Keychain #252 - #255

Thanqol said:
EDIT: Plus Petal's mother is a Celestial God Blooded. Chances are she's a Lunar-blooded, which means she has shapeshifting.
No, she's an actual God-Blooded (the child of a god in the Celestial hierarchy in Yu-Shan), not a Half-Caste. I actually made that same mistake, and Jukashi actually corrected me instead of saying 'sure why not' like he usually does (and then went and clarified the page to make sure.) The only way she could have 'lunar' heritage would be to be a child of Luna herself.

So presumably it is an important point.

And if she gets her blue hair from her divine parent, it's not that odd that her child wouldn't share it. Divine heritage doesn't last for more than one generation unless you have a specific mutation that says it does.
She celestial God-blooded as in her parent is in the Celestial Bureaucracy as opposed to Terrestrial Bureaucracy. Or so I presumed. Means grandpa/ma could be an Elemental Dragon.
jeriausx said:
She celestial God-blooded as in her parent is in the Celestial Bureaucracy as opposed to Terrestrial Bureaucracy. Or so I presumed. Means grandpa/ma could be an Elemental Dragon.
Or a Celestial Exalt.
Aquillion said:
No, she's an actual God-Blooded (the child of a god in the Celestial hierarchy in Yu-Shan), not a Half-Caste. I actually made that same mistake, and Jukashi actually corrected me...
No Half-Caste.
jeriausx said:
Aquillion said:
No, she's an actual God-Blooded (the child of a god in the Celestial hierarchy in Yu-Shan), not a Half-Caste. I actually made that same mistake, and Jukashi actually corrected me...
No Half-Caste.
Oh right.

But they're all God-Blooded mechanically anyway.
Seems to me like Jukashi has been playing with layers, eh?

The eyes under the hair add a level of coolness. 8)
Thanqol said:
jeriausx said:
Aquillion said:
No, she's an actual God-Blooded (the child of a god in the Celestial hierarchy in Yu-Shan), not a Half-Caste. I actually made that same mistake, and Jukashi actually corrected me...
No Half-Caste.
Oh right.

But they're all God-Blooded mechanically anyway.
But have access to different charms, different tendencies in merits, and a different power from their parentage. There is nearly as much difference between a Celestial Exalted Half-caste and a Celestial Godblooded as there is between a Celestial Exalt, and a Celestial God. Which is...considerable.
Right. First, "No...I was in a position to be certain, Petal." is utterly hilarious.

Second, since Marena said that her mother was a skilled social combatant, this could be Aria plying her trade. Or Marena could just be an unreliable narrator. Or (most unlikely), Aria was a conniving witch, but experience character development.

Lastly, I love those disapproving glaring glares in the last panel.
No, anyone who sweeps past her daughter to greet other people in the room, when she hadn't seen her daughter in a while, is a conniving witch.
Well, I guess we can see where Marena gets her Manipulation from. :D

She looks like she managed to assess everyone in the room and target their social vulnerabilities in the time it took to walk across the room.
Yes, this strip is a quintessential example of Manipulation at work. Go, Aria, go. Show your daughter how it's done!

As an aside... you conniving little witch!
Ten doesn't seem too taken in by it, yet.

There's no hope for Misho, the poor Compassion 5 bastard.

Wai to epic phail, Marena. Are you or are you not one of the Celestial Exalted with an emphasis on social combat?

Or did she just implant subliminal programming in your head when you were a child that makes it literally impossible for you to score more successes on any social combat roll than she does when you oppose her, discarding any excess successes that would cause you to tie or exceed her own number of successes?

I'd lean towards the latter, personally. Also, doesn't Misho Favor Investigation by default? He needs to invest in Bullshit Transparancy Prana to let him see through the huge load of manure she was shoveling around there.
Panel Six has Secret's hair streaming out behind her. I wonder if this is just cartoony wind whooshing and Aria was bowling over the Circle socially at a brisk walk or if Secret took off to stash her present somewhere, since she doesn't have it in the last panel. Then again Misho doesn't have the crown anymore either.
I like how there relationship was illustrated, just because Marena is a Celestial Exalted doesn't mean she can't have moments of over emotional screw ups.

It could always be everyone else getting pissed off at her over her role playing her mental defense. If you want to think about it in terms of Game Systems. She wasn't trying to out social her mom, and convince the rest she was evil. She was saying "Not interested,"
Marena, you're one of the celestial exalted, and you're in social combat. Attack back! Use your excellencies, burn some motes! You can win this, you have a greater mote pool!
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Or did she just implant subliminal programming in your head when you were a child that makes it literally impossible for you to score more successes on any social combat roll than she does when you oppose her, discarding any excess successes that would cause you to tie or exceed her own number of successes?
Yes, it's called "She's her mother."

I'd like to see you to excel in social combat when your mother's meeting all your friends.

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