Keychain #281-285

jeriausx said:
Infernals (and Abyssals to some degree) are chosen based on the person failing in the situation that would result in them gaining another kind of exaltation, which addresses your second.
Not exactly. If the conditions exist to spark an Exaltation but the prospective Infernal (or Abyssal) needs to somehow fail at this critical moment, then a Terrestrial Exaltation that's just waiting to spark is going to flare to life and kick 'fail' on it's ass. If a Sidereal is fated to Exalt at a specific time, their life has been fated to take a certain course and the opportunity to fail won't happen. In neither of these instances is there room for the kind of failure that an Infernal (or Abyssal) Exaltation requires.
Infernal exaltation don't require anything. The Yozi just (usually) choose them because they are easier to manipulate. Technically, the same is true for Abyssal exaltation.
HowlingCoyote said:
If a Sidereal is fated to Exalt at a specific time, their life has been fated to take a certain course and the opportunity to fail won't happen. In neither of these instances is there room for the kind of failure that an Infernal (or Abyssal) Exaltation requires.
Unless, for example, said destined Sidereal is killed by Demons(which are outside Fate) and offered the chance for Abyssal Exaltation. I'm sure others will list more possibilities, since I'm too lazy to do it myself.
0m3g413 said:
HowlingCoyote said:
If a Sidereal is fated to Exalt at a specific time, their life has been fated to take a certain course and the opportunity to fail won't happen. In neither of these instances is there room for the kind of failure that an Infernal (or Abyssal) Exaltation requires.
Unless, for example, said destined Sidereal is killed by Demons(which are outside Fate) and offered the chance for Abyssal Exaltation. I'm sure others will list more possibilities, since I'm too lazy to do it myself.
Unless I'm very mistaken, Infernal exaltation doesn't require failure. That's simply a feature the Yozi's prefer to get the behavior they want out of their underlings. Also since its carried by a demon, I'd say that infernal exaltation itself is outside of fate.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Fated Exaltations cannot be trumped. This means Sidereal and Terrestrial Exaltations, both of which are decided at birth. Also, Shards can't get lost. They're cool like that.
Anything is possible in the Wyld. See: chimerism.

Terrestrial Exaltation isn't "destined", anyway. Rolling at birth is a purely mechanical representation of "how likely is it that my kid will Exalt, I don't want to leave it up to the ST". There are three considerations in Dragon-Blood Exaltation: 1) Do you have the blood, 2) Do you have a spark of heroism in your soul, 3) Does the god of DB Exaltation stamp your paper. You can even get a second roll for Exaltation by having a god poke you with the right kind of Endowment.

As for the theoretical everybody in Creation being a Terrestrial, that's easy. If you fail the roll to Exalt as a Terrestrial, you don't have a Fated Exaltation. The roll is made at birth, when you take the First Breath. If you make that roll, you will Exalt as a Terrestrial, and no amount of badassery can make you a Solar, no amount of survival can make you a Lunar, no chickening out can make you an Infernal and no torture can make you an Abyssal; you are a Terrestrial, you just haven't taken the Second Breath yet. If you don't, then nothing can make you Exalt as a Terrestrial - but sufficient badassery might put you in the ranks of Solars, et al.
I misrepresented myself. My hypothetical situation was: if everyone in Creation is a DB of such high Breeding that every child is guaranteed eventual Exaltation. For example, if the primordials had chosen to wipe out all humans, and only Exalted survived, then somehow killed all the Celestial Exalted before they could reproduce. The original DBs did have that level of Breeding.

And Sidereal Exaltations' choices have nothing to do with the Loom. They choose their own newborns at their whim, and from that moment on, that person is destined to be a Sidereal.
Or a corpse. Anyone can die before fate or even samsara says - otherwise the plans of the Abyssals are futile, because there'll always be someone fated to be alive. Would the yozis really find it harder to shove an Exaltation into someone than they would, say, a dose of lethal poison?

My own image of Exaltation was that it occupies a space in the soul that each human has exactly one of - you can't fit more Exaltations in because there's no room (So you can fit more than one Exaltation into a Unity-of-the-Closed-Fist entity because there's multiple souls). But before Exaltation actually happens, that space is still open, and so you can be Exalted by anything. We know that's true, because the books describe Sidereals being able to meet their successors while still alive. The shard isn't in two places at once, so it's not actually present for other shards to bounce off of.

It's not really biology. Exaltation are seated in the lower soul (hun?). The lower soul is incapable of supporting two exaltation safely (I presume). Not sure how is works with DBs though, though I'd imagine they would gain some sort of analogous essence construct form in their lower souls upon exaltation, preventing a fatal overload for the host.
...Oh, sorry. I was just referring to the comments below the current placeholder...

