Keychain #336-340

Brickwall said:
I had been suspecting this, but I couldn't get past "how the hell are they wearing jade armor and still moving?".
Enlightened mortals can attune to artifacts, as well.
Of course, the only enlightened mortals on the BI are, supposedly, licensed thaumaturges (who would be rather wealthy professionals), so that's not exactly likely either. There's the occasional god-blooded, as well, but again, on the Immaculate-controlled Blessed Isle, they're very few and far between.
Considering the state of civil war' date=' they could have just looted a battlefield and taken what they could carry (or drag).[/quote']
At which point we come back to billion dollar magical armor being used to rob commoners problem. Even selling it at a fraction of it's wealth would set you up nicely.

I'm betting it's just paint.
Ehm, well, if they're not Dragon-Blooded, they're not supposed to own jade, so selling on the BI would be...problematic. But I don't think it could be more problematic than getting a hold of it in the first place, so.
Decidedly not. It can happen, roughly, anywhere from age ten to twenty, with Exaltation happening earlier the purer your Terrestrial blood is. And it's not guaranteed to happen even if your heritage is excellent. A huge part of the Realm's social structure is dedicated to comprehensively and excellently educating all potential Dragon-Blooded: the fact that some non-Exalts get an education intended for potential Exalts is really one of the only reasons the Realm has anything resembling a middle class.
Uh, not in canon and I don't think the comic's in house-rules territory anymore. DBs typically exalt in their teens, IIRC, often in moments of great stress.

Edit: Ninja'd
So here's the next theory: At least one of them are actual House members, but haven't actually Exalted and the stuff is on loan.
so,their houses sent they to take tolls in hope someone would decide to kick their asses and see if they Exalt mid-process?

The poor bastards really had to roll just a 100(Player Characters) in the random encounter table...
Thanqol said:
I'm betting it's just paint.
Yep, that's my assumption, as well. Or, if not paint, exactly, still fraudulent through one means or another. Looking like they're armed with Jade would probably go a good way toward keeping up the whole "Don't question our authority, just give us your stuff" ethos this con has to be based on. The harder they look, the less likely it is that they'll have to actually do anything.

And I believe this is the part where we all say "We never should've doubted you!" to our esteemed author. :D
Ascension said:
And I believe this is the part where we all say "We never should've doubted you!" to our esteemed author. :D
Indeed. Humble Self Word Consumption Prana, go!

Edit: That should read Canibalism Of Refuted Verses Mudra
Ascension said:
The harder they look, the less likely it is that they'll have to actually do anything.
And through this alone can make actually having Jade armor probable. Sure, they may hardly be able to move, but they don't have to when everyone lines up at the sight of their breastplates. And any actual DB would either also be wearing armor (and thus avoided) or Immaculate monks (not sure how that would work).

Still, It seems Ten was asking them to hand their Jade over, so we will know if it's genuine or not soon enough.
Ascension said:
The harder they look' date=' the less likely it is that they'll have to actually [i']do[/i] anything.
And through this alone can make actually having Jade armor probable. Sure, they may hardly be able to move, but they don't have to when everyone lines up at the sight of their breastplates. And any actual DB would either also be wearing armor (and thus avoided) or Immaculate monks (not sure how that would work).

Still, It seems Ten was asking them to hand their Jade over, so we will know if it's genuine or not soon enough.
I wonder how hard would it be for a skilled Solar and Lunar to masquerade as a pair of Terrestrials, given the right equipment?
Pharnacis said:
I wonder how hard would it be for a skilled Solar and Lunar to masquerade as a pair of Terrestrials, given the right equipment?
Essence 3 larceny charm for the Solar.
Thanqol said:
Essence 3 larceny charm for the Solar.
Misho ain't exactly stealthy though. We know he's a twink, but does it seem likely that he or the Thrice-Radiant would have invested in trickery charms? They don't seem like the people to do that.
Jukashi: Reread the Panoply chapter's Artifacts section again.

