Keychain #252 - #255

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Or did she just implant subliminal programming in your head when you were a child that makes it literally impossible for you to score more successes on any social combat roll than she does when you oppose her' date=' discarding any excess successes that would cause you to tie or exceed her own number of successes?[/quote']
Yes, it's called "She's her mother."

I'd like to see you to excel in social combat when your mother's meeting all your friends.
Mareena literally can't fail. She's purchase every Second Excellency, remember?

That would be worth the essence splooge.
Oh man, I'm totally on Marena's side on this one. I know how this kind of thing resolves. :|
Wait a minute... I see what Jukashi did here. By introducing this Marena's Mother subplot, he's drawn our attention away from Ten Wind's revelations, and insured we need to wait another ten strips, at least, before we find out anything more!

You manipulative bastard!
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Marena literally can't fail. She's purchase every Second Excellency, remember?
That would be worth the essence splooge.
Unfortunately, it doesn't help your Valor or negative Intimacies.

Of course, I consider this a straight-up Screw the Rules, I Have Plot situation
Not so fast, Marena, you've activated my trap card?

In any case, I agree with Mello, on this one, it's a comic and doesn't need to follow the rules.
Aasharu said:
Wait a minute... I see what Jukashi did here. By introducing this Marena's Mother subplot, he's drawn our attention away from Ten Wind's revelations, and insured we need to wait another ten strips, at least, before we find out anything more!
You manipulative bastard!
It's actually a cunning ploy to never come back to it.

"I'll tell you later," Ten Winds says, safe in the knowledge some plot event will come up to cause everyone to forget he ever mentioned it.

...Damn. Aria is good. One look at Ten, and she's already divined his weakness. And sneaking away your dad's sneaky job, when your dad's the divine personification of sneakiness? That's Exaltation-worthy.

...Oh, and Marena is adorable.
Now that you mention it: It's kinda weird that a God-Blooded who out-manipulated a celestial god of manipulation wasn't considered for Sidereal Exaltation.

...that is, unless...
Sidereal Exaltations are determined lifetimes ahead of when they happen. A Sidereal could even find out who his next incarnation will be if he could get Lytek to tell him. You don't get a Sidereal Exaltation for merit, you get it because Fate chose you.
I always interpreted that the choosing-by-merit bit just happens before the candidates are born, based on their allotted fate. Fate must have played out favorably for someone like Aria--and particularly in the manner that the Maidens would prefer.

So what I'm implying with all this is: Aria is Ten Winds.
You know, with the number of people that Ten Winds is, he'd have to be a Third Circle Demon at the least.
Quchu said:
So what I'm implying with all this is: Aria is Ten Winds.
That's makes the fact that's she's currently ordering "extra drinks for the handsome, bearded fellow" rather self-congratulatory, doesn't it?
Jokes aside and assuming that Ten is really a sidereal what is his caste. From colors I guess it is either serenity or secrets (if we count his light green eyes rather than clothes) Also if he is really a sidereal than I put my money on that flammable kitten lady was actually scarlet empress :shock:
Greenstalker said:
Jokes aside and assuming that Ten is really a sidereal what is his caste. From colors I guess it is either serenity or secrets (if we count his light green eyes rather than clothes) Also if he is really a sidereal than I put my money on that flammable kitten lady was actually scarlet empress :shock:
He'd be an Air-Aspected Dragon-Blood.

Which he is.
Man I love Marena's face in panel #2. I lol'd hard.

Re: Aria



Aria may have made a misstep. Does she really want to give Ten a drink or 8? We've pretty much seen that giving him booze is akin to giving Ben resonance.

Or what giving Ben resonance was supposed to do, anyway.
Dahak said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Mareena literally can't fail. She's purchase every Second Excellency, remember?
And this is just the time for Second Ebon Dragon Excellency. ;)
You mean Shadow Spite Curse? I prefer Imprecation of Ill Manners myself.
Chaka said:
Greenstalker said:
Jokes aside and assuming that Ten is really a sidereal what is his caste. From colors I guess it is either serenity or secrets (if we count his light green eyes rather than clothes) Also if he is really a sidereal than I put my money on that flammable kitten lady was actually scarlet empress :shock:
He'd be an Air-Aspected Dragon-Blood.

Which he is.
How about an Air-Aspected Dragon-Blood who has beaten up Nirvishesha to rewrite the concept of identity to define Ten Winds and Ten Thousand Virtues as the same individual, without realising that Ten Thousand Virtues is a resplendent destiny of The Green Lady, thus causing him to appear confused when one of The Green Lady's contacts passes him a message comic #203?

...either that or he's six giant squirrels with a headdress, robe, and ring of levitation and illusions.
...either that or he's six giant squirrels with a headdress' date=' robe, and ring of levitation and illusions.[/quote']
No, shut u- I mean. Um. Geeze, squirrels? Stupid theory. I mean, there is no theory more stupid than that. So stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. Squirrels? Stupid. Totally. I would never write something as stupid as that. No. Never. In fact that is so stupid, I command you all to wipe it clear from your minds forever.


Jukashi said:
...either that or he's six giant squirrels with a headdress' date=' robe, and ring of levitation and illusions.[/quote']
No, shut u- I mean. Um. Geeze, squirrels? Stupid theory. I mean, there is no theory more stupid than that. So stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. Squirrels? Stupid. Totally. I would never write something as stupid as that. No. Never. In fact that is so stupid, I command you all to wipe it clear from your minds forever.


Interesting statement considering that you say "yes" everything related to comic, I guess someone hit the bulls eye :shock:

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