Keychain #366-370

I'd like to see anyone try. It's a little hard to attack people over the internet, but if you are capable I accept the challenge. (WhatamItyppingabout?) :roll:
They could also use mortals as kamikazes. Really there are so many uses for expendable mortals, personal shields, self propelled grenades, emergency rations etc. etc. The list just goes on and one.
It's ten o'clock on the East Coast, and I'm seeing no change. Not even a placeholder this time. Is everything OK, Jukashi? If your monitor's still giving you problems, I understand completely.
Hopefully the Sids haven't finally caught on to him revealing all their secrets in comic form and sent a Chosen of Endings after him.

We know the Chosen of Serenity'll be a master of Sapphire Veils of Passion so why would they need to...kill him, when there's so many more interesting ways to silence him?
LaFreeze said:
DukeGod said:
I sense a headshot in the future of that poor bastard!
Death by head shot is actually getting off fairly light by Exalted standards.
Not when the shot is necrotic essence xD . Let's pic this shall we?

First, let's assume a shock, a big one, so basically all your body just got eletrocuted, you are paralyzed from the neck down for a seconds, your body gets somewhat relaxed including the muscles...where the sun don't shine so you shit yourself. Then we get the necrotic essence, passing through your brain, killing every cell on it, and just cause they are Abyssal let's make the first ones to die be those that make you feel time passing, now you can feel that second as if it were say... a million years! Feeling each of your brain cells die as you get dumber, blind, deaf, lose all memories and they make sure that the feeling of pain is the last one to go that way you can feel it till the very end

I could give it some more thought but I got better stuff to do
DukeGod said:
LaFreeze said:
DukeGod said:
I sense a headshot in the future of that poor bastard!
Death by head shot is actually getting off fairly light by Exalted standards.
Not when the shot is necrotic essence xD . Let's pic this shall we?

First, let's assume a shock, a big one, so basically all your body just got eletrocuted, you are paralyzed from the neck down for a seconds, your body gets somewhat relaxed including the muscles...where the sun don't shine so you shit yourself. Then we get the necrotic essence, passing through your brain, killing every cell on it, and just cause they are Abyssal let's make the first ones to die be those that make you feel time passing, now you can feel that second as if it were say... a million years! Feeling each of your brain cells die as you get dumber, blind, deaf, lose all memories and they make sure that the feeling of pain is the last one to go that way you can feel it till the very end

I could give it some more thought but I got better stuff to do
Yes but their is a critical element you are missing, it ends eventually. Unlike, say being turned into Soul Steel or absorbed by some horrible monster the gods though was best left locked away and forgotten.
I know it does. My point is: Don't underestimate a headshot. Of course this is Exalted, who says it needs to end xD ? You still can trap the guy in Soulsteel and make even force him to keep that pain and whatever. Plus it's a classic!

But obviously Secret should find the Essenca cannon that Marena lost and head shot the entire Wyld Hunt with it! In one shot nonetheless. That's surely a 3-die stunt!
So do we think this hit squad is mostly Dragon Blooded or might they have something special ready for our heroes?
Except for Secret, they're pretty famous in heaven.

Thrice-Radiant(Shone?) Misho, The Ragara Twins. Ten Winds.

There's bound to be at least one fate-ninja around. And I can't shake my suspicion that our last siddie was related to Ten more than professionally.
Synapse said:
There's bound to be at least one fate-ninja around. And I can't shake my suspicion that our last siddie was related to Ten more than professionally.
The fun kind of relations?
Synapse said:
There's bound to be at least one fate-ninja around. And I can't shake my suspicion that our last siddie was related to Ten more than professionally.
The fun kind of relations?
The Exalted rarely do things the boring way, no?

Admittedly, I think he was a man, but the Realm rarely seems to have trouble with that.
LaFreeze said:
Whoa he actually saved that guy. That is a bit more loyal then I would have expected.
It was probably nothing directly personal or loyal (unless this assassin has high compassion) but just letting the Anathema have their way is in bad form.
LaFreeze said:
Whoa he actually saved that guy. That is a bit more loyal then I would have expected.
Hey! Just because he's a Sidereal doesn't mean he doesn't have compassion! He has a heart. . .maybe.
Dragonmystic said:
LaFreeze said:
Whoa he actually saved that guy. That is a bit more loyal then I would have expected.
Hey! Just because he's a Sidereal doesn't mean he doesn't have compassion! He has a heart. . .maybe.
There's a reason SIDEREALS get to play with Chains of Adorjan.
I hate that Sidereal! He stopped the headshot!!

(additionaly, why did he save the dude instead of sneak attacking!?)

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