Artifacts aren't so much heavier just because they're built big. The MMs are all much denser (and heavier) than steel. Breastplates alone would probably be around a hundred and fifty pounds or so, all of it resting on the shoulders.

You could wear that and stand up. You definitely couldn't do that all day, nor could you do much more than stand in place.
Jade breastplates, though, are not Jade. They're an alloy made of steel and jade, and the vast majority of the armor is steel. Jade armor is probably heavier than equivalent armor made solely of steel, but it's not gonna be that severe a difference, especially given that your average mortal in Creation is stronger and tougher than your average mortal in our soft modern society.
I would assume that the breastplates would be equivalent of wearing non-artifact super heavy plate at the most.

On a different subject, I wonder what Misho will make of that jade, and how many panels it will take him to do it.
How odd. Ten is reacting as though the bandits know that this is a caravan of Anathema, when for all they know they just tried to raid a caravan full of mortals protected by an Immaculate and got smacked down, which is kind of standard procedure for the Realm. What exactly do they know that he considers them to know too much to be left alive?
Toptomcat said:
How odd. Ten is reacting as though the bandits know that this is a caravan of Anathema, when for all they know they just tried to raid a caravan full of mortals protected by an Immaculate and got smacked down, which is kind of standard procedure for the Realm. What exactly do they know that he considers them to know too much to be left alive?
An elderly elemental master travelling with a blond man with glasses and a red-haired woman with obvious *cough* assets. That's probably going to be a fairly unique description, and if anyone's tracking Our Heroes...
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Jukashi: Reread the Panoply chapter's Artifacts section again.
Artifacts aren't so much heavier just because they're built big. The MMs are all much denser (and heavier) than steel. Breastplates alone would probably be around a hundred and fifty pounds or so, all of it resting on the shoulders.

You could wear that and stand up. You definitely couldn't do that all day, nor could you do much more than stand in place.
Aegis Inset Amulets solve that problem for the non-enlightened. Do they even seriously bugger up your life span when used with non-magitech?
Dahak said:
Aegis Inset Amulets solve that problem for the non-enlightened. Do they even seriously bugger up your life span when used with non-magitech?
Yep. Aegis Inset Amulets halve your life, about, on their own. It's actually better to use most Magitech power armor designed for mortal troops without them, with the exception of Gunzosha Armor, which ages by the SCENE without them. However, for non-magitech armor they're the only way to wear such without an enlightened Essence in the first place.

It's possible Klen actually has just enough blood from his Elemental ancestor to count as a weak Godblood, and thus be able to attune. Such people are... 'encouraged' to join the Legions or the Immaculate Order. Meadow would likely only be able to attune if a trained Thaumaturge, or Immaculate, as Wyld zones are pretty damn rare (Non-existent) on the Blessed Isle, and it's unlikely mortal troops were sent into any serious Wyld zone, for fear of mutation. Wyld mutants are not generally accepted in Creation's civilized nations...the Realm, even less so. Add in that winning the mutation crap shoot and becoming Enlightened without any OTHER, less friendly mutations is...unlikely without an extraordinary will and virtue...and that's a doubtful explanation. Of course, some of the lighter Artifact weapons aren't THAT heavy. In 1E there were even rules in place for wielding a Short Daiklaive unattuned.
merle said:
Toptomcat said:
How odd. Ten is reacting as though the bandits know that this is a caravan of Anathema, when for all they know they just tried to raid a caravan full of mortals protected by an Immaculate and got smacked down, which is kind of standard procedure for the Realm. What exactly do they know that he considers them to know too much to be left alive?
An elderly elemental master travelling with a blond man with glasses and a red-haired woman with obvious *cough* assets. That's probably going to be a fairly unique description, and if anyone's tracking Our Heroes...
Seems thin, especially since Ten is likely to loom so large in their memories as to obliterate anyone traveling with him.

If he thinks he's being personally tracked by elements of the All-Seeing Eye, however, it makes a lot more sense.

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