Keychain #281-285

Firstly, what does MAGMA KRAKEN do? ...besides make a giant squid out of molten rock, as it seems like it would.

And secondly, it seems that Secret has a thirst. And the only thing that can slake her thirst... is more cowbell. NoIDon'tKnowWhereThatMemeCameFrom.
No, because Thunderfury is made a weaksauce now. I'd compare it to Shadowmourne at thin point in time.
jeriausx said:
No, because Thunderfury is made a weaksauce now. I'd compare it to Shadowmourne at thin point in time.
On reading the description of the spell, I am disappointed. What about an actual literal magma-dwelling kraken?! Any potential property damage would surely be outweighed by the awesomeness!
Kyeudo said:
jeriausx said:
No, because Thunderfury is made a weaksauce now. I'd compare it to Shadowmourne at thin point in time.
On my server (at least), whenever anyone mentions Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, everyone starts spamming trade chat with Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker. It's like there's some sort of obsession with Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
Bah, I'd rather have a Peacekeeper Blade. Reciprocating-saw-sword is perfect for an engineer!
Can't look it up now, but there's a sword in classic WoW that looks a lot like a lightsaber. It's awesome to carry around to impress people, although its stats are worthless at 80. It strikes me that many of the epic weapons in WoW would not look at all out of place in Exalted.
Kalatash said:
Firstly, what does MAGMA KRAKEN do? ...besides make a giant squid out of molten rock, as it seems like it would.
what do you mean BESIDES?

MAGMA KRAKEN needs no besides.
Fighteer said:
Can't look it up now, but there's a sword in classic WoW that looks a lot like a lightsaber. It's awesome to carry around to impress people, although its stats are worthless at 80. It strikes me that many of the epic weapons in WoW would not look at all out of place in Exalted.
You may be thinking of the Argent Avenger.

Cool-looking, but I'll keep my badass mechanical sword, thanks. :D
vegetalss4 said:
Kalatash said:
Firstly, what does MAGMA KRAKEN do? ...besides make a giant squid out of molten rock, as it seems like it would.
what do you mean BESIDES?

MAGMA KRAKEN needs no besides.
The question you should be asking is not "what can MAGMA KRAKEN do except summon a giant squid made out of molten rock?" It should be "what can the giant squid made out of molten rock do?"

When put in the hands of a forum like this, MAGMA KRAKEN gets incredibly versatile ^.^
Tsuranis said:
vegetalss4 said:
Kalatash said:
Firstly, what does MAGMA KRAKEN do? ...besides make a giant squid out of molten rock, as it seems like it would.
what do you mean BESIDES?

MAGMA KRAKEN needs no besides.
The question you should be asking is not "what can MAGMA KRAKEN do except summon a giant squid made out of molten rock?" It should be "what can the giant squid made out of molten rock do?"

When put in the hands of a forum like this, MAGMA KRAKEN gets incredibly versatile ^.^
Even more versatile in the hands of The Freedom Stone, though. :P

Someone there wrote a fic about Raksi having a summoned MAGMA KRAKEN rape the canon Twilight whose name escapes me, for having the gall to come and ask about some artifact book.
Doesn't Misho have CCS? He should've learned Ivory Orchid Pavilion instead. Better food, better atmosphere.

Now that would make them want to learn Sorcery.
On the basis of this thread, I will have to mention to my players that the criteria for judging a spell's Circle is now to be "how many exclamation marks are required after an explanation of its effects."



Solar Melee Charms take the !! and !!!! spots.

Heavenly Guardian Defense: "Holy shit! He's not dead!!"

Action-Length Extended Heavenly Guardian Defense: "Holy shit! He should be dead five times over!!!!"

Unconquered Sun: "Medamnit, I'm tryin' to take a turn here, stop making me run to the throne!"
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Solar Melee Charms take the !! and !!!! spots
And Pattern Spider Touch requires 0 exclamation points because you'd be unmade before you'd have the chance to exclaim.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Solar Melee Charms take the !! and !!!! spots
And Pattern Spider Touch requires 0 exclamation points because you'd be unmade before you'd have the chance to exclaim.
Unless you're capable of the "!!" spot feat, in which case it does all of jack and shit. (Or, for that matter, IPP, which is more "Ha-ha!")
Kalatash said:
And secondly, it seems that Secret has a thirst. And the only thing that can slake her thirst... is more cowbell. NoIDon'tKnowWhereThatMemeCameFrom.
Listen if you will, and I shall relate to you the Legend of More Cowbell.

Once upon a time in the annals of Saturday Night Live, Blue Oyster Cult was set to perform as the musical guest.

