Keychain #317-322

Notice how the fur on Marena's tail pricks up?

The little things: It's what counts.

Also, the art style doesn't look too weird. I think it kinda' works.
It works well enough that while I took notice of the arms in the panel, I didn't notice they were new until I read farther down. Looking back after that, I thought the arms really worked well with Secret and Marena, accentuating their figures and making them appear more naturally feminine, but for some reason Tens' feel off. If I had to guess, I think it's because they're the appropriate size for muscular arms, but nothing about them denotes the size is due to muscle and not fat. Note sure how to do that for a simpler artstyle though. Different curvature for the inside of the arms maybe? Not sure.

Oh, and the necks are great too. :wink:

...ahem. In all seriousness, I like the new art style, though it will take some getting used to. And I agree that Ten's arms I think the problem lies in his shoulders. They're too rounded, or something. I'm not an artist, though, so I can't explain it any better.
Agreed! There be awesome happening here, and unlike most people you manage to work an art shift into the comic itself. +20 EXP for the artist.
I didn't even notice the art style changed T_T

I think the key to this style's success is learning how to do joints and hands properly. If not, you can just Dallas this away.

Then I was reading this topic, and HOLY SHIT NECKS.

Well done, sir. A genuinely brilliant idea.

The question is, is the Fourth Wall intact or not at this point? I really can't tell...
MorkaisChosen said:
The question is, is the Fourth Wall intact or not at this point? I really can't tell...
I don't suppose pointing to Megatokyo is going to help anyone, is it?
There are legs too :P

Skycroft said:
And I agree that Ten's arms I think the problem lies in his shoulders. They're too rounded, or something. I'm not an artist, though, so I can't explain it any better.
That was my first guess, but the more I look at it, the more I realize it's his arms as a whole seeming too smooth for their size. It works for thinner arms, but thick arms need to vary the curve on the inside and outside of the arm a slight bit more. That's why his left arm looks a good deal better than his right, since a bent anything is going to vary the curve between the two sides.
Oh, wow, absolutely brilliant use of meta-humor to pull off that transition. Like others, I did not notice until the blog called it to my attention, then I was rolling. Well, done Jukashi! You're going to get an inflated ego from all these compliments if you keep it up...

It's also occurred to me that Misho and Ten reacted as if they were expecting this, implying that they already saw things this way. The obvious conclusion is that seeing fully-fleshed bodies as opposed to stick figures is a function of one's sorcery initiation. :shock:

Another edit, with my apologies. Is anyone besides me reminded of this OotS strip?
So far, I think the art change is wierd. It's like the OotS: the stick figures are just part of the style and one that Jukashi made woderfully expressive.

Still, I'll give it a week or two and see if it grows on me.
Kyeudo said:
So far, I think the art change is wierd. It's like the OotS: the stick figures are just part of the style and one that Jukashi made woderfully expressive.
Still, I'll give it a week or two and see if it grows on me.
I'm not sure how important it is to stick to a certain style at all times. I mean, it's still a very stylized design, and you can still look at it and say "Keychain!" with a half-glance. I think the only conceptual difference between this ARMS upgrade is that it was deliberate when compared to, say, the way the stick figures were drawn over time(it is noticeable).

My only doubt so far is on the more muscular limbs. Ten's arms (and in future strips Marena's legs) look odd, and I can't tell if it's just the reaction to the shift.
I also didn't notice the change until my second reading of the comic, but I think it's a good thing. Art shift is the way of life!
Honestly, I didn't notice it for several seconds. That's how natural the change seemed to me.

Plus, it's a good way to distance itself from its Order of the Stick type origins. It's become its own animal by this point.

Fighteer said:
It's also occurred to me that Misho and Ten reacted as if they were expecting this, implying that they already saw things this way. The obvious conclusion is that seeing fully-fleshed bodies as opposed to stick figures is a function of one's sorcery initiation. :shock:
Wait, so if we can see their arms too now... :|
Fighteer said:
It's also occurred to me that Misho and Ten reacted as if they were expecting this' date=' implying that they already saw things this way. The obvious conclusion is that seeing fully-fleshed bodies as opposed to stick figures is [i']a function of one's sorcery initiation[/i]. :shock:
Wait, so if we can see their arms too now... :|
I think everyone has to shout MAGMA KRAKEN at least once to test this theory.
Thanqol said:
Fighteer said:
It's also occurred to me that Misho and Ten reacted as if they were expecting this' date=' implying that they already saw things this way. The obvious conclusion is that seeing fully-fleshed bodies as opposed to stick figures is [i']a function of one's sorcery initiation[/i]. :shock:
Wait, so if we can see their arms too now... :|
I think everyone has to shout MAGMA KRAKEN at least once to test this theory.

Not that you need an excuse - any excuse - to shout MAGMA KRAKEN!
...Huh. Well.

I, as well, didn't notice the change at first. Once I did... well, it will take some getting used to, but I look forward to seeing how this new style looks in future comics.

Also, although overshadowed by ARMS!!, notice that Misho looks at Secret's charm sadly, then destroys it. With her left eye closed like that, Secret's tattoo has never looked more like a tear to me.
Aasharu said:
Also, although overshadowed by ARMS!!, notice that Misho looks at Secret's charm sadly, then destroys it. With her left eye closed like that, Secret's tattoo has never looked more like a tear to me.
I know. That was horrible. :(

And oi! You didn't shout MAGMA KRAKEN!

New poster here. I've been following this comic and I do like it, I just haven't thought about joining the forum before. So I'm sorry to make my first post be a complaint -- it's just that I feel this has to be said.

What's with the panels with dark text on a black background? Even the first is difficult and painful to read -- the second, with a light patch in the centre that has the effect of making the text seem even darker, is virtually impossible. You may say "well, the text in those panels just isn't important" -- but the fact that it's there means people are going to want to read it and are going to hurt themselves trying to read it. If you like the visual effect too much to give it up, at least give us a plain-text rendition at the foot of the page. Please.
Kiriko said:
New poster here. I've been following this comic and I do like it, I just haven't thought about joining the forum before. So I'm sorry to make my first post be a complaint -- it's just that I feel this has to be said.
What's with the panels with dark text on a black background? Even the first is difficult and painful to read -- the second, with a light patch in the centre that has the effect of making the text seem even darker, is virtually impossible. You may say "well, the text in those panels just isn't important" -- but the fact that it's there means people are going to want to read it and are going to hurt themselves trying to read it. If you like the visual effect too much to give it up, at least give us a plain-text rendition at the foot of the page. Please.
Might be something to do with your monitor settings, I can read it just fine.

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