Keychain #336-340

Secret-pig, Secret-Pig,

Does whatever a Secret-Pig does.

Can he swing, from a rope?

Yes he can, he's a dead.

Look out, here's a Secret-pig!
It looks like maybe we've finally found something other than Dodge that Secret excels at. Extremely.
Kkat said:
It looks like maybe we've finally found something other than Dodge that Secret excels at. Extremely.
Won't be much good against Flames or Nova, but yeah, this should be devastatingly effective. Also, because of her Dodge Charms, she won't be humorously covered in blood, as funny as it would be. Ten, neither, cuz he's Ten.
I think "Splort" is one of the most deliciously evil sound effects, right up there with "squidge" and "schhhhlick!"

Of course, this should be good for Secret. There are many paths to redemption, and enlightenment of Martial Arts is a good fuckoff goodbye to the Neverborn. When she starts busting out Four Arms of the Unconquered Sun Style, they can go eat every dick.
Between this and her Sorcery training, it seems she has a knack for massive explosions of anything.
Given Secret's fondness for the red drink, this is probably not that bad. I mean, she can't practice on the pig anymore, but a blood pinata is pretty awesome anyway.
Brickwall said:
Given Secret's fondness for the red drink, this is probably not that bad. I mean, she can't practice on the pig anymore, but a blood pinata is pretty awesome anyway.
"Blood piñata" is now my official term for Mortals in Exalted.
Weimann said:
She is very collateral, isn't she?
It's the huggable factor. Everything tends to collapse around those. Secret being exalted... well, you know what exaltations do to your sense of scale.
Friend of mine made this:

^ Better if you show only the bottom row of panels. Including too much context makes the demotivator lose its impact.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I think "Splort" is one of the most deliciously evil sound effects, right up there with "squidge" and "schhhhlick!"
Of course, this should be good for Secret. There are many paths to redemption, and enlightenment of Martial Arts is a good fuckoff goodbye to the Neverborn. When she starts busting out Four Arms of the Unconquered Sun Style, they can go eat every dick.
...The thought that there could conceivably be a charm for that latter act is disturbing. Funny, but disturbing. :)
merle said:
Kyeudo said:
Just let Marena have at it. She literally can't fail.
No, you fool! do you know what she's going to put in that soup if she knows Misho's having it?

I have to imagine there's enough of the rest of the pig to make bacon. Or jerky.

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