Keychain #286-290

Fighteer said:
Oh, yes. That. I do have to wonder something, though - all this talk of how Exaltations get chosen leads me to wonder how someone like Secret managed to swing an Abyssal shard in the first place. She doesn't seem like the heroic type -- or the nihilistic one, for that matter.
The Black Exaltation can be shoved into anyone. If you survive the requisite torture and attention from a DL, you're Heroic enough, and probably desperate enough to Damn everything and agree to destroy everything within and without

Of course, afterwards, you probably regret saying that, agreeing to that, and you sure as hell probably regret what you've become; hence, you might go Redeemo, ditch the boss, and try to hook up with some Solars to get yourself fixed.

They were trying to draw an obvious parallel between Abyssals and Yozis, as if to say "if you can feel sorry for these Abyssals, why not for the Yozis?"

It doesn't work. The Yozis are (literally) inhuman monsters who care nothing for humanity. Fuck 'em sideways, shove 'em all down the cosmic woodchipper.
I love how Misho just happened to be around when necromancy "was discovered". By which he means "when some other solars broke open the Neverborn's tombs and woke them up to ask them".
Tsuranis said:
I love how Misho just happened to be around when necromancy "was discovered". By which he means "when some other solars broke open the Neverborn's tombs and woke them up to ask them".
Not just Solars. The initial group was made up of both Solars and Lunars.
Panel 6: "Otosan no namae wa?"

It was a bit hard to read the panel 4 right. It almost sounds like he's saying "I'm not going to teach you sorcery. Instead, necromancy for all!" Obviously, that's wrong, and you soon realize that, but the first impression was quite strange.

Overall, Misho is getting some well-deserved screen-time here. I'm excited over seeing some of Secret's background, but frankly, more of Misho and the Thrice-Radiant would make me a happy fanboi. As well. Secret is an interesting cahracter I will follow with glee.

*What's a mixed group like that called, anyway? Just group? Or circle? Freak show?
The only thing this comic is missing is Ten Winds standing in the background of the last panel, looking bored.
Hey now, the Void Circle's not completely evil. Abyssal Aegis, The Barless Gate, Barred Tomb, Black Faith, The Clay of Warped Dreams, and Obsidian Countermagic seem pretty evil-free. On the other hand, you do get stuff like Forsaken Life Engine.
0m3g413 said:
Hey now, the Void Circle's not completely evil. Abyssal Aegis, The Barless Gate, Barred Tomb, Black Faith, The Clay of Warped Dreams, and Obsidian Countermagic seem pretty evil-free. On the other hand, you do get stuff like Forsaken Life Engine.
Even that stuff is only 'evil' if you regard the ultimate, utter, final end of everything as a bad thing.
0m3g413 said:
Hey now, the Void Circle's not completely evil. Abyssal Aegis, The Barless Gate, Barred Tomb, Black Faith, The Clay of Warped Dreams, and Obsidian Countermagic seem pretty evil-free. On the other hand, you do get stuff like Forsaken Life Engine.
Well, Black Faith requires you to throw a ghost into oblivion, after ritually carving a prayer to the neverborn upon their plasmic flesh. Clay of Warped Dreams requires three ghosts' sacrifice to the void. Abyssal Aegis doesn't do evil, but exists explicitly to oppose the closest thing there is to good (the will of the Unconquered Sun). Barred Tomb you can argue about as a metaphysical sort of thing, since in Exalted "cheat death" is generally A Bad Thing in and of itself, but I give you The Barless Gate and Countermagic. Still, one could point out that merely casting a Void Circle spell releases such necromantic essence that it probably pushes Creation closer to death regardless of what it does.
But what if The Maw whispers the truth: that using any circle of Necromancy drains a little of the world's future?
I wonder if there is any meaning in the fact that the largest circle suddenly changes color when the flames go green, while the smaller squiggles stay red.
Jukashi said:
0m3g413 said:
Hey now, the Void Circle's not completely evil. Abyssal Aegis, The Barless Gate, Barred Tomb, Black Faith, The Clay of Warped Dreams, and Obsidian Countermagic seem pretty evil-free. On the other hand, you do get stuff like Forsaken Life Engine.
Well, Black Faith requires you to throw a ghost into oblivion, after ritually carving a prayer to the neverborn upon their plasmic flesh. Clay of Warped Dreams requires three ghosts' sacrifice to the void. Abyssal Aegis doesn't do evil, but exists explicitly to oppose the closest thing there is to good (the will of the Unconquered Sun). Barred Tomb you can argue about as a metaphysical sort of thing, since in Exalted "cheat death" is generally A Bad Thing in and of itself, but I give you The Barless Gate and Countermagic. Still, one could point out that merely casting a Void Circle spell releases such necromantic essence that it probably pushes Creation closer to death regardless of what it does.
What do you mean by "sacrifice to the void"? I mean, is the ghost destroyed, or is it just exiled to some unpleasant place?
Weimann said:
*What's a mixed group like that called, anyway? Just group? Or circle? Freak show?
This particular one called themselves the Black Nadir Concordat, but I'd probably go with "circle" as a general term.
I just had a realization for why Misho knows necromancy for summoning the ghosts of the dead.

