Keychain #241 - #245

Aasharu said:
You know, I gotta say, I find the Keysid to be really quite attractive, despite her tendency to attack my favorite character. And even that can be forgiven, as without her, we wouldn't have gotten to see Secret looking adorably cute for the last four pages.
Did Ten Winds just punch her appearance score up?
Thanqol said:
Aasharu said:
You know, I gotta say, I find the Keysid to be really quite attractive, despite her tendency to attack my favorite character. And even that can be forgiven, as without her, we wouldn't have gotten to see Secret looking adorably cute for the last four pages.
Did Ten Winds just punch her appearance score up?
That, or he punched it sideways from "hot teacher" to "staff chick cutie."


Cute Redsid is cute!
Maybe that's what that martial arts charm does. The Resplendent Beautifying Strike

Damn. Now I want to learn supernatural martial arts.
Hrm. You know, it feels slightly anti-climactic... yet in an awesome way. I'm not sure how that works, except it does.
And definitive proof that Ten Winds is not a Sidereal. He just used Unassailible Body of Air. No Sidereal can pull that off at a moments notice.
I am not really sure whether this is a) awesome b) foreshadowing c) kinda inappropriate or d) some mix of the above.

I mean we might just have seen a dragonblooded defeat someone who just made a fool out of not one, nor two but THREE abbyssals, which kinda rubs me the wrong way, on the other hand he might not be a dragonblooded, and it did look cool. and in exalted you must NEVER EVER underestimate the rule of cool.
Dragonblooded are, in fact, EXALTED. Not extras. Not even Heroic Mortals, but Exalted. And a Dragonblooded with centuries of experience, like Ten Winds would have to be, to be as old as he looks...literally in his 200s at a minimum, can quite certainly have their way with a few Abyssals that have been Exalted at most for 5 years. For that matter, I've seen a pair of starting Immaculate Monks in one game massacre a mixed circle of Solars and Lunars, where the only survivors were the ones not on the battlefield. Of course, if the Zenith Celestial Circle Sorceror had just not gone off casting Celestial spells over a matter of mortals enslaving eachother in Farhold...the two missionaries wouldn't have even known there were Celestial Exalted in the area, yet...

Frankly, all Exalted can be powerful in their own right. Experienced Exalted can be even more powerful. Do Celestial exalted have an advantage in the power department? Yes. But it is far from an insurmountable one, and even less so when the individual involved is both much older and more experienced, AND a master of at least one Celestial Martial Art.

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