Keychain #342-346


I thought the old thread was getting a bit large...

Anyways, I like the two mortal's reactions. Although I suppose the normal reaction of mortals who have managed to escape a pissed off dragon blooded, especially on the Blessed Isle, is "Keep running, and never stop."
Ok,can we start guessing on the crazy awesome combo that the next guy will be?

I say Dual Wielding Hero of Time
It's Chejop Kejak under a Resplendent Destiny.

Everybody is Chejop Kejak under a Resplendent Destiny. But because he's managing so many people simultaneously, he doesn't realize that he's the only person left in all of existence. He just wonders why all the surfaces in the Forbidding Manse of Ivy that one could possibly sleep upon always seem to be warm.

[edit] Except Ten Winds, of course. Ten Winds is Ten Winds.
The green robe narrows the options to:

1. Wood aspect dragon

2. Sidreal Chosen of Secrets (possibly here to find or otherwise protect the jade key)

3. Someone who likes the color green.

I'm going to go with #2 until proven otherwise.
Brickwall said:
So TW is a Sidereal, and he just lied about the whole monk thing? I wouldn't put it past him, certainly.

He was an aide to the Bronze Faction, remember?

Doubt that they would take his betrayal well enough to not plaster his face on every available wall.
So, other than Misho and company being identified as Anathema, having Ten's cover blown is probably the worst thing that could have happened to our group in the Realm. And it happened in their very first encounter - nice going, guys! Those Stealth dots are paying off. :lol:

Edit: On the TV Tropes thread, someone pointed out that Ten was actually right about killing them.
Fighteer said:
So, other than Misho and company being identified as Anathema, having Ten's cover blown is probably the worst thing that could have happened to our group in the Realm.
Worse, Nemen Yi probably filed a full report from her encounter with Ten, and so this new Sid would know fully well the nature of our drunken monk's company. And If he thinks a Wyld hunt can stop a civil war like Marena does....
I don't know; she said she wasn't a member of the Bronze Faction, and sharing this kind of info with them would be potentially damaging for her side, wouldn't it? If Nemen Yi supports the goal of Misho and company rescuing the Keys, then having the Bronzies hunting them down would not further that very much. Sidereal politics are ... complicated.
I like 342.

Comics like that are necessary to provide a feeling that the world is a big place.

Also, it's humorous.
Okay, so 2010 Halloween is upon us! Time for costume guessing.

Ten is (almost definitely) Gandalf (the Grey)

Karen and Marena look like characters from an anime that I've never seen. Bleach maybe?

Misho might be one of the Doctors from Doctor Who, but I haven't seen that either, so I couldn't say.

And I have no idea what Secret is.
Brickwall said:
Misho might be one of the Doctors from Doctor Who, but I haven't seen that either, so I couldn't say.
Yep; the Tenth Doctor.

Not sure who Secret's supposed to be, but someone on The Freedom Stone mentioned the character's called "Sogeking" but I don't recognise the name.
magnificentmomo said:
Is Marena from Usagi Yojimbo too? Secret was the only one I didn't know- I guess I never got to that part of One Piece.
Kitsune would be both fun and appropriate. So I think she is Kitsune.
I propose that those of us who actually do stay up late enough to be consistently bothered by the Placeholder now be officially designated the Scallywags.

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