Keychain #241 - #245

The comic will be up shortly...

The comic will be up shortly...

The comic will be up shortly...

The comic will be up shortly...

The comic will be up shortly...

Great, we can add that to such classics as; "The cake is a lie, the cake is a lie..." and "This chair this chair this chair..." (If you get the second one, then Kudos!)

Edit: Also, as I just noticed, it goes so well with ShadowDragon's "Can't sleep, the Sidereals will get me, Can't sleep, the Sidereals will get me..."
Misho: take note.

If Ten Winds stars showing a Caste Mark, Run for the hills. Run foooor your lives...

Oh, goddamnit. Song incoming...
Dang it. The "Ten Winds is a Sidereal" camp got so much more fuel for the cannons. Please let Ten Winds just be the only Essence 10 Terrestrial in existance and not Chejop Kejak.
Kyeudo said:
Dang it. The "Ten Winds is a Sidereal" camp got so much more fuel for the cannons. Please let Ten Winds just be the only Essence 10 Terrestrial in existance and not Chejop Kejak.
You know...

I think I'd accept Chejop. Any other Sidereal, no. But the Righteous Old Dude? Yes.
I severely doubt that Ten Winds is actually a Sidereal, but he's definitely someone important. I personally think it unlikely that he's anyone from the established canon, though, since so far, Jukashi has never used any Exalted from the canon sources.
So unless someone posts before I finish this, it will be a double post, but I don't care!

Anyways... things about this page. For one, Secret is absolutely freaking adorable, such that she should be classified as a weapon of mass destruction of some sort. Karen manages to look pretty awesome, and the blood running down her face, along with the obscuring hair, just kind of makes it, in my honest opinion. Thirdly, whilst the Sidereal has not yet revealed Ten's secret, I anticipate that, before this arc is done, it will be revealed in some way, shape or form, unless Jukashi manages to pull something very tricky out of his hat, (and even that would lead to outcry, but I digress.) Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the Keysiddie manages to look badass, but is completely overshadowed in that area by Ten Winds. Seriously, I'm in awe at how a simple stick figure can convey so much prepared-to-kick-ass awesome.
Aasharu said:
I severely doubt that Ten Winds is actually a Sidereal, but he's definitely someone important. I personally think it unlikely that he's anyone from the established canon, though, since so far, Jukashi has never used any Exalted from the canon sources.
You forgot about poor Stuck-Elsewhere-Guy asking for help!
I promised, now I deliver.

Dragons came across the sea,

They brought us Side-real misery,

He killed our kind, she killed our creed,

They took our place for their own greed!

We fought them hard, we fought them well!

In halls of Meru we gave them hell!

But many came; too much for we;

Oh will we ever be set free?

Riding through wastelands and flaming towns,

Galloping hard on the plains!

Chasing the Solars back to their holes,

Beating them at their own game!

Murder their monarchs; the stab in the back!

Followers' children - the cowards attack!

Run to the hills

Run for your lives!

Run to the hills,

Run for your souls!

Dragons scaled on the barren wastes,

Regicide is now their new game,

Sieging the Manses and breaking the Kings

The only good Solars are chained!

Sidereals attack when mere Dragons can't win,

Destroying their masters and chaining their souls!

Run to your Manse,

Run for your lives!

Run to the woods,

Run for your souls!

(Badass kicking Oricalcum guitar solo)

Yeeeeeeeeeeeah oooooooooohhh

Run to the Wyld,

Run for your lives,

Lun-arrrs run now,

Losing their Castes!

Che-Jop Ke-Jack,

Comes for you now!

Run to the hills,

run for yooour liiiiiiives.

[edit]I really wish this forum had [sblock] tags. Anyway...

