at once.
Unless this attack is just a distraction. If the last round was any indication there should be both Terrestrial and Sidereal Exalted in the hunt. Maybe they just have some mortal archers acting as cannon fodder as part of a larger plan.
LaFreeze said:
Unless this attack is just a distraction. If the last round was any indication there should be both Terrestrial and Sidereal Exalted in the hunt. Maybe they just have some mortal archers acting as cannon fodder as part of a larger plan.
You have a point.

Inverse said:
It's also possible these archers belong to or are affiliated with Costora.
That seems unlikely. Possible, of course, but when they get to Costora and invoke the Creation Ruling Mandate he may be in deep, deep deep shit...

Of course, he'd probably let them have the Key in exchange for them forgetting he ever had the terminity to have archers shoot at the Exalted.
I'm guessing that after the de facto charms, and all the character-focus charms, the rest was spent on Ox-Body.

The attack is probably the first step in the Wyld Hunt Flow chart. If the anathema were stupid enough and pissed off enough to reveal their position during what's likely a spray-and-pray, you go straight to end game and send in the Order. Otherwise, we go to Step 2.
The attack is probably the first step in the Wyld Hunt Flow chart. If the anathema were stupid enough and pissed off enough to reveal their position during what's likely a spray-and-pray' date=' you go straight to end game and send in the Order. Otherwise, we go to Step 2.[/quote']
Considrimg all the arrows in the first volley each aimed at one person, it probably wasn't random arrowfire. Either that or those are homing arrows.

So, uh, what is Ablative Personel Shielding? I'm guessing it's not using your personel as ablative shielding.

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