In a skit prior to their performance, the Not Ready For Primetime Players impersonated the band in their early days at a recording session. As the band played, a producer entered the room, played by the one and only Chistopher Walken.

He told the band that their sound was good, but to make it great, he needed more cowbell.

And so the band played with a greater emphasis on the cowbell, but it was not satisfactory to Walken to the producer. "Guys," he said, "seriously, you really need to bring up the cowbell."

Again they played, and again it was not satisfactory. "Fellas, I got a fever. And the only cure is more cowbell."

This continued for many more iterations of the joke, all of which was increasingly funny, and the skit faded to the end.

But as you will see, such was not the end, for when Blue Oyster Cult went to play Don't Fear the Reaper onstage, that evening, there was a truly immaculate cowbell ringing forth in the song.

Thus was the meme spawned, and remains delightful to this day. Its journey through time found the greatest of purpose a few years ago on the Conan O'Brian show with Christopher Walken as a guest. In the middle of his discussion, the show's producer interrupted, saying that Walken's plug for his movie needed more cowbell--the joke had traversed more than 20 years to bite Christopher Walken on the ass.
Kalatash said:
And secondly, it seems that Secret has a thirst. And the only thing that can slake her thirst... is more cowbell. NoIDon'tKnowWhereThatMemeCameFrom.
Listen if you will, and I shall relate to you the Legend of More Cowbell.

Once upon a time in the annals of Saturday Night Live, Blue Oyster Cult was set to perform as the musical guest.

In a skit prior to their performance, the Not Ready For Primetime Players impersonated the band in their early days at a recording session. As the band played, a producer entered the room, played by the one and only Chistopher Walken.

He told the band that their sound was good, but to make it great, he needed more cowbell.

And so the band played with a greater emphasis on the cowbell, but it was not satisfactory to Walken to the producer. "Guys," he said, "seriously, you really need to bring up the cowbell."

Again they played, and again it was not satisfactory. "Fellas, I got a fever. And the only cure is more cowbell."

This continued for many more iterations of the joke, all of which was increasingly funny, and the skit faded to the end.

But as you will see, such was not the end, for when Blue Oyster Cult went to play Don't Fear the Reaper onstage, that evening, there was a truly immaculate cowbell ringing forth in the song.

Thus was the meme spawned, and remains delightful to this day. Its journey through time found the greatest of purpose a few years ago on the Conan O'Brian show with Christopher Walken as a guest. In the middle of his discussion, the show's producer interrupted, saying that Walken's plug for his movie needed more cowbell--the joke had traversed more than 20 years to bite Christopher Walken on the ass.
I had seen the original skit - but I never heard about the Conan O'Brien ass-biting. Beware laser-targeted karma!
Kalatash said:
And secondly, it seems that Secret has a thirst. And the only thing that can slake her thirst... is more cowbell. NoIDon'tKnowWhereThatMemeCameFrom.
Listen if you will, and I shall relate to you the Legend of More Cowbell.

Once upon a time in the annals of Saturday Night Live, Blue Oyster Cult was set to perform as the musical guest.

In a skit prior to their performance, the Not Ready For Primetime Players impersonated the band in their early days at a recording session. As the band played, a producer entered the room, played by the one and only Chistopher Walken.

He told the band that their sound was good, but to make it great, he needed more cowbell.

And so the band played with a greater emphasis on the cowbell, but it was not satisfactory to Walken to the producer. "Guys," he said, "seriously, you really need to bring up the cowbell."

Again they played, and again it was not satisfactory. "Fellas, I got a fever. And the only cure is more cowbell."

This continued for many more iterations of the joke, all of which was increasingly funny, and the skit faded to the end.

But as you will see, such was not the end, for when Blue Oyster Cult went to play Don't Fear the Reaper onstage, that evening, there was a truly immaculate cowbell ringing forth in the song.

Thus was the meme spawned, and remains delightful to this day. Its journey through time found the greatest of purpose a few years ago on the Conan O'Brian show with Christopher Walken as a guest. In the middle of his discussion, the show's producer interrupted, saying that Walken's plug for his movie needed more cowbell--the joke had traversed more than 20 years to bite Christopher Walken on the ass.
Um, wow. I... didn't really need the history lesson. What I meant is, I have no idea why that meme came to mind after reading that comic. Sometimes, my mind SCARES me.

Case in point, when I read the most recent comic, I thought of this:

When she was young she watched the sorcery and she said to him "I want to learn all the spells Misho."
Misho said "No! You will BE EAT BY DEMONS"
The note today left out the best reason for "little moments" in the comic: They're adorable!

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