"And... It seemed so fascinating at the time."

Manipulation, there. It seems to have worked since nobody expects manipulation from him, but I see his true face.

He learned it because he wanted to see his son again. Possibly he even learnt more and more, delving madly into Necromancy, trying to learn how to bring his boy back. Perhaps he even went so far as to create an unHoly abomination by fusing his son's spirit with something nasty in a misguided attempt to bring him back...

Poor Misho.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I just had a realization for why Misho knows necromancy for summoning the ghosts of the dead.
"And... It seemed so fascinating at the time."

Manipulation, there. It seems to have worked since nobody expects manipulation from him, but I see his true face.

He learned it because he wanted to see his son again. Possibly he even learnt more and more, delving madly into Necromancy, trying to learn how to bring his boy back. Perhaps he even went so far as to create an unHoly abomination by fusing his son's spirit with something nasty in a misguided attempt to bring him back...

Poor Misho.
Yeah, but hey, it could happen to any of us, right?
ShadowDragon8685 said:
He learned it because he wanted to see his son again. Possibly he even learnt more and more, delving madly into Necromancy, trying to learn how to bring his boy back. Perhaps he even went so far as to create an unHoly abomination by fusing his son's spirit with something nasty in a misguided attempt to bring him back...
So the fact that he still has all his limbs is because of a stunt?
ShadowDragon8685 said:
He learned it because he wanted to see his son again. Possibly he even learnt more and more, delving madly into Necromancy, trying to learn how to bring his boy back. Perhaps he even went so far as to create an unHoly abomination by fusing his son's spirit with something nasty in a misguided attempt to bring him back...
Let's take it one step further.

Misho learned necromancy in order to bring his son back. But there was still the fact that he needed a body. So Misho made him one of the flesh of the dead and the souls of ghosts trapped in soulsteel. Then he performed the rite and brought his son back. Of course what came back wasn't his son and he had to use the power of the Key to unlock the connection between his sons soul and the abomination that he had created.

Crisis averted and everyone was happy, except the Sidereals who pointed out it was his fault but who cares about them. Of course amongst all this Misho's son was still dead and never coming back.

Poor Misho.
All this talk about robot clones and his son's soul...

... what if that's him? Now? What if his current body, with it's perfect memories, is the soul of his son with the memories of the father?

Dun dun dun.
Thanqol said:
All this talk about robot clones and his son's soul...
... what if that's him? Now? What if his current body, with it's perfect memories, is the soul of his son with the memories of the father?

Dun dun dun.
Interesting he carrying his father's exaltation as well, or another one?
Me? I suspect he's just Thrice Radiant Misho. The original one. Got put into stasis with one of the various methods of doing so, and released in the present. It isn't really that he has no memories of this age...he simply never lived in it.
Me? I suspect he's just Thrice Radiant Misho. The original one. Got put into stasis with one of the various methods of doing so, and released in the present. It isn't really that he has no memories of this age...he simply never lived in it.
Probable, logical, and therefore boring. Five obols on robot clone!
Me? I suspect he's just Thrice Radiant Misho. The original one. Got put into stasis with one of the various methods of doing so' date=' and released in the present. It isn't really that he has no memories of this age...he simply never lived in it.[/quote']
That makes perfect sense in every way. Except that he doesn't look like Thrice Radiant Misho, at all. It boils down to how accurate the flashback was, I guess.

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