Oh ho ho, biology. This idea is totally unsupported by canon, I just thought it could be amusing.
Well, the last three pages seem to be arguing over rules and rules interpretations, so I'm going to just ignore all that as it goes all over my head.

Phoenix_Kensai, the fact that your signature read "Marena beat', and I thought the b was an h makes this even more amusing. But was Jukashi implying what I think he was implying? ....fanfic writers, get to work. You know you want to.
I hate to admit it, but the thought kind of scares me. What with how she is under normal circumstances...
She's not been that bad on screen, though. We've only seen her lose her cool once, and that was with Racer, who she has a strong connection to and who knew her sweet spot.

Kalatash said:
....fanfic writers, get to work. You know you want to.
Thank you for reminding me I still haven't written the final chapter of my KoC fanfic that I only started more than a freaking year ago.

I even got quoted by Marena herself I mean what the fuck is wrong with me I'm so disrespectful *hides under carpet*
Ribusprissin: you are an evil, evil little monkey who made me fall out of my chair laughing.

This could get...interesting. Hope Marena isn't planning on taking off for awhile to "deal" with it...

...though, wouldn't using Twin-Faced Hero get rid of the issue? I don't believe male foxes go into estrus, only female.

(This is in no way connected with the awesomeness that is male-Marena. Not at all. Nuh-uh.)
Jukashi said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Terrestrial Exaltation isn't "destined", anyway. Rolling at birth is a purely mechanical representation of "how likely is it that my kid will Exalt, I don't want to leave it up to the ST". There are three considerations in Dragon-Blood Exaltation: 1) Do you have the blood, 2) Do you have a spark of heroism in your soul, 3) Does the god of DB Exaltation stamp your paper. You can even get a second roll for Exaltation by having a god poke you with the right kind of Endowment.
I don't think this is correct. Terrestial exaltation can be destined: I'm pretty sure I read that quite a common bribe from powerful gods is to arrange a destiny for your next child / next incarnation to exalt as a dragon blood. Also its 2 dots of the Destiny background ^.^


"How are beastmen made?"

"W-what? You sure you want to know?"


"Really. Alright, you asked for it. Sit down. See, when a Lunar feels a need for an army, she finds the biggest, strongest, toughest male she can find. And I said male, got that? So she finds the male, and then they have a dance and a courtship ritual. And then, if the male is an animal, the Lunar becomes a human and mates with it. If the male is a human, then the Lunar becomes an animal and mates with him. Then the Lunar leaves and gives birth to half-human half-beast cub-babies."


"Oh, and the Twin-Faced Hero knack means that females don't even have to find males, either."

"I'm leaving now."
Tsuranis said:
Jukashi said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Terrestrial Exaltation isn't "destined", anyway. Rolling at birth is a purely mechanical representation of "how likely is it that my kid will Exalt, I don't want to leave it up to the ST". There are three considerations in Dragon-Blood Exaltation: 1) Do you have the blood, 2) Do you have a spark of heroism in your soul, 3) Does the god of DB Exaltation stamp your paper. You can even get a second roll for Exaltation by having a god poke you with the right kind of Endowment.
I don't think this is correct. Terrestial exaltation can be destined: I'm pretty sure I read that quite a common bribe from powerful gods is to arrange a destiny for your next child / next incarnation to exalt as a dragon blood. Also its 2 dots of the Destiny background ^.^
Just because a god will take a bribe for it doesn't necessarily mean that they have any influence over the outcome. This is Exalted.
It's ok.

My wife is obsessed with Animal Planet and Veterinary shows.

It's just the way you made it sound was as if you were afraid it was going to be sex related and it might be embarrassing.
After encountering some things you -really- didn't want to know, the sufficiently paranoid will be wary about investigating new avenues of knowledge. ESPECIALLY knowledge about animals.

"An open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded" becomes slightly more reasonable when you have friends that relish in telling you -exactly- what this species of spider's venom does or what spiny-knobby-engorged animal penises happen to be on their mind today.
It's ok.
My wife is obsessed with Animal Planet and Veterinary shows.

It's just the way you made it sound was as if you were afraid it was going to be sex related and it might be embarrassing.
Well, technically it is sex-related..."embarrassing" is a case-to-case basis.

"An open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded" becomes slightly more reasonable when you have friends that relish in telling you -exactly- what this species of spider's venom does or what spiny-knobby-engorged animal penises happen to be on their mind today.
Beetles. Scariest damn thing I've seen in a loooong time.

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