Keychain #317-322


New topic.

I don't know why Misho is so shocked about all this. I mean, he's probably seen more shocking things in the First Age.

Also, I fail very hard at calculation. I wonder if the thread-name can be changed.
"Wait, what?" is a classic, but I agree, it isn't quite outside Misho's experiences. There wasn't even a polar bear in heat involved.
krrackknut said:
I don't know why Misho is so shocked about all this. I mean, he's probably seen more shocking things in the First Age.
True, but he also has Compassion 5 and very likely an Intimacy towards Marena.
Well, that answers my question, at least. She went off in the woods and decided to forgive Aria. That's... a lot of stuff, though. To the point of invoking the Long List trope. I'm still laughing. :lol:
This is likely going to result in a change of tactics.

I also feel like the main plot is getting a little lost.
I also feel like the main plot is getting a little lost.
Nah, this is just an interlude. They've not gone anywhere or disrupted things on the "action" level yet. All that's happened is that Secret has cleared a couple of hurdles towards Sorcery and Misho has realised that Marena is even more of a fucked up attention-seeking puppy (yip!) than he thought she was.
Behold, Realm Parenting!

Primary source of Empress-upholding mommy complexes since...Well, 01 by the Realm calender!

Note: Realm Parenting may result in feelings of inferiority, self-loathing, depression, paranoia, and House Cynis. This is completely normal, and fully intended by it's designers. This product has not been approved by the Psychiatric Association of Yu-Shan, but rather, the Ebon Dragon pretending to be them during a hangover from the Games of Divinity. Results will vary, use at own risk of cathartic parricide.
The look on Secret's face compels me to hug her and tell her it will be okay. My computer screen keeps getting in the way.
Dear: Jukashi.

Re: 08/02/2010's strip.

Message is as follows: :(

Signing Off.

Kyeudo said:
The look on Secret's face compels me to hug her and tell her it will be okay. My computer screen keeps getting in the way.
Jukashi needs to make Secret plushies. He'd clean up.

Also, this forum needs a "Hug Secret" emoticon.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Also, this forum needs a "Hug Secret" emoticon.
This emoticon already exists, and is implicit in any message made that directly discusses Keychain of Creation. In BoEP: Alchemicals, where the name Elegant Nova of Progression is used? It's there too. Because the hugging of Secret is so elemental to this comic. Ever since the very first strip (yes, this even includes back when the first half of the first strip was the only piece of this comic on the web, back when it was up on Giant in the Playground. I can verify this, since I was following the strip at the time).
So this means Secret is meant to be hugged since day 0? I was expecting it to only start after her strained expression trying to say her name, not immediately after she shows up without a single scene O.o

Also, I am oddly amused by the dissonant reaction Marena has on her last panel.
Synapse said:
So this means Secret is meant to be hugged since day 0? I was expecting it to only start after her strained expression trying to say her name, not immediately after she shows up without a single scene O.o
The very first presentation of KoC ended at the "observational evidence" panel. Secret appears in that panel. She is meant to be hugged. I would only accept denial of this fact from Jukashi, because, well, it is his character, after all.
The pendant was predictable. I love Marena's reaction to experiencing the release associated with forgiveness. "Hold on to that feeling," indeed!

I don't mind the character-focused segments. You need those to balance out the action sequences, or you fatigue your audience. Even the most over the top Exalted campaign has room for character development.
Marena (along with practically every other exalt in history) is a very repressed person with a plethora of issues.

Cartharsis is alien to these people.

Also, hugs for our little deathknight.
Jukashi, you really need to get some kind of Secret plushie out there. I'd pay a king's ransom to get my hands on one.
Initiating two of the main characters into Sorcery should be an epic and long tale. Take as much time as you need to to tell it, Jukashi.

*firm nod*

Also, Marena's nuance of expression is truly remarkable in 318. Color me impressed.


This controversy doesn't look so bad. I even like it actually. And work with sorcery. After all, isn't some omen always happen when exalt gain ability to use TCS.
I think canon now invalidates my rendering of Marena's tattoos. Oh well.

I do really like this new style, and the strip was absolutely hilarious. I can't wait for more strips in this style.

EDIT: Oh, and I don't think Marena and Secret can be blamed for forgetting what he said 35 strips ago :P

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