I may have stretched the verse some (Lun-arrrs... >_<) But I'm pretty sure I got the syllables all right, and the verse should work well enough. :)
(01:47:18) Wakoid2: -nods-

(02:16:03) Haku: Mars chosen vs Secrets chosen... Ten IS a sid as suspected ^_^

(02:16:55) Wakoid2: I'm still holding out on Ten being a Sid... though that just may because I'm colorblind and can't see the green eyes right

(02:17:07) Haku: his eyes are green ^_^

(02:17:15) Wakoid2: like I said... colorblind

(02:18:04) Haku: I hold he's Ketchup ^_^

(02:18:22) Wakoid2: ... no... no THAT I doubt even moreso

(02:19:03) Haku: ha!

(02:19:48) Wakoid2: Ketchup working with 2 solars, a lunar, and a Abyssal? Unless Juk is pulling something in his plot, I doubt he's Carjack.

(02:20:32) Wakoid2: I would like to think that there would have been at least some MENTION of Kejak in the comic previous if that were to happen

(02:20:42) Haku: But it would be an unexpected twist! ^_^

(02:21:27) Wakoid2: but it's one that would only make sense to Exalted players. and while a majority of the readers (as far as I know) are, the non-players...

(02:21:52) Haku: hahahahahahaha

(02:22:00) Wakoid2: ...?

(02:22:07) Haku: Well... we'll see this friday ^_^

(02:22:11) Wakoid2: yeah...

(02:22:40) Wakoid2: well... at best we'll see if he's a Sid. NOT if he's KC

(02:22:48) Haku: Indeed
Darn you Juk, for making me wish I had a time machine to travel to friday. xD
Again, even if Ten Winds is a Sidereal, I seriously doubt he would be Chejop Kejak, since, with the exception of a single minor character used for the purpose of a one panel joke, (there, Aquillion, :wink: ) Jukashi has never used any canon characters in his story. Besides, Chejop is balding on top, and Ten Winds has a full head of hair.
Aasharu said:
Again, even if Ten Winds is a Sidereal, I seriously doubt he would be Chejop Kejak, since, with the exception of a single minor character used for the purpose of a one panel joke, (there, Aquillion, :wink: ) Jukashi has never used any canon characters in his story. Besides, Chejop is balding on top, and Ten Winds has a full head of hair.
I'm pretty sure that, even if he doesn't have (or refuses to try) life-extensions, he almost certainly has access to something that'll let him grow his hair back. Maybe that's what's in his alcohol jug - Hair-Gro?

Obviously it can't be a Resplendancy, but I think the old man probably knows how to craft an effective, non-resplendency disguise.

Jukashi said:
Haku said:
Darn you Juk, for making me wish I had a time machine to travel to friday. xD
Hey hey, keep your pants on. They still have to fight.
Oh by the Gods and Incarnae... So, another three fortnights of action sequence then? I guess we'll see the results of this fight sometime around New Years.

FluffySquirrel said:
Someone missing who everyone is looking for?
Ten Winds is clearly the Empress!
Oh gods, no. I'd rather he were an Infernal than that.
Alright, I'll admit it. I have _absolutely no idea_ who Ten Winds is or is not. I also have absolutely _no idea_ what it means that his hat was blown off. Any explanations?
Jukashi said:
You figured it out.
Chejop Kejak is the Empress.
That puts that one comic in The Blessed Isle (the one where Kejak is cursing the Empress for disappearing on him) in a whole new context.
First, let me just say it's good to be a member of the forums at last! I think I initially tried to sign up back in August, and tried to get the activation e-mail sent again sometime in October, but now I'm finally on board, and just in time to comment on the impending Ten Winds badassery.

Aasharu said:
Again, even if Ten Winds is a Sidereal, I seriously doubt he would be Chejop Kejak, since, with the exception of a single minor character used for the purpose of a one panel joke, (there, Aquillion, :wink: ) Jukashi has never used any canon characters in his story. Besides, Chejop is balding on top, and Ten Winds has a full head of hair.
We do have canon Deathlords active within the KoC setting, with The First and Forsaken Lion even being set up as the comic's big-bad. I believe Berengiere is canon, too, and Luna obviously is. In fact, Marena's whole backstory is pretty heavily tied into canon.

And, though I think this was the single minor character used as a one panel joke you were talking about, even the poor fellow trapped in Elsewhere is technically canon.

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