Keychain #286-290

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Other than that... Is Secret's fear going to be Ten Winds?
No, that would just be silly.

Misho said "You're going to overcome one of your Fears". Ten Winds can't be overcome.
Ten Winds is gonna summon the Swiss Army Knife.


Actually, I think it's more likely to be her fear of doing things alone- like what she was talking about here.
Um, is it just me, or does Marena's new red and white outfit look a lot like a modified version of her mom's blue and white one...?
Jukashi said:
It strikes me that I haven't really mentioned or alluded to what Marena did to pass the Fear trial. There hasn't really been space in the comic for it. That sort of thing's probably in there in the Silver Pact initiation, though, right? The Lunars don't take no sissies.
Actually, I was kind of assuming she'd gotten through that one at the fall of Thorns.
Oh dear. This can't end well.

Also, Misho suddenly casting Necromancy like this is rather badass, at least in my opinion. I like the assertive sorcery teacher Misho.
Incidentally, I love the necromancy effects... the flames going green, the red-rimmed black eyes, the way even Misho's Solar anima dims and distorts, the pallid green wash radiating from him...

Oh yes. That's stunt material right there. :)
Crasical said:
What charm is Misho using on Secret there? The one that gives him shiny anime eyes?
Misho has been shown using Hypnotic Tongue Technique before.
Jtuxyan said:
Holy crap. :shock:
She's going to have to fight her own fathers ghost, isn't she?
For some value of "fight", I think, yes.

Remember, this is about fear...
Ah, tough always seems like a horrible, cruel crime at the time.

I get the feeling that this is the sort of thing that would make you stronger, and yet regret all the rest of your days.

Also? Allow me to chorus the praises you receive regarding the aesthetics; the effect is nice.
I'm really shocked that Misho know necromancy. In the good way. I think that no one saw that coming. And he's summoning Secret father? It's really cruel thing to do. But one thing keep me wonder me though. Is telling her father name count as sin of life?
I have all kinds of new-found respect for Misho! Knowing necromancy caught me totally by surprise. Also, the last panel? If I were there, I'd be more than a little spooked. Nice effects. :)
Childhood cuteness? I'm thinking that Secret undoubtedly has a great deal of parent issues underlying her lack of self-confidence. This may turn into childhood nightmare + screaming terror, as suggested by her reaction to what Misho is obviously about to do.

I'm not sure how long Jukashi plans to keep her as The Woobie of the group, but if she does have a major confidence breakthrough here, it would indicate a significant amount of character growth. I'd very much like to see a wiser and stronger Secret.

Secret's issues, however deep, are fairly obvious. I'm actually more curious to find out what Misho has in mind for Marena to sacrifice.
Oh, yes. That. I do have to wonder something, though - all this talk of how Exaltations get chosen leads me to wonder how someone like Secret managed to swing an Abyssal shard in the first place. She doesn't seem like the heroic type -- or the nihilistic one, for that matter.

Edit: It would be rather funny if the reason she's afraid to face her dad is that they had a perfectly sweet, doting relationship and she doesn't want his spirit to see what she's turned into. Resonance, resonance, lots of lovely resonance...

Edit 2 (with apologies): Is the necromancy circle inscribed with blood, or is it just me? Again, I'm way out of touch with Exalted rules, but wouldn't that smack Misho's Compassion rating around a bit?

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