Keychain 211 - 215

I think I like Jukashi's explaination more, myself! ^_^

And yeah... "Monstrocity" would be a great name for the band - that's up there with Black Sabbath, Lordi, Iron Maiden, Hammerfall...

Who bad? You bad! I love it!
Going for a bath/swim in a lake with a friend is considerably different than getting in naked in what would likely be a communal public bath
Actually, at least ghosts generally go through all the motions of life. Including things like eating, bathing, dragging eachother off to have a roll in the hay or what have you. Even though the eating isn't necessary for them to survive, the bathing likely changes little of their already static corpus, and without the power of specific Arcanoi or other methods, the roll in the hay has zero chance of creating offspring. Among the non-heroic dead this is even more likely, as such being usually simply go through the motions of their life, never really changing much. The heroic dead are much more likely to act differently, but even they generally favor stasis in many ways.
Secret is accompanied by two healthy, physically developed women. Secret herself is stuck with an underdeveloped teenager's physique. Unlike the last time, there are more eyes.
Which is a real shame, because small breasts and that aforementioned underdeveloped teenager's physque has something fine going for it that big-breasted vixens like Marena don't. I'm not saying Marena's unattractive, I'm saying it's like penne carbonara or chicken cordon bleu over penne. They both have similarities (penne pasta, creamy sauce,) but they're very different beasts, and both of them are worthy of savoring in their own right.

Did anyone else just get horny or hungry reading that? Cause I could sure go for a snack right about now. Or a roll in the hay. :P
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Which is a real shame, because small breasts and that aforementioned underdeveloped teenager's physque has something fine going for it that big-breasted vixens like Marena don't. I'm not saying Marena's unattractive, I'm saying it's like penne carbonara or chicken cordon bleu over penne. They both have similarities (penne pasta, creamy sauce,) but they're very different beasts, and both of them are worthy of savoring in their own right.
Did anyone else just get horny or hungry reading that? Cause I could sure go for a snack right about now. Or a roll in the hay. :P
I'm up for both at the same time. Your place or mine?
Because you have a dirty, dirty mind!

Just like the rest of us! 8)
accidental cannibalism would be a pretty sweet name for a band actually


oh, right

Oh, wicked, bad, naughty evil Zoot!..erm ShadowDragon8685 Oh, s/he is a bad person, and s/he must pay the penalty!
Ok, I have to admit something like this probably wouldn't work in the game itself. Ben's Charm, custom-made though it is, would be unlikely to specify both an enhancement to defence and to attack in its anti-holy properties, as that would be quite complicated. Still, it could work
...I'm not the only one interpreting this as a challenge, am I?
Rrrrrghkay its up.

This bloody page. It's... not right. Too dense. Bad flow. Not clear. I'm... urgh. I'm going to bed.
I especially liked the two ghosts posing in the moment before they whacked Misho.

I don't see anything wrong with the comic either.
Jukashi, you are aware that Misho has yet to win any actual fight he's been in? Why does the Chosen of the Unconqured Sun keep losing?
Kyeudo said:
Jukashi, you are aware that Misho has yet to win any actual fight he's been in? Why does the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun keep losing?
I too was wondering about this. I mean, Misho is a Twilight, so it's not like he has to be an unstoppable combat monster. What concerns me more is that his weapons keep breaking... I mean, his God-Forged Champion of War is made from congealed divinity, and his Glorious Solar Sabers are made out of pure Solar Essence (otherwise known as concentrated awesome). They should be just as hard to break, if not harder, than any magical material.

Of course, there could be explanations for this: charms used by Ben, or what-have-you (and considering Misho's surprise in #213, this seems likely). It just seems like his weapons are uncharacteristically fragile.
Is it possible that Misho suffers from the dreaded Worf effect? And that Ben is using a -combo- to power up his allies?
Aw, he's just a little off his game. When he solves the whole mystery of his missing mortal years, he'll kick ass. That said, it could just be that he's having a really bad time at the dice.

Also, there's nothing wrong with the comic. Stop worrying.
because people keep ganging up on him/having home advantage/preparing to specifically beat misho etc

he technically won against nova didn't he?
krrackknut said:
Aw, he's just a little off his game. When he solves the whole mystery of his missing mortal years, he'll kick ass.
I'm still voting for the robot explanation.

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