Keychain 211 - 215


...So THAT'S what you meant by four arms.

I must say, I love Solo's yellow spirally-eyes that look like they were drawn with crayon.
See, it doesn't matter what sound a giant club makes while hitting a Solar Saber, because you can't hear it over the band.
It was more like "Drum solos are like sneezes: you can tell when they're coming, but there's nothing you can do to stop them."

I don't think that was exactly it, but it was in that vein.

Oddly enough, this drummer seems to quite embody that aspect of it.
Thanqol said:
See, it doesn't matter what sound a giant club makes while hitting a Solar Saber, because you can't hear it over the band.
Mmm, I was going to say something like

"It doesn't matter what the sound of the giant club makes while hitting a Solar Saber, because the sound of so much Awesome completely drowns it out anyway." :D
Out of curiosity, have the placeholders always appeared at around this time? I only just started noticing them...
Obviously you need to stop wasting time on eating and being overwhelmed by a sense of inadequacy.

Also, it took me a while to realize that Misho's saber was getting smashed in the last panel. :[
Marena's mentor? Now this is something I'm looking forward to.

Also, on a somewhat unrelated note, Chorus of the Neverborn is looking promising. While I obviously haven't seen much, I like how it seems to be going, not to mention the art style... it reminds me a bit of The Dark Spire, which I've been playing a bit too much recently.

...Also, I believe you misspelled monstrosity.
I personally would like to see more Performance Charms designed for use in large-scale combat. The ability to affect anyone within hearing distance with a particular effect is a valuable thing, tactically.

Quchu said:
Obviously you need to stop wasting time on eating and being overwhelmed by a sense of inadequacy.
Pshaw! Clearly what Misho is saying is, in fact, directed at a large settlement of monsters. A monstro-city. :P
Pshaw! Clearly what Misho is saying is, in fact, directed at a large settlement of monsters. A monstro-city. :P
...Which would mean that the drummer is, in fact, a living city for a large population of miniature monsters?

I think I prefer Jukashi's explanation.
awesome comic jukashi, and double awesome linkage, I've been following that arteest on devart for a while now and din't know she had a comic up and running

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