Keychain #336-340

merle said:
Kyeudo said:
Just let Marena have at it. She literally can't fail.
No, you fool! do you know what she's going to put in that soup if she knows Misho's having it?

I have to imagine there's enough of the rest of the pig to make bacon. Or jerky.
...I was thinking more something along the lines of "aphrodisiac". But OK, rocks. Love rocks. ...somehow.
There's not really anything Marena can put in the soup that's more effective than her Charms. It's been demonstrated that she CAN control Misho with her magic. I'm guessing she hasn't magically seduced him because, for some reason, she wants to do it the old-fashioned way. It might be out of some sense of respect, but if I had to guess, it's a pride thing.
Brickwall said:
There's not really anything Marena can put in the soup that's more effective than her Charms. It's been demonstrated that she CAN control Misho with her magic. I'm guessing she hasn't magically seduced him because, for some reason, she wants to do it the old-fashioned way. It might be out of some sense of respect, but if I had to guess, it's a pride thing.
Pretty much. She also refuses to shapeshift to do it, so no "like animals on discovery channel".
Brickwall said:
There's not really anything Marena can put in the soup that's more effective than her Charms. It's been demonstrated that she CAN control Misho with her magic. I'm guessing she hasn't magically seduced him because, for some reason, she wants to do it the old-fashioned way. It might be out of some sense of respect, but if I had to guess, it's a pride thing.
That's a good point...but I'd actually think it might be more respect for Misho as a friend. Mind-controlling him into it would pretty much be rape, after all. I'm wondering if Marena really is in L-word with him, to any extent.
This much discussion and nobody's wondered about the topic of the Terrestrial Exalt wearing jade armor and carrying a jade powerbow?

Do you think he's trying to shake them down? Seems unlikely, on the Isle, but...
Hooray for kitsune no me!

As good as the recent comics have been, this one has probably been the funniest to me. I dunno what it is, but that last panel is just made of win.

I think the Wood Aspect is probably not a bandit. If you're an Exalt on the Blessed Isle, you're pretty rich by default, at least rich enough that shaking down commoners is not going to get you anywhere.

I'm not saying that he's definitely a good guy, but I'd guess whatever he's interested isn't money.
Brickwall said:
I think the Wood Aspect is probably not a bandit. If you're an Exalt on the Blessed Isle, you're pretty rich by default, at least rich enough that shaking down commoners is not going to get you anywhere.
I'm not saying that he's definitely a good guy, but I'd guess whatever he's interested isn't money.
He could be doing it not for the money, but because he's roleplaying a bandit. Could be how he and his girl/boy get off; playing the lawless highwaymen, robbing some poor commoners then running off into the woods to drink to a successful robbery and roll in the grass.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Brickwall said:
I think the Wood Aspect is probably not a bandit. If you're an Exalt on the Blessed Isle, you're pretty rich by default, at least rich enough that shaking down commoners is not going to get you anywhere.
I'm not saying that he's definitely a good guy, but I'd guess whatever he's interested isn't money.
He could be doing it not for the money, but because he's roleplaying a bandit. Could be how he and his girl/boy get off; playing the lawless highwaymen, robbing some poor commoners then running off into the woods to drink to a successful robbery and roll in the grass.
If that's true, then I wonder if seeing Ten Winds might change his mind about that.

Also: I apparently know nothing about the Isle, or dragonblooded society in general. Time for me to do some reading!

(My money's on him wanting a ride. Wacky hide-the-Exalt hijinks, ahoy!)
merle said:
If that's true, then I wonder if seeing Ten Winds might change his mind about that.
Yeah, robbing Immaculate Masters tends to be a losing proposition. Even if he himself is using Wood Dragon Style, Ten Winds would still wipe the floor with him.

Then again, I'm half convinced that Ten Winds would wipe the floor with the First and Forgotten Loin.

(My money's on him wanting a ride. Wacky hide-the-Exalt hijinks, ahoy!)
I wouldn't bet against you.
merle said:
(My money's on him wanting a ride. Wacky hide-the-Exalt hijinks, ahoy!)
Secret seems to me like the most difficult in this case, with her deathly pale skin and the like... but then again she is Day caste..
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Then again, I'm half convinced that Ten Winds would wipe the floor with the First and Forgotten Loin.
Yes, he would, as he have already, and he can prove it.
Hmm' date=' well the most dramatic problem that can crop up now, I think, is if Ten Winds is green draggie's old mentor. . .[/quote']Let's just hope he hasn't heard about two Ragara sisters becoming Anathema.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
This much discussion and nobody's wondered about the topic of the Terrestrial Exalt wearing jade armor and carrying a jade powerbow?
Do you think he's trying to shake them down? Seems unlikely, on the Isle, but...
Campaign artifact density and the acceptability of wearing combat-related artifacts in public is one of those things that's left deliberately vague and campaign-dependent in Exalted. It's easily possible that on Jukashi's Blessed Isle, jade weapons and armor are practically a badge of office for Dragonblooded.
Toptomcat said:
Campaign artifact density and the acceptability of wearing combat-related artifacts in public is one of those things that's left deliberately vague and campaign-dependent in Exalted. It's easily possible that on Jukashi's Blessed Isle, jade weapons and armor are practically a badge of office for Dragonblooded.
Heck, given that Jade's magical material bonus removes fatigue from armor, Dragon-Blooded really have no reason to take off their armor in most cases.
Kyeudo said:
Heck, given that Jade's magical material bonus removes fatigue from armor, Dragon-Blooded really have no reason to take off their armor in most cases.
Apart from when making more Dragon Blooded. And possibly not even then.
Besides which, Dynasts are expected to be warriors. I imagine that battle attire is appropriate for many occasions in the case of Dragon-Blooded, since Kicking Muchly Of The Ass Forever is in their job description.
chalicier said:
Kyeudo said:
Heck, given that Jade's magical material bonus removes fatigue from armor, Dragon-Blooded really have no reason to take off their armor in most cases.
Apart from when making more Dragon Blooded. And possibly not even then.
This is not the place for me to tell the story when the Dawn Caste, on his player's birthday, tried to have relations with the NPC wood-aspect
chalicier said:
Kyeudo said:
Heck' date=' given that Jade's magical material bonus removes fatigue from armor, Dragon-Blooded really have no reason to take off their armor in most cases.[/quote']
Apart from when making more Dragon Blooded. And possibly not even then.
This is not the place for me to tell the story when the Dawn Caste, on his player's birthday, tried to have relations with the NPC wood-aspect
You're right: this is. Do please link us when you're done. :)
ShadowDragon8685 said:
This is not the place for me to tell the story when the Dawn Caste' date=' on his player's birthday, tried to have relations with the NPC wood-aspect[/quote']
You're right: this is. Do please link us when you're done. :)
It's more a funny gamer story then a pronz story. :/
On my mark. Ready... set... PANIC!

No seriously don't panic. Odds are he just got unexpectedly busy today. He usually tells us when shit hit the fan, but maybe shit got a surprise attack and he had no Willpower to combo surprise negator and defense. The fan that is. Where was I going with this?

Anyway, it'll come like tomorrow.

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