Keychain #336-340

I'm guessing Ten botched a compassion roll there.

Although they do know for a fact there's at least one hostile Sidereal after them, and Ten's familiar with the Siddie ways so he may know something there.
It's possibly genre savvy, since the first people of import you meet almost always answer to the bad guy.

It may also be another sign of Ten's odd moral code and how when he's vry srs bsns, he nearly seems out of touch.

At least this comic puts to bed the humorous notion of people denying the existence of Jade in a Jade-rich environment.
The way I see it is that Ten, for all his strengths, still has the basic attitude of Exalted towards mortals: we're Gods, you suck, and therefore you live or die at our whim. Misho seems to be the only one who shows any genuine compassion towards them (natural, given his Virtues).
Fighteer said:
The way I see it is that Ten, for all his strengths, still has the basic attitude of Exalted towards mortals: we're Gods, you suck, and therefore you live or die at our whim. Misho seems to be the only one who shows any genuine compassion towards them (natural, given his Virtues).
I'm not so sure it's specifically 'Exalted contempt for mortals' and not 'High Conviction professional spy cleaning up messes.' After all, he's been working as a secret agent for the Sidereals for who knows how long. I'm sure ensuring information integrity and secrecy is something he's used to taking care of.
Of course' date=' some of the lighter Artifact weapons aren't THAT heavy. In 1E there were even rules in place for wielding a Short Daiklaive unattuned.[/quote']
And at the very least things aren't as bad as an actual backstory I got while taking applications for a Northerly game... a Dawn Solar's mortal barbarian father supposedly wielded an Orichalcum Grand Goremaul unattuned just to explain how the PC got hold of his artifact. *headdesk*
Isn't there a thaumathology ritual for mortals to attune to Artifacts? He could have used that one. Played it off like barbarian mysticism, like being "blessed by the war god" or something and thus able to use magical weapons.
Weimann said:
Isn't there a thaumathology ritual for mortals to attune to Artifacts? He could have used that one. Played it off like barbarian mysticism, like being "blessed by the war god" or something and thus able to use magical weapons.
Why yes, there is. Still require an Awakened Essence...but that's not impossible. In fact, for the low low price of one eye, the Northern War Gods have a ritual that grants Enlightenment.
Toptomcat said:
Because of course people who don't understand certain bits of Exalted's setting background are just stupid.
And because of course a system that actively encourages the ST to disregard the rules if it would be cooler that way needs to be nitpicked like that. (I'm agreeing with you, if it isn't clear)

Just consider it the equivalent of a three-die stunt for his backstory, if that makes it better for you.
Only certain types of power armor designed for their use, and it always causes accelerated aging as a side effect.
Oh yeah, just gunzosha.

Or, if we want to get really outlandish, they could know the first step to the techno-horror dark DK path, which mortals can learn.
magnificentmomo said:
Oh yeah, just gunzosha.
Or, if we want to get really outlandish, they could know the first step to the techno-horror dark DK path, which mortals can learn.
Ashigaru Skirmish Armor, Tiger Shark Armor, Gunzosha Commando Armor, and Sentinel Defense Force Armor all are such as standard issue. Aegis Inset Amulets allow a mortal to attune to any artifact armor with an commitment of 5 or less motes at the cost of half their lifespan. Mortals can wield certain artifacts that require no attunement as well, such as standard Shock Pikes and Fire Lances.

They may use Prosthetics of Clockwork Elegance, but it is suicide even compared to Aegis Inset Amulets. A mortal may use a Skin Mount Amulet, and even use the motes such grants as a small essence pool to attune to other artifacts, should they have a hearthstone set into it. Using a Fire Pearl requires no attunement. The Thousand Comforts Lounge can be used by anyone, though it's admittedly a useless bauble. The Bracelet of Shared Life is used by one essence user and one mortal generally, granting the mortal the lifespan of the essence user.

A standard Chariot of the Infinite Heavens can be used by anyone, though some are modified to prevent mortal use. Similarly the Glorious Dragonfly Patrol Boat, though those are...less efficient in such hands. The Jump Harness was primarily designed for mortal use.

The Plasma Tongue Repeater and Fuel Bolt Launcher are both mortal useable. Artifact 3 reagent powered Light Implosion Bows are mortal useable. Hearthstone powered Medium, Large and Very Large Concussive Essence Cannons can generally be used by mortals, as may Yasal Crystal and Hearthstone powered 4 dot models of the Lightning Ballista. Similarly Artifact 4 Hearthstone powered Quagmire Perimeter Mines. Nothing prevents mortals from using a Motonic Disruptor Lens with any essence weapon they are capable of using.

Transformative Clothing can be used by a mortal, however if they have no method of spending a mote it is simply clothing. Silken Armor can be used without attunement, though it gives a mobility penalty in that case. Transperfect Domestic Tools are specifically designed for mortal use. Essence Capacitors could be used by mortals, but are really only useful to the Enlightened, or those with a Skin Mount Amulet. The Chaomorphic Symbiote can be attuned and used by mortals...with similar drawbacks to Aegis Inset Amulets. It is mentioned in the Panoply rating of Dreams of the First Age that it is possible for mortals to use specially designed artifacts that would normally require attunement at a single dot higher rating than normally. The Blessing of the Sun rings are of course designed for mortal use. The Cord of Winds requires no attunement. Similarly the Privacy Veil, Silver Brush and Winter's Breath Jar are useable by anyone.

The Essence Union Dart and Ghost Summoning Whistle have no attunement or expenditure, allowing any to use them. The Ghost Cestus similarly has no commitment. Neither do Sorcery Capturing Cords, though using them can prove...interesting to a mortal. Manacles of Night are capable of use by anyone. Similarly, Steel Silk Sails, the Eye of Living Earth, Seeds of the Immaculate Blood and the Fresh Water Pearl can be used by mortals, as may the Honey of the Bees of Zarlath. Similarly, the Band of Faith are useful mostly in the hands of mortals. Sun's Peak can be used on or by a mortal. The Breather Plant may be used by mortals, but is better in the hands of the Enlightened. The Bulb of Demise and Renewal is a...interesting plant of use to mortal and Essence user alike...

Looking at Autocthonia you have even more such things. The Arc Protector, Light Amplification Visor, Flaw Scanner and Portable Nutrient Recycling Engine are just a few example of mortal useable toys. Metsubou Goblin Armor is designed for mortal use...or perhaps to use mortals is more accurate. Similarly the Shaft Speeder, Aerial Skiff, and Oil Diver when powered by Essence Capacitors or Elemental Cores.

As noted above, Step One, a.k.a. Mechanically Integrated Attunement Meditation of the Technomorphic Transcendent Path can be learned by mortals and allow attunement of any artifact without specific who can use it restrictions with Willpower. Similarly, gaining Enlightenment allows mortals to attune to any artifact without specific restrictions with a basic Geomancy ritual that is so simple anyone with any Occult at all can learn it. There are currently two Master level Geomancy rituals and a Spirit Beckoning ritual which can grant Enlightenment, as well as various charms of Spirits and Exalted.

I'm sure I missed some things, but...I figure this shows that there's...quite a lot of artifacts that are mortal useable, even without Enlightenment. And's pretty much only a very few that aren't.
eep. I was only talking armor, and I forgot those other armors could be attuned as well. I knew about the other stuff, but thanks for the info-dump.

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