Keychain #342-346

Color Coded DBs make me happy, but where is the Air aspect? Are these Ten's old colleagues? If the blue is an Air Aspect, then where is the Water?
magnificentmomo said:
Color Coded DBs make me happy, but where is the Air aspect? Are these Ten's old colleagues? If the blue is an Air Aspect, then where is the Water?
Dark Blue is also associcated with Water, so we may still be looking at Ten Wind's old sworn brotherhood (Terrestrials don't have Circles).
DukeGod said:
Crazy Idea here...
It's Morphin Time!!

Red is a girl.

Your argument is invalid. :P

They are the bad guys xD

The bad guys in Power Rangers SPD had a girl as Red

edit:By the way,two small corrections to our posts =D
Kyeudo said:
magnificentmomo said:
Color Coded DBs make me happy, but where is the Air aspect? Are these Ten's old colleagues? If the blue is an Air Aspect, then where is the Water?
Dark Blue is also associcated with Water, so we may still be looking at Ten Wind's old sworn brotherhood (Terrestrials don't have Circles).
My thoughts exactly. Isn't water jade black?

Only problem with them being his old comrades is they all seem kinda young. Maybe some of his compatriots have been replaced in recent history, but they have yet to replace him?

edit: my other thought is that the air aspect is lying in wait to ambush somewheres.
My thoughts are that they may not recognize that Ten is traveling with four other Exalts - Celestials at that. In which case, this may turn into a curb stomp battle in reverse -- at the risk of completely blowing their cover. We shall see. Talking their way out may yet be a possibility; it depends on what Ten's "friends" want from him and how much they already know.

The "James Bond" style glasses carry a strong indication that they have something to do with Ten's old activities, though, which does not bode well. At least they're unlikely to run around screaming "Anathema" hysterically.

Wait a sec. Flash back a few comics - green cloak guy said, "We keep track of the Dragon Blooded." Who is "we"? This guy a Sidereal? If so, things could be very much worse than they initially appear.
I wasn't questioning the use of blue, both dark blue and black work for Water aspect, I was merely further commenting on how it couldn't be Air. It was a pointless remark.
I think they aren't old because, in Ten's line of work, before you get old you either die or take a desk job.
DukeGod said:
DukeGod said:
Crazy Idea here...
It's Morphin Time!!

Red is a girl.

Your argument is invalid. :P

They are the bad guys xD

The bad guys in Power Rangers SPD had a girl as Red

edit:By the way,two small corrections to our posts =D

Samurai Sentai Shinkenger (Sentai, being the source about 80% of PR's combat and zord footage, this one being the one for the upcoming Power Rangers Samurai), they introduced a female Shinken Red in the form of
Shiba Kaoru, the true 18th head of the Shiba Family.
magnificentmomo said:
I was about to say, put me in my place expecting them to all be DBs by throwing in a green Sid.
He was alone.In a balcony.With his face hooded

It was inevitable...
I have this sneaking suspicion that Jukashi has named all of these Dragon-Bloods with numbers, i.e. Ten Winds, Four Flames, One Mountain, etc.
Kyeudo said:
I have this sneaking suspicion that Jukashi has named all of these Dragon-Bloods with numbers, i.e. Ten Winds, Four Flames, One Mountain, etc.
The Seeing-Even-More-Than-All Eye must believe in

Incidentally, that very comic explicitly refs Ten Winds being the only one of the group to survive to old age, thus why Four and company are youngsters.

We should just be vaguely disappointed that Ten Winds isn't Double-Oh-Seven Winds.

And given what GoldenEye did with 006, I really must wonder if Nine [Element] is an Akuma. Vitriol Nine?
In that same comic, flashback Ten had what looks to be the same bracer that the Earth Aspect is wearing, and haven't had the chance to see if any of the others are wearing.

edit: also same belt style, he is just topless because he is cool like that.
Are the green specks in the green one's eyes intended to be some sort of 'starfield' visual effect, or is it just an art error?

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